star wife loves me

Chapter 375 Master Ma Yuling!

Chapter 375 Master Ma Yuling!
Chapter 240 The Third Master Ma Yuling!
Yun Miaomiao's teacher is also an old professor at Communication University. His surname is Ma and his name is Ma Yuling.

This is a highly respected old senior. She was already a well-known erhu master performer in China when she was young. It is said that she was received by the leaders of China at that time when she was a teenager, and the leaders even specially communicated with her. Photographed alone.

Later, Ma Yuling went to Communication University, first as an erhu teacher, and later as the director of the folk music department.

At the same time, she is also the first deputy head of the Central National Orchestra in history. There are even rumors that the superiors once wanted her to be the head, but she said that "a woman should put more energy on the family." refused for a reason.

When she got older, Ma Yuling simply resigned from the positions of deputy head and department head of the Chinese National Orchestra, and worked as a teacher at Communication University until retirement.

Although she has retired and seldom interferes with outside affairs, Ma Yuling still has a profound influence on the folk music industry.

The reason, in addition to her own superb skills and the reputation accumulated over the years, is also related to the fact that she has taught and led groups for so many years, and has peaches and plums all over the world.

Su Ze seldom paid attention to folk music before, and he was not familiar with Teacher Ma Yuling, so when he knocked on the door and waited, he was shocked by the old man who opened the door.

"Hahahaha—you are Su Ze!"

Su Ze only saw the door being opened from the room, and a group of figures rushed forward, making him subconsciously raise his hand to push him away.

But as soon as he raised his hand, he was grabbed by the person in front of him and held it tightly.

"Wow - what a handsome young guy!" The man in front of him was still yelling.

Fortunately, the reaction was quick. After Su Ze was taken aback, he saw the person in front of him clearly.

This is a white-haired old man, although he is old and thin, but he is full of energy, his face is rosy, and his energy is particularly good.

At this time, she was holding Su Ze's hand tightly with both hands, smiling all over her face, and looking up and down at Su Ze with her big eyes, her eyes were full of curiosity and excitement, just like a child looking at a very novel and fun Toy.

"Uh... Teacher Ma?" Su Ze showed a forced and awkward smile.

"Haha, it's me!" Despite Ma Yuling's age, her voice was loud and hearty. She patted Su Ze with a smile and said with satisfaction, "That's right, he's even more handsome and younger than I imagined! If I If you are 50 years younger, I will definitely chase you!"

You are "younger" than I thought...

Su Ze thought silently in his heart, at the age of 75, he was full of energy and yelled like a young man, and he made jokes unscrupulously when they met for the first time. This kind of old man is really rare.

What about the respected demeanor of an old artist?

While Su Ze complained silently, he also quietly breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he was really afraid of meeting that kind of old pedant, who would have serious academic discussions when they met, and the atmosphere was depressing.

Although Ma Yuling's unique way of meeting made Su Ze startled, he felt relaxed.

"Okay, teacher, don't scare Xiao Su, otherwise Liu Yan will feel distressed!" Yun Miaomiao's grinning voice sounded from the room.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Yan's voice also sounded: "That's right! Teacher Ma, if you scare my boyfriend, I will make you lose money!"

"Okay, okay, look at what hurts you..." Ma Yuling shook her head with a smile, took Su Ze's hand again, and enthusiastically led her into the room: "Quick, please come in!"

"Thank you, teacher."

Su Ze walked in with her, put aside a few gifts bought on the way, and then took a little look at the room.

The room was small, but it was kept very clean and tidy.

Different from Yun Miaomiao's home, there is no musical instrument in this living room, but from the decoration, the shape and arrangement of the furniture, there is an antique charm everywhere.

Both Yun Miaomiao and Liu Yan were inside, seeing Su Ze coming in, Yun Miaomiao smiled at Su Ze, and Liu Yan ran to Su Ze's side, grabbed Su Ze's arm, and stood side by side with Su Ze , and shouted at Ma Yuling: "Mr. Ma, Mr. Ma, quickly see if we are compatible!"

"Good match! Good match! You are the best match!" Ma Yuling said with a smile: "A man is talented and a woman is beautiful!"

Liu Yan smiled triumphantly: "Of course! My vision is the best!"

"It seems that you are already good friends..." Su Ze whispered in Liu Yan's ear.

"Of course, Mr. Ma is a very good person!" Liu Yan said with a smile: "However, you didn't come today, which made Mr. Ma very anxious. When I told Mr. Ma about your rescue, Mr. Ma I can’t wait to roll up my sleeves and go to help you in person!”

After Liu Yan said this, Ma Yuling also asked: "By the way, is the matter just now resolved? Do you need my help?"

"Thank you teacher, it has been resolved." Su Ze said with a smile.

Ma Yuling nodded: "It's fine if it's resolved. Young people, don't be afraid when things happen, and do things according to your conscience, then no one can stop you."

She said with a smile, but her eyes were very serious.

When Su Ze heard this, his heart warmed up, and he said seriously, "Thank you teacher, I have been taught."

"Today, I should have been educated." Ma Yuling said with a smile: "So many and such good works are an eye-opener for me, even if these two little girls have reassured me, I still want to ask, are they really written by you?"

"The teacher wants to test me?" Su Ze asked with a smile.

"Haha, that's okay. After all, a master of folk music in his 20s is too unbelievable!" Ma Yuling smiled heartily.

"Come on, come on, Su Ze, play a piece of "Birds in the Empty Mountains"!" Yun Miaomiao got the erhu from nowhere, and handed it to Su Ze with a smile: "I tried it today, but I'm not proficient in it, and I can't play it well. Come out to the feeling of a hundred birds contending in the song!"

"Okay." Su Ze was not polite, and sat down with the erhu in his arms.

Ma Yuling and the three of them also sat down, ready to listen to Su Ze's performance quietly.

Su Ze was actually quite tired. On this day, he rehearsed nervously, competed, and then went to rescue Zhong Chuchu. He was not only physically tired, but also mentally tired.

But he still put up all his energy and pulled the bow in his hand seriously.

Afterwards, cheerful birdsong sounded, clear and melodious, one after another.

Yun Miaomiao and Liu Yan had heard it before and were shocked, and now they appreciate it seriously.

Ma Yuling has read the score and tried to play it herself. As an erhu master, she knows the classic nature of this piece, so when she saw the original creator of this piece with her own eyes - a young man in his 20s When people performed it proficiently, in addition to the love for the music, there was more appreciation for Su Ze in his eyes.


With the sound of birdsong, Su Ze flicked his fingers lightly, and the whole song of "Birds in the Empty Mountains" ended.

However, just when the three of them couldn't help applauding, the bow in Su Ze's hand was pulled again, and a completely different melody flowed out in an instant.

This melody is very smooth, brisk, smooth, and very natural. When it sounds at first, it doesn't feel like anything, but it flows quietly to the bottom of my heart when people don't know it. A feeling of relaxation, joy, and warmth arises spontaneously.

Yun Miaomiao and Liu Yan were taken aback for a moment, but Ma Yuling's eyes lit up, looking at Su Ze in surprise and joy.

Su Ze smiled at them, the bow in his hand didn't stop, the melody fluctuated, and the joyful emotions in it became more and more high, and the roundabout and euphemistic made people feel very comfortable.

With the sound of the erhu, the atmosphere in the room became warmer. The melody was like a stream in spring, soft but lively, cheerful and warm but not overly ostentatious.

In the end, the melody gradually spiraled down again, and the high emotions gradually receded, returning to silence in a quiet and peaceful environment.

Compared with "Birds in the Empty Mountains", this song is very short, only two or three minutes, but it does not feel inferior to the former in terms of mood, making people feel at ease and have endless aftertaste.

"Listen well..." Liu Yan said softly, looking at Su Ze with tenderness in her eyes.

Su Ze smiled, "This little song is called "Good Night", and I give it to you."

"So, you also wrote it yourself?" Yun Miaomiao asked.

Su Ze thought that this song and "Birds in the Empty Mountains" were both written by the erhu master Liu Tianhua on Earth, but here it naturally became his without any hesitation: "It's true!"

"Sounds good, very comfortable." Yun Miaomiao said, then looked at Ma Yuling.

Ma Yuling nodded and asked Su Ze: "I plan to recommend this piece to the teachers in our department for teaching. I wonder if it's okay?"

"Of course!" Su Ze readily agreed.

In fact, this piece is often practiced by erhu learners on the earth because of its shortness, simplicity, easy to understand, and low skill requirements. Wide tune.

"If possible, I would also like to invite you to give lectures at Communication University." Ma Yuling smiled again.

Su Ze was taken aback, and waved his hands again and again: "That's impossible, I'm afraid I can't do it!"

Are you kidding me, I am a graduate of an ordinary undergraduate university, how can I do it if I am asked to teach the favored ones of the national key universities like Communication University?

Ma Yuling looked at him with a smile: "Believe in yourself, just rely on these pieces, you definitely have this ability, even if you go to the Central National Orchestra to give lectures, it's not an exaggeration!"

Su Ze sweated wildly: "Teacher, please stop boasting, if you praise me again, I will be inflated to the limit..."

"Okay, let's stop boasting!" Ma Yuling said with a smile, "Since you are here, stay at home for dinner, Miaomiao, come and help me cook, today we will cook eight-treasure duck."

"Wow, teacher, you are so eccentric. Babao duck is your unique skill. Last time I wanted to eat it, you didn't cook it!" Yun Miaomiao yelled jealously, and dragged Liu Yan to the kitchen together.

The table was full of dishes, especially rich, especially the eight-treasure duck cooked by Ma Yuling himself. It was plump, plump, and delicious. Su Ze almost swallowed his tongue.

After a full meal and a short rest, just as Su Ze was about to get up to say goodbye, his cell phone rang.

Su Ze saw that it was opened by Tang Guodong who just met today!
"Hello—" Su Ze answered the phone, but before he could speak, Tang Guodong's voice sounded from the opposite side.

"Su Ze, have you offended someone from the Huadian Administration?"

(End of this chapter)

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