star wife loves me

Chapter 316 A match made in heaven, never met again!

Chapter 316 A match made in heaven, never met again!
Chapter 330: A Match Made in Heaven, We Have Never Met Together!
It took Su Ze more than ten minutes to complete the propositional composition. Instead of being excited, the fans became worried.

But the Weibo has already been posted, and Chen Rui's fans have also seen it.

"Hahaha, how funny, I can't even imagine what it would be like to write an article in ten minutes!"

"Hey, your Su Ze is really talented. He wrote it so quickly. 10 minutes, just about the same time it took me to make shit. Su Ze also wrote a pile of shit, hahaha, It's very possible!"

"Sure enough, he is ignorant. He thought it was enough to just write a few sentences? He thought that this kind of tiankeng topic could be written easily? It's ridiculous! But, as Chen Rui said, We don't need to be too harsh, after all, with Su Ze's level, it's hard to say whether he can understand this proposition!"

"Let me see what kind of rubbish Su Ze wrote..."

Once the Weibo was published, there was no room for redemption. Su Ze's fans had to accept this fact and were ready to bear the price of Su Ze's "arrogance and ignorance", while Chen Rui's fans clicked on the link one by one excitedly. Before I read it, I came up with at least [-] drafts in my mind to criticize Su Ze.

Until the first group of people saw the article written by Su Ze.

Then, 2 minutes later, a comment appeared under Su Ze's Weibo—"Fuck! It's really well written!"

Immediately afterwards, more and more comments came out.

"My God, can this story be written like this?"

"Absolutely! As expected of the Godfather of Chun Aiwen! Only Su Ze can write this kind of short story!"

"I counted it, including punctuation marks, there are only 140 nine characters in total, but with such a small number of words, a complete story is told, and it completely fits the proposition, it is perfect!"

"Chen Rui spent a day writing a 10-word story with a complacent look, while Su Ze slapped him in the face with more than 100 words written in [-] minutes!"

"The best story, this is Su Ze's skills!"

There were more and more words of praise, which made many people surprised——what happened, Su Ze really wrote a good story?

However, 140 nine characters, what kind of sad story can so many people be amazed by?
As a result, more people clicked on Su Ze's link.


He is perfect for her.

They like the same movies, the same books, the same food, the same colors.

She laughs when she hears old jokes, and he likes to talk about old jokes.

He loves violin music, and she has been studying violin since she was six years old.

On May 2010, 5, they met by chance while queuing in a supermarket.

She went shopping, and because he didn't buy much and was in a hurry, she allowed him to check out first.

He thanked her, paid the bill, and turned to leave.

They never met again.


The story is short, so short that it can hardly be called a story.

But if you judge from the three elements of the story of "time, character, and place", it is not lacking at all.

From a propositional point of view, this story does not involve lovers' death, breakup and separation at all.

Because the two protagonists in the story are not lovers from beginning to end.

So... sad?

"After reading this story, I smoked three cigarettes, but I couldn't say a word."

"I thought the biggest regret in this world was not being able to get what I liked, but now I realize that there is a kind of regret called—a match made in heaven, never met again."

"If you ask me, is there a right person in this world? My answer is, there must be. But if you ask me if I can meet him, I can't answer. Because it is difficult to meet the right person. For the right person, it is even more difficult.”

"How many loves have come to an end because of various disagreements, but the true match made in heaven can only pass by, and never met again before meeting each other. Isn't this a tragedy?"

"Life is so long, we meet so many times, but I don't have you."

"I don't know what to say, my eyes are blurred with tears and my mouth is blocked with sadness."

"This story can no longer be described as sad, it is clearly a sad article."

"After reading it, I cried so much. I just went to the Civil Affairs Bureau yesterday, went through the divorce procedures, and unplugged the oxygen tube of the marriage with my own hands. It is a pity that I met the wrong person at the right time. But after the tears flowed, I Still full of expectations, I believe that there will be such a right person, who is thousands of miles away, with mountains, rivers, clouds, moons and rivers on his back, and he will rush here!"

"Able to write sadness and regret in such a literary and artistic way, among today's Chinese writers, there is only Su Ze, the father of pure love novels. This little story brings us emotional shock, but for Su Ze, it is nothing but It comes at your fingertips, and it's easy to lift."

"This is Su Ze's strength. His few words can always hit the depths of our hearts!"

Such a story not only caused a sensation in Su Ze's fan circle, but also those foreign forum netizens liked it one after another.

"Whoa man, this is the best story ever! Pity my vote was already cast for someone else!"

"Hahaha, I still have votes, I want to vote for Su, oh, is he a Chinese? Sure enough, Chinese people are best at writing such subtle and euphemistic characters!"

"Why the hell are you writing this story now? Do you know how many people wanted to vote for you?"

The daily active users of this forum are only about one million, and most of them have already voted for various works, and there are not many people who still have votes in their hands.

But even so, the number of votes for Su Ze's story is still rising rapidly.

Ten votes, twenty votes, thirty votes... one hundred votes.

Two hundred votes, three hundred votes...

In just one hour, this story has received more than [-] votes.

Su Ze's fans are calling for friends: "Brothers, go register as a member and vote for Brother Su!"

After all, he is a person with millions of fans. Even though only a small number of people paid attention to this matter, after two hours, Su Ze's votes still broke through the [-] mark, and it is still rising at an extremely fast speed.

"You are swiping tickets!" Chen Rui's fans shouted: "Winning by the number of fans, what is there to be proud of!"

As a result, someone replied immediately: "Speaking silently, I am not a fan of Su Ze, but I still want to vote for this story. And I have already copied this story by hand and gave it to my boyfriend. I am grateful for our meeting , this is a gift of fate."

Then within a few minutes, someone suddenly discovered something.

"Damn it! Chen Rui deleted Weibo!"

"Deleted, deleted, all those Weibos were deleted! Haha, this grandson is scared!"

"It's what you deserve. Comparing talent with Su Ge, isn't that looking for abuse?"

(End of this chapter)

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