star wife loves me

Chapter 203 The hidden story behind, Su Ze is furious!

Chapter 203 The hidden story behind, Su Ze is furious!
Chapter [-] The hidden story behind, Su Ze is furious!
The news released by the Landao Evening News and other media quickly attracted a group of local news media in Landao to pay attention to the matter, and several waves of reporters went to the hospital one after another, even including the two major websites and reporter.

And soon, some photos were exposed by the media.

The photos of Su Ze following the ambulance to the hospital, the photos of hurriedly helping the doctors and nurses to send Xiaomei to the emergency room, the photos of running back and forth to help Xiaomei pay the bill...

There is another photo, which was taken by a reporter. After finishing everything, Su Ze sat on a chair outside the door of the emergency room with Xiaomei's friends, looking worriedly at the door of the emergency room.

The reporter took a close-up of Su Ze's face, especially Su Ze's eyes full of worry and expectation, which instantly touched the hearts of countless netizens!
"Damn it, I'm an old man, but I was moved to tears by a man's eyes!"

"Such stars are more charming than those who shine brightly on the stage!"

"Su Ze, I am your fan, and your fan for life!"

"When the nurse asked who was the family member of the patient, Su Ze answered me without the slightest hesitation, left behind the unfinished book signing meeting and went to the hospital, and then really ran back and forth like a family member of the patient , I have never seen a star who can do so much for fans."

"Lu Zhuan is a fan! And said that he will definitely buy a Su Ze album to show his respect!"

"Back to fans! Don't be afraid of everyone's jokes. When everyone complained about Su Ze's cross talk, I also posted a post to scold Su Ze and accused him of vulgar cross talk. Now that I think about it, I am really ashamed of my behavior. A person with such moral character An artist, will his works be vulgar? Haha, maybe in comparison, my behavior of spraying without knowing what is right or wrong is even more vulgar!"

Su Ze's Weibo fans have skyrocketed all the way, and the discussion on this matter has become more and more lively, and the influx of a group of news media has also alarmed the hospital. Top experts went in for rescue.After all, with so much media staring at them, if there is a slight mistake, their hospital may cause big trouble!
Fortunately, after the hospital's all-out rescue, Xiaomei was out of danger, but she couldn't wake up for a while.

Relieved, Su Ze was sitting in the corridor outside the ward, chatting with Xiaomei's friend Xiaoxiang.

Su Ze originally thought that Xiaomei was a college student, but after asking this question, she realized that she was not, but a worker in a nearby factory, and she came to Su Ze's signing event, not for herself, but for her younger brother!

After some questioning, Su Ze finally understood the cause of the incident.

Xiaomei and Xiaoxiang are not natives of Landao, but coincidentally, like Su Ze, they are from Zeyuan City, Qilu Province.

Two years ago, they came to Blue Island to work, but their fate was different. Xiaoxiang came out to work because she was tired of studying, but Xiaomei's grades have always been very high. She was helpless when she was in high school two years ago. Dropped out of school, but it was because of an accident with his parents, his father died, and his mother had an amputation.

The family suffered a sudden disaster, lost financial income, and signed a large debt in order to perform surgery on her mother. In desperation, Xiaomei had to drop out of school and go out to work with Xiaoxiang.

Xiaomei has a younger brother. Originally, when she came out to work, she hoped that his younger brother could study hard, but she didn't expect that his younger brother was playful and got into fights at school and was expelled from the school.

The younger brother didn't want to stay at home, so he came to Landao with them arguing. At first, Xiaomei thought that since the younger brother didn't want to go to school, it would be better if he went out to work. At least he could earn more money to relieve the family's financial pressure. paying all the debts.But who would have thought that after Xiaomei's younger brother came to Blue Island, he didn't want to work at all. After entering the factory, he spent three days fishing and two days drying nets.

So the young master didn't earn any money, and went to ask Xiaomei for money every three days.

Xiaomei had no choice but to give him money and pay off her family's debts. She had no choice but to find another job. She worked two jobs by herself and worked for [-] hours a day. But I can only rest for five or six hours, and this state has lasted for more than a month!
Xiaomei suffers from congenital heart disease, and Xiaoxiang also knows it, so she keeps persuading Xiaomei not to indulge her brother like this, but Xiaomei just can't let her heart down.

Even coming to Su Ze's autograph event today is because her younger brother is Su Ze's fan, but he himself is too lazy to line up, so he begged Xiaomei to help her line up for an autographed album!

Xiaomei just started the night shift yesterday, and this morning she worked the day shift for half a day. She has not slept for more than 20 hours this afternoon. Maybe she had a heart attack because she stood in line for a long time...

"Where's her brother? Did you call?" After listening to Xiaoxiang's story, Su Ze's face became completely gloomy.

"Called, no one answered..."

"Under normal circumstances, where would he be now?" Su Ze asked, his voice extremely indifferent.

"This..." Xiaoxiang looked worriedly at the murderous Su Ze, hesitated.

"Where else can it be! It must be in the Dihao Internet Cafe! Every time this kid asks Xiaomei for money, he goes there to play games online, and he will ask for it when he runs out of money!" The man who came with them was Xiaomei Xiaomei. Xiang's coworker said angrily at this time.

"Take me there!" Su Ze stood up.

"Mr. Su, what are you going to do..." Xiaolong quickly stood up, seeing Su Ze's murderous look, he wanted to beat someone up!

"What are you doing?" Su Ze sneered, "I'm going to kill this bastard!"

"Hey, Mr. Su, don't be impulsive!" Xiaolong quickly persuaded, Yu Zhongrui was not in the hospital, and when Xiaolong came, Yu Zhongrui specially told Xiaolong that once the patient was out of danger, let Su Ze go back quickly, so as not to cause trouble.

At this time, several media reporters did not leave. When they saw Su Ze stand up angrily, their eyes lit up and they opened the lens caps one after another.

Xiaolong wanted to stop Su Ze very much, but he was also a member of the crew of "The New Song of Dreams". From the time when Su Zefei kicked the gangsters, he knew that Su Ze was a person who loves to fight injustice and has a violent temper. At this time, he looked at the angry Su Ze, I have no doubt that if he continues to block Su Ze, Su Ze will beat him up too!

"Mr. Su, how about this? I'll go with this buddy, and we'll definitely bring you Xiaomei's younger brother!" Xiaolong asked for the next best thing.

"Get out of the way." Su Ze said: "The autograph session is over, and I'm not an artist of Tianyu Records, so it's none of your business here!"

"Mr. Su, please don't embarrass me..." Xiaolong desperately winked at Xiaomei.

Xiaomei also reacted, and said anxiously: "Brother Su Ze, don't be impulsive. I will teach him later and make him obediently go to work to earn money..."

"Get out of the way!" Su Ze became impatient, pushed Xiaolong away, and said to the male worker, "Let's go!"

"Okay! I thought that kid needs to be educated!" The male worker gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Su, you are a star, so you don't need to do it, I'll beat him up!"

"What's the matter?" Zhang Jiaxin and the others went shopping, and when they came back with a pile of food and nutritional supplements, they saw Su Ze walking out angrily, and there were several companies following behind them. Media reporters attracted a lot of people watching in the hospital.

Su Ze ignored them, went straight out, and drove away in Brother Wang's second-hand car. Xiaolong stomped his feet hard behind him and complained to Xiaoxiang, "Why are you talking so much!"

"I...I..." Xiaoxiang never expected that her words would lead to the current situation. She was afraid and wronged, and burst into tears.

"Oh!" Xiaolong sighed helplessly: "You stay here and guard, I will chase them!"

As he said that, he quickly chased after him, reached out to hail a taxi, and chased after him!

The Emgrand Internet Cafe mentioned by the male worker is quite far from here, and Su Ze arrived here after driving for half an hour. The so-called Emgrand Internet Cafe sounds very high-end and elegant, but it is actually a small Internet cafe on the corner of the street. The environment is dirty and there are several electric bicycles parked at the door.

"Go in and see if he's in there!" Su Ze didn't get out of the car directly, but asked the male worker to go inside the Internet cafe to have a look.

When he was in the hospital just now, he really wanted to beat up Xiaomei's younger brother, but after driving all the way, the anger in his heart gradually subsided.

First of all, I am a public figure, followed by several media reporters. Once I hit someone impulsively, not to mention whether the intention is good or bad, it will definitely cause a commotion.

Secondly, it can also be seen from Xiaoxiang's narration that Xiaomei dotes on this younger brother very much, and would rather suffer a heart attack from exhaustion than scold and educate her younger brother.So Su Ze was also afraid that after she beat her brother, although Xiaomei wouldn't say anything, she would still feel distressed. She had a heart attack, and if she accidentally affected her recovery, the loss would outweigh the gain.

So on the way here, Su Ze has been persuading himself, must hold back, must hold back, don't be impulsive...

The male worker went in, and soon came out, beckoning to Su Ze, indicating that Xiaoxiang's brother was inside.

Su Ze got out of the car and entered the Internet cafe. This Internet cafe is not big, and there are only dozens of machines in total. Su Ze followed the direction of the male worker's finger and saw in the corner of the Internet cafe, a Shamate boy with dyed yellow hair and a dyed machine. The red-haired Shamat boy was wearing headphones, crackling and operating the keyboard and mouse, as if he was playing a game.

"Fuck you, you bastard, you actually went up to give away the head! Damn it! Lost!"

I saw the yellow-haired boy slammed the mouse cursingly, then raised his hand and patted the head of the red-haired Shamate boy next to him: "Damn you idiot! You can win this game! You are so good at it!" ! I can’t win you even with the Diamond God!”

(End of this chapter)

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