star wife loves me

Chapter 333 Director Sun of TV Drama Channel!

Chapter 333 Director Sun of TV Drama Channel!

Chapter 350 The Sixth TV Drama Channel Director Sun!

Since leaving the capital before New Year's Day last year, Su Ze hasn't come back for half a year.

Half a year ago, he came to the capital to participate in "Comedy Star", met many people by accident, and founded his first industry - cross talk club.

Half a year later, when I returned to the capital again, looking at the scenery outside the car window, I couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional.

The person who came to pick him up was Luo Jiasheng, who was driving ahead, looked at Su Ze in a daze through the rearview mirror, and asked with a smile, "Are you planning to buy a house in the capital and bring your family here to live?"

"Huh?" Su Ze came back to his senses, and said with a smile, "I have such an idea, but unfortunately I can't afford it."

"Hey!" Luo Jiasheng exclaimed exaggeratedly: "Are you still crying poor? One "Soldier Assault" made you more than 1000 million, enough to buy a house in the capital!"

"Let's talk about the situation." Su Ze shook his head: "I just saved some money, so I can't just throw it away in such a hurry."

He did have the idea of ​​buying a house in the capital, and now it seems that he will probably buy it in the future. First of all, he has a cross talk club here, and the capital itself is also a concentration of people in the entertainment industry. Many artists are in the capital. There are houses and properties, this is a circle.

Secondly, Su Yu is about to come to the capital to study. If she buys a house here, it will be convenient for her parents to take care of her.

Although she never made people worry about her since she was a child, girls and boys are always different, and it is more reassuring to take care of her more thoughtfully.

In the past, it was probably because of his lack of ability, so Su Ze didn't think too much about Su Yu's affairs. Now that he has the ability, Su Ze has gradually become accustomed to thinking about the family's affairs.

"Are you still planning to cast a TV series?" Luo Jiasheng asked.

"I have this idea." Su Ze nodded: "Since you have set foot in this industry and achieved a good start, you must continue to do it. Isn't it the purpose of calling me this time? Your Director Sun... …How to say?"

It was Luo Jiasheng who called Su Ze when he came to the capital this time, but Luo Jiasheng called Su Ze according to the order of the director of CCTV TV drama channel, asking him to come to the capital.

Luo Jiasheng didn't say much on the phone, and asked Su Ze to meet and talk.

"He values ​​your ability to write military dramas very much, and the entire military-themed TV drama was fired up by "Soldier Assault", so he still wants to make a military drama."

Luo Jiasheng said: "We are filming now, just in time for the Spring Festival. What he means...if the quality is good, maybe it can be arranged as an annual drama."

The big show of the year?

Hearing this, Su Ze's spirit lifted.

CCTV will launch a TV series every year, which is scheduled to be broadcast around the Spring Festival. It will not only be broadcast on the TV drama channel, but more importantly, it will be broadcast in the prime time period from [-]:[-] p.m. to [-]:[-] p.m. on the integrated channel.This drama will become CCTV's annual drama of the year.

However, although a TV series is scheduled for this time period every year, not every TV series will be recognized by the audience as an annual drama.

A successful annual drama is not only a big production and a big ostentation, but also a wonderful plot, an excellent reputation, and a spiritual fit with the important element of the Spring Festival.

Some small productions with a good reputation will not be arranged as annual dramas, because they are not grand enough and not refined enough.

And some well-produced romantic dramas are generally not recognized, because pure love and entanglement between men and women are not elegant.

There are also some bitter dramas, no matter how advanced you are and how profound your survival philosophy is revealed, they will not be scheduled to be broadcast at that time, because they are not in harmony with the festive atmosphere of the Spring Festival.For Chinese New Year, do you want the whole family to cry and wipe away tears in front of the TV?
For various reasons such as these, the success rate of the annual drama has always been only [-] to [-]%. That is to say, there will only be one annual drama with a good reputation, recognition, and certain influence every three or four years.

For the producers, being able to make a successful annual drama will not only bring them huge financial benefits, but also greatly enhance their status in this circle.

For TV stations, the arranged annual drama can be recognized and loved by the audience, and the advertising revenue it brings will also be very considerable.

As for CCTV, an organization that integrates TV stations and producers, every year's annual drama is regarded as a very important task by the TV drama channel.

But now, because of the strong rise of "Soldier Assault", they put some expectations on Su Ze.

Perhaps ordinary viewers are just amazed by the repeated appearance of Su Ze's name in the opening and closing credits, but every professional will understand how exaggerated Su Ze's role in this TV series is, with so many titles.And Beijing TV Station is even more aware that Su Ze can actually add an assistant director besides those existing titles.

Luo Jiasheng couldn't be more clear about this.

Many of the shots in "Soldier Assault" were thought up by Su Ze. In comparison, he, the director, only plays the role of coordinating the shooting more often.

So CCTV invited Su Ze, and Luo Jiasheng personally picked him up and came to CCTV with him.

To Su Ze's surprise, the director of the TV drama channel is actually a mixed-race actress, with black hair and blue eyes, and she is not very old, she looks like she is only in her 30s, and she has the style of a Western and European woman when talking and laughing .

After some self-introduction, Su Ze knew that this beautiful director named Sun Yating was actually a Chinese. Her parents were both Chinese, but her grandma was European, so she had a quarter of European blood.

Although she looks only in her 30s, she is actually over [-] years old and the mother of two children, but she is well maintained and looks young.

She just took up the position of director of the TV drama channel this year, and she actually made the decision on the filming of "Soldier Assault", but at that time, she never imagined that this drama would achieve such amazing results.

And this result is naturally her achievement.

The recent popularity of "Soldier Assault" made the directors of several other channels envious.

So her attitude towards Su Ze is very good.

"Xiao Su, please come here this time. We plan to continue shooting a TV series, so we want to discuss the script with you."

In Sun Yating's office, the three of them were chatting while drinking tea, and Sun Yating directly expressed her thoughts: "However, there is one thing that needs to be said first. As CCTV's annual drama, this drama is destined to be exclusive to CCTV. The first broadcast will be broadcast simultaneously by at most one video website, so our CCTV intends to solely fund the filming and will not accept investment from any other unit."

The meaning of not accepting any unit investment, of course, includes Su Ze.

(End of this chapter)

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