Whole brain super learning ability
Chapter 14 Magic Memory Technique
Chapter 14 Magic Memory Technique (2)
code mnemonic
It's not a particularly novel idea that code mnemonics will show you how to represent things with physical objects (which can be represented as pictures) rather than numbers.This was first introduced to us by Stanislaus Mink van Winske around 1648.In 1730, Dr. Richard Gray in England modified this view, calling the idea "correspondences of letters and numbers." It's a great idea, but a bit clumsy in its approach.Because in his system not only consonants but also vowels are used.Since 1730, although the idea has remained fundamentally unchanged, many modifications have been made.
In order for you to learn this method, you must first learn a simple phonetic alphabet.There's no need to feel discouraged.The watch has only 10 notes, and you can learn them in less than 10 minutes.These will be the most valuable 10 minutes of your time.Because this phonetic alphabet ends up making you remember numbers or numbers that are connected to other things in a way that you thought was absolutely impossible.
The sound that replaces the number 1 is always - T or D, and the letter T has a stroke down.
The sound that replaces the number 2 is always - N, and the N typed out by the typewriter has two strokes down.
The sound that replaces the number 3 is always - M, and the M typed out by the typewriter has 3 strokes down.
The sound that replaces the number 4 is always—R, and the last letter of the word "FOUR" is R.
The sound that replaces the number 5 is always - L, and the Roman numeral 5 is L.
The sound for the number 6 is always—J, ch, sh, and soft g.The letter J turned around is a bit like a 6.
The sound that substitutes for the number 7 is always—K hard C, hard g. The digit 7 can be used to form K.One 7 is written forward, and the other 7 is written backward (K).
The sound that substitutes for the number 8 is always—F or V, and the handwritten F and 8 Chang have two states, one above the other.
The sound that replaces the number 9 is always - P or B, and the number 9 turned over is P.
The sound that replaces the number 0 is always - S or Z, the first sound of the word "zero".
If you make an effort to picture every little memory, you'll remember them easily.Memorizing the letters is not important, we are only interested in the sounds.That's exactly why this is called the phonetic alphabet.For some numbers, more than one letter is given, but the phonetics of these letters are the same in each case.Your lips, tongue, and teeth all pronounce P and B, F and V, or J, sh, CH, and so on in unison.The letter G in the exclamation word "GEE" would represent the number 6 in the phonetic alphabet.However, the G in the word "go" stands for the number seven.The C in the word "coat" stands for the digit seven, and the letter C in the word "cent" stands for zero.Because it pronounces the "S" sound.The letter kn in "knee" or "knife" means the digit 7 because k is silent.Remember, it's the sounds that matter, not the letters.
Now read through the numerical correspondences listed below:
Turn the page over and see if you memorize the sounds from 1 to 0.Shuffle them up and see if you remember them.By now, you should have them all memorized.Another way to remember these pronunciations is to tell you this meaningless phrase: TEN MoRe LoGic FiBS.This will help you remember the sounds from 1 to 0.But it is still necessary to know them out of order, so that you don't have to rely on that meaningless phrase in a short time, and the memory methods provided for you are actually enough.
This short phonetic alphabet is the most important, and you'll want to keep practicing these sounds until they become second nature to you.It is only at this level that mastery of the rest of the first-generation system is possible.Here's a practice method that will help you learn these sounds completely: Whenever you see a number, mentally turn it into a sound.For example, maybe you see the number 3746 on a car license plate and you can read it as m, k, r, j.You might see an address 85-29 and be able to read it as flnp.You can look at any word and break it down into numbers. The word "MOTOR" is 314, the word "pa-per" is 994, and the word "cigarette" can be decomposed into 0741 (the double tt has the same pronunciation as the single t , so it represents the number 1, not 11).
a, e, i, o or u, these vowels have no meaning in the phonetic vocabulary.The same goes for the letter W, H, or y (remember the word "why").
Before moving on, please do the exercises below.The words in the first column should be turned into numbers, and the numbers in the second column must be broken down into sounds.
Climb (climb) - 6l24 -
butler (butler) - 8903 -
chandelier (chandelier) - 2394 -
sounds (sound) - 0567 -
bracelet (bracelet)——1109——
hypnotize (statement) - 8374 -
You are now ready to learn some of the "codes" mentioned, but it is recommended that you master the pronunciations thoroughly before diving into the "codes".all right.Because we now know the corresponding phonetic pronunciation of all digits from 1 to 0.
You can see that we can choose a word for any number, no matter how many digits the number contains.Example: If we were to choose a word for the number 21, we could use any of the following: net), nut, knot, gnat, nod, neat , note (notes), knit (weaving) and so on.Because they all start with the sound n and end with the sound t or d(1).Another example is the number 14, we can use tear (tears), tire (tire), tort), door (door), tier packer), deer (deer), dire (terrible), dray (train), tree (tree) and so on to represent.Because they all start with the sound t, d(1).It ends with the r sound.Remember we are only interested in consonants.
Can you figure out how to form these words?If you figure it out, then I'll go one step further and give you the first batch of "code".Every code word we give you is specially chosen.This is important because they are relatively easy to become images in your mind.
Since the number 1 only includes one digit.That 1 is represented by a t or d sound.We have to use words that contain only one consonant, which is a TIE". From here on, the word "TIE" will always represent the number 1 to you.
As we said, it is very important to turn these things into images, so it is necessary to explain this point. The word "NOAH" has always meant 2, imagine a gray-haired old man on Noah's Ark.
The word "MA (Mom)" has always stood for 3, and here it is suggested that you think of your own mother.
The word "RYE" has always stood for 4, and you can imagine a bottle of oat whiskey or a roll of oat bread.Once you decide on a particular mental picture for this or any code word, always use that particular picture thereafter.Now do you know how to find these words?All of them have only one consonant, and that consonant represents the number.
The word "LAW (law)" has always represented 5, and the word itself cannot be represented graphically.We suggest that you imagine police officers in uniform, as they are representatives of the law.
It's usually a bit difficult to remember the 10 words that were just given to you that are completely unconnected, but since the words that replace any number include only certain sounds, you'll find it's not difficult to do so.In fact, if you read the code 10 words once and pay attention a little, it is entirely possible that you know them, try it out!
When you say a number to yourself, first think of it as sound, and then try to remember it.Test yourself, in order or out of order, you should know that the number 3 is "ma (mother)", not "tie (tie)", "Noah (Noah)".This shows how wonderful your memory is after using the little mnemonic method.You do this until the words become second nature to you.When you come across a number and you think you can't remember its code word, think of the sound that represents that number and say any word that comes to mind that begins or ends with that consonant.When you say the right word, your judgment will be strengthened somewhat, and you will know that the word is right.Example: If you can't think of a code word for the number 1, you can say to yourself, "toy, tow, tea, tie." tie)", you know that word is correct.
Now that you can see what I did, we walked you through each project step by step.First to help you remember phonetic sounds, and now those sounds will help you remember those important codes, and code words will help you remember everything that involves numbers.Now see if you are familiar with these code words.
1. tie (tie)2. Noah
3. ma (mother)7. cow (cow)
4. rye (oat) 8. ivy (ivy)
5. law (law) 9. bee
6. shoe (shoe) 10. toes (thumbs)
Once you've mastered the first 10 code words, we'll show you how to use them to remember ordered and unordered things.Give you 10 items, in no order, and explain that you can remember them after reading them once!
9 a wallet (purse) 5—typewriter (typewriter)
6—cigarette (cigarette) 2—TV set (TVset)
4 ashtray (ashtray) 8 - watch (wristwatch)
7—salt shaker (salt-shaker) 3—lamp (lamp)
l0—pen (fountainpen) l0—telephone
The first item listed on the list is 9 a purse (purse).What you're trying to do is make 9 a code word, i.e. bee doesn't create an absurd or illogical association between this code word and "wallet".If you had realized the importance of actually "seeing" these nonsensical associations in your mind, you would be out of trouble.For this one, you can see yourself opening a wallet and a swarm of bees flying out of it to sting you."Look at" this picture for a while, then look at another.
6 (shoes) - cigarettes (cigarette).You can see yourself smoking a shoe instead of a cigarette, seeing millions of cigarettes falling out of a shoe, or seeing yourself wearing huge cigarettes instead of a shoe.
4 (oat rye) - ashtray (ashtray).You can see yourself flicking ash into a spoonful of oatmeal rolls instead of an ashtray, or buttering an ash instead of a slice of bread.
Now teach you one or more ways each item is absurdly associated with its corresponding code word.For each item you can use only one of these pictures, the one we give you, or the one you think of yourself.The illogical picture that comes to mind first is often the most applicable, because that picture will pop up in your mind later.I will help you in practicing memorizing the above 10 items, because this is your first time trying this method.After this, you should use this method alone.
7 (cow) - salt shaker (salt shaker).Imagine yourself milking a cow, but with the salt shaker instead of the udder, and the salt instead of milk.
3 (mother ma) - light (lamp).You can imagine your mother wearing a huge lamp instead of a hat, and seeing the light go on and off.
5 (law) - typewriter (typewriter).You can "see" a policeman putting handcuffs on a typewriter, or you can see a typewriter walking along the road that the police usually patrols, swinging a baton like a policeman.
2 (Noah) - television (television set).You can imagine Noah sailing in a television set instead of an ark.
(End of this chapter)
code mnemonic
It's not a particularly novel idea that code mnemonics will show you how to represent things with physical objects (which can be represented as pictures) rather than numbers.This was first introduced to us by Stanislaus Mink van Winske around 1648.In 1730, Dr. Richard Gray in England modified this view, calling the idea "correspondences of letters and numbers." It's a great idea, but a bit clumsy in its approach.Because in his system not only consonants but also vowels are used.Since 1730, although the idea has remained fundamentally unchanged, many modifications have been made.
In order for you to learn this method, you must first learn a simple phonetic alphabet.There's no need to feel discouraged.The watch has only 10 notes, and you can learn them in less than 10 minutes.These will be the most valuable 10 minutes of your time.Because this phonetic alphabet ends up making you remember numbers or numbers that are connected to other things in a way that you thought was absolutely impossible.
The sound that replaces the number 1 is always - T or D, and the letter T has a stroke down.
The sound that replaces the number 2 is always - N, and the N typed out by the typewriter has two strokes down.
The sound that replaces the number 3 is always - M, and the M typed out by the typewriter has 3 strokes down.
The sound that replaces the number 4 is always—R, and the last letter of the word "FOUR" is R.
The sound that replaces the number 5 is always - L, and the Roman numeral 5 is L.
The sound for the number 6 is always—J, ch, sh, and soft g.The letter J turned around is a bit like a 6.
The sound that substitutes for the number 7 is always—K hard C, hard g. The digit 7 can be used to form K.One 7 is written forward, and the other 7 is written backward (K).
The sound that substitutes for the number 8 is always—F or V, and the handwritten F and 8 Chang have two states, one above the other.
The sound that replaces the number 9 is always - P or B, and the number 9 turned over is P.
The sound that replaces the number 0 is always - S or Z, the first sound of the word "zero".
If you make an effort to picture every little memory, you'll remember them easily.Memorizing the letters is not important, we are only interested in the sounds.That's exactly why this is called the phonetic alphabet.For some numbers, more than one letter is given, but the phonetics of these letters are the same in each case.Your lips, tongue, and teeth all pronounce P and B, F and V, or J, sh, CH, and so on in unison.The letter G in the exclamation word "GEE" would represent the number 6 in the phonetic alphabet.However, the G in the word "go" stands for the number seven.The C in the word "coat" stands for the digit seven, and the letter C in the word "cent" stands for zero.Because it pronounces the "S" sound.The letter kn in "knee" or "knife" means the digit 7 because k is silent.Remember, it's the sounds that matter, not the letters.
Now read through the numerical correspondences listed below:
Turn the page over and see if you memorize the sounds from 1 to 0.Shuffle them up and see if you remember them.By now, you should have them all memorized.Another way to remember these pronunciations is to tell you this meaningless phrase: TEN MoRe LoGic FiBS.This will help you remember the sounds from 1 to 0.But it is still necessary to know them out of order, so that you don't have to rely on that meaningless phrase in a short time, and the memory methods provided for you are actually enough.
This short phonetic alphabet is the most important, and you'll want to keep practicing these sounds until they become second nature to you.It is only at this level that mastery of the rest of the first-generation system is possible.Here's a practice method that will help you learn these sounds completely: Whenever you see a number, mentally turn it into a sound.For example, maybe you see the number 3746 on a car license plate and you can read it as m, k, r, j.You might see an address 85-29 and be able to read it as flnp.You can look at any word and break it down into numbers. The word "MOTOR" is 314, the word "pa-per" is 994, and the word "cigarette" can be decomposed into 0741 (the double tt has the same pronunciation as the single t , so it represents the number 1, not 11).
a, e, i, o or u, these vowels have no meaning in the phonetic vocabulary.The same goes for the letter W, H, or y (remember the word "why").
Before moving on, please do the exercises below.The words in the first column should be turned into numbers, and the numbers in the second column must be broken down into sounds.
Climb (climb) - 6l24 -
butler (butler) - 8903 -
chandelier (chandelier) - 2394 -
sounds (sound) - 0567 -
bracelet (bracelet)——1109——
hypnotize (statement) - 8374 -
You are now ready to learn some of the "codes" mentioned, but it is recommended that you master the pronunciations thoroughly before diving into the "codes".all right.Because we now know the corresponding phonetic pronunciation of all digits from 1 to 0.
You can see that we can choose a word for any number, no matter how many digits the number contains.Example: If we were to choose a word for the number 21, we could use any of the following: net), nut, knot, gnat, nod, neat , note (notes), knit (weaving) and so on.Because they all start with the sound n and end with the sound t or d(1).Another example is the number 14, we can use tear (tears), tire (tire), tort), door (door), tier packer), deer (deer), dire (terrible), dray (train), tree (tree) and so on to represent.Because they all start with the sound t, d(1).It ends with the r sound.Remember we are only interested in consonants.
Can you figure out how to form these words?If you figure it out, then I'll go one step further and give you the first batch of "code".Every code word we give you is specially chosen.This is important because they are relatively easy to become images in your mind.
Since the number 1 only includes one digit.That 1 is represented by a t or d sound.We have to use words that contain only one consonant, which is a TIE". From here on, the word "TIE" will always represent the number 1 to you.
As we said, it is very important to turn these things into images, so it is necessary to explain this point. The word "NOAH" has always meant 2, imagine a gray-haired old man on Noah's Ark.
The word "MA (Mom)" has always stood for 3, and here it is suggested that you think of your own mother.
The word "RYE" has always stood for 4, and you can imagine a bottle of oat whiskey or a roll of oat bread.Once you decide on a particular mental picture for this or any code word, always use that particular picture thereafter.Now do you know how to find these words?All of them have only one consonant, and that consonant represents the number.
The word "LAW (law)" has always represented 5, and the word itself cannot be represented graphically.We suggest that you imagine police officers in uniform, as they are representatives of the law.
It's usually a bit difficult to remember the 10 words that were just given to you that are completely unconnected, but since the words that replace any number include only certain sounds, you'll find it's not difficult to do so.In fact, if you read the code 10 words once and pay attention a little, it is entirely possible that you know them, try it out!
When you say a number to yourself, first think of it as sound, and then try to remember it.Test yourself, in order or out of order, you should know that the number 3 is "ma (mother)", not "tie (tie)", "Noah (Noah)".This shows how wonderful your memory is after using the little mnemonic method.You do this until the words become second nature to you.When you come across a number and you think you can't remember its code word, think of the sound that represents that number and say any word that comes to mind that begins or ends with that consonant.When you say the right word, your judgment will be strengthened somewhat, and you will know that the word is right.Example: If you can't think of a code word for the number 1, you can say to yourself, "toy, tow, tea, tie." tie)", you know that word is correct.
Now that you can see what I did, we walked you through each project step by step.First to help you remember phonetic sounds, and now those sounds will help you remember those important codes, and code words will help you remember everything that involves numbers.Now see if you are familiar with these code words.
1. tie (tie)2. Noah
3. ma (mother)7. cow (cow)
4. rye (oat) 8. ivy (ivy)
5. law (law) 9. bee
6. shoe (shoe) 10. toes (thumbs)
Once you've mastered the first 10 code words, we'll show you how to use them to remember ordered and unordered things.Give you 10 items, in no order, and explain that you can remember them after reading them once!
9 a wallet (purse) 5—typewriter (typewriter)
6—cigarette (cigarette) 2—TV set (TVset)
4 ashtray (ashtray) 8 - watch (wristwatch)
7—salt shaker (salt-shaker) 3—lamp (lamp)
l0—pen (fountainpen) l0—telephone
The first item listed on the list is 9 a purse (purse).What you're trying to do is make 9 a code word, i.e. bee doesn't create an absurd or illogical association between this code word and "wallet".If you had realized the importance of actually "seeing" these nonsensical associations in your mind, you would be out of trouble.For this one, you can see yourself opening a wallet and a swarm of bees flying out of it to sting you."Look at" this picture for a while, then look at another.
6 (shoes) - cigarettes (cigarette).You can see yourself smoking a shoe instead of a cigarette, seeing millions of cigarettes falling out of a shoe, or seeing yourself wearing huge cigarettes instead of a shoe.
4 (oat rye) - ashtray (ashtray).You can see yourself flicking ash into a spoonful of oatmeal rolls instead of an ashtray, or buttering an ash instead of a slice of bread.
Now teach you one or more ways each item is absurdly associated with its corresponding code word.For each item you can use only one of these pictures, the one we give you, or the one you think of yourself.The illogical picture that comes to mind first is often the most applicable, because that picture will pop up in your mind later.I will help you in practicing memorizing the above 10 items, because this is your first time trying this method.After this, you should use this method alone.
7 (cow) - salt shaker (salt shaker).Imagine yourself milking a cow, but with the salt shaker instead of the udder, and the salt instead of milk.
3 (mother ma) - light (lamp).You can imagine your mother wearing a huge lamp instead of a hat, and seeing the light go on and off.
5 (law) - typewriter (typewriter).You can "see" a policeman putting handcuffs on a typewriter, or you can see a typewriter walking along the road that the police usually patrols, swinging a baton like a policeman.
2 (Noah) - television (television set).You can imagine Noah sailing in a television set instead of an ark.
(End of this chapter)
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