star wife loves me

Chapter 262 Fans Surge!

Chapter 262 Fans Surge!
Chapter 270 Five fans surge!
Even though the League of Legends officials tried their best to cover up this incident, the incident at the carnival was still spread.

First, passers-by players fought with ONCE.

Then ONCE fought with Su Ze again... Uh, to be precise, he was beaten by Su Ze.

After the incident was exposed, it was the ONCE fans who shouted online first.

"The ONCE master suffered unfair treatment!"

"Because passers-by players are too cheated, they become angry and beat people!"

"The artist with the worst conduct today, Su Ze beats people in public!"

"Strongly recommend Huadian General Administration to ban Su Ze, a scum!"

Fans posted such posts on League of Legends post bars and forums, and many people went to Su Ze's post bar and Su Ze's Weibo to yell and scold.

"Su Ze get out!"

"Su Ze must apologize to ONCE! Otherwise, she will never forgive her!"

"Su Ze is the scum of the entertainment industry. The Huaxia entertainment industry will be ruined by this person sooner or later!"

The sudden yelling made many of Su Ze's fans puzzled, dammit, who is ONCE?

Search the Internet.

Oh, a Korean aid.

Oh, Su Ze hit someone again.

What's the situation?
League of Legends officials have not yet announced what happened.

Well, don't care what's going on, anyway, with our Su brother's character, we will never beat a good person for no reason, it must be that this ONCE has done something indecent!

So, Su Ze's fans started to fight back!

"ONCE? What the hell, Korean Bangzi, deserves to be beaten!"

"Who is ONCE? To be honest, LPL was ruined by this group of Korean aid. China has relied too much on Korean aid in recent years and has seriously neglected the cultivation of local players. If this continues, LPL will never win the S-series championship. !"

"Judging from my Brother Su's jealous temperament, this guy must have done something outrageous. If you don't believe me, just wait and see!"

"I don't care who ONCE is, and I don't care what he did, anyway, if my Brother Su hits him, he should hit him!"

These days, who doesn't have a few loyal fans?
Although Su Ze’s 400 million fans on Weibo are not as good as Lemon’s, they are tens of times more than ONCE’s tens of thousands. Fans of ONCE scolded under Su Ze’s Weibo. Bo was blasted by Su Ze's fans.

In addition, there are some pure passers-by.

For most Chinese people who like to join in the fun, seeing this kind of thing, the first reaction is cool, good fight!
Who cares who is right and who is wrong, anyway, if he hits the stick, that's good!
Objectively speaking, this mentality is problematic.But when there is a conflict between one's own countrymen and foreigners, it is only right and proper to favor the people of the country!

The Internet soon became noisy, and many netizens were paying attention to the progress of this matter.

After the incident, many people posted on Weibo @Su Ze, @League of Legends Official Weibo, @Jin Yibo, and even went to @color, Lemon, etc., but no matter who they were, they did not reveal the details of what happened.

In fact, of course they figured out the whole story, including why the blind monk player violently beat people, and ONCE attacked Su Ze in anger.It's just that it's not convenient for them to release their opinions before League of Legends officially announces what happened.

Until someone @Jinlun Zhou, this heavenly king is not a little star like Lemon, and has always been of that straightforward and very patriotic character.

He @Su Ze, and then said a word: "Good job! I like you!"

This Weibo directly shocked countless netizens!
Fuck, the king of heaven even took the initiative to post on Weibo saying that Su Ze did a good job, what could be wrong?

That must be ONCE's beating!
It has to be said that this is where Zhou Jinlun's charm and credibility as a super king lies. One sentence made most people no longer doubt this, and even Zhou Jinlun's fans went to ONCE's Weibo to start a rant.

"Ah? Fans of Zhou Jinlun? Brothers, why are you here?" Su Ze's fans were swearing, and suddenly saw a large group of people rushing in, scolding ONCE together with them.

"The Heavenly King has spoken, Su Ze did a great job, so I, Zhou Jiajun, are here to help the brothers!" Zhou Jinlun's fans responded.

"I wipe it, thank you!" Su Ze's fans hurriedly thanked him.

So, almost a few minutes after Zhou Jinlun's Weibo was posted, ONCE's Weibo exploded again!

Moreover, this time, it was much more brutal than before!
After all, it was Zhou Jinlun who spoke!
How many fans does he have on Weibo?
8500 million!
Just a fraction, more than Su Ze's!

Zhou Jinlun usually randomly posts a Weibo post, which has at least tens of thousands of comments!
Therefore, one can imagine how miserable ONCE's Weibo would be.

The fans of ONCE couldn’t stand the siege of so many people at all. Their words were drowned in the ocean in the blink of an eye. If you use numbers, it’s basically hundreds of loyal fans of ONCE fighting against hundreds of thousands Fans of Su Ze + Zhou Jinlun fans + passers-by!
Su Ze's fans found the thrill of crushing the enemy, and started a frenzied massacre.

At this moment, Su Ze was chatting with Liu Yan.

"You, you, you really don't stop. It's only been a few days, and you're causing trouble again!" Liu Yan taught.

"Hey, that guy really deserves a beating!" Su Ze laughed.

"Oh, it's so annoying!" Liu Yan sighed, but there was not much complaint in her tone.She knows Su Ze's character, and she likes Su Ze like this, who hates evil and is full of justice.

Even if it is a little too impulsive, in Liu Yan's eyes, it is also the heroic blood of a big man, with its own charm.

"Hey, daughter-in-law, when will you come back? I miss you!" Su Ze naturally knew that Liu Yan was not angry.

It has to be said that Liu Yan is not a conservative and serious person in these aspects, which is probably the reason why they can get together. She understands and supports Su Ze's choice from the bottom of her heart.

However, Liu Yan doesn't follow blindly. For example, Su Ze likes freedom, so she doesn't sign a contract with a brokerage company and does what she wants.As for Liu Yan, knowing that the two of them can live a prosperous life by themselves, she still participates in programs, activities and commercial performances step by step, working hard in her way.

They know each other and love each other, but they don't interfere with each other, and no one feels uncomfortable because of it. It seems ordinary, but it is actually very rare.

"There is an event tomorrow, and I can't go back until the day after tomorrow! Do you want to wait for me in Shanghai?"

"We have to wait!" Su Ze made a lewd expression.

In about 20 days, he will go to participate in the frontier army sympathy performance organized by the joint army art troupe of Beijing TV Station.

The sympathy performance will last for more than half a month, and it will be performed in four or five places. Su Ze will not be able to celebrate the New Year at home this year.

So, before that, Su Ze planned to stay with Liu Yan for a few days, and then go home to spend time with his parents and family.

Here, Su Ze and Liu Yan chatted. On the Internet, the League of Legends official also announced the details of the incident at the carnival on the morning of January 2017, 1. From the beginning to the end, there was no concealment.

When ONCE cursed people, he was wearing earphones, and those words were clearly recorded.

He not only scolded the blind monk player, but also scolded the blind monk player's mother, what is even more infuriating is that he directly scolded the Huaxia people!

Now, the people who originally reported to watch the excitement couldn't sit still!

Damn it, a Korean stick, eating ours and drinking ours, taking our salary, not only didn't he get any good grades, but he still called the Chinese people rubbish and rubbish?
Tolerable or unbearable!
Now, not only the Weibo of ONCE, but also the Weibo of the MD team, the Weibo of the coach of the MD team, and even the personal Weibo of an investor of the MD team, a certain young entrepreneur, was captured by netizens!
Soon, the young entrepreneur posted on Weibo—apologizing to everyone for ONCE’s bad behavior, and at the same time expressing that he will deal with this matter seriously and give everyone a satisfactory explanation.The attitude is very sincere!

After all, no one dares to touch the bad luck of the majority of netizens at this time!
After a farce, ONCE was ruined, and even JOJO was warned by the club, and he didn't know how long he would sit on the bench.Of course, there is also the staff member who played tricks in the background and made the system draw ONCE and JOJO consecutively—a brain-dead female fan of ONCE, who was also fired by the League of Legends official, and she was also sued.

To be honest, in this matter, including Lemon, Color, and Xiaoba, they are all quite embarrassed.The only one who could make a profit was Su Ze.

Zhou Jinlun's Weibo directly made many people who didn't pay much attention to Su Ze know about this young artist who dared to fight and scold. In a short time, the number of Su Ze's fans increased from 400 million to 700 million in one day. Almost doubled!
This point makes many new debut artists envious!
You know, Zhou Jinlun, a well-known heavenly king, whether it's a show or a star artist, is eager to get involved with him, and spends all his time using him to promote, but rarely has such an opportunity.

As for Su Ze, he was named and praised by Zhou Jinlun himself after only a fight!

Such luck is really enviable to others!

Even Liu Yan kept feeling emotional: "A few years ago, our company offered a very high price. I wanted to ask Zhou Jinlun to help promote my new album, but he refused. You just met him, and you were offered After a wave of publicity, this luck is really gone..."

"That's right, it doesn't matter who I am, I'm so charming!" Su Ze hugged Liu Yan with a smile.

Liu Yan curled her lips and leaned on Su Ze's body.

Two days before and after New Year's Day, Liu Yan went to four TV stations, and now she finally returned to Shanghai.

So the two got tired of being together again.

Su Ze stayed in Shanghai for three days, played around with Liu Yan, made a lot of troubles, and then set off to go home.

After staying at home for more than a week, on the 28th of the Lunar New Year, when everyone was busy preparing for the New Year, Su Ze, under the nostalgic advice of his parents and sister, left for the capital to participate in a condolence performance.

(End of this chapter)

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