star wife loves me

Chapter 284 1 Show off your talents, perfect curtain call!

Chapter 284 A show of talent, a perfect curtain call!

Chapter [-] A show of talent, a perfect curtain call!

"Speaking of singing, I also sang two songs just now. Then some comrades asked, do you want to sing again?"

"Here I am going to spread a little knowledge to everyone. Singing in cross talk does not refer to singing. Some people ask if it is singing, which is not right. Singing and opera are all learning in cross talk, because this is not our cross talk kung fu. So it is to learn from others to sing, to learn from others to sing.”

"What is the singing in cross talk? Taiping lyrics! This is the original singing in cross talk!"

"It was formed in the early Qing Dynasty, evolved from the folk songs in the capital, and later spread in the capital, Tianjin and Hebei."

"Why is it called Taiping Lyrics? It has an allusion."

"It is said that in the late Qing Dynasty, the Empress Dowager Cixi often summoned folk artists to enter the palace to sing. Once, Zhao Xingyuan, an artist of Lotus Falling, whose stage name was Zhaji Zhao, entered the palace to perform Lotus Falling. After hearing this, Empress Dowager Cixi praised him and said: "He sang about civil and military loyalty and bravery." Filial piety, virtuousness, praises the prosperity of the country and the people's safety." So it was named "Taiping Lyrics". He also called Chengxi, Laixi and others to the palace as full-time teachers to teach the eunuchs to sing. After it was passed on to the outside world, the artists also continued to use it. got that name."

On the stage, Su Ze talked eloquently about the origin of "Taiping Lyrics".A good cross talk artist, even if he just talks, has his own style and charm.At this time, not only the officers and soldiers in the audience listened with gusto, but even the artist assistants and staff in the backstage ran to the front one after another because there was no show behind, listening to Su Ze talk about cross talk.

There are also a few celebrity entertainers with milder illnesses who have received IV drips and are planning to come here to see what's going on.I was dumbfounded at this sight.

What's the situation, not only did the show not fail, but it was also so lively?

After inquiring, Su Ze actually talked about several cross talks, and the cumulative performance lasted for more than an hour.

"Fuck - awesome!" Everyone was dumbfounded.

After talking about the origin of Taiping's lyrics, Su Ze was ready to sing.

"Singing the lyrics of Taiping requires jade, but we don't have this condition now, so I will sing a few lines for everyone."

"What are you singing about, "Single-knife Meeting". This story, comrades who are familiar with the Three Kingdoms, should know it. It tells the story of Guan Yu going to the banquet hosted by Lu Su with his wisdom and courage, and finally returning safely. I will sing a passage for everyone. .”

"Okay—" Everyone in the audience applauded, feeling that they had increased their knowledge.Su Ze's cross talk is different from the cross talk I heard before!Not only is it interesting, but it can also increase your knowledge. In the future, when chatting with people and bragging about it, when you mention cross talk, you can tell how ugly you are, what you say, learn to sing, and what peaceful lyrics.

Su Ze cleared his throat, and after the applause fell, he began to sing.

"Then go east to FL and get off the boat,"

"Lu Zijing set up a banquet to invite sages,"

"That bold Huang Wen put down the book,"

"Go down to Guan Yu's tent in Jingzhou,"

"Then Guan Ping takes the book and Guan Gong reads it."

"The big words are written on it,"


"If you come, you are a real gentleman,"

"If you don't come, how can you call him the leader of the Three Kingdoms..."

Su Ze's voice was clear and mellow, and his enunciation was clear, every word and every sentence entered everyone's ears.

The lyrics of Taiping are not as sweet as popular songs, nor are they as complicated as operas, but they are like a refreshing and delicious side dish, with their own special charm and pleasant to the ear.Many people are hearing the lyrics of Taiping for the first time, and they have never even heard of it before, but they fell in love with it the first time they heard it.

Su Ze also became more and more active in acting, sang a section of "Single-knife Meeting", and then performed the "learning" in "Speaking, Learning and Singing" for everyone.

Learn to sell.

"Small paper, square and square. Cai Lun made paper in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Nanjing used it to wrap silk and satin. BJ used it to wrap articles. This paper fell into my hands, and every piece of paper was wrapped with thirteen incense. It's hot in summer. It’s cool in winter, and winter and summer can’t live without the thirteen incense. When relatives and friends come to get together, roll up your sleeves and go to the kitchen. Frying and cooking are delicious. The pot of incense of chicken, duck and fish is better than the queen mother’s peach feast, better than the old king’s elixir incense, the gods from the Eight Caves came to visit, and only then did I know that my thirteen incense was used..."

A piece of libretto by Thirteen Fragrances has won the praise of many artists.

"I used to hear people say that cross talk is an art, and I always scoffed at it. But Su Ze completely reversed my thinking. I never thought that cross talk can be so wonderful." Dewey said with emotion.

Ouyang Junsheng chuckled: "That's because the cross talk you used to listen to was too bad. Brother Su's cross talk talent is not comparable to some ignorant cross talk actors. Even if there are few cross talk masters in the present age Dare to say that my level is higher than Su Ze!"

Dewey nodded. Although Su Ze kept making fun of him, he still admired Su Ze very much.

It's only been two days since he got in touch with him, but he has already regarded this artist who is much younger than himself as an idol in his heart, and he feels more and more that Su Ze is unfathomable.

Can sing, write songs, and write books, and talk about cross talk is also a must!
In addition, the culinary skills conquered the officers and soldiers of the whole regiment, and even Jiang Lu, an army-level female artist, was quickly captured and became friends.

In addition, what he admired the most was Su Ze's kung fu that shocked the world and wept ghosts and gods. The Korean soldier king had no power to fight back under his hands. What a terrifying combat power, I am afraid that there are not many in the entire Chinese army. bit!
He turned to look at Jiang Lu: "Jiang Lu, Jiang Lu..."

Jiang Lu didn't turn her head, she was still looking at Su Ze: "What's wrong?"

"Hey, do you like Su Ze?" Dewey smirked.


"If you like Su Ze, I'll help you connect..." Dewey raised his eyebrows.

"Go aside!"

"I'm serious, you think about it." Dewey said with a smile: "Look at this young man, Su Ze, he is young, outstanding, and has a good personality..."

Jiang Lu turned her head and stared at him expressionlessly, her eyes immediately filled with murderous aura.

Dewey shivered, quickly turned his head and sat obediently, muttering: "If you don't want to, then you don't want to, then don't scare him, he's still a baby..."

Jiang Lu turned her head slowly and looked at Su Ze who was swaying freely on the stage, making the audience laugh, and suddenly felt a sense of loss in her heart.

I have a girlfriend...

In fact, she didn't think about what happened to Su Ze.

It's just that looking at such a dazzling Su Ze, I still can't help admiring and liking him a little bit.

Taiping lyrics, learning to sell, Su Ze showed his singing skills again, and sang a piece of Peking Opera for everyone.

Returning again and again, more than a dozen times in a row, until Su Ze's mouth was a little dry, Luo Jiasheng also came to remind: "Su Ze, it's almost twelve o'clock, it's time to stop."

So, amidst cheers full of excitement and reluctance, Su Ze bowed and stepped down.

The show ended perfectly.

(End of this chapter)

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