star wife loves me

Chapter 267 Liu Guang is easy to throw people away!

Chapter 267 Liu Guang is easy to throw people away!
Chapter 280 Three Liuguang is easy to throw people away!

Ouyang Junsheng stared blankly at the soldiers standing guard, opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

In this situation, he suddenly felt that he was lacking in language, and the words in his memory were not enough to describe the shock and emotion in his heart.

Su Ze also felt emotional. If it were him, it would be absolutely impossible to stand guard in this cold weather and stand like this. How much perseverance is needed!
Of course, perhaps for these soldiers, they have become accustomed to it.

This is their responsibility, their responsibility, and the meaning of their existence!

Ouyang Junsheng suddenly stuck his head out of the cotton coat, and then buttoned it up, making it tight and neat.

With a serious and firm expression on his face, he followed everyone's footsteps with his head held high, and a feeling suddenly appeared in his heart... the cold air is nothing to be afraid of!

"This kid." Su Ze laughed dumbfoundedly, and followed everyone into the cafeteria with Ouyang Junsheng.

In the cafeteria, a sumptuous dinner has been prepared for them. In order to prevent it from getting cold, the food is stuffy in the pot. After the team leader yelled, the comrades in the cooking class got busy, serving the dishes, putting them on Serve the rice and put the hot food on the table.

In addition, there was a large pot of steaming hot soup. Each person served a bowl first, and took a sip of the hot air. The whole body was warmed, and the blood was much relieved.

Speaking of which, they had a hard time today, but after taking a few sips of hot soup at this time, they felt much more refreshed!
"Cool!" Dewey didn't seem to be afraid of the heat, Jiang Lu was still blowing the hot air there, sucking small mouthfuls, he drank a bowl, and then raised the empty bowl: "It's delicious! Brother, I want another bowl!"

"Okay!" The soldiers in the cooking class immediately gave him a full hand, with great enthusiasm.

For the people in the army, the usual entertainment activities are very scarce. It is nothing more than lala songs. During the holidays, there will be a theatrical performance or something. It is very rare and rare for such stars to perform. It is not likely to be encountered during service.

Right now, in the entire cafeteria, there are more than a dozen celebrities, dozens of assistants, and dozens of staff, almost a hundred people.

Dewey's voice enlivened the atmosphere in the entire cafeteria, and the political commissar of the regiment stood up with a smile, holding a bowl of soup in his hand: "Welcome stars and actors to our difficult place, give us a gift Come to a wonderful performance, I will substitute soup for wine here, haha, I respect everyone!"

The head of the political commissar of this regiment was very polite, but he spoke with great momentum, and he raised his head and dried up the soup in the bowl.

Jiang Lu stood up, and Luo Jiasheng, the chief person in charge of their theatrical performance, also stood up from CCTV, expressing politeness and thanks on behalf of everyone, and then waved, everyone eat!
"Well... not bad, delicious!"

Ouyang Junsheng sat next to Su Ze. The young man was hungry all the way and devoured his food.

I have to say that the food in the army is not bad now. Although it is cold, there are chicken, pork, and some vegetables. Although the big pot dishes are not as exquisite and beautiful as the small stir-fried dishes, they taste different. It's sweet, especially with so many people eating together, and the atmosphere is lively.

"Brother Su, Brother Su, try this..."

"Brother Su, this, this is delicious too!"

"Yeah, this is delicious. It's even better than my mother's. Come on, Brother Su, I'll grab a piece for you..."

Ouyang Junsheng's mouth never stopped, he was either chewing or nagging at Su Ze.

Dewey next to him suddenly became unhappy, and knocked on his bowl with chopsticks: "Ouyang, we've known each other for a year, and you only serve food for Su Ze?"

The expression is dissatisfied, and the tone is teasing.

Su Ze pouted: "What's the matter? Are you jealous?"

"I'm jealous!" Dewey put down his chopsticks and snorted, "I'm not happy, I'm emotional, hum!"

"Brother Dewey, do you want to beat my chest with your fist!" Ouyang Junsheng laughed.

"Pfft——" Su Ze almost spit out a mouthful of food, and glanced at Ouyang Junsheng helplessly. This kid really deserves to be his fan, and he even knows the joke about punching his chest.

"What little fists beating your chest?" Dewey looked bewildered.

"Haha, this is a secret!" Ouyang Junsheng smiled and put a piece of meat in Dewey's bowl: "Come on, I'll get you some food too, okay?"

"Hmph! It's more or less the same!" Dewey nodded "tsundere" and reached out to pat Ouyang Junsheng on the head: "Good boy!"

"Cut~~~" Ouyang Junsheng pouted.

"Enough, you guys!"

Jiang Lu looked at the big and the young with a smile, and said with a smile: "If you don't think it's lively enough, then stand up and sing a song for everyone!"

Hearing Jiang Lu's words, Dewey shrank his neck immediately. He is good at acting, but when it comes to singing, he has a tone deafness, "Forget it, for your sake, I'd better not sing, otherwise your dinner will be ruined." Eating for nothing!"

"I'm not afraid of singing!" Ouyang Junsheng patted Su Ze with a smile: "With Brother Su here, isn't it easy to sing any song?"

Then he smiled at Su Ze and said, "Brother Su, are you right?"

"That's right! Eat!" Su Ze raised his hand and tapped lightly on his forehead. Today's fight made him just want to keep a low profile. There were more than a dozen celebrities present, and seven or eight of them sang. He didn't want to show off when he first arrived.

"Hey hey..." Ouyang Junsheng smiled, and didn't say anything more, just lowered his head to eat honestly.

Ouyang Junsheng was honest, but Jiang Lu said to Su Ze: "Su Ze, are you tired?"

Su Ze looked up at her: "It's okay, what's wrong?"

"If you're not tired, let's rehearse after dinner later?" Jiang Lu said.

"Okay! You are not too tired as a girl, of course I will accompany you!" Su Ze said with a smile, mainly because they will perform here tomorrow night. The two of them have not rehearsed until now. Before in the capital, Jiang Lu So I proposed to rehearse tonight.

After coming here, Su Ze felt that Jiang Lu should be given a good rest, but since she offered it, she really had nothing to refuse.

After a lively meal, the head of the political commissar led everyone to allocate dormitories and settled down. Luo Jiasheng announced the meeting tomorrow morning, and then disbanded. Those who are willing to rest can rest, and those who are willing to exercise can do some activities. In fact, the rules in the army are quite strict, but they are here to perform, and they are all star entertainers, so the army will not impose more restrictions on them.

The army sleeps in large dormitories. There are as few as seven or eight people in a dormitory, and as many as a dozen people. Su Ze and his dozen stars enjoy special treatment, and two people share a dormitory.Su Ze's roommate is Ouyang Junsheng.

In fact, Luo Jiasheng allocated Dewey and Su Ze to live together, but just after the allocation result was announced, Ouyang Junsheng looked at Dewey with pitiful eyes, and Dewey understood: "Okay, okay, I understand, I understand, I will trade with you ,Ok?"

"Thank you Brother Dewey!" Ouyang Junsheng was very happy.

"Oh, the new generation is better than the old..." Dewey shook his head and sighed.

"Oh, Brother Dewey, I'll help you move things." Ouyang Junsheng took Dewey away, and Su Ze simply cleaned up, and left with Jiang Lu.

This is a regiment headquarters, so various venues and facilities are relatively complete. Occasionally, there will be cultural performances in the army, so there is also a large auditorium.

The auditorium was empty, only Su Ze and Jiang Lu were there.

Jiang Lu has the heroic and heroic temperament of a female soldier, and she doesn't procrastinate in doing things. The two came to the auditorium and started rehearsing.

This is a military song called "Soldier Soul". It was written 20 years ago by a veteran of the army art troupe. It is considered a popular military song in the army. , this song is indispensable in the program lists of many military performances.

Jiang Lu took out her mobile phone and played the accompaniment. The two of them rehearsed first, and found some unsatisfactory places.

After some discussion, I started the second time, and then modified and adjusted for the unskilled and poorly coordinated parts...

After singing like this seven or eight times, after more than an hour, the two talents were satisfied with the cooperation effect and stopped.

"Drink some water, rest!" Jiang Lu brought a thermos, and carefully brought two paper cups, and poured two cups of hot water.

The two sat on the steps of the stage, holding hot water, blowing hot air, and sipping small sips.

"How do you feel?" Jiang Lu tilted her head and looked at Su Ze.


"I said, how do you feel? It should be your first time to participate in this kind of performance?" Jiang Lu asked.

"Yes, it's the first time." Su Ze nodded and said with a smile, "But it feels good, and I'm looking forward to tomorrow's performance."

"Very well, I was very nervous when I participated in the performance for the first time, hehe..."

Holding the paper cup, Jiang Lu looked into the distance: "That year, I was..., it's been ten years now."

"Time flies so fast..." Su Ze sighed.

"Yes." Jiang Lu said with a smile: "You don't even know. When I saw Ouyang Junsheng today, I really envied him. He is in his teens, in the blooming season and the rainy season. It's great."

"Who says it's not? Liuguang is easy to throw people away, the cherry is red, and the plantain is green."

Su Ze also sighed with emotion. Sometimes when I think about it, I really feel that time flies so fast, as if it was only yesterday that I was sixteen or seventeen.

Jiang Lu was stunned for a moment: "Cherries are red, plantains are green... That's really good! Which poem is it from?"

Su Ze froze and scratched his head, "I forgot too."

"Tsk, that's really well said...Liu Guang is easy to throw people away...isn't that the case!" Jiang Lu seemed to like this sentence very much: "That's really well said!"

"Dangdangdangdang——I'm coming!"

Suddenly, the door of the auditorium was pushed open, and with the howling cold wind, Ouyang Junsheng got in, closed the door hastily, and rubbed his face vigorously at the door: "Huh——It's so cold, so cold, I'm freezing to death!" died--"

(End of this chapter)

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