Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal

Chapter 240 The Fall of the Black Dragon

Chapter 240 The Fall of the Black Dragon
The star point fell on the chaotic void in front of Wu Tian's eyes.Suddenly the chaos expanded again.Wu Tian was forced to retreat.Chaos spread again.The black dragon also roared and retreated.Chaos did not stop the star point.After extending [-] meters.shoot out.This time it was much faster.Fly to Wu Tian.

Wu Tian shot out brazenly, and at the same time the protective shield of immortality expanded, the power of the five-ring formation already had the power of a demon, and the shot hit the star point, but before the star point exploded, both the body and the spirit shadow flickered extremely Open, the star dots exploded and turned into thousands of tiny star dots falling, Wu Tian could hit the star dots no matter how extreme he was, but he found that there was a green dragon protecting him, those star dots couldn't get on his body at all, all the mountains and rocks in the earth Assimilated into nothingness, a deep pit with a size of [-] meters appeared.

Wu Tian heaved a sigh of relief, and survived the tenth thunder without any danger.The key is that there has been an extreme change this time, otherwise the black dragon at this time would be a role model for Wu Tian. The black dragon's tail was assimilated and severed, its front paws were destroyed by Wu Tian, ​​and the countless fine holes in its body were all assimilated by later gold. The second black dragon was seriously injured, and its ten-meter-sized body was now only seven meters in size.

The black dragon was spitting blood.Wu Tian was shocked when he saw it.This guy's defense is super strong.But it was still messed up by Hou Jin.If it weren't for the Green Execution Sword.The black dragon resisted the soul attack and was hit by Houjin again.It is estimated that it has fallen by now.At this time, the blood-red sword body of Qingzhu Sword was suspended above the head of the black dragon.Heilong barely supported his body.Wu Tian had very few scars on him.Heavenly Tribulation did him a lot of damage.

The only things Wu Tian could threaten him were Xuanji Skyfire and Soul Attack. This time the black dragon got up and didn't directly attack Wu Tian, ​​but looked at Wu Tian vigilantly, and then distanced himself from Wu Tian, ​​hovering above the dark clouds, repairing his body, Wu Tian thought that you were seriously injured so hard, how could he give you time to recover, the huge green dragon reappeared, and the Chaos Cauldron was sacrificed, this time Wu Tian didn't release the reincarnation wheel, but directly shot out the reincarnation eye.

Seeing Wu Tian's attack on the black dragon, he was very angry. He was actually forced into this by a Sanjie Sanxian, and once again blasted out the Qing Zhu sword angrily. Wu Tian shouted, "I will kill you today."

Knowing that the soul attack is powerful, the black dragon dodges quickly. At this moment, Wu Tian appeared in front of the black dragon, shot out the killing eye, and directly hit the dragon's head.I'm afraid this time it's very powerful. The black dragon opened its mouth and shot out a black bead. The surrounding spiritual energy was instantly sucked dry. The bright black bead burst out with strong fluctuations.

"This guy actually forced the spirit beast Black Dragon to release the natal golden pill. This is only used by spirit beasts at the critical moment of life and death. Moreover, after releasing it, it will hurt the enemy and oneself. It is a trivial matter to regress to the realm afterwards, and lifelong internal injuries are possible." Soul Transformation Said.

"It seems that Black Dragon has reached the critical point of life and death. He didn't lose to Wu Tian, ​​but to Tian Jie," Hai Tian said.

Everyone also understands that under normal circumstances, Wu Tian probably has no chance of injuring the black dragon. Soul attacks are generally difficult to hit.The Black Dragon Excalibur can break through, but now that he is seriously injured, the Excalibur is restrained, and his movements are much slower. Wu Tian is still so vigorous, and it is inevitable to compare Wu Tianyou at this time.

Chonglou said meaningfully, "It seems that the Excalibur might be taken by Wu Tian." As soon as these words came out, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly became depressed, and Xiangyun was furious, "What do you mean, Chonglou?"

Chonglou didn't pay attention to Xiangyun, just looked at Haitian, Haitian squinted his eyes slightly, looked at Dianwang Mountain, after thinking of something, he could only sigh helplessly.

Seeing the black dragon's natal golden core attacking.Wu Tian already knew how powerful it was.This kind of attack spirit beast's natal golden core attack.It can be ten times stronger than its own body attack.Even the black dragon itself dared not resist Wu Tian's attack.What's more, what about this ten times stronger natal golden pill?It's about to get out of the way.Suddenly found that the surrounding space was imprisoned.

There is no ripple in the surrounding space.The combat space is directly imprisoned.Wu Tian didn't expect that this guy's natal golden core attack completely imprisoned his surroundings.Kill Eye shot.Two golden lights hit the incoming golden pill.

Jin Dan just paused for a moment.Keep shooting.Wu Tian continued to kill eyes.The consumption of immortal yuan is accelerated.Reluctantly added the Three Tribulations Pill again.Dozens of killing eyes in a row finally reached Jindan's speed.Suddenly the tenth character appeared in my mind.Fly out.It was shot on Jindan.

This sudden attack made Wu Tian unprepared.He stared blankly at Jin Dan.Jin Dan was hit by the black dragon and let out a terrible roar.All the brilliance on the golden core was shaken away.Wu Tian found that the surrounding space had been unlocked.A great change appeared beside Jindan.Reach out and grab Jin Dan.

There was no sign of the sky thunder, suddenly blasted down, and the black dragon roared and was hit. Wu Tian was hit before he could deploy the five-ring formation, and the magic weapon was not retracted.In an emergency, Wu Tian swallowed the black dragon's natal golden pill in one gulp.

Miraculously, a wave of dragon power radiated from the whole body, and the bright seven-color treasure body was strengthened again. The No.11 thunder came down, and Wu Tian responded to the legendary No.11 thunder with his body.

It's not that Wu Tian doesn't want to defend, but the energy in the golden core is too huge. A black dragon with mid-term strength of a demon can at least catch up with the late-stage demon if he releases the golden core. Wu Tian can't bear such a huge energy at once.The tendons and veins were expanded by the fierce impact, and the sky thunder fiercely attacked the body, and two extremely powerful energies fought in the body.

This is not the first time, Wu Tian has quite 'experience'.Immediately, Xianyuan wrapped his tendons to protect himself, and now he was still awake, so he hurriedly recruited the mixed cauldron, once the mixed cauldron was thrown, his whole body seemed to swell, and both Tianlei and Jindan were consumed quickly.

It didn't take long for Tianlei to be consumed.And there is still a lot of energy in the golden elixir.Wu Tian laughed secretly.It can be absorbed now.Just now is too much.If there is no Tianlei, it is very likely to be strangled to death.Quickly absorb the golden pill of the black dragon.

The strange thing is that this time the body absorbed more than the immortal essence. It seems that the black dragon golden elixir is very good for the body's defense, so it quickly absorbed by the body.The seven-colored precious light on his body also gradually increased, and Wu Tian secretly wondered where the 81 characters came from. That thing seemed to have saved him many times, and it might be something from the God Realm that appeared in the battle of gods. Things you can't control by yourself.However, I have saved many times when I was in a crisis, and it seems that other conditions are needed, like the last time refining reincarnation, I needed ghost energy, otherwise I didn't save myself that time, so I can't rely on him too much, I should improve myself Strength is.

After refining the black dragon's golden elixir, Wu Tian opened his eyes, his aura has improved, and now he can't tell that he is still a three-kalpa loose immortal, he has already stepped into the stream of golden immortals, and he has become a fourth-kalpa loose immortal before he has crossed the fourth heavenly tribulation.It cannot but be said that Wu Tian is the maker of miracles.

When he came to the side of the black dragon, the black dragon roared weakly at Wu Tian. Wu Tian saw the green sword floating above the head of the black dragon, but he didn't expect that he would end up taking advantage of him.At this time, the black dragon could no longer sacrifice the Qingzhu sword.A divine weapon requires huge energy support, as well as spiritual consciousness. Luckily, Wu Tian has the elixir, but the black dragon does not have it, and he was seriously injured, and his natal golden elixir was taken away. It can be said that he has no chance to publish a book now.

At this time, the divine sword vibrated faintly, possibly breaking through the space. Wu Tianli was shocked, and shot out the immortal essence with both hands to wrap the divine sword.

(End of this chapter)

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