star wife loves me

Chapter 217: Little People's Struggle for Survival!

Chapter 217: Little People's Struggle for Survival!

Chapter 220 Three Little People's Struggle for Survival!

"I'll go! Jiang Shen!"

"Jiang Shen is here!"

"Oh my god, Su Ze invited Jiang Shen to help out!"


"I remember that the news said that Su Ze and Jiang Shen had conflicts!"

"What kind of conflict? It's not Jiang Shen, it's Jiang Shen's apprentice, okay? It's just a misunderstanding, and we've reconciled!"

"what's the situation?"

"I don't know about that... Oh, don't care about their situation, Jiang Shen has already played, so watch the skit!"

The audience exclaimed, no one thought that Su Ze's guest assistant was actually Jiang Shen.

This is the last episode before the finals, and no one wants to be eliminated from this episode and fail to participate in the finals, so almost everyone invited assistants.

But the assistants that Laolong and the others hired were usually comedians who were as famous as themselves, and at most they were second-tier actors.

Of course, even second-tier actors are quite a surprise to the audience, so the appearance of the assistants in front of them can often trigger a round of warm applause and cheers.

However, Su Ze's assistant...

This amount is a bit beyond imagination.

Su Ze is very popular now and has many fans. Everyone likes to watch his sketches, and many people even say that Su Ze's sketches are the best sketches.

But this kind of popularity cannot be compared with Jiang Shen's prestige accumulated in the hearts of the people for 30 to [-] years.

It can probably be understood as the difference between a popular niche and a Uranus superstar.

In the lounge, Lao Long and the others also stared wide-eyed, and Huang Xiaoxia opened her mouth wide in surprise.

"Teacher Jiang!"

"Wow - it's too ruthless!"

"This is not the final! It's too cruel for Su Ze to play like this!"

"There's no way out, there's no way out!"

Everyone wailed in despair, and even the assistants smiled wryly and shook their heads. When they came here, many of them actually came here with the idea of ​​"taking No.1". The influence is still confident.

But...compared to Jiang Shen...


Two of them talked about their seniority, so they had to honestly call Jiang Shen a teacher uncle.


Anyway, with the monster Su Ze around, they didn't plan to get No.1.

Just keep watching the show.

On the stage, Zhang Da, played by Jiang Shen, was coaxed by the gangster's godson to support the gangster's godson. The gangster pretended to be a tiger and asked Su Ze for 1000 yuan.

The 1000 yuan ocean is naturally not available.

Su Ze could only beg: "Brother, we came from the east of the Guandong to open a small shop here. The dozen or so members of this family live by eating at this restaurant. In this way, as long as we don't smash up my shop, I will be able to make money." Keep working here, you can tell me to do anything!"

"Do anything?"

The hooligan sneered, picked up a piece of dumplings on the table, and shook the whole plate of dumplings to the ground.

"Come, come, eat this dumpling!"

Su Ze and Jiang Yu were taken aback.

The hooligan sneered: "Don't you eat it? Smash it!"

"Don't! Don't!" Su Ze yelled quickly, and then looked at the hooligan with angry and sad eyes: "I eat, I eat... If I eat, this store won't be smashed, right?"

"Yes! Kneel on the ground and eat!"

Su Ze looked at the hooligan, then at the dumplings on the ground, his knees gradually bent.

The studio was quiet, and no one thought that Su Ze would play for real!
Just throwing a plate of real dumplings on the ground, even if the stage is cleaned up, and even without these actors stepping on it, the average person wouldn't be able to eat it, right?
Su Ze... really knows how to eat?
Or is there a twist in the story?
Will the sleepy Zhang Dahuo wake up and stop Su Ze?
not at all.

Regardless of Jiang Yu and his buddies' obstruction, Su Ze knelt down on the ground, picked up a dumpling, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Then, he picked up several more dumplings, stuffed them into his mouth one by one, and chewed vigorously: "Oh—it's so delicious! Don't waste it! It's so delicious!"

"Huh, huh, huh—" There was thunderous applause below the stage, and the audience applauded without saying a word, and many people's eyes were moist.

For Su Ze's real performance, it is even more for the helplessness and bitterness of the little character he played in the face of power.

I was bullied, but I still have to apologize to them and eat dumpling spilled on the ground to apologize!
Abandoned dignity, lost face, just to be able to make a living...

Just to be able to survive!

In the lounge, Laolong and the others were silent. Many people were thinking, if I were Su Ze, would I be able to eat it?

Perhaps, I don't even have the consciousness to set up such a plot...

Dare to act like this on stage, Su Ze's courage and guts are also worthy of admiration!

Zhang Da heard in a daze that it was the rogue son who molested Jiang Yu first, scolded the rogue son away, and agreed to make a sworn brotherhood with Su Ze.

Their restaurant can continue to operate, but after a few years, the Japanese came...

"In 20, the September [-]th Incident broke out. The entire Northeast fell quickly. It has been three years since Young Master Su came to Harbin. His business is getting bigger and bigger, and he also runs the largest coal mine in the HLJ area. , Shuangshan Coal Mine..."

With the big industry, the scene also changed, the background became a big mansion, and a gate wall was built behind the stage.

However, Su Ze, who runs the coal mine, encountered difficulties.

The Nanman Railway Co., Ltd. controlled by the Japanese did not give Su Ze's coal mine wagons, and their coal mines could not be transported out.

And this coal mine is a pool of money from all Shandong villagers. If the coal cannot be sold, everyone will be ruined.

Just when Su Ze was worried, the hooligan came dressed in a suit and leather shoes, and he also had a new identity - the chief representative of Harbin of Nanman Railway Co., Ltd.

"Mr. Representative is here, I don't know what to do?"

"I'm here to help you. I heard that the coal in your mine cannot be transported out?"

"Then what do you mean..."

"As long as you join our Nanman Railway Co., Ltd., you will be responsible for coal production, we will be responsible for transportation, and everyone will make a fortune together!"

"Oh, we are small, so we won't cause you any trouble!" Su Ze smiled apologetically.

The hooligan's face turned cold: "Don't be ashamed! I know that the money for your mining is all the property of all the fellow villagers in Shandong. If you lose it, you can't afford it. I'll give you a night to think about it." , come to see you tomorrow!"

The gangster left, and Su Ze fell silent.

The next day, at dawn, Su Ze walked out of the house, and Jiang Yu chased him out: "The master, the master, do you really want to hold this contract with them?"

"What can we do if we don't sign?" Su Ze's face was very ugly.

"I've heard that these bastards sell dog meat in sheep's clothing, murder and set fire, they can do anything!"

"It is because they can do anything that this contract must be signed!"

"But do you know? If you sign this contract, you will have to carry this piece of shit for the rest of your life! Someone poking your spine will poke you for the rest of your life! In the future, our children will never be able to hold their heads up!"

"I can't handle that much anymore!"


"Stop talking nonsense! Don't meddle in what you guys are doing, go back!"

In the auditorium, one person watched seriously, everyone was very quiet, it didn't look like they were watching a sketch at all.

In particular, it doesn't look like you're watching Su Ze's sketch at all.

These few minutes of bridges are not funny, they are just telling stories, but everyone is fascinated by it.

Su Ze led his people to work hard to break through the Kanto, finally got a foothold, and was almost smashed by someone, and then spent more than 20 years running such a business, but was made things difficult by the Japanese and their lackeys...

Facing the power of the Japanese, would Su Ze really choose to sign a contract and work hand in hand with the Japanese?
After all, in order to survive, it is not impossible to make compromises...

Everyone is looking forward to the next story.

But at this time, the hooligan came again: "Boss Yang, I could see that you are a smart person back then, and those who know current affairs are outstanding!"

Su Ze laughed along: "I'm just a common man, how can I know what current affairs are..."

"This time we signed the contract, our president and directors are here, who in the three eastern provinces can have such a big face!"

Su Ze smiled obsequiously, and cautiously said, "Yes, yes..."


Many viewers thought to themselves, is this really going to be the dog leg of the Japanese devils?

Could it be that this skit is just telling a story about a purely small person struggling to survive?

"This is a little gift from our president..." The hooligan took out a wad of money and handed it to Su Ze: "Take it..."

"Thank you! Thank you! You even gave me a gift!" Su Ze happily accepted the gift, and took the hooligan's hand, "Brother, we have an old saying that it's not rude to call me. You gave me this Dali, I have to bring you something back, right?"

"What do you mean?" The hooligan laughed happily: "You also have a gift?"

"Come, come, come..." Su Ze took his hand affectionately, and pointed to the distance: "Look over there."

The direction he pointed was the left side of the studio. At this time, the auditorium was dimly lit. Many viewers looked in the direction of Su Ze's finger, and saw a red light on the left wall of the studio, flashing a few times. Next, the entire studio was illuminated bright red.

At the same time, the sound of "rumbling" sounded.

There was a surprised expression on the gangster's face, and Jiang Yu and several women also ran out of the yard in panic.

"Master———" a clerk ran over, "According to your orders, our warehouse is blown up!"

"Ah? This..." The gangster didn't understand what was going on, but Su Ze sneered silently, took his hand, walked to the right side of the stage, and pointed into the distance, "Look this way again! "

Same, red light, explosion sound.

"Shaodong's house——Shaodong's house—" Wang Zhongmin ran over quickly, "The granary is blown up!"

At this moment, the audience was stunned, this...

"Ah?" The hooligan gradually understood what happened. He was about to speak, but was grabbed by Su Ze and pointed in another direction.

"Look here again!"

"Boss—the coal mine is blown up!" Panting Jiang Lin reported.

(End of this chapter)

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