star wife loves me

Chapter 376: The Veteran Goes Out!

Chapter 376: The Veteran Goes Out!

Chapter 240: The Veteran Goes Out!

Hearing Shi Quan's words, Su Ze frowned slightly, and asked, "Director Shi, did you know so soon?"

"Just now, people from the China Huadian Bureau directly called the TV station, saying that we should suspend the broadcast of "Comedy Star" and conduct a comprehensive review of the program. Do you think I know?"

Shi Quan said angrily, "Su Ze, Su Ze, what kind of trouble have you caused?"

Shi Quan really loves and hates Su Ze in his heart.

On the one hand, Su Ze is a very rare comedy genius. It is not an exaggeration to say that the ratings of "Comedy Star" were brought up by Su Ze alone.

In this respect, Su Ze is his benefactor.

However, Su Ze is also a troublemaker. The conflict with Feng San and the others made him almost not withdraw from the competition. Later, it finally stopped. Now that the recording of the finals of the show is over, it will be broadcast the day after tomorrow. Su Ze But at this critical moment, he offended the people from the Huadian Administration!

If people like Feng San are offended, they will be offended, and their influence is limited.

To put it another way, even if Su Ze offends some powerful person, if this person wants to punish Su Ze, it will not affect "Comedy Star" too much.

But Huadian General Administration is different!

People don't attack Su Ze directly, but find fault with your show. What do you think you can do?
"Director Shi, this is what happened..." Su Ze didn't hide anything, and told Shi Quan the cause and effect of today's incident, as well as what he saw and did.

"It turned out to be like this..."

Shi Quan was a little silent, and after a while he sighed softly, "Okay, I understand... With your temper, it's not surprising to hit someone."

After a pause, he said, "Okay, Mr. Sun will help you find a solution. In addition, if you have any ideas or ideas, please share them and discuss them. Don't stop the show because of this incident, that way If you do, the loss will be huge.”

"Okay, I will find a way." Su Ze said.hang up the phone.

"The person you called today is from the Huadian Administration?" Liu Yan asked, and she heard what Su Ze said just now.

Su Ze nodded and scolded, "You bastard!"

Cursing in his mouth, Su Ze was actually thinking about whether there was any way to save the crisis of the show.

From his personal point of view, he didn't care too much about the fact that the show couldn't be aired.Anyway, I didn't make any mistakes. You are punishing me now. When I have the ability in the future, I just find a chance to come back.

But for Shi Quan, Beijing TV Station, and Sun Siru and others, the importance of this program is self-evident, and he would be very sorry if it caused losses to everyone because of his personal affairs.

"There is a classmate of mine in the China Huadian Administration. Let me first ask who the Director Sun you mentioned is. If the position is not very high, I can think of a way." Liu Yan said.

Su Ze nodded, Liu Yan took out her mobile phone and was about to make a call, but Ma Yuling next to her said, "Xiao Liu, there is no need to find someone."

Liu Yan and Su Ze looked at Ma Yuling, but saw the old lady smiled and said, "Okay, I know about this matter, and I will take you to solve it tomorrow."

"Teacher Ma..." Su Ze wanted to ask again, but Ma Yuling waved his hands: "Don't worry, you will all rest at my place tonight, and I will take you to Huadian General Administration tomorrow."

"Miao Miao, help Xiao Su and Xiao Liu make arrangements, I'll go to rest first." After saying that, Teacher Ma Yuling went upstairs.

Su Ze and Liu Yan looked at me and I looked at you, with blank faces.

"This..." Su Ze looked at Yun Miaomiao.

Yun Miaomiao smiled softly: "Don't worry, since the teacher said he can solve it, then there must be no problem. Maybe you don't know, although the teacher has been working in the Central National Orchestra, but also once served as the Huadian General Administration, the Huadian General Administration Many people want to sell the teacher to save face."

"I see." Su Ze nodded and breathed a sigh of relief, "Then I'll trouble Teacher Ma."

Yun Miaomiao smiled, "Teacher, there are exactly two guest rooms here, one big and one small, I live in the small one, and you two live in the big one..."

She brought Su Ze and Liu Yan to the guest room. The room was said to be big, but it was actually not too big. There was a bed and a table, and the layout was very simple, clean and tidy. Compared with hotels and hostels, it was much warmer meaning.

Yun Miaomiao left, Liu Yan sighed lightly, and said with some worry: "There won't be any problem..."

"Probably not." Su Ze actually had no idea in his heart, but right now they couldn't find anyone who could help, so they could only hope that Ma Yuling's relationship was strong enough.

Silent all night.

Beauty comes first, but the taste of being seen but not touched is uncomfortable enough.

Early the next morning, when Su Ze and Liu Yan came out of the wash, Yun Miaomiao had already woken up and was making breakfast.

"Is Teacher Ma still resting?" Liu Yan looked around, but Ma Yuling was not there.

"Master got up early and went downstairs to exercise. This is her habit. She gets up on time at six o'clock every morning, and then exercises for an hour." Yun Miaomiao said.

"Oh... I'm here to help you!" Liu Yan went into the kitchen to help cook.

After a while, Ma Yuling who had gone downstairs to exercise came back, and everyone began to eat.

Su Ze was still thinking about the show, but it was hard to ask directly, so he had to eat and wait in silence.

Teacher Ma ate slowly, and even cleaned the pots and dishes by himself after the meal.


Su Ze's cell phone rang again, and director Shi Quan called.

From waking up in the morning to now, in about an hour, Su Ze's cell phone rang four or five times. Shi Quan hadn't made any progress for the time being. There is a backstage inside, and the official position seems to be quite big.

Director Zhang was beaten so badly by Su Ze that he was almost useless. The other party insisted on censoring the program, and all kinds of all-round censorship. It will not be aired for a month.

For a variety show, if it is a temporary accident that causes the show to be postponed for a week, it will cause dissatisfaction among many viewers, not to mention the possibility of an indefinite delay.

Once you stop for a few months, there is really no need for your show to be broadcast. Who remembers your story, everyone has already gone to catch up with other shows!

Shi Quan has nothing to do here for the time being, including Director Sun's limited ability, so everyone can only pin their hopes on Su Ze first.

Su Ze looked at Ma Yuling.

"Let's go." Ma Yuling finished tidying up, and said with a smile, "Wait in a hurry."

Su Ze scratched his head embarrassingly, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

Ma Yuling nodded, the four of them came out of the house, and Su Ze drove all the way to Huadian.

"Teacher, if we kill them suddenly like this, the Huadian General Administration will definitely be shocked!" Yun Miaomiao laughed.

Ma Yuling smiled, "I haven't been there for many years, I guess not many people know me."

Yun Miaomiao said with a smile: "That's not necessarily the case. As far as I know, your illustrious reputation is widely spread in Huadian. Awesome leadership."

Ma Yuling chuckled and stopped talking.

The car stopped at the gate of the Huadian Administration, Su Ze and the others got out of the car, Ma Yuling walked in the front, and several people entered the office building of the Huadian Administration.This is an office building with more than ten floors. When you enter on the first floor, you can see the consultation desk, which is similar to the front desk of a hotel, where visitors can consult related questions.

"Hi, may I ask how many..."

A woman who looked about 30 years old came up to meet her. Before she could finish her sentence, her eyes glanced over Ma Yuling's face, but she suddenly froze. Her eyes were filled with disbelief, and then she was full of surprise. : "Ah - horse, horse bureau! Why are you here!"

"You are Xiao Zhou?" Ma Yuling looked at the woman in front of her and asked with some uncertainty.

"Yes, yes! It's me!" The woman was even more surprised: "Maju, I didn't expect you to remember me!"

"Why don't you remember..." Ma Yuling said with a smile: "You little brat, I still remember that on the first day I came to work, you were running around in the corridor carrying things, and you almost hit me gone."

"Hehehe..." Xiao Zhou laughed sheepishly: "At that time, I just graduated and worked, and I was sloppy."

After a pause, she asked, "Ju Ma, you are here this time..."

"Find someone." Ma Yuling said, "Which floor is Zhang Zikun on? Which office?"

"You are looking for Chief Zhang, he is on the twelfth floor."

"Okay, I see. You can do your work. Let's go up by ourselves." Ma Yuling nodded.

"Okay, see you in the horse race." Xiao Zhou waved his hand with a smile.


"Brother, what's the matter, did you arrest him?"

Zhang Zikun was sitting in the office, holding a mobile phone, and the voice of his younger brother Zhang Zilin came from the receiver.

Zhang Zilin is his younger brother, and he has also worked in the China Huadian Administration for many years. In recent years, as he was promoted to deputy director, Zhang Zilin was also promoted to a department director, and he was in charge of TV program review. Although the position is not high, but the power is great, and there is a lot of oil and water.

In order to pass the censorship, many TV programs will give him money and gifts. In the past few years, Zhang Zilin has made a lot of extra money, at least several million.

For Zhang Zikun, his younger brother Zhang Zilin is his relative, and even his right-hand man. Zhang Zilin does many things that it is inconvenient for him as the bureau chief to do. He opened the door for Zhang Zilin.So don't look at him seldom showing his face, but he has collected much more money than Zhang Zilin in recent years.

Zhang Zikun's goal is to become the director of the bureau. At that time, he will find a way to promote Zhang Zilin to the minister, and the two brothers will dominate the bureau.

A few days ago, there was news that the current bureau chief was going to be transferred, and the higher-ups decided to select one of the deputy bureau chiefs to be promoted to the bureau chief. So these days, Zhang Zikun has been busy with this matter, soliciting relationships and giving favors .

(End of this chapter)

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