Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 116 You Will Not Live Here Long

Chapter 116 You Will Not Live Here Long

Shen Qingjue bought a house with two bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom, which is undoubtedly very suitable for two girls.

The location is also superior, in the city center, supermarkets, banks, hospitals, etc. are all very close.

The inside is very clean, but it is also empty and needs to be arranged by myself.

Fortunately, there are all kinds of furniture and supplies. Basically, you only need to buy some daily necessities yourself.

Qiao Ran went around in each room and was still very satisfied.

At least, the current her, relying on her own strength, still can't reach such a level!
It goes without saying how high the housing prices in the city center of S city are.

When Qiao Ran went downstairs, Shen Qingjue was sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed, her head resting on her head, looking very awkward.

Seeing Qiao Ran going downstairs, she got up lazily, walked towards Qiao Ran, stopped at the stairs, and stood in a posture that looked like she had no bones.

"Are you satisfied with the house?"

Qiao Ran nodded, with a smile on her lips, "Very satisfied! Thank you, Mr. Shen!"

Shen Qingjue casually hummed, "You can also call me Xiao Wu! Mr. Shen, Mr. Shen, sounds like a gentle scum, I don't like it!"

Qiao Ran: "." The corner of her mouth twitched, but she didn't really cry out. This kind of thing also needs a scene, doesn't it?
For her, Mr. Shen and Xiao Wu still have a little distance!
Except for the fourth brother Ji Yuhuan, she has never been so close to the opposite sex before!
Although, people are giving her face, so they let her call her like this!
But I always feel that it's a bit weird. In fact, it's just a few acquaintances, and there are only a handful of people who really deal with each other and talk to each other.

Fortunately, Shen Qingjue looked at her for a while, but he was not unhappy about it. The key chain was turned around on his index finger, and then another circle.

"As long as you are satisfied, this is what my third brother means. He said that you will not live here for long, and the house is smaller, and it feels like home!"

Qiao Ran: "..."

What do you mean she won't live long? She just moved in, okay?
Shen Qingjue frowned when she saw that Qiao Ran didn't get the key to her words.

Based on his understanding of this woman, he doesn't seem like a stupid person. He doesn't understand at this time, which really annoys him.

However, is there another possibility that this woman has no meaning to Third Brother at all, that's why she can't hear the meaning behind his words.

Thinking about it this way, it was a bit unkind, and I laughed in my heart.

He really wanted to see how funny it was for third brother to be deflated in front of this woman.

It's bound to be wonderful!
Smiling like this, the suppressed smile still overflowed, and Qiao Ran slowly closed the corners of her mouth when she looked at him with weird eyes.

Pursing her lips, she looked at Qiao Ran a little arrogantly, and glanced casually across the rest of the room.

"Then what, you pack up the things here first. At noon, my third brother will come over. If you need to buy things, make a list first."

Qiao Ran: "..." Is it possible that that person wants to accompany her to buy things?
As soon as such a question popped up in my heart, I was immediately rejected by myself!
This is absolutely impossible, that person has the most people, and ordering other people to help her buy it is the best of benevolence!
"····Okay thank you!"

Shen Qingjue hummed, "Then I'll go first."

"Okay, bye!"

Qiao Ran sent Shen Qingjue to the door, and was about to close the door, but Shen Qingjue held the door with his hand.

 I'm so sad, I wrote a thousand words just now, but I didn't save it successfully, and it's all gone~

(End of this chapter)

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