star wife loves me

Chapter 289 Shocked!

Chapter 289 Shocked!

Chapter [-] Shocking Change!

Su Ze and the others didn't really care about the sound, but the exclamation of Squad Leader Dong made everyone's hearts rise to their throats instantly!


This New Year's Eve, how could there be gunshots in the dark?

Squad leader Dong stood up immediately, and quickly issued several orders.

Contact the patrol team outside.

Report to superiors.

Leaving Zhuzi and Liangzi to guard the military station.

He led several others out to investigate.

In less than a minute, all the soldiers left the dining room, only Su Ze and the others were left. You looked at me and I looked at you, feeling a little overwhelmed.

"What's going on..." Ouyang Junsheng looked at Su Ze.

Su Ze shook his head: "I don't know, but since there are gunshots, it must not be a trivial matter."

"Let's sit down and wait." Luo Jiasheng signaled everyone to be safe and calm: "It should be just a small accident, they will come back after they go out to investigate."

For a while, several people didn't know what to do.

On New Year's Eve, there are gunshots, especially on this desolate border line, which can easily make people feel scared.

"Is it bordering on Mongolia or Russia?" Dewey asked.

"Mongolia, it seems to be Mongolia." Su Ze said, he looked at the map before coming.

"Could it be a war..." Ouyang Junsheng whispered.

Jiang Lu laughed: "What do you think, brat? If there is a real war, you think it's just a gunshot? In modern warfare, you can't see where the enemy is, and the shells and missiles will be thrown at you first."

"War is absolutely impossible!"

Lei Jianye also said with a smile: "As far as Mongolia's military strength is quadrupled, they would not dare to attack our country."

"Oh... I don't know what's going on. A good New Year's Eve dinner..."

Ouyang Junsheng sighed, looked at the delicacies on the table, but he lost the desire to eat. No one would have expected such a sudden situation.

"Wait, nothing will happen, maybe it's a hunter." Luo Jiasheng said.

The room fell silent. Su Ze took out his mobile phone and sent Liu Yan a harassing message. Liu Yan didn't reply, probably busy.

In text messages and chat software, many people have already sent him New Year's Eve greetings and New Year greetings, most of which are mass-sent jokes.Su Ze also made up a few joke groups and sent them out, and then checked and replied to the sincerely edited messages one by one, and replied one by one.

There are classmates and colleagues, as well as artists such as Song Haichuan, Tian Xiaoxiao, Huang Xiaoxia, and Lao Long who have participated in the show together. In addition, Li Songling and Guo Yungang, partners of the Crosstalk Club, also discussed some out-of-the-box performances of the Crosstalk Club after the year matter.

While sending the message, Su Ze pondered that although he hadn't achieved much in the past six months, he had found a way, or in other words, there was more than one way.In addition, I also met many people with similar temperaments and similar interests. Most importantly, I was lucky to be with Liu Yan.

I don't know when I can spend New Year's Eve with Liu Yan?
Just as Su Ze was thinking, another message came, from Jiang Yu: "Happy New Year's Eve! Miss you!"

"..." Su Ze replied to her: "Happy New Year's Eve, I wish you a boyfriend in the New Year."

Jiang Yu quickly replied: "What are you doing?"

"Eat." Su Ze replied.

"What to eat?"

"Dumplings, vegetables."

"Oh..." Jiang Yu sent a picture. It was a large table of dishes, with a total of twenty or thirty dishes, all kinds of delicacies from mountains and seas. According to visual estimates, this table of dishes cost at least tens of thousands of yuan.

"Local tyrant!" Su Ze said.

Jiang Yu sent an emoji of "Sister is rich in money" and asked, "I'm an only child, do you want to consider marrying into my house?"

"Reject without hesitation." Su Ze replied.

"Wow, you don't even want a chance to enter a wealthy family!"

"How about a wealthy family, I can become a wealthy family myself!"

" stupid, boy, you can actually save 20 years of struggle..."

Su Ze grinned and was about to reply when suddenly——


"Da da da--"


A burst of gunshots sounded like firecrackers, clearly reaching everyone's ears!
Su Ze and the others froze for a moment, and looked out in shock one by one!

This movement, anyone can understand, something happened!

The gunshots before were definitely not hunting, but now the gunshots are probably the exchange of fire between the two sides!

Not only Su Ze and the others raised their hearts, but even Zhu Zhu and Liangzi who were standing guard at the gate of the courtyard tightened their expressions, took the gun from their shoulders in their hands, and loaded the bullets directly!

"Hide! Hide!" Ryoko ran to the door of the restaurant and shouted to them, "Go, hide in the room!"

But at this moment, a few figures appeared vaguely outside the gate of the military depot, and quickly rushed towards the gate of the military depot!

Their footsteps were very light, and Zhuzhu and Liangzi were distracted by Su Ze and the others at this time, and did not notice the approach of these people. When Zhuzhu at the door realized it, the other four people had already rushed to the door. The two quickly jumped on the pillar, raised their hands and slammed it hard, knocking the pillar unconscious.

One of them raised the gun in his hand and was about to shoot at the falling pillar, but the other gave a low shout and pulled the man, who cursed and didn't shoot.The other two people had already rushed towards Liangzi, and Liangzi was about to shoot subconsciously, but saw the most burly of the four opponents rushing up, grabbed the gun in Liangzi's hand, and then grabbed it fiercely, When he caught it in his hand, the other person let out a low growl, crossed his arms and trapped Liangzi's neck, and then pulled him down to the ground. The burly man who grabbed the gun directly hit Liangzi on the head with an elbow. , Beat him unconscious!

From the beginning to the end, in fact, it only took a few seconds. This group of people is strong, flexible, and cooperates tacitly.

In an instant, Zhuzi and Liangzi were dealt with, and the four rushed towards Su Ze and the others without hesitation!


"Report to the squad leader, there are five enemies in total, three were killed and two were wounded!"

"Two people were injured on our side, and no one was killed!"

In the snow a few miles away, a soldier reported to Dong Yang. Dong Yang looked gloomy, looked at the three corpses on the ground, and two wounded people who had their hands tied after they were disarmed. He spit out a mouthful of phlegm: "Damn, are these Mongolian bastards crazy!"

He really has lingering fears!

He has been here for several years and has never encountered such a thing. He did not expect to exchange fire with several Mongolian soldiers at this juncture of the New Year's Eve!
Fortunately, when they came out of the military depot, they were well prepared and fully armed. There were only five people and a few guns on the other side.

Taking advantage of numbers and equipment, they quickly defeated their opponents!

(End of this chapter)

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