star wife loves me

Chapter 236 Visual Music!

Chapter 236 Visual Music!

Chapter 240 Six Visual Music!

Hearing Ma Yuling's words, Mao Zhibing then turned his attention to Su Ze and the others beside him.

"Who is this……"

Mao Zhibing didn't know Su Ze, but felt that the woman next to Su Ze looked familiar, like a singer.

"The thing is like this." Ma Yuling spoke for Su Ze, briefly described what happened yesterday, and then said with a smile: "So I came here for selfish reasons. Xiao Su is a good boy, and that comedy show also Very good, I like watching it very much. Besides, Xiao Su and the show are fine. So I hope you can deal with this matter as soon as possible, and it is best not to affect the broadcast of the show..."

Ma Yuling said, then turned to look at Su Ze: "It will be broadcast tomorrow night, right?"

"Yes." Su Ze nodded, "It will be broadcast every Sunday night... Director Mao, please excuse me."

"That's it..." Mao Zhibing nodded to express his understanding. He sat there, pondered for a while with his head down, then patted the table, and said seriously: "Since the old director trusts me so much, I can't let you down. The matter of the program Keep it on me, I'm sure it will air on schedule!"

After a pause, he continued, "As for Zhang Zikun, the old chief, if the higher-ups need you to testify, I'm afraid I'll have to trouble you..."

Ma Yuling nodded, "Of course."

"Okay! With you here, I feel relieved!"

Mao Zhibing nodded heavily, and it was obvious that he was full of ambition and ready to do a lot.

As the deputy director of Huadian General Administration, if you want to tear your face and take action against another deputy director, it will definitely cause a bloodbath within Huadian General Administration...


"Is that how things are settled?"

When they walked out of the gate of Huadian General Administration, Su Ze and the others still felt a little unbelievable. Originally, he thought that even if Ma Yuling came forward, he would have to negotiate well, and the other party would even open his mouth to negotiate terms.

But he didn't expect that what he couldn't do anything about yesterday would be solved so lightly today.

Although the matter has not yet been settled, it should not be a big problem for Mao Zhibing, the deputy director, to intervene in the program review.

"It's also a coincidence. I happen to have materials on Zhang Zikun's corruption and bribery..."

Ma Yuling smiled and said: "Xiao Su, although we just met, I can probably guess your temper. You like fighting against injustices and being chivalrous. This is very much to my liking. I think that when I worked in Huadian General Administration At that time, if it wasn't because I was a woman, I would have kicked those bastards one by one... Of course, they didn't have any good fruit afterwards, hehe."


Ma Yuling changed the subject: "Sometimes, especially when dealing with state agencies and officials, you have to think more about things. To be a hero, you can't just be passionate and go up there with a yell when you see injustice. It's not a hero, it's a reckless man. If you try to be quick for a while, you will be the one who suffers in the end."

"You need to use your brain when doing things, and think about how to handle things more satisfactorily. Not only can you achieve your current goal, but it won't cause too much trouble in the future."

"Of course I don't mean to ask you to compromise when things happen, but there are some ways to deal with everything as perfect as possible. You must understand this truth, but you are still young. When it comes to real troubles, it is difficult to think about it as we old people do. If you have a lot, you will still be impulsive. Slowly, when you have experienced a lot, you will know some things."

"I say these words, just listen to them, don't take them to heart, and don't take them too seriously, do things in accordance with your own conscience, and at the same time protect yourself and your relatives and friends, that would be great... "

Listening to Ma Yuling's words, Su Ze nodded seriously: "I understand, thank you."

"Yeah." Ma Yuling stopped talking, nodded with a smile, then stopped suddenly, looked at Su Ze, and raised her eyebrows: "Look, I did you such a big favor, how do you repay it?" I?"

"If you go through fire and water, you will die." Su Ze cupped his hands and bowed.

"That's it." Ma Yuling said with a smile: "Next summer, there will be an exchange meeting of oriental traditional musical instruments in Japan. They invited me. You and Miao Miao will come with me to participate, how about it?"

"No problem!" Su Ze slapped his chest loudly.

"One more thing, it's my own selfishness... that is, your "Blessing Lovers", "Birds Singing in the Kongshan" and other songs, I hope to be signed to the Central National Orchestra for production and distribution. In recent years, the entire Chinese Orchestra has been playing some There are very few excellent new works for traditional repertoires, and I have always wanted to inject some fresh blood into them. With your repertoires, the folk orchestra may be able to glow with new vitality." Ma Yuling said.

"Of course there is no problem with this matter." Su Ze said with a smile: "Professional things are left to professional people. Don't look at the songs I can write, but when it comes to the production and operation of these traditional music, I am a layman. gone."

Ma Yuling nodded, sighed softly, and murmured: "The development and promotion of traditional music is really too difficult..."

Yun Miaomiao also nodded slightly at the side. It is true that compared with modern music, the influence of traditional music is too low.

Among other things, let's take Yun Miaomiao as an example. This beautiful woman who has won numerous awards is a well-known figure in the industry, but how many people in the general public know about it?Or even if you accidentally found her information, you must be amazed, and there are very few people who are willing to listen to her music and extend it to other traditional music.

In fact, over the years, government departments have also continuously called for the revitalization of traditional Chinese music, encouraging and supporting young people to invest in this industry.

Among the folks, many netizens also praised traditional musical instruments for being beautiful, soulful, and worthy of inheritance.

But, then again, slogans are one thing, keyboard warriors are one thing, how many people are really willing to invest time and resources in it?

In fact, no one is to blame for this, just like traditional cross talk, if it cannot keep up with the trend of the times, it will naturally be gradually eliminated.

Just like Su Ze's famous song "The Butterfly Lovers" now, he doesn't think that the influence of "The Butterfly Lovers" in this world can reach that on the earth.

They were born in different backgrounds, and people have different appreciation styles. This is determined by social development. Just like on the earth in the 21st century, there are actually many excellent traditional music. Although they are also very popular, their meaning of existence must not reach This level of handed down classics.

Of course, maybe the value of a traditional musical instrument cannot be judged only by its performance within a few years. The real classics are not afraid of the long time, and after the big waves wash away the sand, what remains is the real gold.


In any case, the promotion of traditional music is an urgent and extremely difficult matter.

Ma Yuling and Yun Miaomiao are not very interested in worldly fame and wealth, but they are very concerned about the promotion of traditional music, especially Ma Yuling, it is no exaggeration to say that he has spent his whole life.

Unfortunately, little was gained.

So whenever this matter was mentioned, Ma Yuling and Yun Miaomiao were very worried.

Seeing Ma Yulingyun's helpless look, Su Ze suddenly thought of something, "Mr. Ma, maybe we can try to form a national instrument orchestra, using national instruments, but playing in the form of pop music? "

"What do you mean?"

"For example, my "Thousands of Miles Away" and "Fireworks Are Cold" are originally Chinese-style songs. The melody is especially suitable for traditional musical instruments, and the audience will find it very fresh and attractive. In addition, The members of the orchestra don't need those old seniors, but are all composed of young girls like Sister Miao Miao, and the audience likes it even more."

Su Ze's idea came from the orchestra "Twelve Girls Band" on Earth.

Back then, this band composed of a group of young and beautiful girls was very popular, not only in China, but also abroad, and it caused a sensation again and again.

When their album was released in Japan, they once set a new sales record - the sales volume was No. 20 on the first day of listing in Japan, and the sales volume was No. 32 in the first week of listing, and then they toured [-] concerts in more than [-] cities in Japan .He has won the "Golden Disc Award" of the Recording Industry Association, known as the "Japanese Grammy", for the Best Overseas Artist of the Year.

Immediately afterwards, under their performance, Chinese folk music swept Southeast Asia and the United States like a whirlwind, setting off a wave of popular Chinese folk music again and again, shocking countless audiences, and media all over the United States reported with large headlines: "This It is a very amazing concert!" When the album was launched in North America, it achieved very good results, and it has been the champion of the international album sales chart for 11 consecutive weeks.

The achievements they have achieved are beyond the reach of many folk music groups later, and their contribution to the promotion of traditional Chinese folk music around the world is unmatched by many artists.

To sum up the reasons for its success, the unique charm of Chinese folk music is on the one hand, and on the other hand, they have a brand-new and eye-catching performance method, which gives the audience a sense of freshness and provides great audio-visual entertainment.

In terms of their own positioning, this is a kind of "visual music".

Su Ze explained to Ma Yuling Yun Miaomiao the performance form and concept of the Twelve Women's Band in his memory. It could be seen that Ma Yuling was very interested in it, but Yun Miaomiao seemed a little hesitant .

"This kind of folk music is not traditional folk music..." She knew that the audience would definitely like this kind of performance, and this kind of orchestra would definitely play a role in promoting folk music, but she felt a little awkward in her heart .

"Hey, why isn't this traditional folk music?" Ma Yuling said with a smile, "Why is your idea more conservative than that of an old lady like me? According to me, the method Xiao Su said is feasible. Wait for me to sort out a clue a year ago, and try it in the next year."

As she said that, she smiled and patted Su Ze on the shoulder: "Young man is not bad, he is talented, I really didn't misread him..."

(End of this chapter)

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