Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 110 Dad, after you marry a wife, I'll take care of it for you too!"

Chapter 110 Dad, after you marry a wife, I'll take care of it for you too!"

"It's a big deal, Dad, if you marry a wife in the future, I'll take care of it for you too!"

Zheng Yu was talking earnestly, then he saw something drop onto the plate in front of him, and when he looked down, it turned out to be a shelled shrimp.

Keeping your mouth shut tactfully, Dad finally got the hang of it, right?
Although it was thrown on his dinner plate, but with such an awkward father, what can he do?

For the time being, let him be a magpie bridge!

Thinking about it, I picked up the chopsticks, the posture is very standard, I learned from my father, because the movement of my father holding the chopsticks is very good.

Picking up the shrimp in the bowl, I was about to pick it up for Mommy, when I saw that there was an extra shrimp in Mommy's bowl, I paused, and looked up at Dad at the same time as Mommy.

Gu Siling didn't look at Qiao Ran, but only glanced at the little boy, but he didn't stop peeling the shrimp.

The voice is deep and nice.

"You eat yours!"

Hanhan silently stuffed the prawn caught on the chopsticks into his mouth, his heart was so happy!
Dad is also enlightened, isn't he?
Seeing that Gu Siling had been peeling shrimps for her and Hanhan, Qiao Ran felt even more embarrassed when Hanhan said that Gu Siling hadn't had lunch yet.

After repeated hesitation, I finally had to say, "Mr. Gu, you can eat by yourself, I can do it myself!"

As he said that, he also took the initiative to hand the napkin by the table to Gu Siling to wipe his hands.

However, with his hand in the air, the man didn't answer it immediately, he was still peeling the shrimp, and only glanced at her.

Gu Han was separated in the middle, and he raised his head at the sound of Mommy's voice, but now seeing Mommy taking the initiative to pass the napkin to Dad, it was even more inconceivable, and looked at Mommy stupidly.

Qiao Ran was embarrassed by the little guy's look, and was about to withdraw her hand, but the man moved so fast.

She had already put the peeled shrimp on her dinner plate, and then the napkin was taken away from her hand.

Move fast, like a gust of wind~

If it wasn't for the cold temperature that his hand touched her just now, and the emptiness in her hand, she would feel that this is an illusion!
I doubt life
A meal is finished in such an atmosphere.

It's past eight o'clock, she wants to go back to the bar, she has to go to work!
Gu Siling sent her back to the bar straight away, and it was tacit understanding with each other, so she no longer felt shy.

After all, she is Hanhan's mother, and there will always be a day when this matter is revealed!
Kissed the little guy, talked for a while, said goodbye, and then got out of the car.

However, the door could not be unscrewed, it was locked!
Qiao Ran had no choice but to turn her head, looked at the person sitting in the front seat, and called Mr. Gu softly.

The weakness in the voice is very obvious!
Gu Siling put one hand on the steering wheel, and tapped on the seat with the other.

Facing her without turning her head, was the back of her head with trimmed visible scalp.

A deep voice floated in my ears.

"Go back and pack your and your friend's things. I asked Xiao Wu to find a new place for you. You will move there tomorrow!"

When Qiao Ran heard this, she cast her eyes down, she really didn't like the feeling of relying on others.

What's more, she doesn't like this person's tone of voice that cannot be questioned!
So, without any hesitation, he said, "Mr. Gu, don't bother, I think it's good to live there! It's also convenient to go to work!"

Hearing this, Gu Siling finally turned around, his eyes were sharp, locked on Qiao Ran's delicate face, and he was surrounded by that powerful aura.

"Speaking of going to work, you have to change your job too. You take a few days off first, and I will arrange it for you then!"

(End of this chapter)

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