star wife loves me

Chapter 329 Sword knife dog!

Chapter 329 Sword knife dog!
Chapter 350: Knife Dog!
Su Ze's self-confidence is not without reason.

He has a designer in his memory, and he is a world-class top hacker. In his opinion, isn't it easy to make a picture?

But when he sat down, he was dumbfounded, because he really couldn't draw.

Although the designer in my memory is well-known, he is too old. He has always designed by hand and does not know how to draw with a computer.Although a hacker is proficient in various programming languages, he can easily invade the official website of the drawing software, and can easily change the software beyond recognition, but drawing is too embarrassing for him.

"Why don't you draw?" Su Yu giggled, with a smug look on her face.

"Ahem...well, use a pen, use a pen, find me a pen." Su Ze scratched his head in embarrassment.

Naturally, Su Yu would not believe that Su Ze could draw, so he immediately took a pen and paper and patted it in front of Su Ze: "Here you are!"

Now that he finally got used to it, Su Ze took a pen and swiped a few strokes on the paper, and he outlined the image of a puppy. This dog has a big nose, like a kitchen knife, and the length of the face Comparable to the whole body, it is lying on the grass, with a piece of grass in its mouth, crossing its legs, and looking up at the sky.

Su Ze's hand is very fast, and the hand holding the pen is shaking quickly. Within 2 minutes, he finished such a stick figure, and then outlined some details. Complete words appear on paper.

In Su Yu's stunned expression, Su Ze chuckled and wrote a line.

"I'm not doing nothing, I'm digesting—knife."

Then he raised his head and raised his eyebrows: "How is the painting?"

"I'll go..." After being stunned for a long time, Su Yu picked up the piece of paper and exclaimed again and again: "I'll go, I'll go, I'll go... Brother, did you really draw this? It was really you who drew it." Is it?"

"When did you learn to draw? And the drawing is... so good, this puppy is so fun!"

"Daodao? So it's called Daodao?"

"Hahaha, this face really looks like a knife, so cute!"

"Wow, brother, you are too powerful..."

Su Yu was surprised and excited: "Brother, can you draw another picture?"

Seeing Su Ze nodding, she hugged Su Ze's arm: "Draw quickly! Draw quickly!"

"Small idea!" Su Ze picked up the pen with a smile, thought for a while, and said, "How about I draw it with a pen, and then you draw it with a computer. Let's take the knife series to participate in the competition, how about it?"

"Okay! Then I'll draw now, and you...sit by the side and draw!" Su Yu moved a bench for Su Ze and asked him to sit beside him and draw. The two of them got busy, but computer drawing is inherently slow. So when Su Ze drew more than a dozen pictures, Su Yu made the lines of the first picture good.

"Brother, have you thought about how to color this puppy?" Su Yu turned to Su Ze.

"This..." Su Ze just wanted to say the color of Dao Daogou in his memory, but stopped, and changed his words: "I haven't thought about this, or can you help me think about it?"

The reason why he said that was because Su Ze suddenly realized that this was his sister, not someone else.

In front of others, he can wantonly display his talent to show his strength, but in front of his sister, it's better not to do that.What my sister said before also reminded him that sometimes, I am too good, and it is not a kind of pride for my sister, but a burden and pressure.

Because she is Su Ze's younger sister, she has to work very hard so that she will not grow up under the light and oppression of her brother's halo, so that others can face up to her as "Su Yu" instead of "Su Ze's younger sister." ".

That's why he changed his mind temporarily and gave his younger sister the opportunity to color Daodaogou, so that she could have an experience of creating works with him instead of just helping him turn his drawings into computer graphics.

"Then I've colored it."

Su Yu happily went to study the coloring. While coloring, she discussed with Su Ze, and Su Ze would also put forward some opinions of her own. After working hard for a long time, the two of them finally completed the first picture and uploaded it to the Internet.

In the next few days, Su Ze and Su Yu both stayed at home and were busy with this matter. They successively uploaded the first batch of more than a dozen photos to the official website of the competition. , this puppy named "Daodao" has gradually gained some popularity on the Internet.

Different from many drama comics, this Dao Daogou’s comics are all single-frame comics, without stories and plots, but each picture is accompanied by words rich in philosophy and life meaning, which is very impressive. Wow, there is a feeling of complementing each other.

It is a literary dog.

"Facing the spring wind, I will fall into your arms."

"In September, the grass in Ren's heart grows like crazy."

It is a sweet-talking dog.

"In the deep pool of your eyes, you can't draw it out."

"I don't love much, I only love you for 1 seconds in one minute."

"I don't miss you very much, I only miss you when I don't think about you."

It is still a dog with dreams.

"I want to go to a place far, far away, where there is clean water and sunshine, I want to hug the sunflower, little by little, and start singing."

But it seems that there is still an unknown sad past.

"If the sky is getting faster, it will rain; if people are getting faster, they will change their minds."

"I have taken myself lightly, why can't I fly with you?"

Of course, sometimes there is a thought-provoking philosophy.

"Stand on the shore of time, let's make a fuss about your past..."

"I'm drunk first, you guys wander slowly in reality."

These pictures were first circulated among netizens and other contestants on the competition website. Many people went to watch, like, and comment. Soon, these pictures were circulated on the Internet and circulated on major websites, especially Especially on social platforms such as Weibo and Moments, many netizens also use pictures of knives and knives as illustrations when posting texts.

And more and more people are beginning to pay attention to Yu Ze, the author of Dao Dao series.

When Su Yu uploaded the picture to the website, he re-registered an account under his own and Su Ze's names.

More and more people send private messages to this account. In addition to compliments, some studios and advertising companies have sent messages one after another, hoping to get the phone number of "Yuze" and discuss the copyright of "Daodaogou" purchase matters.

"Dao Dao Dog" is on fire!
This made Su Yu very happy. Every day, he pestered Su Ze to draw new pictures, and he would also conceive some new pictures. He was too busy.

And Su Ze also received good news at this time.

Zhejiang TV Station approved the project proposal of "I Am a Singer"!

(End of this chapter)

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