star wife loves me

Chapter 342 One more song!

Chapter 342 Another song!
Chapter 360 One More Song!
"Blue Lotus"?Just created?

Su Ze's words made everyone stunned, and the first thought was - fake?

How long does it take?

Even if Jiang Yu and Xia Yuling decided to PK, it only took half an hour until now, and you have created a song?
Brother, bragging is not the way to brag!
"real or fake?"

"Are you kidding me? Who can write songs so fast?"

"If it was written so quickly, it must be a bad song."

"But I seem to have heard that Su Ze is very talented in music..."

"No matter how talented you are, it's impossible to write a song so quickly."

There was a buzzing and noisy discussion in the bar, and everyone looked at Su Ze with surprise, doubt, or stupid eyes.

Xia Yuling sneered: "He really dares to brag! Jiang Yu, Jiang Yu, you expect such a guy to win me? Tsk tsk tsk, I think not only his brain is broken, but yours is also broken!"

Jiang Yu also looked at Su Ze with a little worry. She didn't doubt what Su Ze said. She believed that this song "Blue Lotus" was just composed by Su Ze.

However, will the quality of this song be good?

Why doesn't Su Ze sing an old song with a good reputation?
Only in the live broadcast room of anchor Duo Duo, that Su Ze's true fan was swiping the screen vigorously.

"What did I say! What did I say! Su Ze was creating just now!"

"I knew that Su Ze was going to explode!"

"At the beginning, Lai Qiang questioned Su Ze, what happened? What happened!"

"Su Ze played one song for half an hour, and played ten songs in a row, smashing Lai Qiang until now!"

"And now, Su Ze is here again!!"

"I swear! This black wind band will lose miserably!"

"It's miserable, it's miserable!"


The chaotic and noisy discussions, mocking worried eyes, all left behind.

Su Ze rested his fingers on the strings of the electric guitar, took a light breath, and slowly closed his eyes.

With a finger movement, the sound of the electric guitar sounded, and the melody was like a silver chord, pouring out from the impenetrable shadow.

At the same time, Su Ze opened his eyes, fiery eyes and slightly hoarse voice bloomed in the bar at the same time.

"Nothing can stand in the way,"

"Your longing for freedom."

Just two sentences made the whole bar instantly quiet. There seemed to be a magic power in Su Ze's voice, which could make people quiet and then be firmly attracted by it.

And what attracted everyone was not only the voice, the melody, but also these two lines of lyrics.

Nothing can stop you, your yearning for freedom...

Freedom, huh... what is freedom?
Su Ze gave him the answer.

"A wild career,"

"Your heart has nothing to worry about."

"Through the dark days,"

"You also felt hesitant,"

"The moment you bow your head,"

"I just found the way under my feet."

Unconstrained and unconstrained, without worries, this is indeed the freedom that many people who work hard in the city yearn for.

How many people have dreamed of living such a chic life, and then they were defeated by life.

Staying up late to work, working overtime without pay, being reprimanded by the boss, being held accountable by clients, ridiculed by neighbors, abandoned by lovers... Behind the sunshine of the city, I don’t know how many people are experiencing these pains repeatedly.

Being poured down like a grandson at the wine table, drunk and throwing up, pouring cold water on his face and going back to continue toasting, just to negotiate a contract!
On the way to and from get off work every day, I eat breakfast on the bus, eat lunch in the office, and return to the rented hut at night to eat buckets of instant noodles and continue to work hard!
Sometimes we can't help but ask ourselves, is this the life I want?
No, I wanted to be free.

No, once in a while, just once in a while, when I'm sad and down, I think about it.

In fact, I have always hoped to be able to live freely.

Maybe that's why I'm working so hard now.

Just like Su Ze sang.

"The free world in my heart,"

"So clear and lofty,"

"Blooming never fades,"

"Blue Lotus—"

The blue lotus flower named "Freedom" blooms in every difficult dark dream of mine, giving me the strength to move forward.

Su Ze's voice became high and excited at this moment, like a person who had been silent for a long time finally sang, like a person who was at a loss and finally saw the way forward and hope.

Unknowingly, the eyes of some spectators were already wet. They wiped the corners of their eyes, but their hearts beat uncontrollably, as if a flame was burning, trying to burn all kinds of cages and shackles, and go to the clear and lofty freedom. world.

"This so good..."

Dodo didn't know when she fell on the table, stared at Su Ze who was playing the guitar and sang affectionately on the stage with deep eyes, and didn't say a word quietly, as if she had forgotten that she was live broadcasting.

And the barrage in the live broadcast room was much more cheerful than the atmosphere in the bar at this time.

"Duo Duo's eyes make my heart pound like a deer."

"Why do I feel that the person Xiaolu ran into is Dodo? She seems to have been fascinated by this song."

"Hahaha, congratulations to the big anchor Duoduo for successfully becoming a fan of my Su Ze! Brother Su NB!"

"Honestly, this song is really good!"

"Yeah, although it's not as explosive as the song "Black Wind" just now, the difference between this song is that it can sing to people's hearts. The heart is warm, but the eyes are astringent."

"Damn it, I never thought that one day I would watch the live broadcast and cry... Su Ze's song is very special when I listen to it now... How should I say it? I have already failed the rankings, and I just made up my mind to come back for another year, just for the free world in my heart."

And Su Ze's true love paints the barrage even more vigorously, and he specially filled in VIP guests for this, just to make his barrage more eye-catching.

"How about it! Do you still question Su Ze's strength now!"

"Writing a song in half an hour is harder than reaching the sky for others, but it is so easy for Su Ze!"

"I've already said that Su Ze is a hundred times stronger than this bullshit black wind band! A thousand times!"

"You still dare to sing with Su Ze in PK? It's like a gnat can shake a tree! A mantis is like a car! An egg hits a stone!"

"In front of Su Ze, they only have to be crushed! The ones that don't even have scum left!"


In the bar, before Su Ze finished singing, the expression of the Black Wind Band changed.

From ridicule and disdain, it first turned into surprise, and then it was a little ugly.

After all, they have been in this circle for many years, and they can judge whether a song is good or bad, especially rock songs.

If you let ordinary people listen to this song "Blue Lotus", I believe many people don't think it is a rock song. After all, it doesn't have any powerful drums or other musical instruments, and there is nothing heartbreaking. shout.

But a few people in the Black Wind band understand that the rock ideology of this song is even more complete than their "Black Wind", and the concept is more advanced, because it has broken away from the "Black Wind" that relies on instruments and throats to render the atmosphere stage, reached the height of the spiritual level.

This Su Ze's strength is really beyond expectations!

Judging from the reactions of these customers in the bar, they may have lost the game in this round.

Next, what song can they sing to save the defeat?Otherwise, why don't you sing your own band's song, and use a classic song that can drive the rhythm of the audience and cause customers to sing along.

It seems that it can only be so.

They discussed in a low voice, and decided to rush onto the stage immediately after Su Ze sang the song, disrupting the atmosphere created by Su Ze's song, and certainly not giving Su Ze a chance to interact with customers.

But what they never expected was that after Su Ze repeated the chorus several times, the guitar melody didn't stop, but suddenly changed into another rhythm!
On the stage, Su Ze looked at the audience with a smile and asked loudly, "How about another song?"

"it is good--"

The customers shouted one after another, and Duoduo in the corner still leaned on the table, cupped her hands in front of her mouth, and responded loudly like a trumpet. The loud voice scared the hearts of the big-breasted brothers in the live broadcast room.

"Okay—one more song!"

Jiang Yu and Duan Qiqi also shouted. These people were more excited than the customers. While shouting loudly to drive the atmosphere, they looked at Xia Yuling and the Black Wind Band provocatively.

Damn, I really shouldn't have doubted Su Ze just now, just this "Blue Lotus" beat "Black Wind" by more than ten blocks!

The expression of the Black Wind Band suddenly changed, and their plan was suddenly broken by Su Ze!
Before they acted, Su Ze interacted with the customers. The atmosphere in the bar was more lively than when they sang on the stage. Didn't you see that several customers had already stood up and applauded?
"What should I do?" Xia Yuling frowned, she also sensed that the situation was not good.

"It's difficult." Wang Chunlai, the lead singer of the Black Wind Band, gritted his teeth: "We wanted to interrupt his rhythm, but we didn't expect him to take the first step... Now unless we go directly to the stage to make trouble, we can only wait for him to finish singing!"

Of course Xia Yuling didn't want Su Ze to finish singing, but if he went on stage to cause trouble...

She suddenly thought of Su Ze's terrifying and inhuman combat power, her heart trembled, and she coughed dryly: "Then let him finish singing... I believe that no matter what song he sings, you can defeat him, right?"

"This..." Wang Chunlai felt a little guilty, but still gritted his teeth and nodded: "Yes!"

He turned his head to look at Su Ze with a gloomy expression, and kept praying in his heart, hoping that Su Ze would sing a bad song next...

On the stage at this time, Su Ze smiled brightly after receiving the responses from the customers: "Okay, then, next, I will give you the song "Once Upon a Time"—"

After the voice fell, his fingers plucked the strings, and the singing sounded.

"I once dreamed of walking the world with my sword,"

"Look at the prosperity of the world,"

"A young heart is always a little frivolous,"

"Now you are home from all over the world..."

(End of this chapter)

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