star wife loves me

Chapter 246 Yasuo is played by Su Ze!

Chapter 246 Yasuo is played by Su Ze!
Chapter 250: Su Ze is the one playing Yasuo!
"Then hit again!"

They played so well in the bottom lane just now, but they met actors and lost the game. Su Ze was also very depressed.

Lemon's promotion match is the last one, try to win it!
With that said, the two entered the queue again...


"Friends from the audience! Friends from the audience! Tell me, how did Brother Shu perform last time? Did he carry the audience!"

On Sweet Potato TV, in a live broadcast room with [-] viewers, a young man with a thin face was shaking his head and bragging: "If nothing else, just talk about the wave of Xiaolongtuan. If we analyze the lineup and equipment, we It is definitely impossible to beat. However, at this critical moment, who stood up? It was you, Brother Mouse! The robot magic hook hooked the opponent's ADC and successfully killed it, thus winning the wave of dragon team battles It's a pity, it's a pity that this damn system didn't give me an MVP award!"

If you only listen to him himself, he seems to be a master, but the live barrage at this time is a different scene.

"Fart! If it wasn't for you, the robot, who sent the opponent three heads in a row in the early stage, how could the opponent's advantage be so great?"

"66666, show off your strength, my brother Shu is really shameless!"

"Seeing that Brother Shu is still so wretched, I feel relieved. However, Brother Shu should stop playing with robots..."

Looking at these bullet screens, the host Brother Shu sighed: "Oh, you really don't understand this game, it's all up to me to win this game..."

Having said that, Brother Shu certainly understands that the actual situation of this round is just like what the fans said. It is precisely because his robot died several times in the early stage that it led to the advantage of the opponent and the leading level of equipment.However, what he said before was not wrong. It was precisely because he hooked the opponent's ADC in the team battle that the victory of this game was established.

It can be regarded as making up for it.

"This is the live broadcast room of Beiyangshu, the first assistant of Sweet Potato TV, which is the most powerful and the happiest. Brothers who just arrived, please click to subscribe. Brothers who have free gifts, please swipe a wave of small gifts. Thank you brothers for your support. , let's get on with things..."

Brother Shu proficiently said the most spoken sentence in the live broadcast, and looked at the cheerful fans on the barrage, but he sighed softly in his heart.

His own strength is really not as good as before.

Back then, he was also in a professional team, and represented the China LPL Division in the S3 World Finals, but they didn't perform well in the finals, and failed to qualify for the quarterfinals in the group stage.After returning to China, the disappointed fans sprayed him badly, which made him lose his fighting spirit for a while.Coupled with the average living conditions and wages of professional players in the past few years, Brother Shu chose to retire.

Not long after retiring, Brother Shu started his live broadcasting career.

At that time, his level was still very high, and he was still the king in S4. It was because of this, and his status as a retired professional player, that Brother Shu attracted the first batch of fans.

However, in S5, his rank fell to the master, and he failed to become the king throughout the season, and the fans called him changed from "Beiyang mouse" to a mocking "master mouse".

What now?
"Master Mouse" has become "Diamond Mouse", his current rank is only Diamond 5, let alone Master, the highest rank in the past year was only Diamond 3!

The strength has dropped a lot!
Fortunately, he managed well in the early stage and attracted a group of loyal viewers. In addition, although his strength has declined, he is becoming more and more good at talking. Many viewers also like to brag while watching his live broadcast. With [-] viewers, it is also a top anchor in Sweet Potato TV.

"Hey, if this goes on, will I become a Platinum Mouse next season?" Brother Shu was thinking in his heart, when he heard a "buzz", it's time!
"Okay, brothers, we are still in the support position, what are we going to play?"

When Brother Shu was struggling with which support hero to play, Su Ze was taken aback in the private room of the Internet cafe: "Hey? I'm not a support, but a mid laner!"

"Ah?" Lemon was taken aback, "What should I do?"

Lemon trusts Su Ze's support very much. Even if Su Ze's support is not perfect, it has performed very well. It is not inferior in the professional arena. With Su Ze's support, she This ADC is very comfortable to play!

"I'll give you a position, try it." Lemon said, many high-score players know each other, not to mention Lemon, the first sister of e-sports, many people know her, she wants to try to give Su Ze a request. locations.

"Can the support play mid laner?" Lemon typed.

In the Sweet Potato TV live broadcast room, Brother Shu was stunned for a moment, pointing to the chat box and yelling: "Brothers, look who I got in line! Your goddess Lemon!"


"Brother Mouse is mighty!"

"Is Lemon live streaming?"

"I just watched it. Lemon didn't start the live broadcast. Hey? Isn't Lemon playing ADC? Why do you need a support position?"

"It's definitely not enough. Brother Shu definitely doesn't dare to play mid laner. After all, the support position is almost out of order..."

"Brother Mouse is so miserable..."

Fans in the live broadcast room were discussing happily, and Brother Shu replied with two words lightly: "It's me."

Needless to say, they all played professionally at the same time, and they both played live on Sweet Potato TV after retiring. They are very familiar with each other. When Lemon saw the ID "Beiyangshu", he was helpless, and typed back: " Forget it, you should still play support, by the way, it’s fun, don’t give it away!”

Brother Shu is about to cry, big sister, what do you mean by that?
The fans were immediately happy.

"Hahaha, I'm so heartbroken!"

"Brother Mouse, it's fun, don't give it away!"

"Have fun and don't send it away!"

For a while, many people brushed up the words "have fun, don't give it away". Seeing Brother Shu wanting to cry, he typed on the keyboard and asked, "Are you the mid laner?"

"No, I asked for it for a friend." Lemon replied.

"Oh...then your position? AD?"


Brother Shu was overjoyed: "Look at me flying with you!"

"I'm in the master promotion competition, don't make trouble." Lemon said, through the screen, Brother Shu could feel Lemon's contempt and distrust even more.

Masters promotion match... Brother Shu is heartbroken again, he hasn't played a masters promotion match for a long time... I remember the last time it was S5...

"Who is the mid laner?" Brother Shu asked.

"a friend."

"Are you an expert?"

"Better than you anyway." Lemon stabbed him again, then turned his head and asked Su Ze: "How is your mid laner playing? Do you want me to be your AD mid laner?"

"It's okay, I can play as a mid laner." Su Ze smiled, then tapped his index finger to choose his hero.

Death is like the wind, always with me!
Stormwind Swordsman——Yasuo!
"Yasuo?" Lemon was also taken aback, "You use Yasuo to beat the enchantress? Is it easy to fight?"

"It shouldn't be difficult." Su Ze smiled.

"Oh." Lemon didn't say anything, but he was muttering in his heart. Yasuo's hands are short, and it's not easy to fight the enchantress. Can Su Ze, a support player, play well?

In Brother Shu's live broadcast room, he saw that Su Ze had chosen Yasuo, and Brother Shu also complained: "Wow, our mid laner is confident in his strength, and he chose Yasuo to beat the enchantress... Brothers, this round may be difficult !"

It is not without reason for him to say this, not to mention the characteristics of the two heroes, just saying that Lemon wants a position just now, which means that this mid laner is playing support.

A support to play the mid laner, instead of honestly choosing a brush type mid laner, but chose Yasuo?

"It's too difficult, I guess our mid laner has already blown up..."

Brother Shu said, seeing that the game entered the loading page, and when the opposite ID also appeared, Brother Shu exclaimed again: "My God, I met a professional player!"

I saw that the IDs of the mid laner Yaoji on the opposite side and ADC Lu Xian's are very similar. Lucian's ID is MD, JOJO, and the ID of Yaoji is MD, ONCE.

These two people are the bottom lane combination of the LPL team-MD team, the foreign aid JOJO and ONCE from South Korea!

"It exploded in an instant! Brother Mouse is GG!"

"Wait for Brother Mouse's 20 shots!"

"Hahaha, I met JOJO and ONCE, I'm sure I'm going to lose..."

You can meet two LPL professional players in every diamond game. Brother Shu's heart is beeping, but if you lose, you will not lose. Brother Shu still explained: "Brothers, don't despair, this one is still There is hope, our ADC is Lemon, the strength of the goddess needless to say, even if it is not as good as JOJO, it is still possible to be stable."

"As for ONCE, he doesn't play as a support, but a mid-lane demon girl, and the opposite support is just an ordinary passerby. I will play well in this game, and cooperate with Lemon to play the bottom lane. Even if I don't get the advantage, I can still stabilize it. !"

"Let's split [-]-[-] between the top lane and the jungler. So, as long as the big brothers in the middle lane don't collapse, there is still hope for this game."

"Of course, then again, everyone knows that ONCE is a support who often plays mid laners in the usual ranks. His strength is very good, and he got the enchantress to play Yasuo... Our mid laner is in danger!" Brother Mouse Analyzing with a serious face.

"666666, just give me the thumbs up!"

"That's right, I started throwing the blame before it even started, I feel sorry for Yasuo!"

"Congratulations to Yasuo for becoming the backer!"

Everyone was talking nonsense, when suddenly, a striking red bullet screen floated across the screen: "Brother Mouse! It's Su Ze who is playing Yasuo!"

It was an old fan who sent the barrage, Brother Shu also saw it, and was taken aback: "Su Ze? Who is Su Ze?"

He tilted his head and thought about it. In the circle of professional players, in the circle of anchors, in the circle of passers-by with high scores... there is no one named Su Ze!

"Su Ze! The Su Ze who played the skit! A few days ago, you were watching his skit during the live broadcast!" The old fans posted barrage again.

As soon as this sentence was said, Brother Shu's live broadcast room suddenly became lively!
(End of this chapter)

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