star wife loves me

Chapter 237 Chapter drama "Juanjuan"!

Chapter 237 Drama "Juanjuan"!
Chapter 240 The Seventh Drama "Juanjuan"!
Su Ze's theory about the "Twelve Women's Band" moved Ma Yuling so much that the old man thought more and more that the method was feasible, so he enthusiastically dragged Yun Miaomiao to the Central National Orchestra. The leaders there carefully studied the matter.

Su Ze first called Shi Quan and reported what happened here, so as to reassure him.

Although Shi Quan was relieved of Mao Zhibing's promise, no one was sure. He had to report the matter to Director Sun immediately.

Huadian General Administration is going to be in turmoil. This is not a small matter. In other words, the scope of influence of this matter has gone far beyond the show "Comedy Star".

They were able to get this news in advance, and there were not one or two things that could be arranged.

It was originally a bad luck, but in the blink of an eye, it turned out to be a huge opportunity. Once grasped, it would bring unimaginable long-term benefits to the entire Beijing TV station.

But these things have nothing to do with Su Ze. It is impossible for an outsider, Su Ze, to intervene in the internal affairs of the TV station. However, Su Ze has no interest in it. After finally getting rid of these people, he has nothing to worry about. Of course I'm going to play with Liu Yan...for a whole day.

Shopping, shopping, all kinds of photos, it's too much, the only pity is that Liu Yan has to pack it tightly wherever she goes, especially the more lively places, the more attention should be paid.

It would be great if I officially announced that I am in love, but there is no need to hide it like this, but it will definitely be followed by various paparazzi, which is also annoying.

In short, after you have embarked on this path, as a public figure, you enjoy a life that ordinary people cannot enjoy, and you have to bear the pressure that ordinary people do not have.

Any star should have this awareness.

Otherwise, when I have done something wrong and been exposed, and then cry to my father and mother saying that I am also an ordinary person and need space, that is nonsense!
Why don't you say you need space when you want to be popular?

The two of them were hiding and hiding. They were very tired, but they were also very happy. From the morning until the evening, Su Ze received another call from Hu Sheng: "Xiao Su, do you have anything to do there? If not, Come to Communication University to watch our performance!"

This was agreed a long time ago, so Su Ze rushed to the Communication University. Liu Yan didn't go, and she had to go back on the plane at night.

There is only more than a week until New Year's Day, and the New Year's Eve parties of major TV stations have already been put on the agenda. Various programs are either undergoing final review, or have already been confirmed. As a popular singer, Liu Yan will participate in three A TV station's New Year's Eve party needs to be prepared.

With how busy she is now, it is very rare to be able to spare two days to find Su Ze.

In contrast, Su Ze is very leisurely and leisurely. Although he is very popular now, because he doesn't have a brokerage company, or even a broker to help him contact him, he hasn't received any invitations from TV stations—including Pineapple TV Station and Beijing TV Station.

The New Year's Eve party is very important for TV stations, so why not for celebrities?
Such a big stage is the dream of many small stars. Even many celebrities are unwilling to miss such an opportunity. Not only can they increase their popularity among the audience, but they can also take this opportunity to expand their circle of friends in the circle. Make friends, maybe someone you meet will bring you new opportunities in the future?
Therefore, some of the performers at the gala are invited by the TV station, and some are arranged by the agency company using resources. Every spot is very sought-after.Although Su Ze is well-known, he has no background and no background support, so it is difficult to receive an invitation from the TV station.

In fact, if he is willing to take the initiative to contact some TV stations, many TV stations will definitely consider it seriously, but Su Ze is too lazy to do these things because of his temperament.

I called Zhong Chuchu and asked about her situation. The little girl had already stabilized her mood, and for some reason she had become good friends with Jiang Yu, and the two of them ran out for shopping.

Su Ze drove to Communication University, asked the students for directions, and exchanged two signatures for the location of the No. [-] performance hall of Communication University.

Performance Hall No. [-] is actually an independent building with an elegant and unique shape, and looks very artistic. It is said that it can accommodate nearly a thousand people. It is a relatively large performance venue for schools. Many social groups Will also apply to perform here.

The name of Hu Sheng's repertory troupe is "Thirteen Moons", and it is also very literary and artistic. Speaking of its status, it is also a well-known repertory troupe ranked among the top in China.

In terms of performance style, Thirteen Month's programs tend to be more youthful, focusing on discovering stories and contemporary social topics among contemporary young people, so they are particularly popular among audiences in the 20-40 age group, especially It is very popular among college students.

The program being performed this time is called "Juanjuan". The name sounds simple and vulgar, but it is a drama with a high reputation. It has been performing for more than a year and has gained a good reputation. The score on is as high as 8 .8, among the new dramas in recent years, it ranks among the best.

However, Hu Sheng was invited to the Communication University this time not to bring the Shisanyue Repertory Troupe to perform, but to use the work "Juanjuan" as an opportunity to guide the graduates of the Communication University, so tonight The performers are actually senior students of Communication University.

They have been preparing for this big play for a long time, and with Hu Sheng's guidance, today's performance is definitely not inferior to ordinary drama groups!

Therefore, even if it wasn't for the Shisanyue Repertory Troupe performing in person, the tickets had already been snatched up by the college students, so much so that Su Ze even met a "ticket dealer" outside the performance hall!
"Brother, do you have a ticket?" Su Ze's arm was pulled.

Su Ze shook his head: "No."

"There is no ticket, so you won't be allowed in." The man smiled and took out a ticket: "However, brother, I have it here, 200 yuan, how about it? The front row seat, watch the performance up close! And I will give it to you quietly Let me tell you, not only will Mr. Hu Sheng be present for tonight's performance, but even Mr. Tang Guodong will be there. The 200 yuan is a huge profit!"

The ticket dealer has an expression of "don't miss it when you pass by".

Su Ze shook his head: "I don't need tickets, but I can go in."

"Nonsense!" The ticket dealer shouted: "Brother, let me tell you, if it's a normal performance, it doesn't matter if you have a ticket or not, you can get in with your student ID card. But for this "Juanjuan" performance, the tickets have already been sold out." Snatched up! Did you see that there is a ticket checker at the door, no ticket, no way to go in! Brother, 200 yuan a ticket is really not expensive, if you miss today, you may not have such an opportunity It's..."

The ticket dealer was earnest, but Su Ze still shook his head: "Really, I can go in without a ticket."

"If you can go in, I will be your grandson!" The ticket dealer swears.

"Little Su! Little Su!"

At this moment, a voice came, and Su Ze turned his head to look, and Hu Sheng was standing at the entrance of the performance hall, waving to him.

"Here we come!" Su Ze agreed, raised his eyebrows at the ticket dealer and smiled, and walked quickly towards Hu Sheng.


The ticket dealer stood there staring.

Isn't that Hu Sheng? Why did you greet this person in person?

He he he... The more he thought about it, the more familiar the ticket dealer felt that this person looked more familiar. Suddenly, his brain flickered!

That person just now was Su Ze!

Oh my God!
I just saw someone on the school post bar saying that I met Su Ze, but I didn't expect it to be true!

Su Ze came to see today's performance!

Business opportunity!
The ticket dealer's heart moved, and he immediately shouted: "300 yuan, the ticket is 300 yuan, not only can you see Hu Sheng and Tang Guodong, but also the sketch genius Su Ze will come to the scene!"

This voice is much easier to use than before, and immediately many students gathered around and asked questions in a hurry.


"Who did you say was here?"

"Is that Su Ze? Really?"

"300 yuan? Give me one, I want to see my male god!"


Under the leadership of Hu Sheng, Su Ze came to the backstage of the performance hall. At this time, it was only more than an hour before the stage performance. The actors were putting on makeup, some were reciting their lines, and some were resting and relaxing. For these college students It is an opportunity and a very stressful thing to be able to get the guidance of Hu Sheng to perform "Juanjuan" on stage.

"Look, everyone, who's coming!"

Hu Sheng shouted with a smile.

Everyone turned their heads when they heard the words, and then they were all shocked.

"My God, Su Ze!"

"Su Ze is here!"

"My God, Su Ze, ah, I like him so much!"

"Does Su Ze want to watch our performance tonight?"

Suddenly, the whole backstage was boiling. Su Ze is now a little famous, and the main fans are these young people. Whether it is music or sketches, they are very popular among college students, especially for those who major in acting. , Su Ze's performance on the stage also has a lot to learn from them. Some teachers even recommended Su Ze's sketches for them to analyze and study.

So, with so many people, although not all of them knew Su Ze, there were nine out of ten of them. At this time, there was exclamation and screaming in the backstage, which was very lively.

"Wow——Su Ze! I'm your fan!" A girl in a white shirt ran over excitedly, holding her mobile phone and asked excitedly, "Can I take a photo with you?"

"Uh, of course..." Su Ze was also taken aback by the big guy's enthusiasm.

"Xu Ning, it's not too late to shoot after the performance." Hu Sheng pulled away the girl in the white shirt funnyly, and then introduced to Su Ze: "This is tonight's number one actress, the actress who plays Juanjuan, Xu Ning. "

"Hello..." Su Ze stretched out his hand and was about to shake her hand.

Suddenly, the backstage door was pushed open, and a person rushed in in a hurry, shouting as he ran, "Mr. Hu, it's not good. Wang Li suddenly suffered from acute gastroenteritis and went to the hospital!"

(End of this chapter)

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