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Chapter 318 "Soldier Assault" promo!

Chapter 318 "Soldier Assault" promo!

Chapter 330 "Soldier Assault" promotional video!

After the filming of the TV series was completed, Su Ze, Luo Jiasheng and other personnel began the intense post-production editing and synthesis work.

For a TV series, editing takes a long time, ranging from two to 30 days to several months.However, the existence of Su Ze has prevented them from wasting a lot of meaningless shots in the early stage of shooting. Most of the images shot can be used directly, so everyone just worked overtime for a week to make the samples. It will be sent to the China Huadian Administration for approval.

At this time, the advantages of the three producers of "Soldier Assault" emerged.

CCTV and Bayi Film Studio are all institutions with national government background, so there is no need to talk about the relationship with Huadian.

As for Su Ze, because of the turmoil last year and Mr. Ma Yuling's relationship, the leaders of the Huadian Administration have secretly kept it in their hearts.

In addition, this TV series itself is a main theme movie, promoting positive energy, without any bad scenes of "pornography, gambling and drugs".

So when the samples were sent for review, only three days later, the approved documents came down.

Until now, the production of the entire TV series has been completed, and the next step is to look at the sales situation.

TV dramas are to be broadcast on TV stations, but now with the rapid development of video websites, many TV dramas will be updated simultaneously on the website when they are broadcast on TV stations, so generally speaking, the first round of broadcasting of TV dramas will include TV stations and website.

As for who will broadcast it, it depends on the price offered by each TV station.

"Soldiers Assault" did not get much attention from project approval to filming. Although the investment of 3000 million was a lot, it was not much. In addition, the director was just a little-known little character, the only attention-getting aspect of the whole TV series. That is Su Ze, the screenwriter.

So until the filming of "Soldier Assault", few TV stations took the initiative to come to discuss cooperation.

However, things soon changed when samples of the show were sent to various TV stations and websites.

Everyone is not a fool. Professionals from TV stations and video sites all have excellent vision and judgment standards. Even if a work like "Soldier Assault" is viewed now, it is impossible to judge whether it can become a classic, but it can be determined This is an excellent work, and it will definitely gain good ratings.

Soon, quotations from all parties came, and then all parties bid higher and higher.

In the end, the rights to broadcast the first round of "Soldier Assault" were bought by five satellite TV stations including CCTV and Pineapple TV at a total price of 80 yuan per episode.As for the online broadcasting rights, bought the exclusive online broadcasting rights at a high price of 20 yuan.

This TV series has a total of 100 episodes, and the total sales of each episode is 3000 million, which is exactly [-] million, which is equal to the investment amount!
In other words, they recovered all the production costs just for the first round of broadcasting rights!

Then, after the first round of broadcasting is over, the second and third rounds of sales will be when they will make a net profit!
Such achievements made every investor overjoyed.

CCTV originally just wanted to make an ordinary military drama, and didn't pay attention to it at all.The leader of Bayi Film Studio invested 1000 million for Su Ze's face, but he didn't care much about making money.But now it seems that this TV series is very likely to become a dark horse!
The first round won sales of 100 million per episode. According to past experience, the second and third rounds of sales can get at least 50 per episode, and generally around 80. That means the investment income of this TV series Will reach a very impressive 50% -80%!
What kind of investment can have such a high rate of return these days?

Definitely a big hit!
Correspondingly, the sales of "Love in the High Mountain" were not as good as expected."Mountain Love", with an investment of up to 500 million, only got three TV stations and one video website in the first round of sales, with a total purchase price of 80 per episode.It was very different from the expectations of their crew!
"Love in the Mountain" also has 80 episodes, 400 per episode, a total of [-] million, which means it was only sold for half of the cost.

Even with the second and third rounds of sales in the back, it is estimated that the cost has just been recovered, and there is no way to make money.

It is said that the director Xing Xiaohui and the screenwriter Chen Rui of "Love in the Mountain" had a big quarrel. Both of them patted the table and yelled and cursed, and contacted various parties to try to sell more money, but in the end it was of no avail.

The reason... The vision of these TV stations has been raised by "Soldier Assault".

In fact, if there is no "Soldier Assault", the first-round sales price of "Alpine Love" can at least reach 100 million per episode, but they are unlucky because the shooting speed and production speed are a beat slower than "Soldier Assault". When it was sent to various David TV stations, the censors who had just watched "Soldier Assault" suddenly felt that "Love in the Mountain", which they had expected, was so boring.

Although the love that blooms on the mountain frontier is moving, how can it be as respectable and lovely as the group of tough men in "Soldiers Assault"?

So..."Love in the High Mountain" hit the street!
Chen Rui, who was clamoring to make Luo Jiasheng unlucky, originally hoped to formally enter the ranks of first-line screenwriters through this TV series, but now he can only feel depressed, posting some sour words on Weibo all day long, trying to wait When I watched "Soldiers Assault", I found its weakness when it was broadcast, and it was so sarcasm.

And in late May, the five satellite TVs, together with, successively broadcast the promotional videos of "Soldier Assault".

There are three or four kinds of promotional videos, and the focus of the promotion is also different. Among them, the most popular one is a collection of classic lines of each character edited.

Accompanied by the exciting background music of the episode "Conquering Paradise" of "Soldiers Assault", in the carefully edited shots, men in military uniforms appeared in front of the audience, and their words were moving.

"I have to maintain my ideals while I still have them. I can't destroy my ideals because of this step."

"It is better to remember a person's good points than to remember a person's bad points."

"Faith is something that is not spoken, but made."

"As a human being, you can't always look down, but you have to look up from time to time."

"Glory lies in plainness; determination lies in length."

"Want, and get, there are two words in between, that is to do it. You can only get it if you do it."

"Don't mess around, be careful to let life mess you up."

"People who don't know how to be satisfied don't know what gratitude is."

"To do meaningful things is to live well, and to live well is to do meaningful things."

"I drink one catty, let's drink with you, two catties."

"I can't drink two taels, drink with you, risk my life."

"Don't give up, don't give up, this is the Seventh Steel Company!"

(End of this chapter)

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