star wife loves me

Chapter 220 Clouds are Miao Miao!

Chapter 220 Clouds are Miao Miao!
Chapter 220 The sixth is the cloud!
After recording the song, it was already evening.

Su Ze drove Jiang Lin's car, carrying Liu Yan, and looked around: "What do you want to eat? By the way, I have been in the capital for so long, but I still don't know where there is good food."

"I'll take you somewhere." Liu Yan smiled and said, "I've been to the capital many times."


"A friend." Liu Yan said, and then paused for a while, "a friend with a great personality."

"Have a personality? How to say?"

"She is the same age as me, only 30 years old, but she is already a professor at Communication University..."

"Oh? A 30-year-old professor, that's amazing!"

"This just shows that she has strong ability, but not personality."

Liu Yan said with a smile: "I said she has a personality because she is different from ordinary people like us. Well... how should I put it, she is an only child, her parents are rich, and she originally wanted to send her abroad to study for an MBA. Taking over the family business, but she just doesn't like doing business, but is obsessed with musical instruments, and they are traditional Chinese musical instruments-guzheng, erhu, pipa and other instruments."

"Then, because of her outstanding talent, she was specially recruited by Communication University. After obtaining a master's degree, she stayed at Communication University as a lecturer."

"Over the years, she has won many awards on Chinese traditional music, and in just four years, she has jumped from a lecturer to the youngest professor in the entire Communication University, and was also invited to serve as a member of the Central National Orchestra Special Adviser."

"Many famous foreign universities invited her to be a professor, but she rejected all of them. She just doesn't like going abroad."

"Not only does she not like to go abroad, but she also doesn't like to go out. Except for classes and some competitions and activities that she has to participate in, she shuts herself at home and studies and practices musical instruments."

"Once I joked with her that she was going to marry a musical instrument in her life. Guess what she said, she said she really thought so!"

"She's obsessed..." Su Ze smiled and said, "Your friend does have a personality. But he should be the kind of person who likes to be quiet, right? Isn't it good for us to rush in like this?"

"It's okay, we are very good friends!" Liu Yan said with a smile: "And I called her yesterday and agreed that I will take my boyfriend to her house as a guest!"

Su Ze was taken aback: "You said that?"

"That's right, we are very good friends! And a person with her personality will never talk nonsense about anything to others!"

Liu Yan said, then squinted her eyes and snorted softly: "By the way, even if our affairs are made public, I will be the one who suffers, okay? You're not happy yet!"

"Happy! I'm very happy!" Su Ze laughed and said, "I can't wait to announce to the world! The most beautiful, kind and cutest Liu Yan in the world is Su Ze's girlfriend!"

"Cut~ nonsense."

Liu Yan's friend lived in a remote place, at the foot of a mountain outside the capital.

I have to say that the scenery here is very good, with mountains and water, and there are many flowers and plants, some are wild, and some are artificially planted.Even though it is already winter, you can see many different colors.

The car was parked in front of a yard, which was much larger than the yards of ordinary rural families, covering an area of ​​about acre, with trees, flowers, and a vegetable field planted in it.

Because it is winter, more than half of the vegetable field is empty, only a small piece of half-dried peppers, and there are clusters of small torches hanging there, standing there dazzlingly.

Another characteristic is that the courtyard wall of this yard is not a brick wall or a stone wall, but a fence wall, but it is not that kind of iron fence.

It is the kind of fence made of branches that is often seen in costume TV dramas, and there are many dry vines wrapped around it. You can probably tell that there are morning glory and pumpkin seedlings.

"It's a beautiful place..." Su Ze sighed softly.

It seems that this girl is really not the kind of person who is obsessed with musical instruments and dies at home. On the contrary, she knows how to live.

"Miao Miao! Yun Miao Miao!"

Liu Yan pushed the door open and went in, standing in the courtyard and shouting loudly.

"Come on!" A woman's crisp voice sounded from the second floor, the window was pushed open, revealing a clean and beautiful face, and shouted to Liu Yan and Su Ze in the yard: "Wait, I'm going down now!" open the door!"

The door on the first floor opened, and Yun Miaomiao walked out with a smile: "I was thinking about cooking, but I didn't expect you to come!"

While talking, she looked at Su Ze behind Liu Yan, smiled and said, "This handsome guy is your boyfriend?"

"Hey, is it okay?" Liu Yan asked with a smile.

"A talented person." Yun Miaomiao stretched out her hand to Su Ze, "Hello, I'm Yun Miaomiao."

"Hello, Su Ze, I'm sorry to bother you." Su Ze quickly shook hands with her, and found that the girl's fingers were very slender and soft, as expected of an instrument player.

"Please come in!" Yun Miaomiao led them into the room. Su Ze looked around and found that the decoration in the room was very simple and elegant, and the layout was extremely simple. Apart from a few pieces of furniture, there were pipa, There are flute, Xiao, Erhu and other musical instruments, as well as Guzheng and Guqin next to the sofa.

"What are you doing upstairs?" Liu Yan and Yun Miaomiao chatted.

"A few days ago, I asked someone to find some piano scores from hundreds of years ago, intermittently..."

As soon as Yun Miaomiao said this, genuine regret appeared on Yun Miaomiao's face, "They are all very good songs, what a pity, most of the songs have been lost... I want to try, can I restore them , but I have no idea all day..."

"Okay, I'm here, so don't think about your treasures! Hurry up and cook, I'm hungry!" Liu Yan laughed.

Then she pointed to Su Ze, "That's right, he is also good at cooking, let him help you!"

"Okay, I'll help." Su Ze agreed.

"No need, I'll cook, you guys play for a while." Yun Miaomiao smiled and went to the kitchen.

Su Ze followed, intending to help, but was pushed out by Yun Miaomiao, "It's no trouble, you come to my place, there is no big fish and meat, it's all commonplace, and it will be ready soon. Go and play."

Unfamiliar with him, Su Ze couldn't say much, so he went back to the living room.

Liu Yan was sitting in front of the guqin, looking down at a sheet of music in front of the guqin, and strumming the strings.

She could understand the piano score, but her playing skills were not good. After all, she couldn't even play the guitar. Now she played the guqin, ding ding dong dong.

Su Ze couldn't help mocking: "Your level is really bad."

"Hey? What do you mean?" Liu Yan rolled her eyes, "No, come here!"

"Forget it, I'm afraid of hitting you."

"Tch, it's as if it's true, who can't brag!"

"Who's bragging, I really know it! I'm so talented, why can't I know it, isn't it just Guzheng!" Su Ze patted his chest.

"Then if you say that, you really can't do it today if you don't play a song!"

Liu Yan pulled Su Ze over and pressed it in front of the guzheng, "You play one, and I'll let Miao Miao evaluate it for you. If you don't play well, you won't have anything to eat today."

"What should I do if I starve to death without food?" Su Ze held Liu Yan's hand with a smirk and whispered, "If you don't eat, eat you?"

"Fuck you!" Liu Yan blushed, "It's a good idea, let you play as soon as you want!"

Then the girl smiled and shouted into the kitchen: "Miao Miao, Su Ze said he can play the guzheng, I will let him play a piece, you can evaluate it. If you don't play well, I won't give him food today Already!"

"Okay." Yun Miaomiao replied with a smile.

"Then it seems that I have to get serious today?" Su Ze chuckled, looked at the guzheng in front of him, put one hand on it, and played three notes as if casually.

"Cut ~ Luantan, it's about the same as me!" Liu Yan curled her lips and said with a smile: "Someone is going to be hungry tonight!"

Su Ze didn't reply, but just lowered his head, his expression became serious, he moved his fingers, and played the same three notes as last time again.

Then, it was still these three notes, but the speed of his playing became more compact.

At the same time, he put his other hand up and plucked the strings rapidly, and a light and smooth melody fluttered.

Crisp and sweet, like the sound of a handful of large and small pearls falling on a jade plate.

Liu Yan was taken aback.

Can it really play?

She looked at Su Ze in surprise, and Su Ze played the guzheng seriously, and melodies flowed out from between his fingers and the strings.


The room fell silent, Liu Yan stood there, the melody of Guzheng was flowing in her ears, but this beautiful voice seemed to bring her into another world.

The setting sun has set, and the river surface is wrinkled by gusts of breeze, and the warm afterglow is gently rippling. The mountains in the distance have gradually been hidden in the twilight, and the smoke is rising...

The river breeze is blowing, the flowers and plants are swaying, and a round of bright moon rises slowly. The bright moonlight replaces the sunshine, covering the world like a veil.

The melody gradually changed. The bright moon climbed to the top of the mountain, but the grass and trees that had been blurred gradually became clearer. The cool wind pierced through the forest, and the branches and leaves shook, making a rustling sound.

On the river, a boatman sang a fisherman's song, and the fishing boat lit the lights, which flickered on the river like stars in the night sky.

And the night sky is also quiet and serene, intoxicating...

As the sun sets, the shadows of flowers sway, the moon rises to the east, and the trees rustle.

The bonfires of the fishing boats are rippling on the Spring River, and the oars and sculls beat the waves, and there is a bit of enthusiasm in the tranquility.

The melody of the guzheng was constantly changing, and Liu Yan seemed to have forgotten where she was, and she just watched the beautiful scenery changing in front of her eyes, full of poetic and picturesque.

It wasn't until the melody gradually became ethereal and long, and the light boats on the river gradually disappeared, that Liu Yan slowly came back to her senses.

She looked at Su Ze who was sitting there chuckling silently, and opened her mouth wide in surprise.

And at this moment, at the door of the kitchen, Yun Miaomiao, who was holding a green onion in one hand and a kitchen knife in the other, had the same frozen expression.

(End of this chapter)

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