Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 111 Does Mr. Gu Like To Control Other People's Lives So Much?

Chapter 111 Does Mr. Gu Like To Control Other People's Lives So Much?

Qiao Ran: "."

Why did this man speak so domineeringly? He didn't even ask her if she wanted to. His tone was so strong that she felt so weak.

Feeling upset, she pursed her pink lips, and there was a little momentum in her voice.

"Does Mr. Gu like to influence other people's lives so much?"

Unexpectedly, the tone of this little artillery made the person who changed her eyebrows slightly frowned, as if she was a child making trouble out of no reason.

Yu Qi condensed in his heart, not wanting to back down, facing the man's deep eyes, his small face showed his position.

Gu Siling, who was looking at it, found it funny for no reason, but his face was still serious, and he pointed at Gu Han who was looking at the two foolishly, with a bit of indifference in his voice.

"You make such an expression for your mommy~"

After finishing speaking, she stretched out her slender, white fingers with cool temperature to pinch Qiao Ran's chin.

Just as Qiao Ran was thinking about the meaning of Gu Siling's words, it might as well, her head was pinched by that hand, and she turned to Gu Han.

Gu Han's small eyes wandered between his parents.

Dad said just now that he has found a place for Mommy and will arrange a job for her. He is so happy!
Originally, he didn't want Mommy to go to work every night, it was so hard~
At this moment, she naturally knew who to please, she blinked, and listened to her father very much.

Looking at Qiao Ran, she made an angry expression exactly like Qiao Ran's!
Qiao Ran: "."

Felt like I had punched the cotton!
The point is, the two little faces are still so similar, Qiao Ran looks at the little guy as if looking in a mirror!
I know that at this moment, I have the expression of such a child.

I was so angry that I didn't want to talk anymore, and stared at my shoes sullenly.

But that man, with a smile in his words, was still doing ideological work for her.

"Little Five in the bar has mismanaged and made your friend suffer, which can be regarded as a little compensation for you two."

"Besides, if Hanhan wants to live with you in the future, you can't take him into the bar, right?"

"You mother, do you want to bring up my son badly?"

The last sentence was serious in tone.

Qiao Ran was stunned and surprised. She didn't pay attention to it just now, but now, Gu Siling mentioned the word Mummy many times in her words.

The first time, mentioning their relationship in front of the three of them, Qiao Ran was undoubtedly nervous.

My heart was in a state of confusion, my lips moved, and I struggled to utter a word.

"Do you know how long have I been in a relationship with Hanhan?"

Gu Siling was as calm as a breeze, "It's not important, what's important is that I only have this one son, and I have demands on him!"

When Qiao Ran heard this, she couldn't help clenching the hand on her lap!
Did he mean that if she didn't accept her arrangement, she wouldn't easily let her see Hanhan in the future.

Qiao Ran stared at it, forcing herself not to think wildly. She knew very well that once a person has a weakness, he cannot be invincible!
She has Hanhan now, Hanhan is her weakness, she knows it, he knows it even better!
After thinking for a while, I had no choice but to nod. Although there would be pimples in my heart, I felt like I was eating soft food because of my relationship with Hanhan.

However, there is no doubt that both she and Han Jing need a stable residence.

The bar is full of fish and dragons, snakes and rats, and it is impossible for them to work there for a lifetime!
Originally, I planned to save some money, go out to rent a house, and find a job.

Gu Siling's arrangement like this is nothing more than entering her life plan ahead of schedule.

She compromised and agreed, holding her hand on the doorknob before getting out of the car.

"Mr. Gu, let me lend you the money for renting the house!"

As soon as the words were spoken, unexpectedly, Gu Siling even settled an old score with her!
 A new chapter is suddenly added, is it a surprise or a surprise?
  Mr. Gu is a good or bad person, and he will instigate Ran Ran to let him sleep on the sofa in the future~

(End of this chapter)

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