star wife loves me

Chapter 288 Gunshots!

Chapter 288 Gunshots!

Chapter [-] Gunshots!

The arrival of Su Ze and the others was warmly welcomed by the soldiers of the Alatay Military Station.

A few people sat there drinking ginger soup, surrounded by a circle of people, someone was asking them how they were, someone asked them what they would like for dinner, someone brought two hot hair dryers and placed them beside them to warm them up.Knowing that Ouyang Junsheng was feeling sick to his stomach, someone hurriedly fetched some pills and brought hot water for Ouyang Junsheng to eat.

After they had a rest, someone shyly took the notebook and pen and asked them to sign it.

There are only a dozen people in the Alatae military depot, and the highest position is the squad leader, who has no military rank.At work, there are positions, but in life, they are all brothers, and they don't pay so much attention.So the atmosphere here is very good, lively and free.

"I have been in the Altai military station for five years, from a small soldier to the present, and no one has ever come here to condolences and performances, let alone a big star like you. This time I also heard about it by chance. Something happened, so I applied to the superior, but I didn't expect the superior to agree."

Dong Yang, the squad leader of the Alatae military station, said with emotion: "But I also know that coming or not is voluntary, and you don't have to come to this ghost place. But since I'm here, I won't talk nonsense anymore. Anyway, thank you You guys, thank you very much!"

"Squad Leader Dong, you're welcome." Luo Jiasheng said hastily: "To be honest, I didn't expect the conditions here to be so difficult before I came... It's really not easy for you, and we also want to thank you for protecting our home and country! "

"Hi." Dong Yang shook his head indifferently: "Our conditions seem to be quite difficult for ordinary people, but in fact there are many places where it is more difficult than ours. There are many military stations on the border of XZ, and the environment is harsh. Extremely, it is much more difficult than here, and sometimes we can only live on pickles throughout the winter, alas... Let’s not talk about it for the Chinese New Year, it’s almost six o’clock now, let’s start cooking and eat at night while playing!"

Coming here to perform, it's impossible to set up a stage and be serious like I did in the regiment headquarters before.So everyone discussed it, and then turned around and ate and played, lively and lively, which must be more interesting than a formal performance.

In short, for Chinese New Year, everyone can play as much as they like.

Liangzi asked Su Ze to sign his name, took a group photo, and held the notebook happily to read the signature. Dong Yang patted him: "Liangzi, Zhuzi, you two, ask two more people to help you prepare the New Year's Eve dinner!"

"Oh, good..." Ryoko nodded and was about to go to the kitchen.

"Wait!" Dewey suddenly shouted.

Dong Yang and Liangzi turned their heads to look at him, but they saw De Wei turned his gaze to Su Ze, and said with a chuckle, "Su Ze, can you please work harder?"

When De Wei said this, Ouyang Junsheng, Jiang Lu, and even Luo Jiasheng and Lei Jianye looked at Su Ze with eyes full of expectation.

I have eaten the kind of big pot rice made by Su Ze that surpasses small frying, but I really don’t want to eat food cooked by others. The cooks in the regiment headquarters have been thrown away by Su Ze, let alone a small military station like Alatae?Ryoko and Zhuzi don't look like chefs of a star hotel!
"Brother Su...I feel sick to my stomach, so I just want to eat your cooking..." Ouyang Junsheng acted like a patient.

These people...

I knew I shouldn't show off my culinary skills on the spur of the moment.

Su Ze was helpless. To be honest, he was also very uncomfortable along the way, but looking at their "poor" eyes, Su Ze sighed and stood up: "Okay, I'll go with them..."

"What do you mean?" Dong Yang and the others were at a loss. Su Ze meant to follow them to the kitchen to cook?
"No, no, you have worked hard all the way, rest, rest!" Dong Yang said quickly, how could he let the star cook!

"Hey, Squad Leader Dong, if you've eaten Su Ze's cooking, you definitely wouldn't say that." Dewey laughed.

Jiang Lu also said: "You will know at night."

Squad leader Dong looked at Luo Jiasheng. Luo Jiasheng struggled for 0 second between "Su Ze's Rest" and "Delicious New Year's Eve Dinner": "Xiao Su, please work hard, or we will all go to help you."

"Come on, you'd better sit here."

Su Ze pouted, and waved to Liang Zi and the others: "Go, take me to the kitchen!"

A celebrity, the first thing he did when he came here was to cook!
Everyone in the Alatae military depot was stunned, so they originally planned to cook with four people, but more than half of them went to the kitchen with a roar, and after a short while, they came out of the kitchen with loud exclamations. It rang inside.

"Fuck - Fan can still do this?"

"This knife skill, I can't even practice at this level in my whole life!"

"Su Ze's speed at making dumplings is so incredible, one person can compare to three people, and have you noticed that the size and pattern of these dumplings are very similar, as if they were carved out of the same mold! "

"It's delicious! It's delicious! This dish is so delicious! It must be delicious! Liangzi, Zhuzi, you two should learn from it!"

"How do I learn? At this level, chefs in big restaurants are no more than that!"

"Fart! Few of the chefs in big restaurants have this level! Don't forget that we are here in Alatae. These dishes, these meats are not fresh, and there are not so many seasonings. They can still be fried under such conditions. Fragrant dishes, too powerful, too powerful..."

"Can I have a taste first?" a voice asked cautiously.

"No!" Everyone replied in unison, and then swallowed their saliva, they also want to have a taste first!

But I was afraid that after taking one bite, I couldn't help but take a second bite, and then I would eat it all up!
One meal, from six o'clock to seven o'clock, the big guys made dumplings together, Liangzi and Zhuzi went to cook the dumplings, and Su Ze undertook all the cooking by himself.There were more than a dozen dishes of all kinds. After frying, Su Ze let out a long breath.

Damn, I'm here to show condolences, not to be a cook!
After complaining in his heart, Su Ze was surrounded by a group of adoring "fans" and asked to go to the restaurant to rest.

"Come on, come on, sit down, sit down!" Squad leader Dong Yang called everyone to sit down, the dumplings were served, and the wine was poured.

"Happy New Year's Eve!"

"Happy New Year!"

Everyone raised their glasses together, let's start!
eat first!I've been tossing around all day, and I'm so hungry, I'll talk about the performance later, eating is the kingly way!
Eat and drink enough to have the strength to perform!

However, before he had eaten a few mouthfuls of food, suddenly, a "bang" sound sounded from outside and came from afar.

It sounded like firecrackers.

However, there is no man's land for dozens of miles around here, and there are no firecrackers in their military depot.

Dong Yang's eyes widened all of a sudden, and he stood up abruptly: "Gunshot!"

(End of this chapter)

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