star wife loves me

Chapter 343 The Rock Legend Begins Here !

Chapter 343 The Rock and Roll Legend Begins Here ([-])!
Chapter 360: The Rock Legend Begins Here ([-])!
"I once dreamed of walking the world with my sword,"

"Look at the prosperity of the world,"

"A young heart is always a little frivolous,"

"Now you are home from all over the world."

"The girl who made you feel bad,"

"It's gone now,"

"Love always leaves you longing and bothering,"

"It made you bruised and bruised..."

This song "Once Upon a Time" is the same as the previous song "Blue Lotus". Without any foreshadowing, the lyrics and melody are like a gentle knife, directly hitting the depths of people's hearts.

With the singing of Su Ze, the originally noisy and lively bar became quiet, and the standing people also sat down one after another. Dodo in the corner rested her head in her arms, listening to the singing on the stage, showing a satisfied look With a sweet smile, the group of big-breasted guys in the live broadcast room were completely fascinated.

For Dodo, who is pure-hearted, listening to this song is a kind of enjoyment, but for most people in this bar, the lyrics of this sentence fell to the depths of the soul the moment they fell into the ear, smashing pieces of music. ripple.

Those youthful and frivolous days, as well as the youth with clear love and hatred, are always nostalgic.

Back then, I yearned to be like a hero in a movie, walking the rivers and lakes with a sword, punishing evil and promoting good, chic and happy.

But now he lives silently in a corner of the city, working from nine to five, drowning in the years.

I also once loved a beautiful girl, and I hope to know and love her, and join hands for a lifetime.

But now, the girl has long lost contact and does not know where she is going.

A formally dressed man in a shirt and trousers in the front row of the bar picked up his wine glass, raised his head and downed the spirits in it. Amid the burning pain in his throat, he suddenly thought of the days when he was a teenager.

At that time, he was still a disobedient and bad boy. He got up early at five o'clock every day not to go to school for early reading, but to make an appointment with his classmates to go to the Internet cafe to play games, and then reluctantly left the Internet cafe at 07:30 to rush to school.

He still remembers those early mornings when they rushed out of the Internet cafe, bought something casually at the roadside stalls to fill their stomachs, and then rode bicycles on the streets with few pedestrians, the cool wind blowing their old but clean clothes. Clothed, they are like a group of pigeons soaring in the sky.

He still remembered that there was a female classmate at that time with neat short hair that reached the ears. Whenever she turned her head, the tip of her hair swayed gently by her ears very nicely, just like a Hong Kong and Taiwan star on a movie poster.

He liked her for a long time, and finally got up the courage to write her a letter to confess, and successfully chased the girl into his hands.

It's just that later, the young and ignorant love failed to escape the fate of ending without a disease. After a decision that seemed childish and ridiculous now, the two never spoke a word again.

He was beaten by his father on the stool because of his addiction to the Internet, and he was also sad because of breaking up with a girl, but after so many years, those complicated emotions seemed to be coated with a layer of 16 The bright sunshine of the year, so that now I always feel so warm and beautiful when I think about it, I can't help but lament that the time is easy to grow old, while smiling and raising the wine, clinking glasses with the past.

Life is really not easy, but it's actually not that painful, because there are so many warm memories and so many lovely people in my heart.

Just like what Su Ze sang.

"Every time I'm sad,"

"Just look at the sea alone,"

"I always think of my friends who are walking on the road beside me,"

"How many are waking up."

"Let's finish this drink,"

"A good man has a heart like the sea,"

"Experienced the ups and downs of life and the world,"

"This smile is warm and innocent..."

Su Ze hugged the electric guitar, swayed his body gently, closed his eyes and sang loudly: "Dilililidilililidenda—Dilililidilililidada—sadness and excitement—"

The customers in the bar have been completely attracted and assimilated by the singing, and are addicted to it one by one.Some people drank silently, some had tears in their eyes, and some smiled and played softly with the beat, singing "Dilililidilililidada" with Su Ze. The atmosphere in the bar was different from the previous song. Blending into one, especially harmonious, as if it should be so.

"we lose……"

Wang Chunlai's face was extremely ugly. He gritted his teeth and looked at Su Ze on the stage, wishing he could pull him down and beat him up, and then cut Su Ze's brain open to see what it was made of.

The two songs "Blue Lotus" and "Once Upon a Time", one is better than the other, and any one of them can be used as the repertoire of an underground band like them, and Su Ze sang it here with ease. Two, and the song "Blue Lotus" was created on the spot!

He has never seen such abnormal strength, and he has never even heard of it...

"Su Ze, Su Ze... Su Ze..." Wang Chunlai repeated Su Ze's name over and over again, and suddenly felt a little fluent, as if he had heard of it somewhere.

Suddenly, with a flash of inspiration, Wang Chunlai let out a soft cry: "Su Ze!"

The team members next to him looked at him in surprise: "What's wrong, captain?"

Wang Chun came to see them, then looked at Su Ze on the stage, with a wry smile on his face: "I suddenly remembered that this person is Su Ze... Su Ze who sang "Dream Back to Tang Dynasty" and "Internationale" ..."

For a while, everyone else stood on the spot!

Most rock singers are very individual and like to go their own way. Some of them are not even willing to accept other types of songs, so they usually listen to those classic rock music, and it is difficult to like a new song.

But last year, there were two songs that caught the attention of many rock singers, namely "Dream Back to Tang Dynasty" and "Internationale".

For these two songs, the evaluation in the entire rock circle is all one word - good!

The Black Wind Band has also listened to them many times to analyze the lyrics, arrangement, and singing.
At that time, they were thinking, who is Su Ze, and they went to check Su Ze's information for this reason.

It's just that as Su Ze gradually sank in the music scene and no other rock songs came out, they gradually forgot about this person.

Before the PK, they only knew that Su Ze was a second- and third-tier singer with a little reputation, so they didn't pay attention to Su Ze, but they never expected that this person in front of them was the person they once admired and worshiped.

Damn... Wang Chunlai wanted to swear, if he had known it was him, he wouldn't have agreed to this PK even if he was killed!
But the problem is that this is the end of the matter, they have already fallen out with Su Ze, it would be too soft to admit love, and it may offend Xia Yuling and cause this aunt to trouble them in the future.

How to do?
Wang Chunlai pondered for a while, stepped back quietly, walked to the corner, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number: "Hello, Master..."

(End of this chapter)

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