star wife loves me

Chapter 328 Anime Image Design Contest!

Chapter 328 Anime Image Design Contest!

Chapter 350 Anime Image Design Contest!

The competition system of "Happy Girls" is similar to that of "Dream New Singing". In short, it is a routine of PK promotion. Dozens of students selected by the sea are assessed in groups and screened layer by layer.

It's just that you can tell from the name that the students in this program are all young and beautiful girls, with their own unique appeal.

And this program has been held for two seasons, and this year is the third season. Judging from the ratings of the first two seasons, although it is not as good as last year's "Dream New Song", it is not bad. In short, for Li Youyou, it is possible It was definitely a surprise to get this opportunity.

A few days ago, a contestant who passed the audition was unable to participate due to some circumstances and withdrew. The program team has not yet discussed who will fill the spot. Now this spot belongs to Li Youyou.

So Su Ze's original idea of ​​sending Li Youyou to Tianyu Records can only be put on hold, but "Happy Girls" still has teachers of vocal music and dance, and Li Youyou can still learn a lot from it.

For Su Ze, what he can do is to help Li Youyou get a good ranking as much as possible, so that he can successfully announce his debut through "Happy Girls" and officially embark on the road of music.

Su Ze returned to the hotel and told Li Youyou the news. While the little girl was happy and excited, she was also a little nervous.

She lost the opportunity to participate in "Dream New Song", but picked up a place in "Happy Girls", which is a happy event.But now she is different from before. In the past, she was single, happy when she wins, and sad even if she loses.But now, she is from Su Ze Music Studio. If she loses, wouldn't she lose Su Ze's face?
You know, Su Ze killed countless students all the way last year and won the championship of "Dream New Song"!
As an artist under Su Ze, even if he can't win the championship, he still has to win...the semi-finals?Uh, the difficulty seems a bit high, let's make it to the top eight!

Li Youyou secretly made up his mind that he must win the top eight!

The next day, Su Ze arranged for Li Youyou to go to Zhejiang, and transferred some money to Li Youyou for her expenses.

Li Youyou usually works part-time to earn money for his father's medical treatment, and his younger siblings to go to school. Although he saved a sum of money to participate in the audition this time, he spent a lot of money before and after, and there is not much left. Su Ze noticed this. So he transferred some money to her for her expenses during the competition.

Although Su Ze will help her, she will definitely not be able to stay in Zhejiang forever, so more competitions still depend on her.


After sending Li Youyou away, Su Ze returned home. There was no other reason. The family's little princess, Su Yu, was about to take the college entrance examination.

As an art student, Xiao Yu has already passed the art examination of the Beijing Academy of Fine Arts by virtue of her good performance. Whether she can be admitted depends on Su Yu's college entrance examination results.

Su Yu's grades have always been good, and the several mock exams before the college entrance examination have also reached the previous admission scores of the Beijing Academy of Fine Arts, so as long as the college entrance examination maintains a good attitude and performs normally, there will be no big problem.

Su Ze became a babysitter when she returned home. The reason was that after Su Ze showed her cooking skills, Su Yu could no longer eat the meals cooked by her mother. meal.Su Ze readily accepted this, and made various delicious food for Su Yu in different ways for several days in a row.

Until the end of the college entrance examination, the result of the examination was not yet known, but Su Yu had successfully gained two catties in weight, and the little girl who loves beauty was so angry that she caught Su Ze with fists and hammers.

For this reason, Su Ze had to change the recipe and started to make weight-loss meals based on vegetables and fruits.

"Boom boom boom——"

Su Ze knocked on the door, entered Su Yu's room, and saw Su Yu sitting in front of the computer, operating the mouse and keyboard, and drawing something.

"What are you drawing?" Su Ze put down the cut fruit plate and sat aside, seeing that what Su Yu was drawing was an anime puppy.

Su Yu stared at the computer screen and replied: "This is an animation image design competition organized by the Beijing Academy of Fine Arts and several other top domestic art colleges in conjunction with several top design companies. It is held once a year, and this year is already the eighth. Yes. This competition is open to all walks of life, and anyone can participate. Of course, those top celebrities will not participate in this kind of competition. The judges are composed of top designers like them and university professors. It is mainly for art design College students majoring in animation and animation design, as well as design practitioners and enthusiasts in the private sector..."

"Are there any awards?" Su Ze asked.

"Of course!" Su Yu nodded: "First of all, there are real bonuses. No.1 has a bonus of 50 yuan, and No.3 also has a bonus of 30 yuan and 20 yuan respectively. Then No.4 and No.5 both have bonuses. It is 10 yuan, the sixth to No.10 are 11 yuan, the No.20 to No.1 are [-] yuan, and there are some participation prizes, consolation prizes and so on. Of course, your sister is my goal Of course it’s not that simple, I want to get at least the top [-], and try to earn my freshman tuition!”

Su Yu said with a smile: "The significance of winning is not just the bonus, especially for us students. Once awarded, it is a real honor and qualification, which is very helpful for studying and other things during the university. Moreover, Once the image I designed is favored by those design companies, they may spend money to buy the copyright, and that price is not a bonus of tens of thousands of dollars... Hehe, although the significance is not only in the bonus, but money like this Things, the more the better..."

Su Ze smiled and patted her on the back of the head: "Little girl, don't be too materialistic..."

"I'm not materialistic!" Su Yu rubbed her head and snorted, "Isn't it all your fault, this year you seem to have taken a stimulant, and you have become so powerful, which made me very nervous. Stressful. In the past, my classmates envied me for being good at drawing and getting good grades. Now people don’t talk about it, and they all envy me for having a good brother... Humph!"

"Hey, what's the matter, are you not happy to have a good brother?"

"Hmph, anyway, I just want to prove that I am better than you!"

"That's not necessarily true!" Su Ze chuckled: "How do you know that I don't know how to design anime, maybe what I design can get No.1?"

"Stop bragging, you haven't studied art." Su Yu pointed at the computer screen: "Here, the computer is here for you, you don't need to design, just compare my drawing, draw it exactly the same, and I will... I won't grab food with you!"

"Think carefully, don't regret it!"

"I will never regret it!" Su Yu got up and offered to sit down.

"Then let you see your brother's strength!" Su Ze grinned and sat in front of the computer.

Then he was stunned.

Because he found that he didn't know how to draw on a computer at all!
(End of this chapter)

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