Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal

Chapter 478 Yutian First Battle

Chapter 478

Wu Tian, ​​the master of Yutian, has never had any real contact with him.The last two times were just taking advantage of it.And I can use the origin of the earth fairy at that time.In this state at the moment.Still not sure.

The momentum may be insufficient, but the words must not be weak, "I once killed two Yutian masters back then".

The man looked at Wu Tian coldly, and said lightly, "This is the God Realm. If you comprehend the world, you must have opened up a new realm in the lower realm. I wonder if you can do it now?"

"That's right, I can't use it now, but you must pay a lot if you want to kill me," Wu Tian said calmly.

"Who said I'm going to kill you?" The man sneered, and then said again, "Comprehend the god of thunder, and get the way of swordsmanship, sitting in a world, and I think you should have something in the legend, Wu Tian?"

Wu Tian was startled suddenly, and took a step back, "How do you know my name is Wu Tian?"

"Haha, I know more, for example, you are a Sanxian who attained the Tao," the man laughed again.

"You? How do you know? Did you ever meet me in the lower world?" Wu Tian asked.

"No, I don't have the ability to go to the lower realm yet, but I just know it," the man said flatly.

Wu Tian was not weak at all, and said, "What do you want?"

"If I don't teach you a lesson by trespassing here, I will be laughed at in the future when I am of the same line as the ancient beast. If you have done ten tricks in my hands this time, you will not care about it," the man said flatly.

"Ten tricks? Well, I really want to see how big the difference is between Yutian and Huashen. Dare I ask senior?" Wu Tian said.

A pair of horns appeared on the top of the man's head in an instant, but it was bent backwards, Wu Tian was taken aback, and the man said, "It is also the ancient sheep god".

"So let's make a move, senior," Wu Tian said.His eyes were full of solemnity, and at the same time, there was a high fighting spirit.

"I heard that you are very defensive. For this first move, you and I don't need Shenyuan. How about you receive my punch with one hand?" Yangshen said coldly.

Wu Tian made up his mind and said, "If that's the case, let's do it, senior."

Yang Shen fisted tightly.Take a deep breath.Suddenly opened his eyes.Two golden lights shot out.Shout out.He punched Wu Tian with a punch.

Without using Shen Yuan, Yu Tian's punch is not so easy to receive, Wu Tian doesn't need any preparations, he is the body of Nine Heavens God Stone, and he is not afraid that Yang Shen can break through his defense, shouted, " Well done."

Fists meet in the sky.


Both of them backed away, Wu Tian felt tightness in his chest, almost vomited blood, Guan Yangshen's complexion turned slightly red for a moment, and then he recovered, secretly sighing in his heart, after all, he is a master of Yutian.

"I really didn't expect that your defense is probably in this world of gods, and only Martial Gods can compare with it," Yangshen nodded.

Wu Tian turned his eyes and asked, "I don't know if seniors know where the Martial God is?"

"Why should I tell you? Just kidding, this second move, since you are on the way of the sword, you are chasing the sword god, and I also have a magic sword, so let's see if I can use the sword against you, how about it?" said the sheep god.

Wu Tian was not surprised that there was no news about fighting the God of War. Hearing the second move, Wu Tian laughed loudly, "Under Heaven Sword, only the Sword God can attack me at this moment, and no one else can attack me, including Yu Heaven Realm"

"So I'll try," Yang Shen turned his hand and took out a magic sword, the sword came out, the sword energy soared into the sky, and a fierce murderous aura burst out, Yang Shen pointed at Wu Tian with one hand, and shouted "go".

Excalibur suddenly groaned.Rush to Wu Tian.

Wu Tian suddenly shouted "presumptuous"

Excalibur let out a mournful cry, and stopped in the air. No matter how the sheep god input the divine energy, he couldn't activate it. Wu Tian laughed in the air, "Haha, I don't lack swordsmanship in the world. Seniors don't have to work in vain. Come back."

As Wu Tian yelled "Back", the Excalibur wailed again and flew back to the God of Goat. The God of Goat took back the Excalibur lightly, admiring in his heart. Sure enough, the Sword God has the ultimate sword way, and the swords of the world cannot be seen in front of him. The majesty of such a sword makes people in the entire God Realm envious.

The sheep god said faintly, "It's really good. If you can comprehend this way in the early stage of transforming into a god, your future achievements will be determined to be higher than the sword god."

"There is no need to say anything else, let's use the following move," Wu Tian said calmly.

"Since you are a lower realm venerable, I will not ask you how to speak and form it. Those who don't care about me, the following moves will be compared with you, the method of the five elements," the sheep god said lightly.

Wu Tian frowned, comparing the five elements with Jie Zun?Isn't this an obvious loss?Could it be that the God of Sheep intends to let him go?

I don't know, but since the god of sheep should be better than himself, and the five elements are no exception, Wu Tian has already evolved into a realm, how can the god of sheep compare?Lost all five games.

"Next, I will make a move. I don't use the energy of heaven and earth for the first two moves of the remaining three moves. I only rely on my own divine essence. In the last move, I will summon the energy of heaven and earth. Life and death depend on your chance." Yang Shen said lightly.

Wu Tian let out a long roar and said, "Come on, I, Wu Tian, ​​will do it"

The sheep god raised his hand.Shenyuan exploded.The giant palm turned golden in an instant.The vast coercion also came immediately.Just this momentum.It was a bit difficult for Wu Tian to resist.Facing the attacking giant palm.Shenyuan agitated.Countless invisible swords are ready-made in the sky.

Constantly bombarding the giant palm.The invisible sword is like a never-ending energy device.Continuously shoot invisible swords.

The sheep god was surprised again by Wu Tian's strong soul and mind.Such an attack.It's really rare.

It can be said that Wu Tian's divine sense and soul are no longer weak in the realm of Yutian, and such a move was broken by Wu Tian's powerful invisible sword, which surprised the sheep god.

Raise your hand again, this time it's not an attack from Shenyuan, but also an attack from Divine Sense, and Divine Sense swept towards Wu Tian.

Wu Tian's eyes burst out with golden light.The divine sense greets you.Both sides are in the air.Constant also being consumed.Wu Tian retreated three steps in a row.It was just now under the constant bombardment of the sheep god's divine sense.hold on.Wu Tian with a pale face.

With a loud shout, God's thunder was suddenly mixed with divine thoughts, and when the thunder came out, the soundless boom in the sky turned into a loud bang in an instant. The sheep god did not expect Wu Tian's instantaneous transformation.

With the help of Shenlei, Wu Tian's divine sense blasted all the way, the soul water lines in his mind appeared in the divine thunder, and ripples appeared at the same time, and suddenly became stronger. Spit a mouthful of blood.Blast back.

Wu Tian's whole body was full of colorful lights, facing the sky, his eyes were golden, and the vast coercion came out. At this moment, Wu Tian's divine sense actually triggered a riot of energy in the four directions of the world. In an instant, Wu Tian seemed to have the feeling of controlling the sky and the earth. .

Shout out "Sheep God, let's make the last move".

Yang Shen looked at Wu Tian's sudden change in amazement, and at the same time felt the fluctuation of the energy of the surrounding world, and suddenly thought that Wu Tian would not control the energy of the world.

At this moment, under pressure from Wu Tian, ​​the God of Goat shouted loudly, and golden light burst out from his whole body. He raised one hand, grabbed the void, and the energy of the surrounding heaven and earth was controlled. Stirring back and forth with one hand, the energy of heaven and earth pressed towards Wu Tian.

In Wu Tianshen's mind, the feeling of controlling the sky and the earth is still there. Facing an attack that is obviously not able to block the level of the gods, he laughed loudly, "Although the Hundred Demon Sword has been contained in the heart sword, it still exists. Look at the power of my Hundred Demon Sword"

The heavens and the earth began to move, and the vast coercion burst out. The invisible hundred demon swords combined with the energy of the heavens and the earth with the divine thoughts, and the silent sword chant, the shock of the soul, blasted towards the sheep god.


The four directions vibrated, the sky and the earth split apart, and the space turned into chaos. The Hundred Demon Sword came out and flattened the energy of the sheep god's heaven and earth.

He looked at Wu Tian in shock.The colorful rays of light on Wu Tian's body were constantly receding.The water lines in my mind also slowly subsided.Wu Tian withdrew from the state just now.A feeling of exhaustion haunted my heart.

Biting the tip of his tongue, he raised his spirits, looked at Yang Shen and said, "Senior, ten moves have been passed, don't you know?"

"Haha, the younger generation is awesome, the younger generation is awesome!" The sheep god laughed, and he only showed a smiling face at this moment, which made Wu Tian a little puzzled.

"Wu Tian, ​​don't you want to know why I know your situation? Come with me, I'll take you to meet someone, and you'll understand," Yang Shen said with a smile.

"Oh? Is there anyone I know here?" Wu Tian asked in confusion.

"Yes, that person said how amazing you are. I didn't believe it in every possible way before, so it seems that you are really amazing." Yang Shen walked over with a smile and said with a smile.

Wu Tian thought, who do I know among the ancient beasts in the God Realm?Knowing about my lower realm, I'm afraid the only one in the Myriad Beasts Formation, is it possible that the ancient beasts are being imprisoned in the Myriad Beasts Formation?It can't be that super divine beast, the same divine beast as Yiyi, he is the only one who is the most powerful in the beast formation, and besides Yiyi, the only divine beast that fully retains his mind, is it really him?

"In this case, please senior take me to have a look," Wu Tian said.

"Okay. Let's go" Yang Shen waved his hand.The surrounding world suddenly changed.When it is clear again.Has appeared in a sacred mountain.The fragrance of flowers is everywhere here.Aura is abundant.The breath of many masters around.There was a faint coercion.

Wu Tian was startled.It seems that there are many Yutian masters here.The moment Wu Tian and Yang Shen appeared.Many divine senses came to visit.

The sheep god laughed, "Don't look at it, come here, we'll see big brother in a while"

"call out"

There were several sounds of breaking through the air, and four masters of Yutian appeared in front of Wu Tian. They were all human bodies, and Wu Tian couldn't see their real bodies, but they were full of momentum. If they went out, they would be people who would shake the world. Let's go, I'll take you to see Big Brother"

Among the sacred mountains, as soon as the shrine appeared in Wu Tian's eyes, he saw a middle-aged man sitting mightily on the first seat above, and there were several old men below, their breath restrained, and none of them could see any state, but To be here, no matter what, he must be a master of Yutian.

The leading middle-aged man came in from Wu Tian.Only then slowly opened his eyes.A pair of vicissitudes of eternal eyes.Profound and restrained.His hair was disheveled behind him.sit there.The act of smiling.They seem to move with the sky and the earth.

After a quick look, Wu Tian was sure in his heart that this must be a master at the peak of Yutian. Apart from Tianzun and the ancient gods, there are probably few people who can be his opponents.At this moment, I can't feel any breath of that person, and I don't know if it is him.

Everyone is looking at Wu Tian, ​​a young god who is in the early stage of becoming a god. Under the eyes of so many Yutian masters, it would be a lie to say that there is no pressure, but at this moment Wu Tian is very human, and his divine sense and soul are not weak Yutian In the early days, he arrived with aplomb.

Clasped fists looked at the person above, said "Junior Wu Tian, ​​pay respects to seniors", then turned to the masters sitting on both sides, "Greetings to seniors"

Everyone returned the salute without saying anything, as if they were waiting for the person in the seat to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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