Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal

Chapter 525 Seeing the Dharma God Again

Chapter 525 Seeing the Dharma God Again
"Wu Tian, ​​are you okay?" Chen Xuan asked. Wu Tian, ​​who was sitting in Chuanhaosu at the moment, was a bastard. This last attack undoubtedly aggravated his injuries. There is such a trace of effect.

"It's okay, I can still resist," Wu Tian said slowly, showing a pale smile.

Chen Xuan didn't ask any more questions, and hurried on his way. Although he really wanted to know the power of Wu Tian's divine thunder, Wu Tian was not a good time to talk, and he also saw how powerful the divine thunder was.

along the way.There is no obstacle encountered.I am afraid of the fall of Gongmaide.Surprised a lot of people.After all, there is still Chen Xuan, a late-stage Yutian master.

There is no hindrance.Chen Xuan accelerated again.After decades.finally.Came to the place of extreme movement.It's still on fire here.

"It's already here," Chen Xuan said.

Wu Tian and Mo Hao opened their eyes.Several people came out to wear Haosu.Originally, Chen Xuan made a move to create ice here.But tried a few times.It turns out he can't do it at all.I think he is also the peak master of Yutian late stage.But he just can't.Mo Hao didn't even need to try.

In the end, it was Wu Tian who made the move.Nothing is more effective than world space out.Although the injury is already serious.But also to the Far East.Wu Tian bit the tip of his tongue.World space is sacrificed.A divine thought moved.An iceberg suddenly appeared below.

A rainbow in the sky also appears.Shortly after.The steps appeared in the eyes of everyone.

"Come up the steps!" Mo Hao shouted when he saw the steps turned into reality.

Chen Xuan made a move in an instant, rolled the two of them, and appeared on the steps. The surrounding scene changed continuously, and he appeared in a peaceful place. Mo Hao naturally knew what to do. Shenyuan dragged Wu Tian's body and flew towards the hall.

As soon as I arrived at the gate of the main hall and shrine, a woman appeared, and said lightly, "Please follow me."

Mo Hao hurriedly saluted "I'm getting old".

It was the first time for Chen Xuanke to come here, and he was a little surprised at the peace and morality here. In his late Yutian period, he was able to comprehend some morality, and his heart was even more shocked by the power of the ancient god.

"Are you here?" A faint voice sounded, this time Fashen walked out of the palace, looked at the three and said.

"The younger generation pays homage to the senior" and the three saluted. Although Wu Tian was seriously injured, they still saluted.

"There is no need to be too polite." The Fashen raised his hand to support Wu Tian, ​​then looked at Wu Tian's wound, and said again, "Zi Shenlei, there is no difference between heaven and earth, and it represents heaven's punishment. No one can resist it. Even your body, if you get Strengthening the Nine Heavens Divine Stone is not enough, but it is extremely powerful."

"Senior, is there a way to save Wu Tian's life?" Mo Hao asked hastily.

"This purple god thunder is full of death energy, that's why you can't recover at all," Dharma God said lightly.

"Death?" Wu Tian asked slowly, a little puzzled.

"That's right, it's death. I think you've encountered Thor's corpse," Fashen said in surprise.

Wu Tian's eyes narrowed suddenly.Chen Xuan and Mo Hao were also horrified.

"Thor's corpse?" Wu Tian was even more horrified. The purple god thunder emitted by the corpse almost made him fall, which was too terrifying.

"That's right, there are purple gods and thunders in the world, and only thunder gods have them, but if you can comprehend the highest level in the future, you can have them too," Fashen said with a smile.

"I'm afraid I'm not the only one who owns God Thunder. I found Zhan Clan, Wind Clan, and Rain Clan in the Sea of ​​Death. They were all sent down to the Sea of ​​Death by God's punishment. At that time, Thunder God had already fallen, which shows that the God Realm , there should be a divine thunder controller," Wu Tian explained.

"No, no, it's just that everyone else used Thor's Purple God Thunder," Fashen said flatly.

"Borrow?." Wu Tian was still asking, but Fashen interrupted Wu Tian and said, "Let's treat your injury first."

Wu Tianping was lying in the air.The Dharma God kept shooting mysterious patterns from his hands.One after another divine spell melted into Wu Tian's damage.That breath of life filled Wu Tian.

The God of Law continued to release the magic spell, and Wu Tian's chest was slowly recovering. Chen Xuan and Mo Hao looked at this, and they were all happy, and they were finally saved.

The three lived in Fashen Palace for more than a month.Wu Tian just woke up again.This time the chest was back to normal.Shenyuan also recovered.There is no surprise in Divine Sense.

"Thank you senior for saving your life." Wu Tianxing saluted and thanked.

"There is no need to be formal," Dharma God smiled faintly.

Wu Tian collected his thoughts, and then asked, "Senior said before that the god of weapons is just borrowing the Purple God Thunder. Where did this start? Could it be that the God Thunder can also be borrowed?"

Fashen looked into the distance, and said lightly, "This is what makes Qishen superior. He refined himself into a divine weapon, made it into a carrier, and borrowed the divine thunder."

"What world seeds does he want to get?" Wu Tian asked.

"Create the world," said the Fashen.

The three of them were shocked, and Wu Tian stepped forward and said, "Heavenly Venerable is still there, and several senior ancient gods are also there. How can he create the world? And seniors, why let him be presumptuous?"

"If you don't succeed, he is the last hope," Fashen said coldly.

"This." Mo Hao looked at Fashen in surprise.

Dharma God stood up slowly, walked to Wu Tian and said, "The Lords of Heavenly Venerate can't get out anymore. They guarded the source of the God Realm at the moment of Thunder God's fall. If it weren't for the Lords of Heavenly Venerate, the God Realm would have been destroyed sooner." Crashed in the age of chaos,'

"And our four Heavenly Venerates are guarding one side, balancing the God Realm, and this has continued until now"

"Balance?" Wu Tian read.

"That's right, it's balance," Fashen said.

"Then my appearance?" Wu Tian shouted.

"Your appearance was an accident, no one counted your appearance." Fashen didn't care about Wu Tian's roar.

"I understand. Qishen's study of the God's Core is to lower his own body to become as defensive as the God's Core, and then go to that castle to get Thor's body, right?" Wu Tian said with wide-eyed eyes.

"That's right, he has been studying it for so many years," Fashen said.

"You don't take action to destroy him. I can understand. After all, it needs to be continued. Even if you are controlled by the god of weapons, the inheritance is in the castle of the sea of ​​death, in the body of Thor. If I get it, I will continue it." After obtaining the inheritance, the God of Artifacts obtained it, and continued the inheritance, but he can only control the original source, not the punishment of heaven," Wu Tian said.

"You're right," Fashen didn't deny it.

"Then I still don't understand, my appearance?" Wu Tian asked again.

"As I said, your appearance was an accident, and I didn't know about your appearance. Maybe only a few Lord Tianzun knew about it," Fashen said.

Wu Tian turned his hand and took out the Nine Heavens Divine Stone and sent it to open the seal. The super divine core appeared in the eyes of several people. Chen Xuan and Mo Hao hurriedly mobilized the energy of heaven and earth to protect themselves. What is it? It's not Thor's core, so what is it? Why are there rumors that getting him can control everything, why does anyone want to get it"

Wu Tian said everything, just wanted to understand, even if he died, he would let himself understand.

Dharma God quietly looked at the Super God Core, the vast coercion made Dharma God's face a little pale, and after a while, he said, "Thunder God fell because of this God Core, it only belongs to predestined people, who wants to think get it and die"

Stains of sweat appeared on Wu Tian's forehead, and he asked, "Am I that predestined person?"

"I don't know, all the ancient gods don't know about everything, only Lord Tianzun knows," Fashen said.

"No, Martial God knows, tell me, Martial God is there" Wu Tian looked directly at Fashen without flinching.

Fashen backed away slowly, and said flatly, "You have a bet with the Sword God, and if you win the Sword God, you will know that the Valkyrie is there." After speaking, he sat on the first seat, and his figure began to blur.

Wu Tian was startled, and hurriedly asked, "How is Ruoyun's injury? Where is she?"

Suddenly the surrounding world changed.Wu Tian was shocked.But the body is imprisoned.

In an instant, he recovered himself, but already out of the Fashen Palace, Wu Tiantian cursed again, the same as last time, at a critical moment, he sent himself and others out, obviously not wanting to answer.

"Wu Tian?" A gentle female voice sounded.

The scolding Wu Tian.Suddenly froze.Turn around slowly.A beautiful woman looked at herself with a smile.The long white dress fluttered in the sky with the wind.

"Ruo. Ruoyun?" Wu Tian called out the name tremblingly.

"Wu Tian" came rushing like a cloud.He hugged Wu Tian.

"Great. You finally recovered. You finally recovered." Wu Tian was overjoyed.The anger just now has disappeared.

"I, I have a lot to say to you," Ruoyun cried.

"Needless to say, I know everything, I know everything," Wu Tian stroked Ruoyun's face with both hands, and said again, "Everything will pass, and I won't let you get hurt again, no matter if you are Ruoyun or Meilin Silk"

Wu Tian turned his head, looked at Chen Xuan and said, "Brother, send us back, I'm going to the sea of ​​extreme ice now, and I want to challenge the sword god."

Chen Xuan and Mo Hao opened their eyes wide and looked at Wu Tian in horror. Although they both admitted that Wu Tian was very powerful, but singled out the ancient god?Especially the sword god with the strongest attack in the world, undoubtedly has no chance of winning.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Chen Xuan asked.

Seeing Chen Xuan and Mo Hao's eyes, Wu Tian was depressed, and said, "It's not the life-and-death duel you think about. I want to know where the God of War is. The only way to challenge the God of Sword is to defeat the God of Sword with a sword. He won't kill me." , "

"So I feel relieved," Chen Xuan said.

Wu Tian smiled.Turning to look at Ruoyun.He led her into Chuanhaosu.In Wu Tian's heart, it is not just Ruoyun who needs to be protected.He has many people to protect.master.Shimei.Those life and death brothers.friend.And the earth.

The God Realm must never be destroyed.Also absolutely must not let Qi Shen get everything.Thor's body doesn't have the strength yet.At this moment, he must find Valkyrie to understand the situation.Then increase your strength.I am afraid that in the end it will be a match with the god of weapons.

At this moment, I just hope that the research will not succeed.Otherwise, Qi Shen will get Thor's body.Possesses the origin of the divine realm.Although I can't move.It is exactly as he said.Even if the God Realm is destroyed, he will not die.Besides, he got Thor's body.I am afraid that the God Realm will not be destroyed.

At that time, no one could deal with Qishen, Wu Tian secretly decided in his heart that Qishen must not be allowed to get it.

Going back through Haohao, Wu Tian and Ruoyun told each other that Wu Tian had done a lot over the years, and Ruoyun had the memory of Mei Linsi, which made the relationship between the two even more subtle.

Suddenly Wu Tian also discovered that the person who took away Ruoyun's soul was probably Tianzun, in order not to be able to walk on the ruthless way.

(End of this chapter)

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