Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal

Chapter 452 Heart Sword

Chapter 452 Heart Sword

The ice sword in Wu Tian's hand shattered, and it shattered in the air. The shattering was very thorough. It seemed that Wu Tian had already understood the result, and he was not too surprised. He said lightly, "Can I watch you practice your sword?"

Jian Xueer said with a slight smile. "what ever".Then ignore Wu Tian.Start practicing sword.

Wu Tian urged Shen Yuan to move.Resist all kinds of pressure.and chill.Sit down cross-legged.Watching Jian Xueer practice sword.

Her every move is completely watched, and she feels the 'sword' in her hand with her heart.Somehow Wu Tian seemed to see that there was indeed an invisible sword in her hand.

One-handed room.The invisible sharp sword kept waving.Space is also constantly vibrating.Feng Xue followed the invisible sword completely.

Wu Tian completely closed his eyes.Evolve the invisible sword in your mind.Just when Wu Tian closed his eyes and evolved.The Hundred Demon Sword in the body slowly changed.began to become transparent.Wu Tian didn't notice the whole process.

in mind at the moment.It was as if someone was covering the invisible sword by himself.Keep waving.That every wave out.All make my brain ache.As if something really stabbed it.

This is not really stabbed by something, it is completely a spiritual feeling, every move is almost completely substantive, this is the sharp sword of the five elements.

Wu Tian suddenly opened his eyes.The surrounding pressure suddenly disappeared.As if it had never happened before.The whole body was completely covered by heavy snow.Move around.Snow scattered around.It turns out that I don't know how many years have passed.

Jian Xueer was still practicing swords like that, Wu Tian stepped forward and said lightly, "Please advise"

Jian Xueer looked at Wu Tian suspiciously, and asked, "So fast?"

Wu Tian nodded, Jian Xueer looked at Wu Tian in surprise, then nodded and said, "That's it, let me check it out."

They both looked at each other, Jian Xueer shot first, the invisible sword pierced the sky, and pointed directly at Wu Tian's chest, Wu Tian didn't have the ice sword in his hand this time, the invisible sharp sword in his mind made a move, although there was nothing in his hand, but Still cover it, and sweep to block it.


With a sound of breath, two winds and snow exploded, Jian Xueer nodded, and said, "Sure enough, let me see, how is your strength?"

The two battles started.Invisible sword.Completely surpassed the ice sword.It is as if the whole world is an invisible sword.It's been like this for a year.Shuangshuang backed away.

Jian Xueer smiled and said, "Since you have already comprehended, the pressure here has no effect on you. You still need to move forward and continue to comprehend."

Wu Tian asked suspiciously, "You have already realized it, why didn't you move forward?", and Jian Fan also, since he has realized it, why didn't he move forward?

"I'm moving forward, but you don't know it," Jian Xueer said lightly.

Wu Tian didn't talk nonsense. After saying goodbye, he raised his feet and continued to move forward. The sea of ​​extreme ice is boundless. If he wants to find the legendary sword god, he doesn't know how long he will have to search for. Anyway, there is nothing wrong now, so why don't you just learn the way of the sword.Anyway, there is no rush at this moment.

This was done again for ten doubt.A new sword intent has emerged.That fierce momentum was even stronger.Just feel completely suppressed.In this sword intent.Wu Tian felt the fierce murderous aura.

It was creepy to be in it, and under the horror, Wu Tian didn't rush forward, but walked in the snow step by step, his murderous aura became more and more serious. Suddenly, the iceberg in front of him broke open, and a sharp sword Qi directly hit Wu Tian.

Unprepared, Wu Tian was hit and flew upside down, blood spurted out of his mouth, he was furious, and his spiritual thoughts spread out.

The other side of the blasted iceberg.There is a man.A suit of silver armor.His eyes were as cold as those of a beast.All murderous.All from him.He has nothing in his hands.But with one hand and two fingers together.Just swipe forward.There was a sword qi soaring out of the sky.

The horror is.The man's whole body had no fluctuations in his divine essence.The realm is higher than that woman.It must be the state of the late stage of the transformation of the fierce.Just this sword energy seriously injured himself.

The chest seemed to have no defense at all, a large blood hole was blown out, the blood spurted out, and the weight of the gods automatically recovered, but when the gods moved, the whole body felt like being stabbed by a sword, the pain was unbearable, and the heart was horrified.

The sword just now has such a heaven-defying effect?Suppressing the pain and recovering from the wound, the sword energy that hit his body had already come into his body, and it was that sword energy that prevented him from recovering just now.

The majestic spirit was mobilized, and the sword energy was expelled from the body. He took a deep breath, stepped out, came to the man, looked at him coldly, and said, "Why do you attack me when you practice sword like this?"

The man looked at Wu Tian coldly, and said lightly, "Everything I put in my heart is under attack, not you."

"You." Wu Tian was furious. This man took a deep breath. Everything he thought in his heart would be attacked by him. Then he thought, "So, I really want to learn."

The man sneered, and then said, "Satisfy you." After finishing his sentence, before Wu Tian was ready, he pointed at Wu Tian with one hand, and a fierce sword energy shot out from his hand. The cold light suddenly appeared, and the space seemed to have cracks. Wu Tian was horrified. Backed away, without regard to any rules.

The whole body agitated the divine essence, the invisible sword swept out, and collided with the sword.


Wu Tian was knocked into the iceberg.Even if you use Shenyuan.Was also simply hit by him.Blast into the iceberg.However, that person did not use the slightest divine energy at all.

"You want to challenge me even if you're so weak?" the god armor man said contemptuously.

Wu Tian flew out angrily.Instigate Shenyuan again.The invisible sword was blasted out.However, the god armor man is still like that.Simple one finger.The sword energy directly broke through the invisible sword.Hit Wu Tian.This time it was even stronger than last time.

Not only was it blasted into the iceberg.The chest was also blown out of the gap.Blood spilled again.The pain also appeared.

Recovering from the pain, Wu Tian flew out again, shouting "I'll show you too, the sword." The Hundred Demons Sword was sacrificed, and the surroundings of the world were still, Wu Tian looked at the completely transparent Hundred Demons Sword in amazement. Such a change has taken place.

The Hundred Demon Sword was sacrificed, and the spirits of his whole body were frantically agitated. Regardless of the changes at the moment, Wu Tian pointed with one hand, "Go"

The Hundred Demon Sword roared towards it.Attacked the god armor man.

The man sneered and said, "The sword is a good sword, unparalleled in heaven and earth, but people don't understand swords at all, how can they exert their full power?" The air burst out.Cross into a hundred magic sword.


Wu Tian vomited blood and backed away, completely subdued. The first time the Hundred Demon Sword was shaken back, the opponent didn't use his divine essence. In this way, if he wanted to kill himself, he only needed one move, one sword, and he would die .

Wu Tian wanted to run away, this man is too scary, he can kill himself with complete sword intent, but the man taunted, "Is this your strongest sword? Hmph, ridiculous, ridiculous. I can only say that you are ignorant"

Wu Tian's face flushed.glared at him.But there is no way.Could it be that the super god core was used on him?It is useless by oneself.Lost in sword intent.It's not about life and death.

"Hmph, you just practiced a few years earlier than me. Ten years, it only takes ten years. I will come here in ten years, and I will definitely defeat you," Wu Tian said coldly.

"Humph. Waiting for you at any time." The god armor man looked at Wu Tian coldly.

Wu Tian turned around and flew away. After flying for a while, he found an iceberg, hid in it, and quickly recovered from his injuries. At the same time, he observed his body with his divine sense. Endless sword intent.Waiting to dig yourself.

The divine mind was silent in the Hundred Demons Sword, the feeling of being one with oneself disturbed my heart, the Hundred Demons Sword seemed to be alive, trembling slightly, the entire transparent Hundred Demons Sword slowly disintegrated, turned into dots of stars, and melted into the body among.

A burst of joy flooded my heart.Tianyan Heart Sword.more and more so.Patriarch Chi Tian created the Supreme Heart Sword.But he didn't comprehend the way of swordsmanship.Heart sword.Heart sword.A sharp sword in your heart.What is in my heart.The sword should be pointed at.

Isn't that the case with the god-armored man?Why is he so arrogant.Because he has a sword in his heart.The sword is invincible.Just think so.Wu Tian fully understood.It turns out that Xinjian is so reasonable.What ice sword.Invisible sword.All are inferior.

The truly superior sword is the sword of the heart, the sharp sword of the heart, the sharp sword of controlling the heaven and the earth, and this is the supreme swordsmanship.

The iceberg above his head exploded with a bang, Wu Tian rushed upwards, and the wind and snow all around him split apart in an instant. Wherever the divine thoughts passed, the wind and snow all receded, and the aura around him was extremely fierce. Wu Tian's physical strength was as strong as nine days God stone in general.

At this moment, I don't know how strong it is.Quietly took out the Nine Heavens Divine Stone.The divine sense is opened.The light of the super god core shot out.irradiated on the body.In an instant, a pressure came.

Wu Tian, ​​who was under direct pressure, spat out a mouthful of blood.The divine sense immediately closed the Nine Heavens Divine Stone.Surprisingly.This time, there was no crack in the body.

"Haha. Under Yutian. I am invincible" Wu Tian laughed wildly.Lift it out one step at a time.Walked up to the god armor man.

The man seemed to have discovered it a long time ago, and said lightly, "It's only been six years, and you've figured it out?"

Wu Tian smiled and said nothing, "If you understand it or not, you will know if you try it."

"Humph. I have learned so much." Pointing at Wu Tian with one hand.A sharp sword qi shot out.In an instant, it hit Wu Tian's chest.

Wu Tian grabbed the sword energy with one hand, shook his head slightly and said, "Oh, it's too weak".

The man in the divine armor was furious, and countless sword qi shot out from his body. The violent sword qi pierced through the space and attacked Wu Tian. With a movement of Wu Tian's mind, countless sword qi burst out around him, and the two collided with each other. The snow was all pushed away.

Wu Tian laughed, "You are no longer my opponent."

The man in the divine armor said unwillingly, "You are extremely talented. I spent a billion dollars to understand this trick, but you only have six years. Now I will give you a magic talisman. If you crush it, you can do it." Meet what's in your heart."

A talisman flew to Wu Tian's side, Wu Tian raised his eyebrows and asked, "How do you know what I think?"

"Haha. I came to this sea of ​​extreme ice. Do you still need to ask?" The man in the divine armor laughed.The figure disappeared in place.

Wu Tian smiled calmly.Then pinch the most runes.A white light shines down.Disappeared in place.

This is the top of an iceberg, there is no wind and snow, and it is as calm as if it is not a sea of ​​extreme ice. Just as the divine sense was about to come out, a voice sounded in my heart, "What is a sword?"

Wu Tian said lightly, "Li Ye, the attacker of the world"

"What is a heart sword?"

"The sword of the mind, the thoughts in the heart, the direction the sword points to," Wu Tian said again.

"How to control the sword?"

"This" is really hard for Wu Tian, ​​if I answer simply, I'm afraid it's not right, so I thought about it and said "whatever I want".

(End of this chapter)

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