Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal

Chapter 450 The Sea of ​​Extreme Ice

Chapter 450 The Sea of ​​Extreme Ice
The soaring rays of light shot towards the sky, Xue Lao was not afraid, and sneered, "I haven't seen you in these years, you are really capable, this offensive end is amazing, but I have a sea of ​​​​blood, what can you do against me, today will be decided I want to kill you to vent the hatred in my heart, "

Xue Lao waved his hand casually.The sky was full of blood.Hit Nian Lei.Both are scattered.

suddenly.Wu Tian smelled the strong bloody breath.The old blood's body gradually faded away.Countless blood drops appeared around.The blood bubbles up.Slowly turned into blood.Suddenly, a sea of ​​blood surrounded Wu Tian.

Shenyuan's protective cover was opened, and he looked at Xue Lao in horror. It was the first time he encountered such a method, but he was not afraid. Nian Lei kept rumbling into the sea of ​​blood, and the gods thundered continuously from the nine heavens.

Xuelao's voice sounded around, "Haha, don't do it in the sea of ​​blood, I can't die from Xuelao, and no one can kill me. Today I will suck your divine essence, imprisoned divine soul, and slowly refine you with yin fire "

There is a sea of ​​blood all over the sky. It can be said that the place where Wu Tian's divine sense is placed is full of blood. No wonder it is a super master who wants to attack the realm of Yutian. With such means, it can be said that among the same level, who can fight?
Wu Tian gritted his teeth.The surrounding blood sea directly acts on the Shenyuan shield.It actually has the effect of devouring the soul.Under the horror.Can't care so much.The Hundred Demons Sword is offered.

The strong sword energy, vaguely resonates here, this time no one is united with the sword, fearing that it will consume too much, Zhou Tian's sword energy soars to the sky, with a sword chant, pointing to the depths of the sea of ​​blood with one hand, and shouting "go" ".

Sword Qi soared to the sky.The majestic coercion walks around.One hundred magic swords come out.Melt away a long one.Finally popped in the center.A vacuum zone the size of thousands of miles unexpectedly burst out.


Maybe this sea of ​​blood is Xuelao's body, but the Hundred Demon Sword exploded, Xuelao suffered from pain, and roared, "Boy, I see how many times you can send it. Today, the old man will suck you in."

Just now, Wu Tian was transferred to [-]% Shenyuan.Another thirty percent.Play it again.It is estimated that this blood sea will not be consumed.My heart turned sharply.Think of that super divine core.

Even the Yutian Realm can be seriously injured.This quasi-day realm.It will definitely hurt him.But this newly recovered body is afraid.

Fortunately, I saved a hand this time.Flipping his hands, he took out the fourth grade of the eighth grade of chaos pill.I ate one.Immediately, the aura around him seemed to find a home.Crazy gathered on Wu Tian.The magic pills that are placed in the top-level magic pills are powerful.However, the number of interest recovered by [-]%.But later it slowed down.It needs to be refined slowly.

This achievement is enough, Wu Tianxie looked at Xuelao with a smile and said calmly, "Xuelao, don't blame me for being cruel, today I will let you know how I refine your blood sea"

Turn your hands and take out the Nine Heavens God Stone.Hold it high above your head.

"Nine Heavens Divine Stone? You have all these treasures, haha, but the owner will change in a while. I didn't expect that I would have such a chance to get this treasure. When I advance to the next level, my strength will definitely increase greatly," the blood boss laughed.

"I can tell you, there is another one you want more, the whole God Realm wants it, I will give it to you?" Wu Tian mocked.

"Boy, try out any tricks. When I refine you in the sea of ​​​​blood, I will see how you are stubborn," the old blood said coldly.

"Then you have to be optimistic. Enjoy it," Wu Tian finished.A divine thought moved.Released the Nine Heavens Divine Stone.Immediately, the super divine core was above.In an instant.A coercion spread from the whole surrounding.The light of the divine core soared into the sky.

Intense rays of light shot straight into the sky.There was a sea of ​​blood all around.But it disappeared in an instant.


The continuous screams resounded through the heavens and the earth, and Wu Tian's mind moved instantly, and he closed the Nine Heavens Divine Stone, spit out a mouthful of blood, and there were countless cracks on his entire arm, but Wu Tian was not worried, and laughed crazily. "Xue Lao, how about it, is it good baby?"

The sea of ​​blood all over the sky disappeared, and a thin man appeared. This man was Xue Lao, but at the moment he was skinny, pale, and his whole mind seemed to be drained of blood.Looking at Wu Tian in horror, he said hoarsely, "You. How did you do it?"

"Haha, old guy, didn't you threaten that the sea of ​​blood would quit? Aren't you going to die? I'll digest your sea of ​​blood to see if you're still alive?" Wu Tian pretended to hold up the Nine Heavens Stone again.

"You." Xue Lao burst back, obviously seeing that he was seriously injured at the moment, with his raised eyes, he looked at Wu Tian in horror and said, "Boy, stop fighting. The previous grievances will be wiped out from now on. I won't trouble you anymore, you Don't bother me either"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and ran away. A master of late stage of transformation was scared away by a god of early stage of transformation. I don't know if anyone would believe it when he said it. Wu Tian sneered, "Don't bother you?"You have harmed so many people, and now I don't have the ability to kill you. When I have that strength, I will definitely kill you, this false god.snort!

In order to deal with this guy, he consumed [-]% of his divine energy, and now he is screaming again. He took another chaotic fourth-grade divine pill, and he recovered [-]%. A lot of the medicinal power of the divine pill was all deposited in his body. It's just a place to refine it.

After turning around and flying back for more than a year, he entered the ice layer incognito, arranged a hidden formation, and began to refine the medicinal power.

After such a hundred thousand years, Wu Tian recovered [-]% with the help of two divine pills, and his body returned to its peak, and he broke through a little, becoming stronger. This made Wu Tian very happy, his body is strong, that is to say, next time he will When using this super god core, it will stop for a while, how terrifying.

But think about it.It seems that the core of God is also recovering.It gets stronger every time it's released.The breath pressure is even more terrifying.It used to be in the God Formation of Sealing Worlds.How can it be so powerful.If so.I saw him for the first time.just die.

The divine core has no thoughts, and it cannot gather spirits, even if it lasts forever, but why is this divine core so amazing?I can't see through this God's core more and more. When I see the Sword God, ask the Sword God. I think he won't try to snatch it.After all, the ancient gods have faces.

It was much easier to go on the road again, instead of flying dully, I took a slow step, however, this step was farther than the flying one, it was truly terrifying.

In this way, Wu Tian seems to be playing, walking step by step on the periphery of the Sea of ​​Extreme Changes, the surrounding temperature is getting lower and lower, the further he walks in, the greater the pressure, the sky is full of wind and snow everywhere, and finally Wu Tian is forced to walk in the snow. walk on the ground.

The sky was even more immobile.Go further.The greater the consumption of divine energy.Surprisingly.The more you go inside.The richer the aura.Either way, Wu Tian recovered.Walk for a while and recover for a while.Walk like this for another millennium.None were found.

Of course.After turning over an iceberg.Wu Tian was surprised to find out.There is a person ahead.To be precise, it was a shirtless man.This person is only in the early stage of becoming a god.At the same level as myself.However, he didn't seem to feel the temperature here.And stress in general.Sitting cross-legged on the snow quietly.On the snow around me.With an iron sword stuck in it.That's right, the Iron Sword.Ordinary iron sword.But it was wrapped by Shenyuan.No damage.

Shirtless young man.Slowly open your eyes.He looked at Wu Tian lightly.Then he closed his eyes again.

It was so weird, Wu Tian stepped forward and asked, "Fellow Daoist, you are being polite. Next to Wu Tian, ​​how dare you ask why you are like this?"

"Practice sword" is a simple word.The man did not open his eyes either.Iron sword in the snow.As stable as Mount Tai.

Wu Tian's golden eyes opened, and after some observation, this man is definitely not as powerful as himself, but why is he so relaxed here?Asked again, "Why is it that I am at the same level as a fellow daoist, but my fellow daoist is so relaxed, but I feel like I am oppressed by hundreds of millions of mountains?"

"If you have it in your heart, you have it, if you don't have it in your heart, you don't have it." The man stood up slowly, turned his hand and drew out his iron sword, and connected the sword in the wind and snow gracefully.

Wu Tian hates the cold, could it be that this person is a relative of the Tathagata, who likes to play charades, watching that man practice the sword, although it is an iron sword, but every time the sword is drawn, it will cause the surrounding space to change, which makes Wu Tian horrified, so If the method is replaced by a divine sword, the surrounding space will not be pierced?

I'm afraid that with just one hand, my body can't defend myself, so I put away my contempt and watched the man practice the sword indifferently.

That shirtless man.I don't care about Wu Tian peeking.Quietly playing there one move at a time.Sometimes jumping.Sometimes turn around and stab back.Wu Tian secretly applauded.

What was even more shocking was that this man didn't use his divine essence at all, and every move was completely a move. Can you safely enter the sea of ​​​​extreme ice?

If you have it in your heart, then you have it?If there is nothing in the heart, then there is nothing?Don't think about the cold air, will it be gone?Wu Tian secretly scolded the idiot, and wanted to go forward to find out the news, but the man didn't care about him at all, and he was bored after several visits. The man only had his sword in his eyes, and nothing else.

Simply a sword idiot.Without any choice.Wu Tian continued to move forward.Although the pressure is great.But it has not yet reached the point where it is difficult to move an inch.So it didn't get very far.Another person was found.This person is wearing a green the snow.The blue shirt was blown and rattled.

However, this man didn't hear it at all. He was holding an ordinary ice sword in his hand. Wu Tian looked carefully, but it was a sword made of ordinary ice cubes.

The man looked at the ice sword suspended in front of him.Step forward abruptly.Clamp the ice sword with two fingers.Started to dance wildly.The place where the ice sword crossed.Just like the shirtless man before.It even caused the surrounding space to vibrate.

As we all know, it is extremely powerful to be able to strike an attack that makes the space fluctuate in the space of the gods. This person is also in the early stage of transforming gods.

Wu Tian secretly hated, why do others seem to be like the outside world here, without any pressure at all?
It is said that there is a sword god here, so it seems to be true. These people are practicing swords, and it is estimated that they have some relationship with the sword god.

Asked again, "Fellow Daoist, you are being polite. In Xia Wutian, it seems that fellow Daoist is very relaxed here, isn't it cold?"

The man stopped, saluted Wu Tian with one hand, and said lightly, "The sky is full of snowflakes, and I will turn into snowflakes. The sky is full of cold wind, and I will turn into cold wind. How can it be cold like this?"

Damn, they started to play charades, Wu Tian gritted his teeth in his heart, but he still asked again with a smile, "Why do I feel tens of millions of pressure when I come here, but fellow Daoists, are you still relaxed?"

"Enlightenment, if you don't understand it, you can't understand it. If you understand nature, you don't care about it naturally." The man in the green shirt laughed.

Enlightenment?Asked suspiciously, "What do you understand?"

"Sword" the man laughed.

Wu Tian thought about it carefully, but still couldn't figure it out, so he asked, "Can fellow Taoist explain it clearly?"

"Okay, as long as you can beat me." The man in the blue shirt smiled.

Seeing that they are all at the same level, he should be able to beat him, so he nodded and said, "So, just as fellow daoist said, as long as I win, fellow daoist, please tell me."

The man nodded, Wu Tian stirred up the divine essence, the man in the green shirt smiled lightly and said, "Did fellow Taoists use the divine essence?"

In a word.Wu Tian blushed slightly.The other party made it clear.Do not use the gods.There is only one ice sword in hand.If you use the divine element yourself.That would be a shame.

Also learn from that man.It instantly condensed into an ice sword in the snow and came out.

(End of this chapter)

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