star wife loves me

Chapter 327 Xu Zhizhou's Amazement!

Chapter 327 Xu Zhizhou's Amazement!

Chapter 340 Xu Zhizhou's Amazement!

This is a music PK program, but not a singing talent show!

Because its contestants are not folk amateurs, but real singers - those singers who have been famous for many years, first-line singers, or new singers, in short, they are all famous, who once owned or still have a large country in the music world figure!

Invite them, and then sing PK!

It's not a show, it's not a spoof, but a real PK!

In each phase, seven singers participate in the competition and sing in turn. In each phase, 500 audiences of different ages participate in the audition and vote. After all the seven singers have sung, they vote to determine the ranking.Then, combining the results of the two rounds of votes, the singer who ranks last will be eliminated!


For those first- and second-tier singers who have already become famous, the word "elimination" is very far away.

Although there are some PK elimination mechanisms in the current variety shows, they are all small games, small competitions, all for entertainment, to play, it doesn’t matter who wins, the audience enjoys watching, and the stars also have fun .

But singing in competitions is another concept. Everyone is a professional singer, or they all rely on their status as singers to get involved in this circle. supremacy in their hearts.

And in the circle of singers, everyone rarely judges who sings well and who sings badly like ordinary people, and who sings better than whom.Sometimes it is because everyone has different styles and characteristics and cannot be compared, but another very important reason is that singers are afraid to compare, especially this kind of singers who have already become famous.

There are mountains beyond mountains, masters come forth in large numbers, there is always someone who can sing better than you, but as a star idol, how can you be inferior to others?
Wouldn't it be embarrassing if you participated in this show, didn't perform well, got too few votes and were eliminated?
Could it even affect your worth and status?
Xu Zhizhou asked himself that if he was a singer, he would never agree to participate in this kind of program.

But from the perspective of the TV station's producers, once this daring and crazy idea is realized, it will definitely bring sensational news effects.

No TV station has ever made a program where singers compete for rankings, and no one has even thought of doing it!

Is this just a crazy idea of ​​Su Ze?

it's not true.

Xu Zhizhou continued to look down with a feeling of shock and doubt, but found that Su Ze's planning book not only wrote the format and rules of the program, but more importantly pointed out the characteristics and promotional strategies of the program. It analyzes the current entertainment environment and the status of singers, and lists some singers to illustrate how the singer can be promoted and interacted with if he participates in the program.

In fact, the introduction to the production form of the program only takes up a small part, and the remaining two-thirds of the content is about analyzing the various advantages and disadvantages of the program. All the details that may be involved in a variety show.

Xu Zhizhou's various doubts just now became less and less. Su Ze found solutions to many difficult problems that he thought could not be resolved, or at least provided effective solutions. Until the end, he unexpectedly There was an illusion - not to mention those excellent producers and variety show directors in the TV station, even if he, the leader, personally shot the show, as long as he held this planning book, he could produce this show!
awesome!What an incredible planner!

After reading the last word, Xu Zhizhou slowly raised his head, and looked at Su Ze with admiration and admiration.

Such a top-notch planning book was really written by this young artist who just debuted in front of me?
In contrast, the variety show planning proposals he wanted to ask for from Pineapple TV today were simply boring, with no interest, entertainment or explosiveness at all!

"Minister Xu."

Su Ze, who was standing aside, finally waited until Minister Xu raised his head, coughed lightly and said, "We have been standing here for more than an hour... If you are interested in this plan, we might as well find a place Sit down and talk?"

"Has it been so long?" Xu Zhi was stunned on Monday, raised his arm and looked at the watch on his wrist, and found that more than an hour had passed as Su Ze said.

He actually stood on the side of the road and read the planning book for more than an hour?

Xu Zhizhou was amazed in his heart, just a planning book can make people feel excited and immerse themselves in it, so if this program can be produced, what will be the results achieved?
Simply unimaginable!
"I'm interested! Of course I'm interested!"

Xu Zhizhou replied quickly, and took Su Ze's hand kindly: "Come on, I'll treat you to lunch, let's talk about this proposal!"


Xu Zhizhou left Changsha at night. He and Su Ze had a serious conversation all afternoon, and then he couldn't wait to fly back to Zhejiang with Su Ze's plan, preparing to formally submit the project approval of "I Am a Singer" to Taili.

According to the preliminary agreement, Zhejiang TV Station will purchase the production copyright of "I Am a Singer" from Su Ze. As for the purchase price and period, it will be negotiated and decided after the internal discussion of the TV station.

This time, Su Ze didn't plan to invest as a producer. For the whole season of "I Am a Singer", various production costs, publicity costs, appearance fees for more than a dozen singers and guest singers, etc., will add up to at least 8000 to 1000 million. , or even hundreds of millions.In the face of this total amount of funds, even if Su Ze invested all his [-] million in it, it would not be able to make any splashes.

Another more important point is that Zhejiang Satellite TV is not short of money. If they pay enough attention to this program, they will naturally not lose their capital investment, and they will not give Su Ze a chance to get a share of the pie like "Soldier Assault".

Su Ze didn't plan to take up any position, and personally participated in the entire production process of the entire program. After all, if he joined the production team, he had to be fair and just.But he still wanted to wait for Liu Yan to participate in the show and help Liu Yan kill the world.

So let's sell the copyright and use the money to do other things.

It is estimated that it will take a few days for the "I Am a Singer" to reach a preliminary intention. If the project is to be officially approved and the preparations start, it may take a while.However, Su Ze had already obtained a benefit in the chat with Xu Zhizhou, and it was for Li Youyou.

Zhejiang Satellite TV has produced a singing talent show similar to "Dream New Singing Voice", called "Happy Girls".

(End of this chapter)

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