Chapter 526

"Are we going to deal with Qishen now?" Chen Xuan asked suddenly.

Wu Tianshen went out, and it turned out that he was almost at the Heavenly King City. He once again sighed at the speed of Yutian Peak, and then said, "Now is not the time to deal with him. Several Heavenly Venerates are also choosing between me and Qishen. We now I can’t move him yet, and besides, he hasn’t achieved the success of the experiment. I haven’t fused Thor’s body. I still have a chance, at least I’m older than him.”

"Even if you want to deal with him now, I'm afraid you won't be able to find him," Mo Hao said.

"That's right. He's still in Tianwang City. I just believe in his guts," Wu Tian said with a smile.

Chenxuan's Chuanhao came to Tianwang City while everyone was talking, the whole Tianwang City was empty, there was no living person, Wu Tian sneered and said, "It seems that Qishen is not very good, if he is allowed to take over everything, I'm afraid Complete hegemonism, the God Realm has been completely reduced to hell"

Although Chen Xuan and Mo Hao didn't understand the concept of hell.But thinking about it, it shouldn’t be the place where God should be.

"Brother, you have to work harder, we will depend on you in the future," Mo Hao said.

"That's right, if you lose, we're afraid we'll all fall with you," Chen Xuan said solemnly.

"Don't worry, I've never lost," Wu Tian said firmly, looked at Ruoyun beside him, and said, "I haven't before, and I won't in the future."

Ruoyun smiled.Gently nodded.

Chen Xuan said, "Let's go to the sea of ​​extreme ice now, I hope my brother will succeed in the first battle."

Wu Tian held the wine altar high and said, "The last moment has come, let us fight to our heart's content"

"Roar" Two loud roars sounded.

Chuanhaosu shot to the north, this place is not far from the sea of ​​extreme ice, at the speed of Chenxuan, it will arrive in one month.

When walking to the sea of ​​blood that year, Wu Tian suddenly called out, "Brother, stop!"

"What's the matter?" Chen Xuan asked.

"I didn't expect this guy to dare to be here. His backbone is stronger than the god of weapons. Let's see how you run this time. Don't come here." After Wu Tian finished speaking, he disappeared on Chuanhaosu.

Appeared again, already above the sea of ​​blood, the sea of ​​blood was not as spectacular as before, but it also piled up again, it seems that this old blood still shot and killed others, it should be damned, this time I will completely end the matter with him Duan grudges.

A long whistle came from Wu Tian's mouth.A vortex suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​blood below, and when he was young, he shouted angrily, "Who invites you with a long roar".

"Why are you still here"

"Why are you still here"

Wu Tian and Xue Lao said at the same time.

"Haha, you still used a little trick to think I won't be here?" Wu Tian laughed.

"You, why do you stop the old man in every possible way?" Xue Lao said with a little fear.

"I want to stop you in every possible way. It's God. God wants me to kill you. You have done a lot of evil. Today is your death day," Wu Tian said coolly.

"Hmph, if God's punishment doesn't exist, who will stop me?" the old blood roared wildly.

"It's not that it doesn't exist, it's just that the time hasn't come yet. Today is your auspicious day," Wu Tian said with great momentum.

"Hum..." Xue Lao snorted coldly, but at this moment he still hasn't been promoted to Yutian Realm, so what if he was promoted to Yutian Realm?
Xuelao laughed angrily, "Even if I'm not your opponent, are you capable of killing me? It's ridiculous." After finishing speaking, his body split apart, and countless blood spots shot out in all directions. .

"Let's end it. Set it," Wu Tian said lightly.All the blood spots were imprisoned as soon as they were separated.

Frightened fluctuations radiated from the countless blood spots. Wu Tian flipped his hand and took out the Super Divine Core. The golden light shot away, and the blood spots dissipated one by one. The vast heavenly power proved the existence of Heaven's Punishment.

"Old blood, old blood. God's punishment is not absent. It has always been there. If you do many unrighteous actions, you will kill yourself. No wonder others," Wu Tian finished.It completely killed the old blood.It also refined the sea of ​​blood below.

With the disappearance of the sea of ​​blood.It's finally over.sigh.Wu Tianfei returned to Chuan Haosu.

Chen Xuan took a few people with him.On the road again.At this moment, Chen Xuan kept thinking about that sentence. 'God's punishment is not absent.always there'.

He looked at Wu Tian strangely.The sea of ​​extreme ice soon appeared in the eyes of everyone.The vast snow.and endless icebergs.Transmitting endless cold.

"What a strong sword intent!" Mo Hao exclaimed.

"Yeah, this is a world of swords," Wu Tian said with a smile, then looked at Ruoyun and said, "You are only in the middle stage of Taoism, so you can't go in. I'll take you in now, and let you out when you come out."

Ruoyun nodded, Wu Tian dismissed Ruoyun with a wave of his hand, and then said, "Let's go in together and see how far the two big brothers can go."

The three of them went north all the way, and the sword intent around them became stronger and stronger. Wu Tian walked all the way, constantly feeling the sword intent and enjoying the world of sword intent, but Chen Xuan and Mo Hao couldn't understand it. Rarely, the entire surrounding space is full of pressure for them.

The most uncomfortable one belongs to Mo Hao. He is not as strong as Wu Tian's swordsmanship, and not as high as Chen Xuan. After walking to a certain place, he finally couldn't bear it. place, can't walk at all"

"Haha." Wu Tian laughed.come over.

Chen Xuan also had sweat on his forehead.Be here all the time.Constantly consume their souls.The pressure is also increasing.

Wu Tian smiled and said, "Brother, you have to start to arrange your own sword intent in your heart, so that you can go further here."

"It's just that there is a sword in my heart. I can't go far. The sword is endless." A cold voice sounded.

The three turned their heads to look.A shirtless man.Grim holds an iron sword.He looked at the three of them lightly.Wu Tianming understood.This is the sword practicer of the sea of ​​extreme ice.

Mo Hao saw that the man was only in the middle stage of transformation, and immediately sneered, "The sword is endless? Let me tell you, my brother has reached the ultimate level of swordsmanship."

"Haha, it's ridiculous, it's ridiculous." The man laughed, and then he swung the iron sword a few times, and said again, "The sword is born from the heart, and the sword's intention is only the heart. If it's just like this, it can only be regarded as a master of swordsmanship, the ultimate? There is no sword god, why? Come on your brother? It's ridiculous"

Wu Tian frowned.Mo Hao was furious.He snorted coldly and said, "Speaking loudly. Then compare yourself with my brother." Pointing at Wu Tian who was thinking.

"What? Don't I want to cooperate with you, Master Yutian?" The man looked at Mo Hao and said disdainfully again.

"You." Mo Hao sneered. "I'm afraid I'll 'injure' you accidentally." The word hurt is very serious.

"Haha, we don't use Shenyuan, just use your energy from heaven and earth to see if you can 'injure' me." The man also dragged the word injury for a long time.

Chen Xuan frowned, Wu Tian was shocked, could it be that this man's sword intent could break through the energy of the world?Looking at the man in amazement, Wu Tian said to Mo Hao, "Brother, let's compete with him, and let us see the sword intent."

Mo Hao looked at Wu Tian, ​​looked at the disdainful man, and immediately said, "Boy, if you want to die, you can't blame me. The energy of heaven and earth is extremely powerful. It's not something you can resist at the stage of transforming into a god. It's nothing." People are as perverted as my brother, have you figured it out?"

"No need to prepare," the man said bluntly, standing proudly in the snowstorm with an iron sword in his hand.

Mo Hao was even more furious, Shenyuan was only resisting the pressure around him, holding the energy of heaven and earth in his hands, and shouted, "Boy, don't blame me for bullying the small, let you make the first move"

"So I'm not welcome." The man waved his sword with one hand.The sword pointed at Mo Hao.There was a long howl.Facing Mo Hao who was [-] meters away, he slashed through the void.A sword light with a size of a hundred meters.Attack Mo Hao directly.All that space was broken.

Mo Hao immediately put away his little peep.The energy of heaven and earth is released.

The [-]-meter sword light was in contact with the energy of heaven and earth.There was only an instant explosion.The wind and snow spread around the scroll.

Wu Tian suddenly yelled, "Brother, go back!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the sword light broke through the wind and snow, and slashed towards Mo Hao. Before Mo Hao could use the energy of heaven and earth again, Wu Tian had already appeared beside him, shouting "Scatter", the approaching sword light suddenly dissipated.

The man holding the iron sword frowned, and looked at Wu Tian and Mo Hao coldly.

"This guy's sword is so terrifying, that Gu has a strong sense of locking, that sword seems to destroy everything," Mo Hao said with a heart palpitation.

Wu Tian thought about the sword just now again, and then flew to the man's side, and said, "Can we have a contest?"

The man holding the iron sword looked at Wu Tian, ​​and then said, "I don't have as much sword intent as you, and I can't use a sword against you. No need to compete, I also lost."

"Oh? You know me?" Wu Tian asked curiously.

"No, I don't know you, my sword knows you." The man raised his iron sword, which trembled slightly at this moment.

Wu Tian looked at the man and asked, "Your sword just now didn't have sword intent, why was it so strong?"

The man looked into the depths of the extremely icy sea, and said, "The way of the sword can be feared directly against the sky. It is in charge of killing, and the sword intent can control angels, as long as you dare."

"But you didn't have sword intent just now," Wu Tian asked.

"Yes, I have no sword intent, and the way of the sword I walk is not a single sword intent at all. I don't understand that kind of impossible swordsmanship. The only way to do it is to walk the real swordsmanship, but I believe that the swordsmanship is ultimately unified It just depends on who can comprehend more," the man said profoundly.

"I see. The sword is the same as the way." Wu Tian seemed to feel that his sword way had changed once.Let Kendo.Merge with Heaven.Merge with your own way.The surrounding wind and snow.It's not snow.Turned into countless sharp swords.Flying around Wu Tian.

The iron sword in the man's hand took off his hand and flew around Wu Tian. The surrounding wind and snow formed a hurricane, surrounding Wu Tian. Chen Xuan, Mo Hao and the man were all pushed away.

And Wu Tian closed his eyes, enjoying everything, and the rules of the sword in the entire Sea of ​​Extreme Ice also changed. Wu Tian slowly opened his eyes, and said lightly, "Let's spread out."

Countless wind and snow slowly dispersed.eventually subsided.And all the wind and snow in the sea of ​​extreme ice subsided.This sea of ​​extreme ice.Ushered in two kendo sages who are in control of the rules here.

"Sword God, I'm coming!" Wu Tian let out a long roar, flew to the depths, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The man stared blankly at the iron sword in his hand, and asked, "Is that man challenging the sword god?"

Chen Xuan and Mo Hao were also surprised, there was no pressure around them, and it was like the outside world, which surprised them. Hearing the man's question, Mo Hao said, "That's right, my brother is here today to challenge the sword god."

The man got an affirmative answer.There was a long howl.Excitedly rushed inside.There are constantly cracking sounds around.The entire sea of ​​extreme change.The next person who practiced swords.All flew towards the deepest point.It didn't work before.But now the surrounding sword intents have all disappeared.

And that voice just now.Let everyone see that another strong swordsman was born in the sea of ​​extreme ice.

Chen Xuan and Mo Hao looked at each other, and flew towards Wu Tian's direction.

(End of this chapter)

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