star wife loves me

Chapter 209 The first intimate contact!

Chapter 209 First Intimate Contact!
Chapter 210 Five First Intimate Contact!
When it comes to the gap between the level of novels in the two worlds, it is actually very similar to the difference between sketches. There are also various novels in this world, as well as online novels, and there are several large-scale online novel websites, and the market is also huge.But as far as the development of the novel is concerned, it is still at the level of the early [-]th century on earth.

Similarly, martial arts has declined, fantasy novels have sprouted, and urban novels are being created. Although some good works have emerged, but from the perspective of the development level of novels on earth, these novels are still relatively naive. At this stage, let’s look at romance novels. Today’s romance novels are basically the routine of a prince falling in love with Cinderella, or a rich girl falling in love with a poor boy. Of course, this does not mean that such traditional routines cannot write good stories. But as far as the level of the vast majority of authors is concerned, they are still at the level of dog blood dog blood dog blood.

But even if it is this kind of novel, everyone still enjoys reading it.

"Well, I hope you don't cry too badly after reading my love story..."

Su Ze opened Weibo on the computer, thought for a while, and then began to clatter on the keyboard.

""First Close Encounter""

"I met her on the Internet. How did it start? I can't remember clearly. It seems to be because of my signature! That signature is written like this:"

"If I have 1000 million, I can buy a house."

"Do I have 1000 million? No."

"So I still don't have a house."

"If I had wings, I could fly."

"Do I have wings? No."

"So I can't fly either."

"If you pour out all the water in the Pacific Ocean, it won't quench the fire of my love for you."

"Can all the water in the Pacific Ocean be poured out? No."

"So I don't love you."

"Actually, this is just my occupational disease. I'm a graduate student. In order to write numerical programs, my mind is always full of various logics. When the assumptions are not true, the conclusions I get are bullshit. It's like discussing eunuchs. The question of whether it is easy to have a boy or a girl is just as meaningless..."

Su Ze's hands were fast, his fingers were flying, and line after line of words were typed out.

And the story he is writing now comes from "The First Intimate Contact" by the writer ruffian Cai on earth. When Su Ze was sorting out his memories, the first novel that the Internet writer read was this After receiving his memory, Su Ze read this novel again, and he was shocked into heaven!
It turns out that novels can still be written like this!

Although the style of this novel seems outdated in the 90.00s on Earth, it can beat [-]% of the online novels in the world!
Su Ze liked this writer called ruffian Cai very much, so when he took the ID for his post bar, he also took the name of ruffian Su.

When everyone asked him why he chose this name, Su Ze came up with an idea, since I can bring songs and sketches from the earth to this world, why can't novels?You know, in fact, literary works are a very important part of the entire entertainment industry, and can even be said to be the founders.

Many songs, comic sketches, and movies and TV shows are all adapted from novels!
Today, taking advantage of the three-centimeter girl bringing up this matter again, Su Ze decided to start writing this story today.

Su Ze has no thought barriers, so the coding speed is super fast, and he wrote two chapters in an hour, and then uploaded them on Weibo, washed up, and went to sleep!
And it's just after twelve o'clock, and there are still many night owls up.


Xiao Xi stretched her waist, looked at the time, it was already twelve o'clock.

Originally planned to rest early today, but unexpectedly, just after dinner, the client called and put forward a lot of opinions on her plan.

There is no way but to change it!

So Xiaoxi started working at nine o'clock, and spent more than three hours at a time. She has been modifying until now to achieve what the client wants.

"Hey, baby, I'm so exhausted, I can finally sleep..."

Xiaoxi didn't bother to wash up anymore, so she went directly to bed and got under the covers, and according to her own habit, she checked Weibo for a few minutes before going to bed.

"Huh? Su Ze's Weibo has been updated?" Xiaoxi saw Su Ze's updated Weibo, "Is it still a long Weibo?"

"The first intimate contact? Why is it still with quotation marks? Is it a story?" Xiaoxi didn't browse the post bar, and didn't know the news that Su Ze was going to write a novel. Out of curiosity, she clicked on it, "Eh? Is it divided into chapters? It still looks like a novel?"

"Look first! I don't know how Su Ze writes novels." Xiaoxi muttered, clicked on the text of Weibo, and was attracted by the first sentence.

"If I have 1000 million, I can buy a house."

"Do I have 1000 million? No."

"So I still don't have a house."

"If I had wings, I could fly."

"Do I have wings? No."

"So I can't fly either."

"If you pour out all the water in the Pacific Ocean, it won't quench the fire of my love for you."

"Can all the water in the Pacific Ocean be poured out? No."

"So I don't love you."

This passage is a bit funny!Xiaoxi thought to herself, and then continued to look down.

This is a story with the No.1 narrative perspective. It is said that "I" met a girl named "Qingwu Feiyang" on the Internet and said "I" is interesting, but I haven't said "I" and "" Qingwu Feiyang", but first talked about "my" roommate Artai.

"A Tai often said that there are four types of men: the first type is called "get something for nothing", that is, you don't have to chase girls, and you will naturally get paid; the second type is called "easy" type, although you have to chase girls, but always Can easily win the heart; the third type is called "hard work and hard work" type, you must rack your brains and use 36 tricks to get the spoils; and I belong to the fourth type called "self-seeking" type, I can only look forward to it Met a girl whose eye was hooked by cow dung..."


"This interesting!" Xiaoxi laughed at the playful language in the article, but at the same time she was thinking, this is the first time she has seen a novelist abuse herself so badly.

"I can only look forward to meeting a girl whose eyes are hooked by cow dung. What does this look like?"

"Look at the way he describes his appearance: neither tall nor handsome, with a pair of highly myopic glasses on his nose, which made my eyes look like a narrow line. I remember one time when I was in a fluent class, the teacher suddenly put I screamed because he suspected that I was sleeping... How frustrating!"

"Haha, but only people with unconstrained thinking like Su Ze dare to write like this!"

Before I knew it, 5 minutes passed, and 10 minutes passed. According to Xiaoxi's previous habits, she would fall asleep after swiping Weibo for a few minutes.

Only this time, her drowsiness was completely dispelled by this novel, and she was fascinated by the novel without knowing it!

After Chapter 1 introduced a lot of things about "I" and my roommate Artest, it wasn't until Chapter 2 that Qingwu Feiyang mentioned above appeared on the stage.

"I dance softly, among the crowd."

"You cast a strange look in your eyes."

"It doesn't matter if you're surprised or appreciative."

"Didn't mess up my dance steps."

"Because it's not your gaze that makes me soar."

"It's my young heart."

Similar to "I", Qingwu Feiyang's appearance is also accompanied by a personalized signature, or it can be said to be a little poem, but compared with the slightly funny last one, this little poem is quite poetic , making Xiaoxi's eyes brighten, "It's not your gaze that makes me soar, but my young heart. This sentence is beautiful, it's really well said!"

And at the bottom, finally appeared the nickname of "I" on the Internet - ruffian Su!

"Ruffian Su?" Xiaoxi was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered the entertainment news she saw a few days ago, saying that Su Ze had registered for a post bar account and interacted with fans in the post bar.

And his post bar ID is called "Ruffian Su", for which he was ridiculed by many people.

"Is it really the rhythm of wanting to blackmail myself to the end? First, he is described as that kind of ugly guy who has no sense of humor. He takes an online ID or is a ruffian Su. It's no wonder that this kind of person can hook up with girls on the Internet!"

Xiaoxi complained silently, then continued to look down.

"'s so late and still haven't slept?"

"Ruffian...I'm in a bad mood and can't sleep...Are you too?"

"I'm not in a good mood either... Let's get it right!"

"Okay! But you haven't greeted me yet..."

"Girl with fluttering are also welcome..."

The first chat between ruffian Su and Qingwu Feiyang began. Although the chat between Qingwu Feiyang, who was in a bad mood, and ruffian Su, who was excited because of God's favor, was only a few short sentences, it was just such a few short sentences. However, Su Ze's description of his own psychological activities still made many readers quite interesting, and then turned down the page with great interest, only to find that it was gone!

"I'll go, it's gone?" Xiaoxi continued to scroll back unwillingly, and sadly found that there were really only these two chapters. Faster and more! I'm really looking forward to the story between Qingwu Feiyang and ruffian Su. Will they date online? Will they meet? If they meet, Qingwu Feiyang will look disappointed when he sees ruffian Su, haha , can't wait!"

It was when writing a message on Weibo that Xiaoxi suddenly realized that although the story called "First Intimate Contact" was only two short chapters and a few thousand words long, she was already firmly attracted by it. up!
So much so that when she went to work the next day, Xiaoxi was absent-minded, taking out her phone from time to time to check Weibo to see if there was any update on Su Ze's Weibo.

But throughout the day, she didn't see any updates on Su Ze's Weibo, even though there were over [-] comments on this Weibo in just one day!

"Su Ze really deserves to be a comedian. His language is humorous and funny. I can't laugh!"

"But those two poems are also well written, especially Qingwu Feiyang's signature, which is so poetic, which means that I have replaced my signature with this poem!"

"Brother Su, update soon! I really want to see what happens next!"

(End of this chapter)

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