Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal

Chapter 447 Super Divine Core

Chapter 447 Super Divine Core
Perhaps no one thought that Wu Tian alone would make such a big commotion. Such a method is really terrifying, and it also proves Wu Tian's strength. If it weren't for Wu Tian's divine energy being a bit overdrawn at this moment, the commotion might be even bigger.

water moon.Zhongtian and the two looked at each other.They were all silent.Although they don't have the eyesight of Yutian masters.But it can also be seen that this formation is powerful.If they stay in this formation.There is really no way for them to come out.

An old man in the late stage of Transformation came forward, "That kid's divine energy has been overdrawn, and I'm afraid it won't last long for this action. We will not attack, and if we wait for tens of thousands of years, this kid's formation will definitely not attack himself." break."

"It's a good way to say it like this, but after waiting for such a long time, I'm afraid that other masters will come over. When the time comes, dragons and snakes will be mixed together, and one thing will not be easy to distinguish," said a young master in the late stage of transformation.

"Then why don't Master Long Snake try it out? This is the Heaven Fighting Formation. Isn't it child's play for the gods to arrange it?" The old man sneered.

The long snake snorted coldly and said, "It's useless to wait so quietly. If you don't enter, you can wait while you shoot, so as to consume that kid, and this can also shorten the time."

Zhongtian smiled and said, "That's really a good idea. Why don't we send [-] God Transformation masters from each of the six directions to bombard the Doutian God Formation continuously? How good is that?"

"That's very good," everyone replied one after another.

Wu Tian was furious in the formation, these people obviously had the advantage to fight attrition, so he really couldn't fight for long, even with abnormal recovery ability, but it still takes time, they keep attacking, and he will continue to consume, the big formation will inevitably It won't last long.

Seeing Wu Tian's face, Ruoxian sighed, and said, "A man can bend and stretch, and today's defeat is not a bad thing. The 'Tao' is like this, and it can never be smooth sailing."

Wu Tian relaxed, and said, "Just thinking of Ruoyun makes my heart ache, these people are too hateful", and then he gritted his teeth and looked at Wang Han and the others.

"She has her way, you don't have to worry about it, and it's not impossible to treat her at this moment," Ruoxian said flatly.

"What way?" Wu Tian asked hastily.

"We can't heal, but the ancient gods can. As long as we find the ancient gods, we can heal Ruoyun,"

The sea of ​​extreme ice, four words instantly appeared in Wu Tian's mind, yes, if I want to find the sword god, I will take Ruoyun with me, and if I find it, I will ask the sword god to help, maybe it can be cured. Hand over Ruoyun to the younger generation, and when you come back someday, you will definitely give back a lively Ruoyun."

Ruoxian looked at Wu Tian and nodded.reach out.Ruoyun's ice coffin appeared.Wu Tian took advantage of the situation and put it into the Qiankun bag.

Ruo Xiandao: "After all, our number is small, and their method will consume us sooner or later, and there are more people coming here, but they can't show the courage of ordinary people at this time."

"I have a method, but I can defeat them one by one," Wu Tian said flatly.

"What method?" Ruoxian asked.

"Sea of ​​Death" Wu Tian spit out four words.It was foggy there.Other people's divine sense can't be used at all.In this way, the number of people can be concentrated inside.Sneak them up.

Ruoxian's eyes flashed, and he said, "It's a good idea. If we fight there, as long as we don't separate, we can break them. Besides, they are not monolithic. I'm afraid they should be vigilant against each other. That's how we can strike."

"Then how do we get there? At this moment, they probably won't let us go easily," Ruo Dao said.

Wu Tian looked up indifferently.Said "I drive the Doutian Shenzhen. They can't do anything to me." Finished speaking.Wu Tianshen thought for a moment.The entire Heaven Fighting Formation slowly shrunk.Countless vines are entangled with each other.A cyan sphere is formed.There was a blue light outside.

The whole ball started to move suddenly, and shot towards the sea of ​​death quickly, everyone above was stunned?They were so tough just now, why did they run away now?Where can such a big target escape?Everyone looked at each other, and then they all chased after them at top speed.

Chen Xuan looked at the direction Wu Tianfei was going, the sea of ​​death?Turning his eyes, he suddenly understood, no wonder, the guy in the early stage of Yutian also followed after those masters of transformation.Chen Xuan snorted coldly, "I don't know whether to live or die" and immediately followed.

Flying with the Doutian Divine Formation is indeed quite strenuous, and sometimes he has to keep bombarding behind him, but Wu Tian's recovery speed is abnormal, and he also got a few divine pills that the old man wanted to give as a gift, so he barely stopped everyone.

It was supposed to be a hundred years away.He literally flew for a thousand years.Fight countless times on the way.The Doutian Divine Formation was almost broken several times.Fortunately, Wu Tian resisted in time.Seeing the sea of ​​death is in front of you.Everyone also understood Wu Tian's intention.

He enters this time.Only run at extreme speed.I and others really can't find them.Inside, the range of spiritual thoughts is very small.Make them feel insecure.

The long snake roared "Don't let them enter the sea of ​​death, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with at that time"

Who doesn't know?But Wu Tian activated the magic formation, who would dare to block the prohibition blasted by thousands of masters of transformation gods?Unless you are a master of Yutian, you will die at the touch of one touch.

Wu Tian was desperately consuming his divine energy. He kept brushing out restrictions to stop everyone. Everyone's magical weapons, supernatural powers, and giant palms continued to bombard them. The restrictions were broken again and again, and Wu Tian was also advancing.

Just when everyone was unwilling, the whole cyan ball shot into the vast gray mist of the sea of ​​death, several cold snorts sounded, everyone obviously refused to give up and rushed in too.The two masters of the Queen of God also followed in.

After entering the sea of ​​death.Wu Tian withdrew from the Dou Tian Shen Zhen.Such a goal is too big.Not easy to sneak attack.Those masters in the early stage of transformation.It was also taken away by Ruoxian.This time they have to deal with those who are above the middle stage of transformation.It's not much use to ask them.In this way.There are only three of them at the moment.

If it is said that it is obviously impossible for the three masters of transformation to deal with the master of transformation, it becomes possible in the sea of ​​death. After the three of Wu Tian flew at a high speed for a while, their respective spiritual senses spread out.

Ruoxian said, "My divine sense is a million miles away"

Ruo Dao naturally didn't need to ask, Wu Tian said lightly, "My spiritual sense is a million miles away", the words were astonishing, Ruo Xian looked at Wu Tian in horror, "I didn't expect your divine sense to be so strong."

"It's just a coincidence, let's think about where to start," Wu Tian said.

"Here are six masters in the late stage of transformation, that is to say, there are six of them. When we find them, they can find us. If we want to kill him, we must seriously injure him when he informs others. " said Ruoxian.

Speaking of killing, which is obviously impossible, is it so easy to kill in the late stage of transformation?

"That Shuiyue, Zhongtian has never been separated, but he can't start on his side, so we can only leave it to the end," Ruo Dao said.

"Let's start with the long snake," Wu Tian said coldly.

"Let's determine their positions one by one. Here, they can't find us, and we can't find them either," Ruo Xian said.

Ruo Dao and Wu Tian nodded.Then the three kept sneaking.Spiritual consciousness has just touched their position.just back away.Determine where it is from.The same touch of consciousness.It was discovered by the other party.This also caused them to distance themselves.

After all the forces of several parties are determined.Wu Tian and the others began to come near Long Snake and the others.

One person from the long snake, the late stage of the transformation of the gods, the remaining two mid-stage of the transformation of the gods, and more than 200 early stage of the transformation of the gods, but he took in those who had achieved Taoism. He also knew that it was useless here, and he also increased the range of attacks. elite.

Everyone was vigilant to each other and ran forward slowly so that they could catch up to Wu Tian and the others. As long as there was a fight, they would be able to sense the Tao.

Suddenly the long snake drove upwards, a ray of light came, and the eyes narrowed. Isn't this just the supernatural power of that kid?Flipping the hand and raising the palm, suddenly, a fierce divine sword appeared under the feet, mixed with the aura of soaring to the sky, it was like an immortal attack.

Quick judgment in mind.Not the best chance to meet.Back off.Wait for them to come over.Otherwise, I am afraid there is danger.

However, just as he was about to turn around and run away, a circular arc struck him, but Ruoxian controlled a heavenly artifact, not wanting to attack the long snake, but just stopping him for a moment.The three can be said to cooperate well.

The snake was furious, and the attack was downward. After all, Ruoxian was at the same level as him, so he should not be underestimated. Although Wu Tian is powerful, he is only in the early stage of transformation.

Wu Tian with white hair.He looked at the long snake with a sneer.He does.Also in the analysis of the three.Wu Tian followed Nian Lei down.

The long snake artifact is not weak, Yutian level, looks like a small hammer, and blasts at the divine sword that Ruoxian attacked.

Wu Tian's thoughts thundered.The snake resisted the blow.His face was a little pale.But that's all.But Wu Tian appeared beside him.The long snake was obviously taken aback.

A sacred stone in Wu Tian's hand was aimed at him, and the long snake exclaimed "Nine Heavens Divine Stone".

Just finished.Wu Tianshennian controlled the Nine Heavens Divine Stone to open a small gap.In an instant, an extremely powerful coercion spread all over the surroundings.A golden light shot on the long snake.Cracks also appeared on Wu Tian's body.

Instantly open.Also close instantly.Wu Tian retreated with one blow.Pale.Physical injury just now.Let him suffer some injuries.

The long snake was not so lucky. The golden light shone on its body, and it roared in an instant. Blood mist burst out of its chest, a large hole appeared, and the blood in its mouth kept spitting out, and it retreated in panic.

One blow severely wounded the snake.The rest of the parties all came.We all saw the process just now.All are horrified.Especially that fearful Tianwei.Let them feel fear in their hearts.

Wu Tian and the three of them all backed away, sneering in their hearts, you want this divine core too?Even if it was given to you, I couldn’t take it away, Ruoxian looked at Wu Tiandao with some horror, "What was that just now? Why is it so frightening? The fearful heavenly power is like when I was going through a catastrophe."

"I don't know the details. I just know it's a treasure," Wu Tian said.

"I still don't believe what you said just now, so it seems that you already knew its power?" Ruoxian asked.

Wu Tian stretched out his hand and said, "Look at the cracks on my body. Although my body already has the level of defense of the Heavenly God Artifact, it was still cracked by the coercion. One can imagine the power of it."

The crack on Wu Tian's arm was slowly recovering, taking advantage of this gap, Wu Tian also quickly recovered some of his spiritual energy to prepare for the next battle.

It was not easy for the long snake, a hole was opened in the chest, and it was recovered by using the great divine energy. It was already seriously injured, thinking in my heart, if that kid came a few more times, I was afraid that I would be in danger of falling, and my mind was anxious. After turning a few times, he turned around and fled with the crowd.

The rest of the people watched the long snake escape quietly, their faces were solemn, and they weighed it in their hearts, if they were themselves just now.

(End of this chapter)

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