Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal

Chapter 239 The Strength of the Artifact

Chapter 239 The Strength of the Artifact

Wu Tian had no choice but to join the formation again and the five-ring formation was forcibly opened. Wu Tian suffered a lot of shocks. Fortunately, the elixir was still available, so he supplemented it and repaired it. Wu Tian was surprised when he saw it from a distance, and he focused on the artifact.
Under the thunder of heaven, Wu Tian still shook his hammer and came out to meet him.This time I also resisted.However, all five spirit shadows were scattered.Wu Tian's consciousness was injured again.Fortunately, the consciousness itself is strong.After taking the Second Tribulation Pill, I slightly supplemented it.

Wu Tian and Heilong crossed over again, making everyone feel that it is impossible for such a powerful quadruple catastrophe to survive smoothly.

next.The sixth thunder.The seventh thunder.The eighth thunder.The ninth thunder.Both Wu Tian and Heilong survived smoothly.But Wu Tian has already used Chaos Eye.Plus the five-ring array.It was barely resisted.Watching the black dragon only needs a thunderstorm.With a wave of the divine sword, the sky thunder dissipated immediately.I have to make people speechless.

Jieyun seemed very angry. Seeing that such an attack had no effect on Wu Tian and Heilong, Jieyun began to change. The blood-red Jieyun gradually turned golden. Yes, but it didn't come down in time.

The black dragon charged again with the sword, Wu Tian has extreme changes and is very difficult to be injured. Unless he has the ability to confine the surrounding space, it is difficult to kill Wu Tian. Wu Tian.

The black dragon is very fast, but no matter how fast it is, it can't teleport.Wu Tian knew before that the black dragon could not defend against soul attacks, and he was looking for opportunities while fleeing. It was difficult to use the black dragon's sword, but Wu Tian knew that all artifacts have dignity.As soon as his eyes turned, he found a way, maybe he could seriously injure the black dragon, and if he had a good chance, he might kill the black dragon.

Wu Tian suddenly made an extreme change and flashed behind the black dragon.The Chaos Cauldron was sacrificed.hanging overhead.The coercion scattered.Imposing.Sure enough, the Chaos Cauldron came out.The Qingzhu Sword erupted with bright golden light.Two Xeon artifacts suddenly flew into the sky and entangled each other.

Chaos Cauldron Nine Dragons Gai Nine Dragons roared and danced, chanting a dragon chant that resounded through the world, and slowly gathered into a huge green dragon with a length of [-] meters.The majestic Longwei instantly overwhelmed the Black Dragon's Longwei. This was the first time Wu Tian saw the Kowloon as one.As expected, there are still many things that the secret channel Chaos Cauldron has not discovered.The strength is not enough.

The [-]-meter-sized Qinglong twisted to the Qingzhu Sword, and the Qingzhu Sword blasted out a thousand-meter-sized sword light to meet the Qinglong.The Chaos Cauldron was sacrificed, a golden light greeted the sword glow, and the Qinglong's front claws slapped the Qingzhu Sword.

The people outside were in an uproar. Many people didn't know Wu Tianyou's artifact. This time, they saw Wu Tianyou's artifact against Qingzhujian. Could they be surprised, "Nine Dragon Cauldron?" They all looked greedy, only Haitian was surprisingly calm at this moment, everyone could see all expressions, and sneered.

Wu Tian saw the Chaos Cauldron fighting the Qingzhu Sword. At this time, the black dragon had no magic weapon to protect him, and the reincarnation wheel was sacrificed. The majestic coercion of the soul made many people around the periphery kneel down in horror before they had time to exclaim.The wheel of reincarnation is the most precious treasure in the ghost world, the wheel to control all ghosts, and every thought is reincarnation.The coercion of the soul is something that those ghosts can resist at once.

I didn't dare to release the reincarnation wheel before, firstly because I was worried about the Qingzhu sword, and secondly because I was afraid of hurting Yingzun. At this time, the black dragon does not have the Qingzhu sword, and the reincarnation wheel is an artifact of the soul.

When the black dragon saw that Wu Tian sacrificed the reincarnation wheel, his soul was uneasy, and he wanted to take back the green sword with a dragon chant, how could the chaotic cauldron do what he wanted.The huge green dragon wraps around the Qingzhu sword, and the chaotic cauldron bursts out golden light from time to time, and the Qingzhu sword cannot be recalled at all.

The Samsara Wheel quickly turned into a hundred meters and the laughing Samsara Wheel covered the head of the black dragon. The black dragon's eyes showed fear, and the huge tail was about to shoot at it.

The people outside exclaimed again, the black dragon with demon strength was imprisoned by the reincarnation wheel.The ringing of the bell was so pleasant to Wu Tian's ears, but it was the sound of death to Heilong's ears.The huge body suddenly hit the imprisoned white light.

There was a wave of ripples when the white light was hit by the black dragon, as if it was about to split open, Wu Tian's heart also lifted, this ghost is really powerful.

A vortex slowly formed in the wheel of reincarnation, Wu Tian moved his hands and was shot out, and the seven bells shot seven black dots towards the black dragon, and the black dragon was unable to defend and was directly agitated.


The huge dragon's head drooped down, the whole body twisted and rolled in white light, there was a thunder in the sky, Wu Tian raised his head, and was about to deal with the black dragon. Unexpectedly, the tenth thunder would come down, and now the key is to cross the catastrophe. Slaying the dragon was second, the Chaos Cauldron was called back, the reincarnation wheel was also called back, and the huge body of the black dragon fell on the ground.

Without the entanglement of the Chaos Cauldron, the Qingzhu Sword quickly flew to the top of the Black Dragon.Brilliant golden light burst out and shot towards the top of the black dragon's head. The black dragon slowly stopped rolling, but at this time the black dragon's entire aura fell to the lowest point. The soul of the black dragon is also considered strong, and it has resisted the soul attack controlled by Wu Tian, ​​​​the Sanxian Sanxian. If the two parties are at the same level, the black dragon may have fallen.

This time Jieyun was a bit strange, a golden bright spot slowly gathered in the golden Jieyun, and the surroundings were in chaos.No attributes.From the moment he appeared, all the attributes around him were assimilated, which made Wu Tian think of a thing called Houjin in an instant.

When encountering sky fire, weak water, cloud and soil, and rough wood in the triple heavenly calamity, I thought to myself why didn't Houjin, the head of the five elements, appear?This time it appeared, and it appeared very suddenly and naturally.

Wu Tian knew that Jin would definitely appear after this, but he didn't know which thunderbolt would appear in it, and he didn't expect to appear in the tenth thunderstorm.The power of Houjin should not be underestimated.As long as he is hit, his body may quickly turn into nothingness and be directly assimilated.

Containing two Three Tribulation Pills in a row, five spiritual shadows were released, and the five-ring formation reunited.What was miraculous this time was that the real body of Nine Dragons Gai Qinglong was sacrificed, blessed with body protection, the huge body gradually shrunk, and finally wrapped Wu Tian in a size of five meters.

Wu Tian felt much more at ease with the green dragon in his body. There was no magnified thunder in the sky, only two star points shone with golden brilliance, falling down like snow.

The black dragon was already awake at this time, and the Qingzhu sword blasted out again, the sword glow directly exploded the star point, and the star point exploded, splitting into countless tiny star points and falling down, and whoever fell into the ground, the land quickly disappeared

The black dragon roared miserably, it turned out that many star points broke through his protection and fell down, directly penetrated his body, and the tail was directly assimilated.

When Wu Tian saw this, he was shocked again and again.The chaotic eye was shot directly, and there was chaos in front of him. Now he dare not release the attack to attack the star point, because Wu Tian doesn't want to try the example of the black dragon.

Later gold floated in the chaotic void.

(End of this chapter)

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