Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal

Chapter 446 Reappearing the World

Chapter 446 Reappearing the World
With one sword strike, the power shook all directions, and after the energy storm passed, the two people still did not come out, and the rest of the people were all horrified.Could it be that Wu Tian killed two people with one sword?
Amidst their exclamation, the few people hiding in the dark were startled, and Chen Xuan muttered, "Could it be the descendant of the sword god?"

The white hair on his head did not fade this time, and it was like silver threads floating in the wind. His blood-red eyes slowly recovered, and he stood still in the sky with a deep feeling in his heart. It can be said that Ruoyun's death has affected his understanding of life. After realizing the Tao, even if you don't make any progress in the future, you will still let others be arrogant in front of you.

Wang Han looked at Wu Tian in horror, pointed at Wu Tian with a trembling hand, and said, "How could there be such a powerful attack?"

"Rare is more strange. Since you plan to come, you must have the consciousness of falling, and you don't want to escape today," Wu Tian said coldly.

"Just you? Thinking about the blow just now, you have already exhausted your whole body's energy. I don't know how many times you can play it?" Wang Han mocked.

"Even if you reverse the divine essence and disperse the divine soul, today you will die." Wu Tian slowly raised his foot, stepped in front of him in one step, looked down at Wang Han, his eyes were full of contempt, Nian Lei moved, and a ray of light shot out from his body, Attack Wang Han directly.

The latter raised his palm to disperse the light.Fly back away.

Wu Tian said coldly, "Aren't you looking for that person? Tell you, it's me"

Ruo Dao was shocked, "Boy, do you want to die? There are still hidden masters here." At this moment, there is still time, Wu Tian said nothing, and countless powerful auras rose up around him instantly, at least thousands of divine thoughts locked on Wu Tian .

The corner of Wu Tian's mouth sneered, as much as he came today, he would kill as many as he could, and he would be a backstop if he died. All the masters in the middle stage of transformation were retreated by him. Presumably, only the late stage and legendary masters of Yutian could make him retreat.

I'm afraid there are a few Yutian masters coming now, hmph, I still have one last move, and when I get to that point, everyone will die together, release the god core, let's see if you have the strength to take it.

"Haha. You're really looking for death. Do you think you've made a breakthrough now and are invincible?" Wang Han laughed.He didn't care about the rising momentum around him either.

Ruoxian, Shuiyue, and Zhongtian came back from the battle again, they both separated, the two killed one, Ruoxian was only a match for the enemy, but it was impossible to take advantage.He naturally heard what Wu Tian said.

Ruoxian raised his hand, and Ruoyun's ice coffin returned to his sleeve. He looked at Wu Tian, ​​who was as white-haired as himself, and said loudly, "Good boy, Ruoyun saw the right person. There are four ways in the world, you I have taken it all, so why not be afraid of anyone"

Wu Tian was puzzled, and slowly turned his head to look at Ruoxian, who said again, "You have the divine thunder, since the law does not fall to others, the Tao comprehends the Tao and transforms into a god, and is invincible at the same level. You are unstoppable at the first level, and your physical defense is not weaker than the Divine Artifact of Yutian, so what else do you have?"

If the fairy words were finished, Wu Tian's momentum suddenly rose, his white hair was full of rage, and his powerful spiritual thoughts scattered in all directions. In an instant, the spiritual energy in his body gathered crazily, and he shouted, "Today, anyone who wants to get a treasure in himself, even Come on, maybe you will lose to me today, but in the future, I will definitely be equal to you and win the world."

"Haha, I haven't seen such a pleasing person for many years, and my son is not as good as you. Today, the old man will fight with you, trespassing on my Qianwu Mountain, and I don't care if you kill him." Shooting from the body, glaring in all directions.

Ruo Dao, who was taught by his father, was very depressed, so he quickly took a magic pill to recover, and also flew up, "It doesn't matter if you kill it".

The remaining people from Qianwu Gate all rushed forward, shouting "Kill, don't care".

The whole scene is extremely spectacular.All the momentum has vaguely fit.water moon.Zhongtian and the remaining masters.All backed away in horror.

"Haha, the Qianwumen is like a fairy, and the momentum of the past is not weak," an old man flew out and laughed.

Wu Tian frowned, for a master in the late stage of transformation, there may be a more powerful existence in that hidden aura.Wu Tian looked up to the sky and yelled, "Don't hide anymore, let's all come out, since you are all gods and men, why don't you hide your head and show your tail and make people laugh?"

Immediately, thousands of figures flew out, and all the figures looked at Wu Tian, ​​who was their target at this moment.

Wu Tian sneered, Ruoxian saw many masters who had been famous for a long time, and said to Wu Tian, ​​"Now that Master Yutian has not come, I don't know what treasure is on you, but as long as Master Yutian appears, we will all run away." If you don’t leave, even if the attack just now is ten times stronger, it won’t be able to hurt the master of Yutian.”

Wu Tian frowned, and said via voice transmission, "How strong is Yu Tian? Compared with the later stage of Transformation God?"

"It's hard to explain, let's use an analogy, just like the gap between the immortals of the lower realm and the immortals of Luotian, it may be more," Ruoxian said through a voice transmission.

"So much?" Wu Tian's heart turned cold.If so.But it can't be dealt with.Since Yutian masters came to compete for the super god core.Presumably they didn't care about the strong coercion.Even if you care.I'm afraid I'm not afraid.

In this way, as long as you don't meet Yutian masters, there is still hope for escaping, Wu Tian crossed the road, "If you are an old man, you should take away all the people under your sect. They are of little use in front of middle and masters. People? I have plenty!"

Ruoxian frowned, "Where is anyone? Even if I ask for help, I'm afraid it's too late."

Facing nearly [-] masters, but only those [-] are threatening, and the rest of those who have reached the Dao realm are no longer in Wu Tian's eyes. Wu Tian has been unwilling to release the spirit shadow because of the god-level battle. After all, Ying is not the real body, if he misses a meal, he will be shot and killed, which will cause loss to his spiritual sense and soul.

But now it's different.It can also be said that there is no way.Qianwumen has lost a lot for itself.You can't let them lose.

Wu Tian said, "If the old man can just take it away, I have a solution for the rest,"

Seeing Wu Tian's firm eyes, Ruoxian turned around, swiped with one hand, and all the remaining Daocheng masters were taken away, and then he ordered Ou Peng to pick up the two little devil heads and take them away. The master frowned.

Zhong Tian sneered, "Why, if the old man wants to run away?"

"Haha, you haven't left yet, how could I go if I am a fairy," Ruoxian said with a sneer.

See if the old man takes away the rest of those people.Immediately stepped forward.There are changes around the body.An identical Wu Tian appeared in everyone's eyes.The realm of transforming gods.

Many people are frowning.Doppelgänger?This thing against God?Not much use.

How can one show Wu Tian's strength?Ten spirit shadows appeared, and a hundred spirit shadows appeared, everyone was surprised, but Wu Tian split into a thousand spirit shadows in one breath, everyone was shocked, including Ruoxian.

It's not over yet.Wu Tian flipped his hands and took out the Eighteen Exquisite Pagodas.Fa Jue moved.Immediately, a frightening aura rose up.One by one, the beasts appeared in the eyes of Zhongren.I don't know if it is the cause of the sea of ​​death.out of the sea of ​​death.These monsters all turned into human forms.He looked at Wu Tian in horror.

Now that their souls have been controlled by Wu Tian, ​​it can be said that as long as Wu Tian moves his mind, they will be wiped out. Wu Tian gave him an order, and naturally they all obeyed.

All this last night.Wu Tian didn't calm down yet.After all, many of them here are just divine beasts.

Broken soil appears on the soles of the feet.A huge yin-yang diagram emerges.The yin and yang diagram shows yin and yang.The yin and yang diagram of hundreds of millions of miles shows the yin and yang of the 'Tao'.Broken soil covered it.Sangmu appeared one by one.Heavenly mulberry tree.It's like they're all alive.Countless vines are entangled.vivid.Wu Tian was in it.Ruoxian and the others also appeared in the concentration.

Those ghosts.The gods and beasts all appear in it.The whole process is only three breaths of effort.

See Wu Tian everything now.Chen Xuan exclaimed, "The world?" Then he paused.He muttered again, "Isn't this a world that only Jie Zun can comprehend? It's almost impossible for others to comprehend. What about him?".Thinking about this, Chen Xuan is even more sure that Wu Tian is extraordinary.Also shocked at the same time.Fortunately, I didn't do anything last time.Otherwise, I am afraid that I will perish at this moment.A feeling of dread rose up.

Seeing Wu Tian making such a big commotion, the other people present did not dare to act rashly. They are all the existence of the older generation in the God Realm, and they know many ancient secrets. After Wu Tian released the divine thunder, they dared not It was easy to do it, and Wu Tian's world at this moment made them even more frightened, an instinctive fright, an irresistible fright.

Chen Xuan suddenly frowned, "Huh? How come there are masters from the early days of Yutian coming here?"

The rest of the masters who were at the peak in the later stage also found out. This time, a master who was at the early stage of Yutian just came, and they all retreated a little bit, and at the same time they were guessing what would happen next. The masters in the early days of Yutian must be unlucky. How many ancient secrets can they know in the early days of Yutian?
Wu Tian's small world sacrifice was not finished yet, his hands moved instantly, one after another divine essence shot out in all directions, colorful rays of light began to appear on his body, and a huge formation was arranged. There was a restraining ripple, and a cyan restraining ripple shot out from Wu Tian's body. Wherever the ripple passed, those divine beasts who had reached the Dao realm immediately roared, their momentum soaring, and they all turned into divine beasts of the transformation god level.

"Dou. Fighting God Formation?" Exclaimed from several directions, Chen Xuan became terrified. This is the God Formation of Martial God. Only Martial God has this formation in the world, and there is no other family. So this kid has seen it before. Valkyrie?
In an instant, all the Yutian peak masters from other directions flew away from here, and panic began to appear in their hearts. This kid suspected that he had a relationship with the two ancient gods.

Chen Xuan turned around and was about to leave, but suddenly found that the guy in Yutian's early stage hadn't left, and turned his eyes, that guy didn't know the God of War God's Fighting God Formation, so he must not know the ancient secrets, why don't I make friends with Wu Tian now?Waiting to save him once, as long as there is a favor, it will be beneficial in the future.Thinking of staying here again.

Wu Tian set up the battle of gods, thousands of masters of the gods, and looked coldly at the four directions. At this moment, they are only six late-stage gods, twenty middle-stage gods, and more than 200 early-stage gods!The rest are not enough to look at, I have so much at the moment, are you afraid that you will not succeed?

He shouted "Combined Formation" again, and those divine beasts quickly shuttled back and forth, and two Coalition Formations appeared. Originally, the Dou Tian God Formation was more terrifying, but now with the Coalition Formation, Wu Tian is confident to fight them.

(End of this chapter)

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