Chapter 477
"It's ridiculous. If I were the heir, would you still be able to kill me?" Wu Tian laughed.

"Although you are not now, you have already controlled the god of thunder. Sooner or later, you will inherit the inheritance of the god of thunder and control the gods. In order to avenge the hatred of ancient times, we must kill you today," the Tyrannosaurus rex said murderously.

Diamond Dragon looked at Mo Hao.Obviously, Mo Hao had to be dealt with.Tyrannosaurus rex let out momentum.Press Wu Tian directly.

Wu Tian laughed and said, "Haha. My invincibility is real invincibility. It doesn't matter whether you use Shenyuan or not."Yu Bi took the lead.The invisible sword shoots out.This time the transformation of one's own soul.Let Wu Tian use the invisible sword as he likes.

Shoot a million at a time.Just make Tyrannosaurus rex dumbfounded.The startled Diamond Dragon didn't dare to rush over to kill Mo Hao.

Wu Tian himself doesn't know what level his soul is strong.If at this moment I can use Zhou Tian's energy.I am afraid that he will become a master of Yutian immediately.

Facing such a powerful and numerous attack, even the late stage Tyrannosaurus rex, who let him master the sky, had no choice but to admit that Wu Tian might really be invincible at the same level.

Just when Tyrannosaurus rex was helpless.Another ray of light hurriedly shot.A wave of wild violence erupted.Countless wind blades appeared.The invisible sword that constantly bombarded Wu Tian.Both of them clashed in the sky.

In the end it was Sword God's move.The invisible sword is even better.Many broke through the wind blade.Boom above the Tyrannosaurus rex defense.

The Tyrannosaurus rex was blasted into the ground, shaking the ground, Wu Tian raised his head and looked at the flying golden light, it turned out to be a huge flying bird, Mo Hao exclaimed beside Wu Tian, ​​"The ancient Meng Peng Divine beast?"

Mengpeng slowly shrunk his body and turned into a young man. He looked at Mo Hao in the late stage of transformation with some strangeness, and said, "It's been so long. It stands to reason that you shouldn't know about me at your age?"

"Indeed, if I hadn't read ancient documents, I really wouldn't know about you ancient beasts," Mo Hao said flatly.

Meng Peng then looked at Wu Tian and said, "Is the sword god passed on to others? In ancient times, the sword god threatened to never accept people. Why is there an exception this time?"

"Do I have to be a sword god to pass on my swordsmanship? I can't comprehend it?" Wu Tian said lightly.

"Haha, you may be able to comprehend any one, but this swordsmanship, you comprehend it with the sword god. Could it be that you just comprehended it together?" Meng Peng said contemptuously.

Wu Tian didn't speak, and now he was sure that the sword that did not return was probably the sword god, so he paused and said, "Maybe what you said is right, but I am not the heir of the sword god."

"Hmph, so what, we killed you here, no one will come to ask, just now I felt a terrifying wave, what do you say?" Meng Peng frowned, looked at Wu Tian, ​​and said .

Diamond Dragon said again, "However, it was indeed the divine thunder just now, this kid has comprehended the divine thunder."

Mengpeng suddenly became surprised, "Shen Lei appeared?"

Diamond Dragon pointed to Wu Tian and said, "That's him".

After finishing speaking, before Meng Peng could speak, the ground trembled, and the Tyrannosaurus rex roared angrily and rushed up. It was as strong as him in the late stage of transformation, and he was covered in blood from the attack just now, and was already injured.Facing the two people said, "This guy's attack has already left the level of transformation god, everyone be careful"

Wu Tian laughed. "You are no longer a threat to me. Tell me how to get out of here. I will not make it difficult for you."

The situation was completely reversed, Wu Tian began to threaten the three of them, all of them were angry, but the injury on Tyrannosaurus rex convinced them that Wu Tian had this method, Meng Peng suddenly took a deep breath and let out a long cry.

The sound was like thunder.spread throughout the world.Immediately, countless Li Xiaoyao responded.The whole silent world.All of a sudden there was a fuss.All the powerful terrifying momentum rose up.

Wu Tian felt it.I haven't seen a master of the Yutian level appear yet.I breathed a sigh of relief.I thought to myself that when you come, I will have a pot.I still don't believe it.I can't handle you at this moment.

Ancient strange beasts appeared one after another, and then they all turned into human bodies, surrounded Wu Tian and Mo Hao, Meng Peng said to the many divine beasts that came, "We were driven down to the bottom of the God Realm back then, and my ancient divine beast master Regardless of this matter, it seems that this matter is only up to us. Since the fall of the God of Thunder, the God Realm will eventually turn into nothingness. We will all fall together with those ancient gods. God Thunder, if you have the opportunity to inherit the position of Thunder God and take control of this God Realm, "

"For the sake of our resentment over the years, he must be killed, otherwise, in the future, if this kid can really understand that way, after all, he will be in charge of the seven worlds, control the punishment of heaven, and fear the irreversible power of heaven, then we will be forever There is no turning back here, compared to staying here forever, "

"Kill him, and pay back the grievances and grievances of my ancient beast clan for billions of years," said a man wearing a red armor.

Wu Tian was very bored.This has not been found yet.Are you in such a hurry to start?Besides, what does your grievances and grievances for hundreds of millions of years have anything to do with me?It's not me who suppressed you.

When I thought about it, I shouted, "It's ridiculous. Don't think that you can talk like this because you have a large number of people. The so-called medicine can be taken indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense. You are suppressed here. It has something to do with me? It's not me. Personally? Besides, I just realized the god of thunder, and it has nothing to do with the god of thunder. As for the day's punishment, it's so elusive. You can control it if you can say it? It's too exaggerated, isn't it? "

"Even if it's not for the future, if you trespass here, you will be killed," said Tyrannosaurus rex.

"Yes, it also eliminates the one-in-a-billion possibility for the future," Meng Peng said.

"I know, you waited for so many people to come here just to kill me, don't blame me for being too frank, you can't break through my defenses together, and you are the only ones? Hmph, it's only 5000 people." .

Wu Tian took out the Eighteenth Exquisite Pagoda, held it up and said, "Guess how many beasts are there?"

Seeing that everyone was confused about what Wu Tian was going to do, Wu Tian sneered and shouted "out".

In an instant, countless divine beasts flew out.Momentarily, soil appeared on the soles of Wu Tian's feet.Don't know if it's because of the growth of the soul.At the moment it is hundreds of millions of miles.Wraps up all the mastery here.But in an instant.A simple Heaven Fighting Formation appeared.And at the moment of formation.Wu Tian grabbed Mo Hao with one hand.He took out a drop of blood from his hands.Hit the broken soil with one palm.

The formation changed in an instant, as if it was laid by Mo Hao. It drained all of Mo Hao's divine energy in the late stage of transformation in an instant. Mo Hao was horrified. He didn't know what Wu Tian was going to do. How terrifying it was to be drained of divine energy in an instant.

Wu Tian also patted Mo Hao's back lightly while Mo Hao was drained of his divine energy in an instant, and said, "Borrow the realm of big brother to use it." All over the formation.

At this moment, Mo Hao looked at Wu Tian obsessively, Wu Tian's soul power was like that autumn mountain, he was just a piece of gravel, like that vast ocean, and he was just a drop of water.Sighing in my heart, it really is an existence that can challenge the realm of Tianzun, and it is not comparable to ordinary stars.

And all the ancient gods and beasts looked at nearly a hundred thousand gods and beasts, but at this moment they were all in the late metamorphosis stage, and they were all shocked. There were still many Daocheng realms just now, so all of a sudden?Everyone thought of the shocking four-character 'Doutian Shenzhen'.

Although the realm of everyone has not yet reached the realm of controlling the sky, but their eyes are not bad. After seeing the world released by Wu Tian, ​​someone immediately exclaimed that the world has already been released. Heavenly position.

This is even more discretionary for everyone to kill Wu Tian.Wu Tian resorted to some tricks.Mo Hao sighed again in his heart.

Tuantuan's one hundred thousand late-stage masters of the God of Transformation surrounded a mere five thousand ancient beasts, even if they lost one, wouldn't they be invincible?It is impossible for them to kill Wu Tian at this moment without Yu Tian coming out.Although they had a strong desire to kill Wu Tian, ​​they had no chance.

After Wu Tian finished all this, looking at these divine beasts, he suddenly had a glimmer of understanding, and thought in his heart, did I come here just to accept them?
Looking at these ancient divine beasts, if they were to fight against the enemy, they would be able to control a small formation in the god formation, and their power would be extraordinary. When I thought about it, I was even more horrified. Could it be that my path has already been paved?
While everyone was contemplating, Wu Tian thought about his Ascension to the God Realm from the beginning, why was he near the Heavenly King City while everyone else was in the Ancient God Realm?It's not far from the sea of ​​extreme ice, and by chance, I got the divine jade crystal spirit, and after that, I understand the way of swordsmanship, so I came to find the god of law?Is it a coincidence, or is there an arrangement?Is this ancient beast on the way again?

An invisible big hand seems to be arranging everything.Wu Tian didn't want to be accused by him.The thought of killing arises in my heart.Kill together.The five thousand ancient beasts around were all shocked.They had an advantage.This moment is lost.

Wu Tian raised his head and asked me to take them in. Do I have to kill them?Perhaps sensing Wu Tian's thoughts, dark clouds suddenly appeared in the clear sky, as if to prevent Wu Tian from making a decision next time.

Seeing the sky change like this, Wu Tian's murderous intent is even more extreme. I, Wu Tian, ​​am a heaven-defying person, why don't others control everything?
Killing intent gushes out.A divine beast in the late stage of Hundred Thousand Transformation Gods.It can be said that it is completely one side.Among the five thousand ancient beasts, there were also warlike people.Immediately, he couldn't bear such a depressing atmosphere.Show up.Glaring around.

Wu Tian shouted "Kill".The imprints of the souls of these beasts are completely in the Eighteenth Exquisite Pagoda.As long as I don't die.They will live forever.

For many divine beasts in the late stage of transformation, a burst of energy caused many ancient divine beasts to be seriously injured.Wu Tian looked coldly at Tyrannosaurus rex and Mengpeng, and sneered, "Why don't you guys go up and help? Even if you are good, I will consume you to death."

Tyrannosaurus rex and Mengpeng looked at each other, nodded, and shot at Wu Tian, ​​Mengpeng roared, "This kid is the key at this moment, kill him first, and only then can we break the Heavenly Fighting Formation."

Listen to what Meng Peng said.All the ancient gods and beasts knew it was right.Abandon all opponents.Thousands of people bombarded Wu Tian.

Wu Tian sneered, raised his hand and shot out invisible swords, countless invisible swords covered the sky and covered the sun, and shot at the rushing ancient beasts. Facing so many attacks, everyone was helpless, and they were all blown away. Wu Tian's soul was so powerful that he sent out such The numerous invisible swords are not weak at all.

He said coldly again, "If Yu Tian doesn't say anything, I'm invincible"

"Then what if Yu Tian comes out?" A man appeared faintly above the Dou Tian God Formation, looking at Wu Tian.

Wu Tian suddenly looked up at the man.Powerful and extraordinary.Wearing a golden crown.He looked at himself coldly.A coercion emanated.But it is a master of Yutian.

Tyrannosaurus rex watched the man appear and snorted coldly, Meng Peng's expression was also bad.

And the Yutian master who appeared looked at them coldly, and also snorted coldly. In this simple Heaven Fighting Formation, the man waved his hand, and all the ancient gods and beasts were taken away. .

Also received the rest of the divine beasts, Dou Tian Shen Zhen, and Mo Hao, who had no divine essence, looked at the master of the sky coldly, and the momentum of the two sides collided.

(End of this chapter)

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