Chapter 451

The man smiled and said, "Under Jianfan,"

Wu Tian looked at the ice sword in his hand and said, "Is that so good?"

Both of them are ice swords, they don't use Shenyuan, it's fair, Jian Fan nodded, Wu Tian said "Let's start like this".

Two people on the snow.Salute each other.Immediately Wu Tian made the first move.Bingjian swept across his waist.Jian Fan lightly pressed down on the ice sword.Just stop Wu Tian's attack.

Wu Tian was surprised.Although no Shenyuan.You can hit it yourself.I am afraid that the Supreme will also be split.But Jian Fan just blocked it.Once again, the sword slashed from top to bottom.

Jian Fan didn't even look at it, so the ice sword must be like this, and it happened that the tip of the sword held against Wu Tian's ice sword. This kind of trick made Wu Tian envious, and secretly thought that this guy would really pretend to be cool. , a reward.

In this way, Wu Tian shot faster, his body was like a phantom, and he kept attacking, and he heard crisp ding ding sounds, but Wu Tian didn't stab Jian Fan with a single sword, even if he touched it.He always blocked it skillfully from different angles.

After some attacks, Jian Fan smiled and said, "You've attacked so far, it's my turn to be next, Wu Tian paid attention."

Wu Tian fixed his eyes and said "please".Now that he was ready, his colleague's eyes glowed with golden light, and Jian Fan's every move was under Wu Tian's observation.

The ice sword held by Jian Fan's two fingers made a slight movement, and directly slashed towards him. Wu Tian was stunned, such a simple sword?Thinking that it must be an earth-shattering sword, he tilted it up and blocked it.


A light ding.Wu Tian stared dumbfounded at his broken ice sword.Looking at his cut arm.Eyes full of incredible.Bingjian break is also acceptable.But that sword without threat.He even easily broke through his own defense.At this moment, the body is comparable to the Divine Weapon of Yutian.

Jian Fan didn't use his divine essence, an ordinary ice sword can break through his own defense, how terrifying is that?
Jian Fan smiled lightly, "You lost?"

For the first time, Wu Tian felt that he had lost. He lost so thoroughly. Like a defeated rooster, he lowered his head and asked, "How did you do it?"

"When you can beat me one day. I'm telling you." Jian Fan smiled slightly.Then ignore Wu Tian.step aside.Start practicing sword.Dance with the sword again.Wu Tian sat cross-legged on the ground.No matter how I think about it, I can't figure it out.

Everyone is an ice sword, and he didn't cheat. Why was my ice sword broken?But what made that ordinary sword break through his own defense?

The golden eyes watched Jian Fan practice his sword.Remember his every move.Immediately he also stood up.Learning from Jian Fan, he began to dance swords in this icy and snowy land.

Jian Fan shook his head and smiled, and began to focus on sword dancing. Wu Tian didn't dance sword day and night. When he thought he was already wielding the same sword as Jian Fan, he proposed a competition again, and Jian Fan readily agreed.

Wu Tian still took the lead.This shot was extremely fast.Attacks are also more time a sword is drawn.There is a feeling in my heart.As if he could see blood next time.Wu Tian moved even more violently.The body is no longer limited to one direction.

Attacks started from all directions.But no matter how you attack.He didn't touch Jianfan even once.It's still the same.He was easily dodged.When Wu Tian really didn't have the confidence to attack.Jian Fan drew his sword.

It was still the same smooth sword as before, Wu Tian could be said to have seen his body clearly, all the movements were in Wu Tian's eyes, the two ice swords collided.


Wu Tian was completely petrified, Jian Fan shook his head, walked to the side and began to dance swords, as if all he did was sword dancing, Wu Tian looked at the blood on his arm, and it would be fine if he didn't scratch the wound in the blink of an eye, but the wound in his heart It's not going to get better anyway.

Why did I see everything about him clearly with my own eyes just now, but I was still tricked?If this is a life-and-death duel, I am afraid that I will be killed in a face-to-face meeting. Are all ancient gods and men so powerful?

I have also fought against the early stage of Huashen, and they are not a threat to me at all, but when I came here, I realized that there are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the people, Jianfan, I will definitely defeat you.

Having made a decision in his heart, Wu Tian began to focus on sword practice, relying on everything in his mind, only the sword in his eyes, where the eyes pass, the sword is there, and where the body passes, the sword is there.In this way, it can be said that man and sword have become one.

I have been practicing so hard for a while.Challenge Jianfan again.As a result, they still let themselves lose.

Wu Tian seemed to be crazy.I kept asking myself "Why. Why. Why?" Wu Tian roared to the sky.His white hair flew like a snowstorm.Wu Tianfei flew into the air.A sword splits the iceberg ahead.

He kept yelling, why, so ten years have passed, a hundred years have passed, a thousand years have passed, Wu Tian leaned against the ice and snow, watching Jian Fan dance sword like this, he didn't know how tired he was, and he danced sword forever.

It can be said that Wu Tianzao memorized the moves thoroughly, but with a fight or a sword, he could knock him down. He was unwilling, but he still accepted this reality and didn't stop asking why in his heart. There must be a reason.

Ren Fengxue opened his face without releasing his divine energy. On his vicissitudes of life, there was already a stubble of beard and hazy eyes. He was completely puzzled. At some point, a voice in his heart sounded, "You just There is a sword in the body, but there is no sword in the heart"

Wu Tian understood a little bit of these two sentences, there is a sword in the body, but there is no sword in the heart?So how do you have a sword in your heart?
Wu Tian stood up.Start dancing swords.The ice sword is in hand at the moment.It seems to have changed completely.It's like the sharp sword of the artifact.Very sharp.Keep your eyes straight ahead.A sword comes out.body.Heart.The swords all pointed in the same direction.

The surrounding snowflakes were shaken away, Wu Tian was suddenly happy, as if he had found the feeling, he began to practice swords, every move was a unity of body, mind, and sword, the area where the wind and snow were blown away was getting wider and wider, and the people in the distance Jian Fan nodded.

Wu Tian seemed to have forgotten everything, he only had the sword in his heart, and the Hundred Demon Sword also began to change slightly as Wu Tian changed.

1000 years have passed, and Wu Tian has been practicing sword non-stop for 1000 years. On this day, Wu Tian stopped, his vicissitudes of face was completely calm at this moment, and he came to Jian Fan again, and saluted with one hand." Please advise"

Jian Fan also stopped and said, "Satisfy you"

Both of them drew their swords, this time Wu Tian didn't attack first, but looked at Jianfan indifferently, the two of them seemed to have a heart-to-heart, and they drew their swords at the same time, one struck from top to bottom, and the other swept from bottom to top.


Both of them were shocked, this time the ice sword in Wu Tian's hand was not broken, and Wu Tian was not happy at the same time, Jianfan seemed to have found his opponent in an instant, his eyes burst out with fighting spirit, and the two of them were entangled again in an instant. The wind and snow were shaken away.

Both of them are masters who don't use Shenyuan.The battle was more shocking than using the divine essence.The effect is amazing.Occasionally the sword passed.The iceberg burst open.When making moves.Spatial fluctuations.

Wu Tian seemed to be transformed into a sharp sword, constantly attacking everything. What he saw in his eyes was not Jian Fan, but another self, as if he was about to transform this time, and he was about to defeat him. Wu Tian fought faster and faster, and the ice sword became sharper and sharper .

Later, the two of them were completely invisible in the entire iceberg, only the sound of ding, ding, and ka-ka was heard.

After the two shot with all their strength, the two fragile ice swords finally both burst open, and the two retreated at the same time, looking at each other, and then burst into laughter at the same time.

"Haha, thank you Brother Jianfan for your pointers," Wu Tian clasped his fists and said.

"You're being polite. It's been many years since we've had such a good fight. You're all in a good mood." Jian Fan laughed loudly.

"In that case, brother Jianfan, can you tell me what I asked?" Wu Tian asked expectantly.

"Do you still need to know?" Jian Fan laughed.

Wu Tian was stunned for a moment, he didn't know when it would start, he didn't seem to be under any pressure here, and what was surprising was that he didn't use Shenyuan at the moment, the wind and snow blowing on him was like that ordinary snow, a little I don't feel it either.

I remember the first test.I didn't use my gods.But it weighs as much as a thousand catties.The action is not sharp.Although it is also very fast.Compare with now.Like ants walking.

"Thank you Brother Jianfan" Wu Tian sincerely saluted.

"These are all your own comprehension, why thank me, I just comprehend this, and the road ahead is still very, very long." After Jian Fan finished speaking with a smile, he began to dance his sword again.

Wu Tian looked into the distance, and walked forward with his feet again. With one step, he was already hundreds of millions of miles away. The entire sea of ​​ice and snow could see a world of swords. He didn't understand swords, and was completely suppressed. Woolen cloth?

The more he walked in, Wu Tian gradually felt the pressure again, and the immobile divine essence also began to function, resisting the cold air, he understood in his heart, it seems that the sword intent here is higher, he didn't comprehend it, so he could feel it naturally to that pressure.

It seems that my road is really long. Facing the outside world, this place is more like the God Realm. If it wasn't for saving Ruoyun and looking for the Martial God, I really hope to practice here forever and pursue the ultimate "Tao".

Forced to walk on the snow, he didn't go far before he found a figure practicing sword here. To Wu Tian's surprise, it turned out to be a woman in a white snow shirt fluttering in the wind and snow, with countless snowflakes accompanying her every move.

The woman's skin was as white as snow, her delicate face was full of concentration, her big eyes were only looking at the front, every movement seemed to be natural, Wu Tian applauded in her heart.

This woman is in the middle stage of transformation, and there is no sword in her hand at a glance, but if you look closely, there seems to be a sword. Wu Tian is puzzled, walks forward, and salutes, "Junior Wu Tian, ​​senior is polite."

The woman stopped, looked at Wu Tian indifferently, and said, "No need to introduce the courtesy, I'm going to sword Xue'er" and she also returned the courtesy.

Wu Tian didn't turn the corner, and asked directly, "I see you as if you don't have a sword in your hand, but why do you seem to have a sword in your hand?"

"When you have a sword in your heart, you have a sword in your hand, and when you don't have a sword in your heart, you naturally don't have a sword in your hand," Jian Xueer said calmly.

It was Zen again, Wu Tian was depressed, tried to recall Jian Xueer's sword swing just now, and said, "I wonder if I can learn a thing or two?"

Wu Tian wanted to try to find out the answer, but Bingxueer didn't use Shenyuan here, which meant that everyone didn't use Shenyuan to compete. Wu Tian grabbed it, and an ice sword appeared, and looked at Jian Xueer indifferently.

Jian Xueer smiled lightly at the corner of her mouth, and slowly stretched out her hand to cover it, as if she had a sharp sword in her hand, the cold air suddenly came, Wu Tian couldn't help taking a step back, and looked at Jian Xueer in surprise.

"Can we start?" Jian Xueer asked.

Wu Tian nodded, his eyes glowed golden, and he drew out the sword suddenly. As soon as the ice sword was released, the surrounding space seemed to move with Wu Tian's sword. .

(End of this chapter)

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