star wife loves me

Chapter 265 Apprentice storm!

Chapter 265 Apprentice storm!

Chapter 280 Apprentice storm!

When Quan Zhiming walked towards Su Ze step by step, and then stood in front of Su Ze, the field was already quiet.

So the words he said were heard clearly by everyone.

"Can you accept me as an apprentice?"

Quan Zhiming's words stunned everyone present, including Su Ze.

I believe that if Quan Zhiming is in a healthy state at this time and has the idea of ​​​​a sneak attack, he may be able to succeed.

However, Quan Zhiming came to apprentice with sincerity.

As a person who learned Taekwondo since he was a child, Quan Zhiming actually has a relatively deep understanding of martial arts, and as a soldier king, he has a lot of practical experience that many fighters can hardly have, so he has always felt that he is Very strong.

Not only is he invincible in the country, but he has also participated in several world-class military competitions, fighting against masters from various countries. Although he has won and won, he has never met an opponent who makes him feel particularly stressed and completely powerless.

As for Huaxia Kung Fu, of course he has heard of it, and he has heard of it since he was a child.But he never thought that Huaxia Kung Fu was so great, it was just deified by the Huaxia people themselves.He used to fight against Chinese martial arts practitioners. Although those people are very good at making some very beautiful moves, they are rubbish in actual combat. Few of them can survive dozens of moves in their own hands.

Today's consecutive victory over two Chinese soldiers confirmed his thinking that the so-called Chinese Kung Fu is just some gimmicks.


He never dreamed that his thoughts would be subverted in such a short time, in just ten seconds!

Complete subversion!

This ordinary young man who was not at all burly and strong defeated him in ten seconds!

Of course, to be precise, the opponent defeated him in the first second of the fight, and the remaining nine seconds were nothing but hearty abuse.

What kind of kung fu has such power.

Chinese Kung Fu.

chinese kungfu!

After the initial shock, Quan Zhiming's heart was moved.

He is a man who is obsessed with martial arts.

In fact, this time following the art troupe to Huaxia, it was not a conspiracy specially arranged by the Korean side, it was purely his own doing, using his relationship to mix himself in, the purpose is to come to Huaxia to find experts to learn from.Originally, I thought I would leave with regret, but now it seems... There is really no need for me to leave.

He wants to worship this young man as his teacher and learn his kung fu!
Quan Zhiming doesn't care about nationality and the like, not to mention that the nature of this matter is completely beyond the point of involving the dignity of the two countries. He just wants to make himself stronger.

There is no doubt that the young man in front of him is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him!

You must worship him as your teacher!

Seeing Su Ze standing there silently, Quan Zhiming didn't know that Su Ze was surprised, but thought that Su Ze was very unhappy. Various thoughts in his brain were spinning rapidly, and suddenly he thought of the rules of apprenticeship in China seen in some movies. Then without saying a word, he just knelt on the ground on one knee and looked at Su Ze sincerely: "Please accept me as a disciple!"




There was an uproar at the scene, and all kinds of exclamations rang out, especially those Koreans. Many people covered their mouths with their hands and stared, unable to believe their eyes.

The majestic king of South Korean soldiers actually kneeled down on one knee to a Chinese man?


"Quan Zhiming! What are you doing!"

A South Korean soldier rushed up, stretched out his hand to pull Quan Zhiming, and shouted: "Quan Zhiming, do you know what you are doing? Damn it, you kneel down to him? You have completely embarrassed the Korean nation." ! Stand up, let's go home!"

Quan Zhiming didn't even look at him, he still stared at Su Ze, but shook his head slightly, "Pu Jinli, you go back, I want to stay in Huaxia and learn Huaxia Kungfu from him."

"Are you crazy? Don't you always say that Huaxia Kung Fu is rubbish, some small tricks?" Park Jinli said bitterly: "It's just a failure. After returning to China, we will invite masters to guide you in training, and we will definitely come again next time." Can beat him!"

"You won't understand." Quan Zhiming said softly: "If I study in closed doors, I will never be able to defeat him. You won't understand the terrifying pressure, as if the water in the entire Pacific Ocean has turned into a giant wave. The waves hit me. He is so strong, I don't even think there is anyone in Korea who is stronger than him... Park Jinli, you don't need to say more, I will definitely not go back with you!"

"you you you you……"

Park Jinli looked at Quan Zhiming angrily, and pulled him harder: "Quan Zhiming! You have to go back with me anyway! Otherwise, I will report to the military department and ask them to remove you from the army! Quan Zhiming, you will He was sent to a court-martial!"

"Ha ha……"

This time, Quan Zhiming was too lazy to talk nonsense with Pu Jinli.

Sent to a military court?How is this possible, and I am not a criminal?
Besides, my family is not without background, so how could I be punished so easily?

At most, he disobeyed the military order, and it is really possible to be dismissed from the military, but for him, the pursuit of a more powerful martial art is the most important thing.

When I first entered the army, I wanted to fight more people, so that I could continue to hone myself and become stronger.

But now, there is no one in the entire South Korean army who can be used as a sharpening stone for himself!

Instead, he has been an instructor and a training partner, and has been treated as a sharpening stone for others.

He is almost 30 years old!He doesn't want to waste too much time anymore!

Even if he was dismissed from the army, even if he was ridiculed by the people of the country, even if he was reprimanded by the elders in his family, he would not hesitate!

"Quan Zhiming!" Pu Jinli was ashamed and angry, and once again exerted force in his hands...

This time, Quan Zhiming was also angry!

Damn, I finally found a master, and I still want to be a teacher, why are you comparing yourself here?
If I pissed off this person, how can I be a teacher?

Of course Quan Zhiming understands Park Jinli's feelings, but...

"I'm sorry!" Quan Zhiming let out a low voice. Kneeling on one knee, he suddenly exerted force from his lower body. He swept Pu Jinli down with a sweeping leg, then grabbed Pu Jinli's arm with both hands, and threw him out!
"Ahhhhhhhh!" Pu Jinli flew more than ten meters away and fell to the ground.

After Quan Zhiming's body turned around in this way, he stopped firmly in front of Su Ze again, and continued to maintain the posture of kneeling on one knee!
"Quan Zhiming! Quan Zhiming, I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you—!" Park Jinli yelled in pain and anger.

However, the other Koreans obviously don’t want to be troublesome anymore. Quan Zhiming’s defeat and apprenticeship is already very embarrassing. If they fight again, it will be even more difficult to explain when they return to China. So, a group of people dragged Park, who was struggling and cursing, Jin Li left the barracks in disgrace.

In the barracks, everyone was still silent.

Everyone was looking at Su Ze, waiting for Su Ze's reaction.

Especially Quan Zhiming, feeling uneasy and nervous.

Will you agree, will you agree?
He looked at Su Ze full of hope, but Su Ze still shook his head slightly: "I'm sorry, I can't promise you."


For Su Ze's refusal, Quan Zhiming had expected it a long time ago, he was not discouraged, and imitated the movie, he clasped his fist at Su Ze, "Please accept me as an apprentice!"

"I won't accept you as a disciple..."

Su Ze shook his head and smiled wryly. He really didn't expect such a thing to happen.

If I had known earlier, I might not have gotten on.

Such a ghost, if you are defeated, you should go back to the country honestly, why do you ask me to be your teacher!
Su Ze didn't want to promise him at all.

First of all, although my military strength is very strong, it is all inherited from my memory. I don't have the confidence to teach a soldier king to greatly improve Quan Zhiming's strength.

Then, he didn't want to have a oil bottle behind his ass... well, although the oil bottle was older than himself.

Then, this person is a Korean, and a Korean soldier. Such an impulsive decision does not know what trouble he will bring to himself.Su Ze didn't want to get into trouble for nothing.

"Go home." Su Ze waved his hand, turned and left.

"Master! Master!" Quan Zhiming called Master directly, but he was very measured and didn't do anything out of the ordinary. He just knelt on one knee and looked at Su Ze.

Su Ze ignored him, walked straight back into the building, and returned to the lounge.

Outside, Dewey and the others were still standing there blankly, and they didn't come back to their senses until Su Ze's figure disappeared.


Dewey held back for a long time before saying a word.

Is there anything more awesome than this?
Not only defeated the Korean soldier king neatly and neatly, but also convinced the opponent, even if he offended the people of the country, he also wanted to learn from him!
What happened today completely overturned his impression of Su Ze.

Is this still the starlet who just debuted?
The way he waved away just now is like an unfathomable master of a generation!

Dewey is still thinking about it here, and Jin Zhihao next to him is secretly relieved...

His worst fears didn't happen!

Su Ze didn't ask him to be a teacher, and Dewey and Jiang Lu didn't mention it either.

I hope they forget about it...

Thanks to Quan Zhiming, if Quan Zhiming hadn't begged Su Ze to learn from him, maybe everyone's goal would be him.

Just as Jin Zhihao was thinking about it, he suddenly saw a face zooming in rapidly in front of his eyes, which startled him a lot. Just as he was about to jump away, he was pressed there by his hands.

"Quan... Quan Zhiming..."

Seeing the person in front of him clearly, Jin Zhihao's heart arose again.

Could it be that Quan Zhiming wanted to beat him up to please Su Ze after hearing his cynicism towards Su Ze?

"I, I, I... Please... I, I was wrong..."

Being stared at by Quan Zhiming's stern eyes, and feeling the strength of those hands gripping him so painfully, Jin Zhihao almost cried.

"What's my master's name?" Quan Zhiming interrupted Jin Zhihao.

"Gah..." Jin Zhihao was taken aback for a moment, then he came back to his senses and replied tremblingly, "Su...his name is Su Ze."

"Su Ze." Quan Zhiming memorized the name silently, and asked again: "Do you know what he is going to do?"

"Go to XJ show..."

"XJ." Quan Zhiming nodded, then dropped Jin Zhihao, stared deeply at the building for a moment, and left the barracks with big strides.

(End of this chapter)

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