star wife loves me

Chapter 221 Returnee Man!

Chapter 221 Returnee Man!
Chapter 220 Seven Returnees!
"You... really do?"

After being silent for a long time, Liu Yan asked in surprise.

She knew that Su Ze was very talented in music, and she knew that Su Ze played the guitar very well, but she really didn't expect that Su Ze could play the guzheng!

There are very few people who know how to play an instrument like the zither, especially those who make pop music. Very few people really have access to it.

At the very least, Liu Yan has been singing for so many years, and she can count the musicians who can play the guzheng with two hands.

What's more, there is absolutely no one who can play so well like Su Ze!
Liu Yan rarely listened to guzheng music, and she didn't know what the song was called just now, but the artistic conception in it moved her deeply.

Those passages of melody seemed to turn into beautiful scenes, as if they brought her into such a poetic, beautiful and moving world.

This kind of tune, this level of performance, is not something that ordinary guzheng lovers can play!
Definitely a professional level!
It's no worse than Yun Miaomiao who has been immersed in the guzheng for 20 years!

"How?" Su Ze asked with a smile, he had expected Liu Yan's expression.

After all, the piece I played just now is the famous "Spring River Flower and Moonlight Night" on the earth!

One of the top ten songs!

If such a famous song can't impress Liu Yan, that would be unexpected!

"What's this song called?"

This time it was Yun Miaomiao who asked the question, and she ran over excitedly, shaking the kitchen knife and green onion in front of Su Ze, scaring Su Ze back two steps quickly.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Yun Miaomiao put down the thing in her hand, "I'm so excited... What's the name of this song? Why haven't I heard it before?"

Yun Miaomiao was also surprised, but the difference was that although she was also surprised that Su Ze could play the guzheng, she was more concerned about the piece played by Su Ze.

This is a very, very nice song, a classic!
However, she has never heard of it!
Yun Miaomiao has learned Guzheng since she was a child, and Guzheng can be said to be the most accomplished of these instruments.

It's impossible for her to say that she knows how to play Huaxia's excellent guzheng music, but she dares to say that she has heard them all!
But she had never heard this one!
Adapted from western music?From pop music?
This idea flashed in Yun Miaomiao's mind and she dismissed it.

The rich Chinese charm in this piece is not something that western music and pop music can have.

This must be an authentic Chinese traditional music!

A classic Chinese traditional music that I have never heard before... Yun Miaomiao was suddenly excited, that's why he rushed over.

Yun Miaomiao is usually very quiet, although she will be more relaxed in front of a good friend like Liu Yan, but she has never lost her composure like this before.

Liu Yan looked at Yun Miaomiao with such an expression, and said in surprise: "Miaomiao, you haven't heard of it?"

Yun Miaomiao shook her head, staring at Su Ze.

Liu Yan also looked at Su Ze, the corner of her mouth twitched, thinking of a possibility: "That... this... it... the song you wrote yourself?"

Su Ze was slightly silent, nodded: "Yes."

"Okay..." Liu Yan sighed. She thought she knew enough about her little boyfriend, and she also thought that Su Ze was talented enough, but Su Ze would still make some things that surprised her from time to time. It feels like an incredible thing.

Also, Liu Yan thought about it, the more powerful her boyfriend, the better.

Moreover, he has done so many surprising things before, and a few more things can be accepted...

However, Yun Miaomiao was not so calm. When Su Ze nodded to confirm, she subconsciously blurted out: "This is impossible!"

Yes, it's impossible!
It is impossible for such a classic piece of music to come from the hands of a young man in his 20s!
But when she said it, she couldn't help thinking, there's no need for others to lie to herself!
Moreover, I have never heard such a classic song, so apart from being original by others, what other possibilities are there?
Thinking of this, Yun Miaomiao hurriedly apologized again: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that, I just, I just...too surprised!"

"It's okay, hehe..." Su Ze laughed and waved his hands.

Then he felt that he was in someone else's house after all, so he couldn't just show off and pretend to be aggressive, so he said with a smile: "If you like this song, I can write the score for you."

"Ah? Really?" Yun Miaomiao was pleasantly surprised.

She really wanted the score of this song very much, but she was too embarrassed to ask, but she didn't expect Su Ze to propose it.

Yun Miaomiao is obsessed with traditional musical instruments. To her, a classic score is like jewel gold in the eyes of ordinary people.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" Surprised, Yun Miaomiao opened her arms and gave Su Ze a big hug.

And right now.

The door of the room was pushed open from the outside.

At the same time, a man's voice sounded at the door: "Miao Miao, I'm here... Ah! Miao Miao, what are you doing!"

The first half of the sentence is gentle and elegant, and the second half of the sentence is surprised and angry.

Before Su Ze could react from Yun Miaomiao's sudden embrace, he subconsciously turned his head to look, and saw a man in a suit and leather shoes with neatly combed hair standing at the door, looking at them angrily, with sharp eyes It seemed that countless knives fell on Su Ze.

If it was true, Su Ze might have turned into a pile of meat in an instant.

"Miaomiao! What are you doing!" The man rushed over, pulled Yun Miaomiao and Su Ze apart, then grabbed Yun Miaomiao's arm, pointed at Su Ze, and asked loudly: "Miaomiao, who is he!"

"Song Dejing! You are crazy!"

Yun Miaomiao was taken aback, shook off his hand, and scolded very angrily: "Are you crazy? What are you going to do? You are not welcome here, you go!"

"Miaomiao, I..."

Probably Yun Miaomiao, who has always been quiet, seldom gets angry. The man named Song Dejing was taken aback for a moment, and then realized what he did just now was inappropriate, and quickly explained, "Miaomiao, I..."

"I don't want to listen to you, you go, you are not welcome here!" Yun Miaomiao pushed Song Dejing.

"Miao Miao, I'm sorry, I was impulsive just now..." Song Dejing panicked, raised his eyes, and saw Liu Yan, "Ah, Liu Yan, you are here too, please help me persuade Miao Miao."

Obviously, Song Dejing and Liu Yan also knew each other, but now Liu Yan was also quite angry, looking away and ignoring him.

"You..." A trace of anger flashed in Song Dejing's eyes, but he suppressed it, and begged Yun Miaomiao: "Miaomiao... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. But, Miaomiao, you know, in my heart you It's my goddess, I don't allow other men to touch you, that's why I was so impulsive just now..."

Well, it turned out to be Yun Miaomiao's suitor.

Only then did Su Ze figure out what was going on.

Of course, Su Ze is very upset when someone points at his nose and yells, but this is someone else's house after all, and Su Ze doesn't want to see Yun Miaomiao have conflicts with others because of himself. In addition, he also understands Song Dejing's anger to a certain extent. After all, when one enters the door and sees her goddess hugging another man, anyone will be angry.

So he persuaded, "Sister Yun, I'm fine, forget it."

Yun Miaomiao snorted, and said with a cold face: "Song Dejing, for Su Ze's sake, I won't argue with you this time. But I warn you, if this kind of thing happens again, your whole life will be ruined." Don't even think about talking to me again!"

"Okay, okay..." Song Dejing agreed repeatedly.

"Thank you brother, thank you very much!" He turned around and extended his hand to thank Su Ze.

His expression was very polite, but Su Ze clearly felt the anger in his eyes.

Well, it seems that this buddy has a grudge against himself.

Su Ze thought in his heart that he was unlucky, but his face remained calm, and he stretched out his hand with a smile.

Holding the two hands together, Su Ze suddenly felt a strong force coming from Song Dejing's hand.

He looked at Song Dejing, who had a sneer on the corner of Song Dejing's mouth, with resentment and mockery in his eyes.

Hehe, do you want to mess with me...

Dude understands your anger, but it doesn't mean that dude will compromise with you again and again...

Want to teach me in such a low-level way?
You are almost there!

Su Ze's eyes sharpened, and his five fingers suddenly exerted force!


Song Dejing's complexion suddenly changed, and the originally joking and smiling expression suddenly froze!
He originally wanted to teach Su Ze a lesson by shaking hands, but unexpectedly, Su Ze's ordinary-looking hands suddenly became as hard as steel and as powerful as iron clamps, pressing him tightly His hands seemed to crush his bones!

The severe pain made the blue veins on Song Dejing's forehead appear. He desperately suppressed the urge to cry out, trying to pull his hand out of Su Ze's.

But with Su Ze's temper, how could he forgive others easily?
If you reconcile with me sincerely, then I can naturally make friends with you, but since you have already held grudges against me, why should I be polite to you?
"Hello, my name is Su Ze, may I ask your surname..." Su Ze asked with a smile.

"Qin..." Song Dejing almost squeezed out the word between his teeth, and then continued to pull his hand vigorously.

"Brother Qin, I'm really sorry..." Su Ze didn't give him a chance, he held Song Dejing's hand with one hand, and embraced Song Dejing's shoulder with the other hand, apologizing all over his face: "Brother Qin, just now A misunderstanding, don't take it to heart..."

"I..." Song Dejing was so painful that he couldn't speak, he was about to cry!
Oh shit!If you want to shake hands, shake hands!Don't talk too much, okay?
His expression was distorted, just because his back was facing Yun Miaomiao, Yun Miaomiao didn't notice.

But Liu Yan, who was standing with Su Ze, noticed it. She looked at Su Ze and Song Dejing's hand, and suddenly understood what was going on, and almost laughed out loud.

She knows Su Ze's temper!

Anyone who offended Su Ze, who can take advantage of Su Ze?

(End of this chapter)

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