Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 115 is 89, she will definitely become his third sister-in-law!

Chapter 115 There are eight or nine chances, she will definitely become his third sister-in-law!
When Gu Siling thought of this, the corners of his mouth curled up into a beautiful arc, and he only spoke half of his words as he looked at the little kid behind him who was looking forward to him.

"You have to agree with your mommy? Didn't you just say that I'm old-fashioned and bad-tempered, and your mommy still has many handsome uncles chasing after me?"

When Gu Han heard this, he immediately grinned and giggled, patted his small chest, and promised his father.

"Dad, don't worry, with me here, Mommy will definitely be willing to marry you!!"

Gu Siling raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his lips were stained with a smile, full of confidence for this brat's bold words.

A few minutes after Qiao Ran returned to the dormitory, her cell phone rang. It was an unfamiliar number. She checked it for a few seconds before picking it up.

"Hello? How are you?"

The person on the other end should be in an entertainment place, and the deafening music was transmitted through the receiver of the mobile phone.

Qiao Ran could only hear the voice saying, "Qiao Ran, right? I'm Shen Qingjue. Have you returned to the bar yet?"

"Just now, Mr. Shen, what can I do?"

"Third brother asked me to find you a place to live. You pack up your things with that shrew like Han tonight, and I'll pick you up tomorrow morning!"

Han what kind of shrew?
Qiao Ran: "Okay, Mr. Shen, thank you!"

"Well~ I have something to do here, hang up first, and contact me tomorrow!"

"it is good"

Before Qiao Ran finished speaking, there was already a beep on the phone.

Qiao Ran called Han Jing and explained the matter before putting down her phone and starting to pack her things.

In fact, she doesn't have many things. After all, she hasn't stayed here for long. In comparison, tidying up for Han Jing requires a lot of work.

However, in her plan, first bring some needed things there, wait for Han Jing to be discharged from the hospital in two days, and then come and get them together!
Anyway, I have dealt with Shen Qingjue several times, and he is actually pretty good.

The next day, Qiao Ran tidied up and called Shen Qingjue, but within ten minutes, he came.

Qiao Ran was very surprised immediately, the speed was not too fast!
Shen Qingjue stood at the door with a look of errands, but he didn't look around in the room.

After all, it is a girls' dormitory, so etiquette still needs to be taken into account, not to mention that in front of Qiao Ran, because of the third brother, he has to show respect!
In all likelihood, she will definitely become his third sister-in-law in the future!
Shen Qingjue naturally knew the reason for the surprise on Qiao Ran's face, and explained, "I was at the bar last night!"

Qiao Ran snorted, but couldn't help asking, "Is this bar run by you or Mr. Gu?"

"Of course it's mine, my third brother is not interested in these entertainment venues!"

As she said, she handed the things by the door to the person outside. Qiao Ran turned her head, only then did she see that there were several tall people standing outside the door.

Wearing a consistent black suit, he's burly, supposed to be a bodyguard!
Can't help but feel exaggerated, she doesn't have much here, so using bodyguards would be overkill?

However, Shen Qingjue didn't care the slightest about his appearance, he must be used to these people!
That hand is the same, it is helping her to carry things at the moment, but it is thin and long, and it is white, so it must not have done heavy work on weekdays!
"You woman, what are you doing staring at the young master's hand?"

Qiao Ran: ".I just think your hands are beautiful!"

As he said that, he saw Shen Qingjue's five fingers stretched out in front of his face, tugging and tugging with admiration.

"Needless to say~"

 Thank you for your tickets yesterday, I will add more tickets on Saturday~ I want to add more tickets on Sunday~
(End of this chapter)

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