star wife loves me

Chapter 332 Old Horse and Shi Jin!

Chapter 332 Old Horse and Shi Jin!
Chapter 350: Old Horse and Shi Jin!
"Soldiers Assault" was aired for three days, and the ratings continued to climb. By the third day, CCTV's ratings had broken through 2, reaching an astonishing 2%, and the overall ratings had already exceeded 2%.

If you look at the ratings data of a single TV station, "Soldier Assault" is now ranked third, but if you talk about the sum of the ratings of all TV stations, it has already occupied No.1.

On, the click-to-play volume of the video is also soaring at an astonishing rate. The six episodes that have been updated have an average of more than 2000 million views per episode, and a total of 1 million views.

On the Internet, in addition to all kinds of praise and praise comments, there are also some touching and affectionate comments.

"This TV series is not exaggerated at all, not hypocritical, not contrived. What impressed me most was when Xu Sanduo said in that rainy night that 'to live well is to do meaningful things, to do many, many meaningful things' Well, the squad leader Lao Ma didn't surprise, convince, or remain silent like the characters in those third-rate TV dramas. Instead, he directly pulled Xu Sanduo to the door, and said the words that made me, a big man, cry."

"Is this place very spacious? Compared with the five of us, there was a platoon stationed here at most, and the platoon leader is now the head of the 702 regiment. The platoon leader at that time also wanted to do meaningful things, so He wanted to build a road from here to there. But it didn’t work out. You think it’s meaningful today and tomorrow, but what about next year and the year after? Ten years from now? It’s still this place, or this barren land, and you still think it’s meaningful. Does it make sense?"

"It's these words that made me burst into tears. I believe that everyone over the age of 30 will understand the pain and helplessness in these words. It's not that we don't understand those truths, but sometimes we really feel powerless , some things cannot be done simply by saying what you want to do, there are too many impossibilities in this world."

"But fortunately, we still have Xu Sanduo, this stubborn stunned young man. There is no possibility or impossibility in his world, but only meaningful and meaningless. He silently builds roads and silently uses his will to infect the people around Le. Comrade-in-arms, he is like a torch, igniting the spark in our hearts that is about to go out but still has residual heat."

In the current plot, apart from Xu Sanduo, the most touching one is the squad leader Lao Ma.

Especially in the plot on the fourth day, Lao Ma faced the opportunity to be promoted, but at the critical moment he insisted on the justice in his heart, and what he said when he gave up the opportunity made people even more contemplative.

"I've been waiting here for more than two years, but I didn't see Sheng Sheng, and I didn't see How Hua. In the end, what I waited for was big eyes and small eyes. Educational. Do you want to know how this road was built? It was built by this recruit. Do you want to know how it was built? It was built by one person repairing the wall and four people tearing down the wall."

He fulfilled Xu Sanduo, and he was about to be discharged from the army, leaving the army that dedicated his entire youth.

Xu Sanduo was about to leave Class [-] to go to the regiment headquarters. When they parted, he said that he did not want to leave home, and the scene where his teammates in Class [-] reprimanded him with tears in their eyes was even more tearful.

In this way, Xu Sanduo left the fifth squad on the grassland and came to the regiment headquarters.

At this time, faced with the resistance of the commander of the "Seventh Steel Company" who did not want "surrender soldiers", Shi Jin, the squad leader of the recruit company, stepped forward again, and took Xu Sanduo under his command. The plot of "Assault" has entered a climax of ups and downs, and Xu Sanduo has also officially embarked on the road of becoming the "king of soldiers".

The squad leader, Shi Jin, also began to use his brilliance to warm and support Xu Sanduo's growth path.

It also touched countless audiences.

In order to let Xu Sanduo get rid of his cowardly and weak character, he insisted on holding the iron braze regardless of his injuries, which made the plot of Xu Sanduo swinging the hammer both shocking and moving.

"You want to drag me to death, Xu Sanduo! I broke up with the company commander because of you, and I offended the whole company, didn't you see? I broke up with him today, my best friend, the soldier I brought out , you don’t know! Xu Sanduo, our third class is now ranked at the bottom of the whole company in total score, what do you want to do? If you continue to work like this, I will have to leave next year! Just because of a... a turtle son, Ah, I recruited a son of a bitch! Do you think you are a soldier if you wear this military uniform and sneak into the army? You are a soldier if you can’t even swing an iron mound? It’s not a thing! I see through you, you still have the three characters: Gui-er-zi! Don’t let your father call you a turtle son, smash it, smash it!”

His tearing roar, ferocious expression, and eyes that hate iron but full of hope are all moving.

When Xu Sanduo miraculously completed 330 three abdominal circles, he chased the company commander and asked: "Is he handsome? It’s so public, but don’t look down on those who have nothing to show off, what do you think? Can you admit Xu Sanduo once, company commander, company commander, can you admit Xu Sanduo once?”

That look made countless viewers feel warm.

It is such an ordinary squad leader, in order to fulfill his promise to bring Xu Sanduo into an upright soldier, help Xu Sanduo get rid of his weakness, help Xu Sanduo strengthen his will, and for him, he will not hesitate to offend the leader, offend his subordinates, scratch his head...

In order for the company commander to recognize Xu Sanduo, for others to accept Xu Sanduo, and for Xu Sanduo to become a real soldier, he kept making sacrifices, protecting him with his weak arms, and holding up the sky for him.

If Xu Sanduo is the torch that can ignite the sparks in the hearts of the audience, then monitor Shi Jin is the blazing sun in the sky, enough to illuminate even the ashes of the ashes.

So when Episode No. 13 aired and class leader Shi Jin retired from the army, the comments section of, major film and television websites, forums, and social media such as Weibo and Space became a sea of ​​tears.

"Xu Sanduo cried miserably, and I cried miserably. Captain Shi is leaving, and no one will take care of Xu Sanduo anymore. Ban Zhang Shi is Xu Sanduo's lifelong friend, lifelong teacher, and lifelong monitor. He is the most perfect in the whole drama." He is also a role model in my heart.”

"Squad leader Shi Jin, in terms of appearance, is not too handsome, and he can even be said to be a bit ordinary. He is not as strong and courageous as Wu Liuyi, nor as tall and straight as Gao Cheng, nor as calm and ordinary as Wu Zhezhi, nor is he like Yuan Lang. He was in high spirits. But the radiance on his body almost overwhelmed all the people around him."

"[Sanduo, don't keep entrusting this idea to other people's hearts. There are flowers blooming in your own heart, one by one, how beautiful. I'm leaving, I can help you cut off the last one in your heart Grass, Sanduo, you should grow up, you should grow up.] When Shi Jin said these words with tears in his eyes, I finally understood that Shi Jin’s appearance was justified, and Shi Jin’s departure It also makes sense."

"From the content of the plot, squad leader Shi Jin's retirement is due to the layoffs caused by the mechanization and informationization reform of the army. But from the perspective of Xu Sanduo's growth, Shi Jin's departure is to make Xu Sanduo a real man. Xu Sanduo I rely on him so much that I have to stand by him to answer questions, and I have to personally guide him when I wrap my belly around the bar. This kind of relationship is warm, and this kind of warmth will make Xu Sanduo a good soldier, but not an iron man. The king of soldiers with strong bones. The grass that Shi Jin mentioned is Xu Sanduo's dependence on him. Without this grass, Xu Sanduo's heart can become as firm as a rock."

"Xu Sanduo said, I want to be a fool, and fools don't feel sad. To be a person, you have to be like Xu Sanduo, who is stubborn, ordinary, persistent, pure and cherishing, warm and kind."

"These actors acted amazingly. All the acting skills are online. I dare to say that this is the best military-themed TV series I have ever watched in my life, and it is the best TV series I have watched in the past few years. No one!"

For the actors who participated in "Soldiers Assault", they were flattered by the rave reviews on the Internet, and when they were pleasantly surprised, they did not forget to call Su Ze and Luo Jiasheng to thank them for their kindness and to give This is their chance.Especially Wang Hong, who was happily drunk, called Su Ze and talked for a long time.

He was just a group performer, but he met Su Ze on a plane, and then pie fell from the sky, making him the leading actor of "Soldier Assault".

With the broadcast of "Soldier Assault", Wang Hong received several or even dozens of calls every day.

Some invited him to film, some invited him to sign a contract with a film and television company, and some invited him to be an advertisement endorsement. In addition, a group of media reporters kept calling and wanted to interview him.

Wang Hong rejected all the invitations, returned home, asked his wife to accompany him to have a big drink, then held his mobile phone, and told Su Ze what was in his heart, about his hardships over the years, and his love for Su Ze. thanks.

In addition to these actors, the audience did not forget Su Ze.

At the beginning of each episode, Su Ze's name appeared on the screen more than once.

Planner: Su Ze.

Producer: Su Ze.

Screenwriter: Su Ze.

Producer: Su Ze.

Special Consultant: Su Ze.

Theme Song: Su Ze.

Interlude: Su Ze.

Many people only knew that Su Ze was the screenwriter of "Soldiers Assault", and that he wrote the theme song and episodes, but they didn't know that Su Ze held so many other positions, and there were even hundreds of sharp-eyed audiences Su Ze was also found on the crew list.

"Oh my God, can I understand that this TV series was filmed by Su Ze?"

"So many titles? Almost blinded my titanium krypton gold dog eyes! Su Ze is too good, an absolute all-around talent!"

"Thank you Su Ze, thank you to the director, thank you to all the actors and staff, for dedicating such a classic work to us!"

(End of this chapter)

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