star wife loves me

Chapter 266 The Barracks Gate!

Chapter 266 The Barracks Gate!

Chapter 280 The second gate of the barracks!

"have they gone?"

In the lounge, Su Ze looked out, but did not see Quan Zhiming.

Jiang Lu and Dewey walked in, and said with strange expressions: "That... Korean soldier left after saying something to Jin Zhihao... I can't understand the Korean they speak."

"Just leave, just leave." Su Ze breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't want nothing to cause trouble.

Then he looked behind the two of them: "Where's Jin Zhihao?"

"He said he had an upset stomach and went to the bathroom..." Jiang Lu smiled with a tone full of disdain.

Going to the bathroom with an upset stomach?What about lying to children?Do you think we will believe it?

It wasn't because he was ashamed to meet people, and he was afraid that Su Ze would trouble him when he returned to the lounge, so he made such a lame excuse, and he didn't know where to hide.

"Little Su..." Dewey opened his mouth, but then changed his words: "No, Brother Su, Brother Su, you will be my Brother Su from now on. If you have time, you must teach me how to do it! I will meet those people who pretend to be forks in the future." Yes, I'll go straight up and beat them to pieces!"

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help shaking his head and sighing: "It's amazing, it's amazing! If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I must have thought I was acting in a movie!"

Jiang Lu also echoed: "Su Ze, after this sympathy performance is over, you can come to the military art troupe. When there are performances, you can perform, and when there are no performances, you can be an instructor and train officers and soldiers. If you If you are interested, I will recommend you to my superiors!"

Seeing Jiang Lu's serious look, Su Ze couldn't help but smile wryly: "Come on, Sister Jiang, Brother Du, don't praise me..."

Speaking of it, he was also impulsive at the time. After all, Quan Zhiming was too arrogant, and Jin Zhihao's cynicism at that time was also irritating. Su Ze couldn't see them mocking Chinese Kung Fu, or even mocking this country, so he made a move.

But now it seems that I have played too big.

I hope today's matter will not be spread...

Many celebrities will even spend money to invite the media to publicize and create momentum after doing something to show off.But Su Ze rarely has such thoughts.I am not a star who relies on hype and scandals to survive, the less messy things like this, the better.

The three of them sat in the lounge and chatted. Without Jin Zhihao who was an eyesore, the three of them chatted a lot more harmoniously, from what happened to Su Ze today, to some things in the current circle, and the performance of this sympathy performance.

Not long after, the other two artists also came, and only a few minutes before leaving for the airport, Jin Zhihao got out from some corner, and sat in a car with the two later artists in desperation. I dare not get in the car that Su Ze and the others are sitting in.

Not only their six artists, but also a supporting dance troupe and more than a dozen staff members set off from the capital.They chartered a special plane and flew from Beijing to WLMQ, the capital of XJ.

The atmosphere on the plane was very lively. It was the first time for Su Ze to participate in this kind of event, and he was asking Jiang Lu for some precautions.

In the back row of them, Dewey was whispering about Su Ze's heroic deeds today to another entertainer - the youngest and youngest singer, Ouyang Junsheng. Jin is asking: "Is it true? Fake? Is it so powerful?"

Every time at this time, Dewey reached out and patted Su Ze on the back: "Su Ze Su Ze, the little guy doubts you again, prove it with two punches!"

Then Ouyang Junsheng would shake his head again and again: "No, senior, I don't!"

Next, the conversation will end with Su Ze's helpless wry smile: "Brother Du, stop talking, okay? Also, Ouyang, although you are young, you made your debut earlier than me. If you call me senior, I am embarrassed .”

Although Ouyang Junsheng is only 17 years old, it has been almost two years since his debut. Among the underage celebrities, his popularity can be ranked in the forefront.

He participated in some performances when he was a child. He officially debuted as a singer two years ago. He sang two popular songs. He also participated in a variety show last year and performed well. Generally speaking, he is a A very promising young artist, who can achieve this achievement at this age, as long as he doesn't make mistakes and makes steady progress step by step, at Su Ze's age, he might be able to become a first- and second-tier star.

Of course, it has to be said that whether in China or abroad, many child stars who became famous at a young age have disappeared from the crowd when they grow up.

The cuteness of children and the confidence they stand on stage are very attractive, and audiences also like to watch children's performances, so many child stars' performance routes will more or less rely on cuteness, cuteness, etc. .But it doesn't work if you grow up to be cute.

Therefore, for child stars, it is very important whether they can gradually change their play path and successfully transform as they grow older and change their appearance.

If you do well, you may become popular, and you may even be promoted to a first- and second-tier star at the age of 20 or so.If it is not done well, even if it is supported by a brokerage company, it can only attract the disgust of the audience. The more emotional cards are played, the fewer and fewer audiences buy it, and it can only end sadly.

Therefore, the future of Ouyang Junsheng is very critical in the next three to five years. The brokerage company is obviously aware of this, so it arranges for him to participate in variety shows, or participate in this kind of performance activities, so that the people and things he comes into contact with will be better. It is also beneficial for him to expand his network and learn a lot from different stars.

However, the reason why Ouyang Junsheng called Su Ze "senior" was because he was a fan of Su Ze.

Although he also debuted in singing, and much earlier than Su Ze, but he is an out-and-out fan of Su Ze. When he first saw Su Ze, he excitedly took Su Ze to take a group photo. After posting it on Weibo, he took out his mobile phone and opened the playlist for Su Ze to read.

There are probably dozens of songs in his playlist, one-third of which belong to Su Ze, covering almost all the songs released by Su Ze, even including "IF" and "Yilan's Love Story" in the sketch episode.

The little guy was originally a fan of Su Ze, but at this time he heard Dewey praise Su Ze in various ways, and he couldn't help but be extremely shocked. Feeling flustered.

If someone does something deliberately, they might get a bad reputation of disrespecting Ouyang Junsheng.

But... if it comes to the troublemaker, Jin Zhihao is already lying on the seat and sleeping.

Of course, I don't know if he was really sleeping or pretending to be sleeping. Anyway, he was lying there, covering his face with a book, turning over from time to time, and he didn't seem to be asleep, but two girls from the backup dance troupe went to him Signed and called him a few times, but did not "wake him up".

In the eyes of the girls in the backup dance troupe, Jin Zhihao may have fallen asleep, and some people think he just didn't want to sign.But Dewey and the others, who knew what happened today, knew that it was not that Jin Zhihao didn't want to, but that he didn't dare.

Jin Zhihao just pretended all the way, the plane landed at WLMQ airport in the afternoon, and then everyone drove non-stop to their first destination - a certain army [-] kilometers away from WLMQ, tomorrow night, the first condolences The show takes place here.

In this barracks, a regiment of troops is stationed, carrying out border defense and anti-terrorism work all year round, which can be described as very hard work.

"Phew - it's so cold!"

The sun had already set, and when Su Ze and the others got out of the car, they felt a chill hit their faces. Even though the staff had prepared thick military coats for them, the piercing chill still penetrated into their bodies through tiny gaps. Drilling, the cold air penetrates every hole, and the bone marrow is numb.

Su Ze's physique is pretty good, but he still couldn't help shivering several times in succession, trying to take a breath, the white mist was clearly visible under the starlight.

The body is still wrapped in thick clothes. The most unbearable thing is actually the hands and face. The fingers don’t dare to be exposed outside. They can only be shrunk in the sleeves or put in the pockets. In just a few seconds, the face I know how to get cold and stiff.

"It's too cold, it's too cold!" Jiang Lu stomped her feet, and Ouyang Junsheng huddled under the military overcoat, covering his head with only his eyes looking out.

Even Jin Zhihao, who had been silent to everyone, couldn't help trembling: "Axi——huh——"

"Everyone, let's go to rest, we have prepared dinner for everyone!"

The company commander and political commissar of the regiment headquarter came to greet them, took several officers with them, and invited them to the canteen of the barracks.

"Okay." Jiang Lu nodded, leading Su Ze and the others to walk inside.

"Brother Su, Brother Su..."

Su Ze's sleeve was pulled, Su Ze turned around, it was Ouyang Junsheng, he was pulling Su Ze's clothes, the other hand quietly pointed not far away, motioning Su Ze to look.

Su Ze looked in the direction of his finger, and saw two soldiers standing tall and straight at the gate of the barracks.

Seeing this, Su Ze was also stunned.

These are two soldiers on duty. They are also wearing thick military overcoats and cotton fur caps, and they also wear neck collars to protect their faces and noses.However, in this cold weather of nearly twenty degrees below zero, these things are not enough to block the fierce cold.

The collar that protected the face and nose was covered with a thick layer of hoarfrost, which showed that they must have been standing guard here for several hours.However, the most shocking thing is the conspicuous hoarfrost on their eyebrows and eyelashes.

It's like long white eyebrows and beards.

Their eyes seemed to be squinting, and the frost on their eyelashes seemed to have glued them to them.

However, the resolute, firm, unyielding, and serious gaze that emerges from those eyes is shocking and admirable!

(End of this chapter)

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