star wife loves me

Chapter 263 Seconds!

Chapter 263 Ten Seconds!

Chapter 270 Nine Ten Seconds!

Jin Zhihao didn't expect Su Ze to say that at all.

What if... win?
Jin Zhihao scratched his ears, suspecting that he had heard it wrong, and confirmed to Su Ze: "What did you just say?"

"I said, what would you do if I win?" Su Ze looked at him and said word by word.

This time, Jin Zhihao heard clearly and was sure.

He was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "Hahaha, what are you talking about? What if you win?"

Jin Zhihao pointed at Su Ze with an exaggerated expression and a loud voice: "Wow, Su Ze, you are so confident that you actually think you will beat Quan Zhiming? Haha, I really don't know what to say! There is a Chinese idiom called... Overestimating one's abilities! Yes! You are too overestimating one's abilities! Quan Zhiming is the King of Soldiers! Do you know what a King of Soldiers is? He can easily beat three of you by himself! Listen to me , you just need to think about how to protect your face, it’s already amazing not to get hurt!"

He yelled exaggeratedly, which attracted many soldiers around to look over, and they were surprised to see that it was Su Ze and the others.

Facing Jin Zhihao who couldn't stop laughing, Su Ze still looked at him quietly, and waited until his laughter gradually stopped before saying, "Answer my question."

"Oh, you mean if you win?" Jin Zhihao laughed loudly and patted Su Ze's shoulder, "Well, if you can defeat Quan Zhiming, I will kneel down and worship you as my teacher, How? From now on, Su Ze is my master! Hahaha...that's so funny! So stupid and naive!"

Hearing Jin Zhihao's reply, Su Ze nodded slightly, and turned his head away from looking at him.

Then he looked at Quan Zhiming who was still showing off his might in the field, his eyes froze, and he took a light step forward.

They were originally standing in the crowd, but with this step, they broke away from the crowd and stood in the middle of the field.

For a moment, the crowd fell silent.

Is someone up?

Everyone also saw someone standing up, so they subconsciously stopped talking and looked over in unison.

Seeing this, the voice rang again.

"Who is he?"

"I don't know, it's definitely not from our regiment anyway!"

"Two idiots, he is Su Ze, who sings!"

"Ah? That Su Ze who sings? He he he... why did he stand up?"

"Is Su Ze going to fight this Korean?"

"Who is this person? His body and bones look very ordinary, why are you trying to be so brave..."

Whether they knew Su Ze or didn't know Su Ze, they were all discussing at this time, and everyone looked at Su Ze with surprise and doubt in their eyes.

"Su Ze."

Jiang Lu and De Wei were taken aback by Su Ze.

It's not that they didn't hear the conversation between Su Ze and Jin Zhihao just now, but in their view, Su Ze was just joking, or he wanted to use his tongue to get used to Jin Zhihao's arrogance.But they never expected that Su Ze would stand up without saying a word!
Looking at this posture, he really wants to challenge Quan Zhiming!

The two of them became anxious immediately, Jiang Lu stretched out her hand to pull Su Ze's shoulder, and said anxiously: "Su Ze, come back quickly, you are crazy!"

She grew up in the army, although she may look like a girl, but she has been exercising all the year round and has a lot of strength, but she didn't pull it.She felt as if her hand had grasped a piece of hard steel, which was hard to shake.

"Su Ze, don't be brave, you can't beat him!" Dewey also reached out and grabbed Su Ze's arm, trying to pull Su Ze back.

But again, it doesn't work!

It may be normal for one person to not be able to pull, but neither of them can...

Dewey and Jiang Lu glanced at each other, seeing the shock in each other's eyes.

Looking at Su Ze again, they were surprised to find that Su Ze seemed to be a different person at this time, and suddenly he was no longer the one who was talking and laughing with them in the lounge. A young entertainer, but more like a murderous warrior.

His expression is as calm as water, but his eyes are as sharp as a knife!

The soldier standing opposite Su Ze felt like he didn't dare to look directly at him!
It was as if, standing there was not an ordinary person, but a flame, a beast!
Even Quan Zhiming, who was being aggressive and provocative, restrained his smile, and looked at Su Ze in surprise, with doubts in his eyes.

All the fighters felt the difference in Su Ze, and the more expert they were, the stronger and sharper this feeling was!

Quan Zhiming looked at the young man in front of him who was shorter and thinner than him. He looked like an ordinary passer-by. Those two people must be stronger before getting up!
The other Koreans, probably because they belonged to the military art troupe after all, also vaguely noticed that Su Ze was unusual, and their smiles subsided.

Only Jin Zhihao was still laughing: "Su Ze, come on, oh-oh-come on! Haha, beat Jin Zhihao, hahaha--"

Although he was shouting to cheer for Su Ze, no one could hear the sarcasm in his tone!

"To shut up!"

It was Dewey who withdrew his hand and patted Jin Zhihao on the shoulder instead.

His strength was not small, this slap made Jin Zhihao tremble, subconsciously, he was about to question Dewey, but found that at this time the field had gradually quieted down again.

The first time I was quiet was because of surprise.

This second time of silence is because of surprise!
Although Su Ze is just an ordinary person, the aura exuded from him is unmatched even by those experts around you!

"Who are you?" Quan Zhiming looked at Su Ze and asked in surprise.

Su Ze didn't speak, just looked at him silently, and walked forward slowly.

One step, two steps, his footsteps were very light, but at this time the field was quieter, so the sound of his footsteps still fell on everyone's ears.


kill - kill -

Quan Zhiming frowned, his expression was solemn, he stared at Su Ze, and asked in broken Chinese: "Who are you?"

"I can speak Chinese." The corner of Su Ze's mouth twitched into a faint smile, "My name is Su Ze, and I'm from China."

"You... are... a soldier? Soldier?" Quan Zhiming asked.


Su Ze's answer made Quan Zhiming even more surprised. At this time, Su Ze was only about ten steps away from him, and stopped in his tracks.

Slowly, Su Ze raised his hands and crossed his two index fingers in front of him.

"Ten seconds." He said softly.

"What?" Quan Zhiming's Chinese was poor, and he couldn't hear what Su Ze said clearly.

But all the Huaxia people present, as well as Jin Zhihao, heard clearly.

ten seconds?

What does Su Ze mean...defeating Quan Zhiming in ten seconds?
For a moment, everyone was looking at Su Ze with the eyes of a madman.

Judging from Su Ze's momentum, he may have some skills, but this does not mean that everyone will be optimistic about him. After all, Quan Zhiming easily defeated the two master company commanders!

A little star, even if he knows some martial arts, so what?
It would be nice to be able to retreat unscathed, but this guy still said he wanted to defeat Quan Zhiming in ten seconds?
Quan Zhiming looked at Su Ze's movements, and then at the expressions of the people around him, and suddenly understood what Su Ze meant.

For a moment, Quan Zhiming, who was still a little suspicious and cautious, was angry, "what the fuck!"

He looked at Su Ze angrily, this crazy guy dared to say that he would beat me in ten seconds!
So arrogant!

Quan Zhiming raised his hands, clenched his fists tightly, put on a fighting posture, and said viciously: "OK! come on!"

How dare you challenge me!

No matter who you are, I will beat you into a pig's head today!

Quan Zhiming let out a low cry, stomped his feet on the ground hard, and rushed towards Su Ze with heavy footsteps.

And Su Ze also left at the same time!

Originally, he was a little slow to walk, but he moved like a rabbit, and suddenly he was blasted out like a cannonball!
In the first second, Su Ze and Quan Zhiming set off at the same time!

In the second second, the distance between the two was less than one meter, and they both shot at a very fast speed!However, Su Ze seemed to be a little bit faster!

In the third second, Su Ze's fist hit Quan Zhiming's body, and Quan Zhiming's body trembled violently!
In the fourth second, Quan Zhiming staggered, and his hands were in a mess. Su Ze dodged his attack and jumped up!

In the fifth second, Su Ze clenched his hands into fists, like two hammers forging iron in a blacksmith's shop, and they fell on Quan Zhiming's chest densely like raindrops!
In the sixth second, the shadow of the fist was flying, and many people only saw a string of phantoms shaking!

In the seventh second, Quan Zhiming retreated backwards, not the kind of active retreat, but retreated by the force of the storm-like punch!

In the eighth second, Su Ze moved forward step by step like a god of killing, his fists were like a mountain collapsing, rolling boulders.Quan Zhiming screamed in panic, with a terrified expression, as if he had seen a ghost!At this moment, he didn't want to attack Su Ze any longer, he just wanted to avoid this pair of terrifying fists, but he couldn't even do that!
In the ninth second, Su Ze withdrew his fist suddenly, let out a low shout, stabilized his feet, and blasted out his fists again!
Ten seconds—


There was a muffled sound, and it seemed like a thunderbolt sounded in the hearts of everyone present!
I saw that Su Ze's fist and Quan Zhiming's body broke apart immediately, and then, Quan Zhiming's body seemed to be hit by a truck, and his feet flew upside down from the ground!
The burly and strong body flew a few meters away before falling to the ground with a "bang"!

His eyes were wide open, his expression of horror was still fixed on his face, his mouth was opened wide, but he couldn't utter a single word.

The same expression appeared on everyone else's faces, except for the panic, they were exactly the same as Quan Zhiming!

How can it be?

Seeing Quan Zhiming's desperate posture after being irritated by Su Ze, shouldn't he be the one who beat Su Ze into a mess, looking for teeth all over the place?

just now……


Who is Quan Zhiming lying on the ground?
God, can anyone tell me, what happened?
(End of this chapter)

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