star wife loves me

Chapter 317 "Why" Released!

Chapter 317 "Why" Released!
Chapter 330 "Why" Released!
Chen Rui deleted Weibo, as if a barking dog had been beaten with a stick, then ran away with its tail between its legs.

Without his shouting, his fans also dispersed one after another. After all, Su Ze's story is amazing. With the current rate of votes, he can definitely reach the top three before the deadline.

What's more, what if it doesn't make it to the top three?
Everyone knows who wins and who loses.

As someone said, Chen Rui spent a day writing a work that he thought was great in [-] words, but unexpectedly, he was severely slapped in the face by Su Ze who wrote more than [-] words in ten minutes.At this time, if he insists on holding on to it and finds some excuses to put on a face, then the one who will be more embarrassing is destined to be himself.

After a big victory, Su Ze's fans cheered for joy, but they still had something to say.

"Brother Su, by the way, you haven't written much since filming TV series. I've read "Living with a Stewardess" over and over again, and I almost memorized it. When will you write a new book, hello!"

"That's right, since I read Su Ze's two books, I can no longer read romance novels written by other people, what should I do?"

"Let me break the news. My classmate works at the Beijing Literature Publishing House. According to her, Su Ze's new novel is already in typesetting and printing, and it is estimated that it will be released soon!"

"Really? Why is there no movement? Don't you want to promote the new book when it's about to be sold? @Su Ze!"

"Haha, that's called being calm. After all, my male god's book is not afraid of losing sales!"

"That's right, hehe, when Su Ze releases a new book, I'll definitely be the first to buy it!"

"@Su Ze, Brother Su, we will definitely buy the new book when it comes out, but why don't you write something to appease everyone now? After reading today's short story, I like this kind of sad words very much. Can you write a few more? ?”

"Yes, yes, if you have time, write something for everyone to read. As long as you write, I will promise to marry you!"

"Damn, those upstairs don't try to trick my husband!"

For a while, many people agreed, hoping that Su Ze could write something, but it didn't take long for Su Ze to post a reply on Weibo.

"I'm ashamed of everyone's love. I've been busy filming dramas recently. It's true that I haven't written anything for a long time. The new book that the netizen said is true. I wrote a romance novel a few days ago, and it will be published by Beijing Literature Publishing House. It will be published in June. It will be released on the market, and I hope everyone can support it. I am on the set and I am busy with everything. It is really difficult to spare time to do other things. But since everyone likes what I write, then I will post some short sentences that I usually write. Manual handwriting, I hope you like it!"

Below is a photo. In the photo is a piece of manuscript paper, with more than ten lines of sentences written in tall and handsome characters.

The font looks good!This is the first impression of many people, and then, everyone can't wait to look at those sentences.

"Lonely" If you look at the two words apart, there are children, melons and fruits, animals, and flying insects, which are enough to support an alley in a midsummer evening. In the alley. The world is bustling and full of laughter, but I have spare temples. ——Children, beasts, flying insects are naturally lively, but that has nothing to do with you, this is loneliness.”

"It was pretty good before. I thought less, went to bed early, and liked to laugh."

"When I was a child, I scratched out a "thank you" word and didn't throw it away. I had to scrape off all the words "thank you for your patronage" before I was willing to let it go. It's exactly the same as too many things later on."

"Leaving with great fanfare is actually a temptation. The real departure is without saying goodbye. The people who have always shouted to leave will end up picking up the glass shards that fell on the ground and stooped down one by one. And those who really want to leave, just pick a sunny afternoon, wrap up a coat they wear most often, go out, and never come back.”

Every word and sentence, every sentence is classic, which is unforgettable after one glance.

Some words are tear-jerking, and some are thought-provoking. Everyone who reads this paper can't help but feel that Su Ze is so talented!

Soon, Su Ze's Weibo was reposted frantically by fans, and after seeing it, some celebrity big Vs also reposted it one after another. Soon, these sentences were circulated on the Internet, and about No one can refute Su Ze's talent in writing such literary sentences.

Taking advantage of the upsurge of discussions about Su Ze's talent, after discussing with Su Ze, Jingcheng Literature and Art Publishing House decided to publish "Why Shengxiaomo" in advance.

The publishing house has its own publicity channels, and Su Ze also advertised himself on Weibo: "If that person ever appeared in the world, everyone else would become a compromise. And I don't want to compromise." ——"Why Shengxiaomo". My new book, I sincerely invite you to read it!"

Compared with the first sale of "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty", "Why Shengxiaomo" was released in all provinces across the country, and hundreds of bookstores in all first- and second-tier cities were released at the same time, both in terms of publicity and service conditions. It's not what it used to be, and that's what bestselling authors deserve.

And the sales performance of "Why Shengxiaomo" did not disappoint.

It sold [-] copies on the first day.

Sixty thousand copies were sold in three days.

The single-week sales exceeded 12, reaching an astonishing 1, which is more than [-] more copies than the single-week sales of "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty".

With an unrivaled momentum, it won No.1 in the national physical book sales list!
If we look forward to the future, although we dare not compare it with the popular classics like "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty", we can be sure that it has locked in at least one million sales.

Countless authors were drooling with envious eyes, and those authors who published at the same time as Su Ze wanted to cry without tears. Under the influence of the popularity of "Why Shengxiaomo", their works became more and more uninterested.

On the Internet, the evaluation of this book is also very good.

The sentences that appeared in this book also quickly spread on the Internet as before, causing countless people to repost, like, and comment.

"You'll understand later that if that person ever appeared in the world, everyone else would have to pass."

"One day, if I find a reason not to give up, please let Sheng Xiao be silent, and please allow me to settle down."

"Waiting has nothing to do with time, it is a habit. It grows freely, and he is powerless to resist."

"One person's flower blooms, and the other person's flower fades. From the beginning to the end of these years, no one asked."

In this kind of dissemination, Su Ze also won a teasing title-"Little Prince of Golden Sentences".

There was always a lot of noise on the Internet, but Su Ze and Luo Jiasheng stayed in the filming base almost all day long, leading the crew of "Soldier Assault" to work hard, and finally completed the filming of the TV series at the end of May.

(End of this chapter)

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