star wife loves me

Chapter 218 The backbone of the Chinese people!

Chapter 218 The backbone of the Chinese people!

Chapter 220 Four Chinese people's backbone!

Warehouses, granaries, coal mines.

All blown up.

The hooligan was shocked and angry: "Su! You don't want to die! I'll go to the gendarmerie!"

"Don't worry!" Su Ze grabbed his collar and sneered, "Looking for the gendarmerie?"

He turned his head and gave Jiang Lin a look, Jiang Lin agreed and left.

Su Ze turned his head and said coldly: "Tell you! You go back and send a message to those bastards. Chinese things can only be managed by Chinese people!"

"Sooner or later, they will have to go back to their place!"

"By then, all that will be left here will be their corpses one by one!"

"Just for this, not to mention my old Su's family, just take advantage of everything the Chinese have—"

Su Ze gritted his teeth and sneered: "That's nothing!"

The tragic and passionate music reverberated in the studio, the audience applauded vigorously, many people burst into tears, and some people already shed tears. Everyone felt sore but extremely proud!

We are ordinary people, we can bend for our lives, but we will not betray our country and be the lackeys of the enemy!

In the lounge, Laolong and the others were silent, and their eyes were red.

At this moment, they have already forgotten what competition and study they have learned. They have been truly attracted and moved by this story!

"Boss—ready!" Jiang Lin shouted.

Su Ze looked at the hooligan, grinning, his eyes full of murderous intent.

The sound of the music was stirring, and the audience held their breath and stared at Su Ze, waiting for what was about to happen next.

As for Su Ze, it seemed that he was still struggling in his final heart.

"Get ready—" Jiang Lin shouted again.

Su Ze's eyes sharpened sharply, and finally made up his mind, he gritted his teeth, and shouted, "Explode!"

He flicked his hand violently, only to hear the sound of rumbling explosions, and the door wall behind the stage shone with flames, and the door wall suddenly tore apart, turning into several fragments scattered all over the ground.

The sound of the music was unprecedentedly exciting, and everyone who was watching the performance fell silent, including Director Shi Quan, who was coordinating and directing the filming, standing there quietly at this time.

However, although everyone is very quiet.

But everyone's eyes and facial expressions revealed the excitement in their hearts.

They have never felt this kind of emotion before, watching the skit, they can actually see the blood boiling!


Under Su Ze's scolding, the hooligan left in despair, Jiang Yu looked sadly at the ruins behind him, tears streaming down his face, "The head of the house—"

"Hahahaha—" Su Ze laughed out loud.

He looked at the people around him, "Folks, some of you came here with me, and some of you were rescued by me on the way. Today, I blew up my own home..."

Su Ze's voice raised a bit. At this time, he was also infected by this story, and he became excited, "I just don't want to see the home that I worked so hard to build be taken by others!"

"Huh, huh, huh—" The incomparably enthusiastic applause sounded again.

Some people are wiping tears, some people applaud loudly.

Su Ze was slightly silent, "Today, I will continue to walk. If you are willing to go with me, just follow. If you don't want to go with me, I won't force you."

"Daughter-in-law." He called Jiang Yu, "Let's go."

"The head of the family..." Jiang Yu's voice trembled: "For most of my life, the family is gone, where else can we go..."

"My wife." Su Ze patted Jiang Yu's hand, his eyes were firm, and his tone was extremely serious and determined: "Remember, as long as we walk on our own land, no matter where we go, we are home!"

The old dragon raised his hand and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

More people remained silent, watching TV with red eyes and motionless.

The snowflakes fluttered down again, and there was a north wind howling on the stage, and the snow fell heavily.

Su Ze took Jiang Yu's hand and began to sing.

"Walk for a while and think about it, Mrs. Gaotang—"

"Walk two miles and think about it, kind neighbor—"

"Walk three miles away, the tears on your face—"

"Walk around and curse, cruel Zhang Lang—"

Su Ze and Jiang Yu walked forward slowly arm in arm. Su Ze looked into the distance with deep sadness, but firm and fearless.

Behind him, Jiang Lin, Wang Zhongmin and the others followed suit.

After so many years of hard work and exhaustion, they embarked on the journey again.

"Walking once after walking five miles, the mules and horses that have been fed—"

Someone in the auditorium was wiping tears, and there was an incomparably warm applause.

"Walk six miles and take a look, the let go of the cattle and sheep—"

Huang Xiaoxia rubbed her sore nose.

"Walk seven miles and take a look, the flat yard—"

Snowflakes were falling all over the sky, not only on the stage, but also in the entire studio.

It's so cold today.

But this heart is so hot.

"Walk eight miles and cry, the hometown that is hard to return to—"

The applause didn't stop from the beginning. Some people stood up and applauded vigorously, even if their hands were red, they continued to clap.

"Walk nine miles and think about it, the soil of my hometown——"

"Walk ten miles, as the saying goes, the future will last forever—"

When the skit was over, everyone in the studio stood up, and everyone in the lounge also stood up and applauded.

"it is good!"


"Amazingly played this one!"

They do not spare their praise.

The old dragon wiped his tears again, a little embarrassed: "I really didn't expect this sketch to make me cry like this..."

"When I saw Teacher Jiang, I still felt that Teacher Jiang was the biggest support for this sketch. But now it seems that I was too wrong. Su Ze is still the same Su Ze, no one can match!" Song Pingping sighed .

"Don't let Teacher Jiang hear this sentence, otherwise you will have good fruit!" Sun Xiaoyi joked.

Everyone laughed, but every month understood that what Song Pingping said was very reasonable.

Su Ze is still the same Su Ze, he is still the invincible monster in creation and performance!

The results of the No.12 vote are out.

Su Ze won No.1, and set a record for the number of votes since the show started broadcasting, surpassing No.280 votes!

This shows how much the audience likes this sketch.

And this kind of liking exploded quickly after the show was broadcast.

On Sunday night, "Comedy Star" was broadcast. After Su Ze's team performed "Crossing the Guandong", the entire live barrage page was densely swiped by excited fans, almost completely covering the program screen.

In the comment section of the show, Su Ze's Weibo, Tieba, and even the official Weibo of "Comedy Star", fans' comments flooded in like a flood.

"Su Ze's skit can only be described as shocking! When I first watched "Tropic Thunder", I used the word shocking. I also used this word when watching "Bounty Hunter". The shock it brings is incomparable and unprecedented!"

"At the end of the skit, Su Ze sang a song. I couldn't help crying when they moved forward step by step! It's too difficult for Chinese people, but because of this, we are immortal!"

"Support Su Ze! Love me, China, and don't forget the national humiliation! Those who offend China will be punished even if they are far away! I hope that the motherland will become stronger every day, and will never suffer such humiliation again!"

"I'm a very picky person. I like to fast-forward and skip watching TV dramas, movies, and sketches. But I have never fast-forwarded Su Ze's sketches, and I don't want to give up every second!"

"To be honest, because of "First Intimate Contact", I already hated Su Ze to death and didn't want to be Su Ze's fan anymore. But this skit made me honestly return to Su Ze's fan club. I want to say, I feel very moved and happy to have such an idol!"

"I feel that when "Crossing Guandong" came to the end, the atmosphere on the scene was really explosive! I am so envious of the audience at the scene, and hope to go to the finals live!"

"Su Ze's skit moved our whole family to tears. There are joys and sorrows. It's really great!"

Laolong specially posted on Weibo: "I never thought that this sketch would make me cry. Of course, I also believe that this sketch can't help but let people see something that makes everyone understand. More importantly, as a Chinese person, from A kind of backbone in the heart! A skit, in the time of 10 minutes, can make us laugh non-stop at the beginning, and make us cry in the end, this sketch will become a classic, a benchmark!"

Liu Yan also posted on Weibo: "Comparable to a blockbuster movie, an epic production, I suggest adapting it into a drama! @胡声, what do you think, Teacher Hu?"

Mr. Hu Sheng is a well-known drama director in China. He has created several well-known classic dramas and won three gold awards for Chinese drama.And he himself is also a master of drama performance, a national first-class actor, and enjoys a high reputation in the Chinese drama and film and television circles.

Liu Yan had contact with Hu Sheng before, so she fell in love with Hu Sheng for a while, and didn't think too much about it at first, but Hu Sheng quickly replied: "I have seen this sketch, and I am very much looking forward to the cooperation with Teacher Su. Listen It is said that the finals will be held next week, and I will go on a business trip to the capital next week, and I hope to have the opportunity to communicate with Teacher Su! If you have extra tickets, I hope you can leave one for me!"

Su Ze didn't expect that Hu Sheng would come to see him, so he quickly called Shi Quan, picked out a few tickets from Shi Quan, and replied to Hu Sheng on Weibo: "The tickets are ready, very Looking forward to the arrival of Teacher Hu!"

Then, Su Ze went into intense rehearsal again.

The final is about to begin.

Every contestant worked hard, hoping to give the most perfect performance in the last episode of the program and leave a deep impression on the audience.

But at this critical juncture, Su Ze made a decision that many people, including director Shi Quan, found incredible.

In the script he produced, he was not the protagonist, neither was Jiang Yu, not even Jiang Lin or Wang Zhongmin.

It was the latest to join their team - Sun Siru.

(End of this chapter)

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