Whole brain super learning ability

Chapter 6 Techniques for Breakthrough Learning

Chapter 6 Techniques for Breakthrough Learning (4)
time management test
The effective use of your reading time can be seen from two criteria:
Your ability to break down your homework into smaller pieces that can be handled independently (eg: breaking up a report into readings, notes, outlines, writing, etc.).

You have the ability to do every job after subdivision.

The following questions can help you assess how well you spend your time and how organized you are:
A. How many times have you been late to complete the assigned homework because you forgot to turn in the assignment, or found out that there was a lack of reference materials when you needed it, or arrived at the library too late to read the assigned book?
B. Have you organized your work and rest schedule for a week or a month?
C.Do you often carry your schedule watch with you?
D. How much time do you spend on reading a week?
E. How many times did you drive overnight (or close to overnight) in the last month.


A. Add 1 point for each homework that is too late to hand in, and subtract 5 points if your answer is no.

B. Add 5 points for the answer "no", and subtract 5 points for the answer "yes".

C.Add 2 points for the answer "no" and subtract 2 points for the answer "yes".

D. Add 2 points if you don’t know, add 2 points for high school students with less than 10 hours, or less than 2 hours for college students, 10 points for high school students with less than 20 hours, or less than 0 hours for college students, and more than 10 hours for high school students, Or college students who have more than 20 hours minus 1 point, hardworking but think that others must spend twice as long to match their own plus 5 points.

E.Add 1 point for an all-night or near-all-night drive, neither subtract 1 point, and if your answer is no, and your grade is A or B, subtract 5 points.Use the scale below to see your rating and think about how you can improve in this area.

Quiz Points Rating Skill Scoring
22 or -5 excellent A-
4 to 0 is pretty good A
1 to 5 Best B
6 to 10 flat C
11 or above poor C
memory development test

To memorize a lot of things at the same time, there are some special methods, one of which is to recite-recite the information word by word.This method of rote memorization is only suitable for places where the time required for memory is not very long.

The most important thing when reciting is to try to increase the impression of the brain.Repetition may be one of the most effective methods, and the key is to keep repeating the same recitation procedure.For example, language students often use short stories or short dialogues to string sentences together to help memory. New phrases are produced every day, and students must memorize them, and then repeat them like parrots the next day. recite once.

"This method of constantly adding new phrases has the effect of extending memory (enlarging memory capacity), and can also activate memory activity (making the brain's recall mechanism work more efficiently).

Quiz 1: Look at the following numbers for 10 seconds, then close the book and write down as much as you can remember.

Quiz 2: The following are 10 "nonsense" words that are spelled arbitrarily, and their meaningless definitions. Concentrate on reading for 60 seconds, and try to write down the pinyin and definition of each word.

Pooted happy min college
ratoe writes mipp valentine

cout monkey lermin big truck

whapple flying chidder tiger
griven arboretum faib walk
carber sewage zoon breakfast
Ok?Close the book and write down the ten words and their meanings, not in the original order.


Quiz 1: If you remember 9 or more words in the correct order, give yourself an A, 6 to 8 words, a B, and 6 or less, a C.

Quiz 2: Give yourself an A if you write 7 or more words and their definitions correctly (must spell random words correctly); if you write 4 to 6 words and their definitions, or spell correctly Give yourself a B for coming up with 7 or more words but get the definitions mixed up; give yourself a C if you remember fewer than 3 words.

reading ability test
Speed, comprehension and memory are the three major elements of reading, especially comprehension and memory are even more important-it is better to sacrifice speed for these two parts.In order to test your reading ability, please read the following article, then cover the book, and write down one or two key points, the more the better, and then compare with the original text, you can know your understanding level, as well as your Memory gone.

Last summer, two men dived more than a mile below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean.Their ship is the first submarine in the ocean and the world to dive into deep water, called Alvin.Their diving operation is by far the deepest dive loaded into a submarine.

The two individuals were the pilot, William O. Rainey, Jr., and the co-pilot, Marvin J. McKimis.One of their dives went smoothly for 6 hours and was a complete success, which became a famous event in the history of diving.

The historic dive marks the first time the depths of the sea - the inner spaces - have been breached by humans.The way is open for explorers, waiting for them to visit the sea floor that covers 71% of the earth's surface.

The Alvin submarine is scheduled to be off Bermuda for the second half of this year to carry out a further series of diving operations.Its record-breaking diving operations are as important as the Mercury or Gemini spacecraft carrying people into space, and this dive is just the first step in a long-term research plan.

Alvin has four observation windows so that people in the boat can observe the situation in front of the boat, behind the boat and under the boat. (At 6000 feet of water, these viewing windows are pressurized at 2750 psi.)
With these four windows, biologists can directly observe various marine fish and whales in deep water, and also can observe the operation of divers wearing diving suits and wearing mask tights in shallow water.

Geographers will be able to observe the seafloor from inside Alvin, using the submarine's robotic arm to collect samples of seafloor rock and sediment.The submarine's manipulator can be detached from the hull.If it gets tangled in something, it can be dropped when the sub needs to surface.

Alvin, like the two-person Gemini spacecraft, is filled with various scientific instruments.Temperature, currents, magnetic fields, gravity, and other properties of the ocean can be measured with greater precision than previously possible by onboard instruments.

Trieste, a spherical submersible for deep-sea exploration, has manned a manned dive to a depth of 6000 feet deeper than that reached by Alvin.The Trieste spherical submersible has dived to depths of more than 6 miles in the Pacific Ocean.

However, while the Trieste cannot travel very far under the sea, Alvin is able to dive at speeds of up to 6 knots and has a maximum range of 25 miles.

Alvin was the first submarine in the U.S. deepwater submarine fleet to dive to the depths.Why do people go there?

look for food.There may be undiscovered fish farms there.

Gather military intelligence.For example, to determine the vacuum zone under the water layer of different temperatures, the Polaris submarine hides in a place where it cannot be found.

Salvage shipwreck prospecting.Part of the deep seabed is covered with nodules containing manganese, copper, cobalt, and nickel.The ocean collects the first ton of ore lumps.They may be worth hundreds of billions of dollars.Submarines like Alvin can pinpoint where they are.Maybe suck them up with a giant vacuum.

Collect research data.The bottom of the ocean reveals its long history and little-known secrets.


Give yourself an A if you can read the entire passage smoothly and take note of the main points correctly, and take no more than 2 minutes; If you finish reading within 5 minutes, give yourself a B; if you can't finish reading in 5 minutes, can't remember what you read, or can't write the key points, give yourself a C.

study notes test
There are three occasions—reading a textbook at home, teaching in a classroom, and reading in a library—where notes are taken, and each requires a different approach to note-taking.

When reading textbooks: When reading textbooks at home, you should grasp the general idea of ​​the text, and at the same time pay special attention to the details that you don’t understand. Use a special notebook while reading to write down briefly.

Include questions and answers in what you write to ensure that you are familiar enough with what you are reading, and mark questions that you cannot answer yourself so that you can ask them during class.

During class: Pre-class preview is the key to integrating into the class. Before class, read the information within the scope of the text, so that you can concentrate and effectively absorb the teacher's explanations and key points.Use headings, short sentences, or your own shorthand or symbols to jot down key points about the topic.Your notes should be written in the order in which the teacher lectured. When the class is over, review the notes as soon as possible, fill in the blanks, and write down your thoughts.

In the library: How is the method of taking notes while reading books in the library different from the method of taking notes while reading textbooks at home?You have to return the books in the library sooner or later (even if you can borrow them), and the librarian is unlikely to put the books you want in a specific place for you every time, so you need an efficient library Note-taking method.In Chapter 7, I will teach you a very efficient method.


If you feel that your note-taking skills are enough to sort out the required information from textbooks, and you can also grasp the key points in class lectures and discussions, so that you have no problem preparing outlines and writing articles, give yourself an A; if you If you feel that you are insufficient in any of these three aspects, give yourself a B; if taking notes in class is just passing notes to you, then give yourself a C!
write article test
Preparing any essay—whether written or spoken—is 90 percent hard work and 10 percent inspiration.In other words, the ability to write a good report lies mainly in having the other learning skills we mentioned earlier, and secondarily in the ability to write.If you love reading, frequent the local library, are good at taking notes, and can break the most complex topics into manageable sub-topics for easy writing, then you should be able to write excellent articles.


If you gave yourself an A in note-taking, time management, and reading skills, then give yourself an A in this one; A B; if the idea of ​​writing an article in your mind is to photocopy some model essays, and then write some abstracts and summaries by hand, give a C.

prepare for exam test
The most important thing to prepare for the exam is to make a precise assessment: what is the scope of the exam and what is the format of the exam; the weekly exam usually tests the content taught recently, and the scope of the midterm and final exam is relatively large - usually before the exam All textbooks; multiple-choice questions, question-and-answer questions, operational math questions, and scientific experiment questions, each of which requires different preparation methods and different test-taking skills.Knowing the types of exams will help you prepare more effectively.

List the questions that you think the teacher is most likely to ask.Keep repeating your textbook notes and class notes, and what the teacher is most interested in—and usually the place where he is most likely to test you—will emerge.Finally, assume that the roles are reversed, you become a teacher, and you come out to test yourself with a set of test questions, at least about 10 questions or more.


If you can come up with a subject that is harder than the teacher - and you do well in the test - give yourself an A; if you think you can do it, but you just don't do well in the test, give yourself a B; If you fail the test, let alone algebra, give yourself a C.

Your total score:

Next, when you fill in your own ratings in each area, each A is worth 2 points, each B is worth 1 point, and each C is worth 0 points.If your total score reaches or exceeds 10 points, it is excellent (give yourself an A); between 6 and 10 points: excellent (give yourself a B); below 6 points: poor (give yourself a C).Then, record the result behind the previous item "Overall Reading Skill Level".

If you have been honest with yourself in the previous self-assessment, the results of this assessment will be of great help to you.Knowing where you are good and where you need to improve makes everything easier.Now, based on your quiz results, create a personal strengths and weaknesses chart—listing your strengths and weaknesses.This allows you to focus on areas that need more strengthening.

(End of this chapter)

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