Chapter 448
Facing the strength of Wu Tian and the others, especially the shocking attack method, they made everyone feel depressed. Maybe the people who ordered them to find out the news did not expect such a result. Besides, everyone just came to find out the news, so why live and die? ?
Just take the message back.Naturally someone came to clean him up.Everyone thought about it.They all had the idea of ​​retreating.Everyone didn't say hello.Suddenly left a few waves.

In the end, only Shuiyue Zhongtian and his subordinates were still there.But Wang Han saw Wu Tian's move.Seriously injured the long snake in the late stage of Huashen.In this way, you can change yourself.It's definitely not as simple as being seriously injured by a long snake.I saw everyone leave.

Wang Han asked, "Us?"

Zhong Tian snorted coldly and looked at the sea of ​​death, and finally sighed helplessly, just a few of them, they really couldn't beat Wu Tian and the three of them, especially seeing the result of the long snake made them even more terrified, Wu Tian was more terrifying than Ruo Xian .You never know where his bottom line is!

"Let's go too, go back and release the news, and see how that kid will go in this God Realm in the future. As long as that thing is still in his hands, he will face endless challenges and pursuit." Zhongtian said.

"What about after. Don't worry about it. Just think about how you look at "Wu Tian" indifferently now.The three of them appeared next to Shuiyue Zhongtian and the others.

As early as when several waves of people left.Wu Tian found them.Just waiting for those people to leave at this moment.stop them.

"Hmph! Thought they left. We can't deal with you?" Zhong Tian sneered.

Shuiyue watched Wu Tian step forward slowly, and said, "Although that thing is powerful, you are at the end of your battle at the moment. You were injured at the same time just now, and we all saw it. If you want to kill each other desperately, we still have some scruples. You are not desperate to kill each other, so you dare not use that thing now, right?"

Wu Tian's eyes shrank, what a powerful woman, her eyes were vicious, but Wu Tian didn't look at Shuiyue, but at Wang Han and Guanxiong, both took a step back.

Ruoxian snorted coldly and said, "Even if Wu Tian is seriously injured at the moment, do you dare to risk your life? If you let me go, today's cause will have fruit in the future."

Zhong Tian looked at Wang Han and said, "Those who don't have one, why are you still pretending to look at them, hmph, let them go soon", the meaning is obvious, you should have done it before, and now you are still on your body, isn't this causing trouble?

Wang Han flipped his hand, more than a hundred Taoist masters, and more people who did not become gods appeared, and Ruoxian took them away.

"What I have done today, I am not afraid that you will come to the door in the future, Peiyu City, you are welcome to attack," Zhong Tian said coldly, and then he was about to take everyone away.

"Wait!" Wu Tian shouted.

"What?" Zhong Tian turned around and looked at Wu Tian coldly.

"Wu Tian, ​​let them go," Ruoxian said indifferently, and at the same time sent a voice transmission to Wu Tian, ​​"At this moment, you are seriously injured and it is not easy to fight, and it is not ruled out that there are still hidden masters. Besides, we can't do anything to them. It's useless for me to be alone, he is looking for that opportunity in the future, "

Wu Tian just couldn't swallow this breath, looked at Wang Han and Guan Xiong coldly and said, "Let you go today, Peiyu City, sooner or later, I hope you will still be alive by then."

Both Wang Han and Peiyu snorted coldly, and Zhongtian taunted, "Do you think you are very powerful just after being promoted? Huh, let's go." Then they flew towards Chenxuan and disappeared in the range of divine sense.

Wu Tian's expression was gloomy.This time, Guanxiong and Wang Han were not killed.I don't know when I will be able to avenge Ruoyun.

Ruoxian faintly said, "You have already become a god, why are you still so hard to see?"

With white hair flying all over his head, Wu Tian said angrily, "I'm just not reconciled, I'm still too weak"

"What do you do next?" Ruoxian asked.

"I want to take Ruoyun to the sea of ​​extreme ice." Wu Tian turned his head to look at the other side of the sea of ​​death.

"Where?" Ruoxian frowned and asked again, "Where is the ancient god?"

"Yeah, I heard it from a friend, and it is said that the Sword God is inside," Wu Tian said.

"Sword God? I don't know if the old man is in there, but I heard that even masters of Yutian can't enter the sea of ​​extreme ice. It's too cold. You go in at the early stage of god transformation? I'm afraid you haven't found the ancient god yet. Frozen to death," Ruoxian said.

"Even if there are mountains of knives in front of me, I will go. If Ruoyun died for me, how can I ignore it? Besides, I also want to find the sword god, and I have other things to look for," Wu Tian said.

"You are full of secrets, maybe it's okay, we won't go with you, this time Qianwu Mountain is broken, I am going to take my disciples to practice in Chenxuan City, after a while, I will go back to Qianwu Mountain " said Ruoxian.

"As soon as I finish my work there, I will go to Qianwu Mountain to find the two seniors," Wu Tian said.

Say goodbye to each other.Wu Tian sat on Chuan Haosu thinking about flying to the other side of the sea of ​​death.That is, the direction of Ten Palace City.

Although he was seriously injured, he was not afraid of returning to the sea of ​​death. Besides, he still had so many divine beasts, so it would not be too much trouble to pass through.

However, not long after Wu Tian flew, he felt vaguely uneasy. This shock was so strong that Wu Tian immediately turned around and flew towards Chenxuan, hoping to escape that feeling and go back to Chenxuan City. Fighting is not allowed there. Yutian masters can't either.

However, Wu Tian felt that although he found out quickly, it was too late. Just as he turned around, a figure appeared behind Chuanhaosu, and it was so hazy that he couldn't see his face clearly.

"The spiritual sense is good." A mechanical voice came from the figure.

Wu Tian was shocked, this person couldn't feel any coercion on him, and couldn't see his face clearly, even those people in the late stage of transformation did not have this kind of situation, so to speak.

Wu Tian immediately turned around and passed through Haosu again.Thinking of the direction of Shidian City, he flew away.

The man sneered. "Is it possible to walk like this?" Then Void grabbed it.The surrounding gray fog was scratched away by Mo Da's supernatural power.Endless pressure.Wu Tianchuan Haosu suddenly collapsed.Back into the body.

Wu Tian looked at the figure in horror, is this the master of Yutian?Simply invincible, "What do you want?"

"Hand over that divine core," the man said mechanically and coldly.

"How do you know this is the God's Core?" Wu Tian rolled his eyes and prepared to collect some information.

"Hmph! You don't need to know, leave it to me, I'll let you live, otherwise don't blame me for making the move," the man said coldly
"Do you dare to leave your name?" Wu Tian asked, it seems that this time he can't keep the super god core. In front of Yutian master, he is as fragile as a child, and has no chance of winning, not to mention that he is still seriously injured.

"Why do you still want to take revenge in the future? Haha, it's okay to tell you, my god, Hua Tianshan, Fang Shi, leave it to me," Fang Dao said coldly.

Wu Tian flipped his hands and took out the Nine Heavens Divine Stone, slowly lifted it up and said, "Get it yourself."

Fang Shi snorted coldly.The figure grabbed at the Nine Heavens Divine Stone like lightning.

Chen Xuan, who had been observing the situation, frowned, thinking in his heart, no, if Wu Tian had nothing to do with the ancient gods, how could he do that?But it has something to do with it. Could it be that he watched with his eyes helplessly that the divine core was taken away?

Seeing that Fang Shi had already grabbed Wu Tian's Nine Heavens Stone with his hands.Chen Xuan also raised his hand.Both eyes are full of cold light.

Wu Tian suddenly bit the tip of his tongue, and a burst of divine energy spurted out, and his spiritual sense instantly opened up the Nine Heavens Divine Stone, and the golden light burst into the sky, as if Wu Tian was holding a sun in his hand, it was extremely dazzling.

Wu Tian's body was like glass in an instant.Numerous cracks.Just this moment.Fang Shi sneered, "Yutian Realm. Don't you understand the meaning yet? Ke Yutian!" Finished speaking.Immediately, his hand melted.The energy of the day and earth moved accordingly.

Wu Tian was horrified, this realm of Yutian is too strong, it can control the energy of heaven and earth, how can such a transformation of a god beat them?
Just as he was about to get out of the super divine core and run away, suddenly the divine core moved in his dantian, and the purple energy shot up into the sky and shot directly at the super divine core. In an instant, the energy of heaven and earth controlled by Fang Shi was lost to him in an instant. connect.

This sudden change.Fang Shi was shocked.The energy of heaven and earth is lost.The coercion of the super god core shot over.


The whole is about to touch the arm of the god core.Instantly turned into powder.The whole process takes only an instant.Wu Tian also reached the limit.Divine thoughts exploded.Instantly close the Nine Heavens Divine Stone.Blood spouted from the mouth continuously.

Fang Shi never expected the result to be like this. Not only did he lose his arm, but his whole body almost collapsed. Fortunately, he retreated in the end. When leaving, the sound transmission "Boy, this time you go far, you won't have such a good chance next time"

However, at this moment, Wu Tian sensed a powerful aura again, which seemed a little familiar, but that aura only rose for a moment, and then disappeared.

Looking around suspiciously.It can be said at the moment.Just come to a master in the early stage of Daocheng.It can also kill Wu Tian.

As soon as the purple energy returned to the divine core.It is proposed that the last god is sacrificed to Chuan Haosu.Thinking of shooting into the depths of the sea of ​​death.Release an avatar-level beast to protect itself.

As soon as Wu Tian left, Chen Xuan appeared, his forehead was full of sweat, but he stopped at the last moment, otherwise he would be like that square stone, that purple aura just now?Could it be?
As soon as he thought about this, Chen Xuan's heart trembled. Could it be that the ancient incident was about to start?Ugh.The God Realm is about to change, and I warned myself in my heart that Wu Tian can only be a friend, not an enemy, otherwise when Wu Tian achieves great success, no one in the God Realm can be an enemy.Nor can Tianzun.

Wu Tianfei has been flying for ten years.Did not sense any breath.In this decade.Wu Tian has never dared to cultivate subconsciously.I'm afraid there are stalkers behind me.Right now it's just the fringes.There are no powerful beasts.Besides, there is no more than Daocheng level.Unleashes a beast of the level of apotheosis.You can kill them.

However, Wu Tian does not kill those divine beasts now, and collects them all for future use in arranging the Heaven Fighting Formation.

I started to collect materials, and I can't arrange it like this in the future, because the lethality is too weak, so I need to use other materials to arrange it, so it can be said that Yutian can also kill it.Also, I have lost my elixir. This time I went to Shidian City and asked for some materials from Wenbo to refine the elixir. Otherwise, I would not be able to recover after fighting. This time is the best example.

It has been flying for thousands of years.Wu Tiancai was really sure that there was no one left.An Ran recovers his divine essence and injuries.The speed of Chuanhaosu's flight also slowed down.After knowing [-] years.Just entered those dangerous areas.But Wu Tian has recovered to [-]%.This [-]% is as long as you don't meet the Sky-Treading Turtle from last time.Others can fight too.If not, release other beasts to help.Anyway, this isn't the first time gang fights have happened.

Time flies, and when Wu Tian recovered to [-]%, he met two familiar beasts.

(End of this chapter)

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