Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 117 When you are not around, I miss you every minute!

Chapter 117 When you are not around, I miss you every minute!
Qiao Ran was taken aback immediately, but luckily she closed the door slightly, otherwise, Shen Qingjue's hand would definitely be caught.

However, her heart was beating wildly, but the person in front of her was so calm, she never blinked her eyes.

Qiao Ran was still afraid, and unconsciously made a swallowing movement.

Seeing Shen Qingjue looking at him, hesitant to speak, he had no choice but to speak first.

"Mr. Shen, is there anything else?"

With this question, Shen Qingjue seemed a little embarrassed, and his eyes drifted away.

The head was facing Qiao Ran sideways, so Qiao Ran inadvertently saw that Shen Qingjue's ears were tinged with red, and was very surprised.

Waiting for Shen Qingjue's answer, but didn't want to, Shen Qingjue just said "Go and do your work", then let go, and walked away without looking back.

That figure still fled with a bit of a sense of desperation.

Qiao Ran was left standing alone at the door with a dazed and bewildered expression on her face.

Qiao Ran tidied up the things she brought over, and then took an inventory of the things in the room, unpacked and unpacked, and put away the things that should be put away. It has been two hours since the work was done.

After taking a shower, changed clothes, and lay on the sofa for a while, I heard the doorbell ring.

Qiao Ran, who was originally closing her eyes to recharge her energy, opened her eyes suddenly, put on her shoes and walked towards the door.

Looking out from the cat's eyes, he happened to see Gu Siling's handsome and unparalleled cheek.

As for the latter, as if aware of it, when Qiao Ran looked over, the head that was originally turned sideways suddenly looked over and met Qiao Ran's gaze.

Even though he knew that he couldn't see anything inside through a cat's eye, Qiao Ran still panicked inexplicably, and his heart beat like a deer for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, the doorbell rang again, and Qiao Ran breathed out, feeling that she was really shy in front of Gu Siling.

But he didn't have time to think about it, Gu Siling must have known that she was by the door, so he rang the doorbell again.

As soon as Qiao Ran opened the door, the little guy rushed in, hugged her slender legs, and tilted his head.

"Mommy, why did you open the door for me? All the flowers I've been waiting for are gone! When you're not here, I miss you every minute!"

Qiao Ran: "..." It's a good thing that I said this to her mother!
She couldn't imagine that the little guy would attract more girls when he grew up.

Not to mention the good looks, the key is this small mouth, which is very pleasing and thick-skinned, and it doesn't even blush when you say this kind of flattery.

Qiao Ran pinched the little guy's chubby face, and hugged the little guy up. She was thin, and it was a bit difficult to hold her.

Looking at Gu Siling who had been standing at the door, a trace of embarrassment flashed across his face, and he hugged Gu Han and stepped aside.

The voice was crisp and pleasant, and with a joy that had not dissipated on his face, he spoke to Gu Siling.

"Mr. Gu, please come in! I'm sorry, I haven't had time to prepare shoes, so come in first!"

Gu Siling hummed, and while walking in, pointed at Gu Han.

"How old do you still need to be hugged? Come down quickly!!"

With Qiao Ran in front of him, the little guy's wings stiffened. He buried his head in Qiao Ran's arms and hugged Mummy's neck tightly.

I also left the back of my father's head, mainly because when I saw my father's stern eyes, I would be afraid and cowardly.

If you don’t watch it, you will naturally be more stubborn, dare to do what you dare not do, and dare to say what you dare not say!
However, when he spoke, his voice was low and indistinct, more like a person mumbling, still lacking confidence.

"I don't want it, Mommy wants to hug me, not I want Mommy to hug me!!"

 What is Xiaowu going to say? Hahaha~ I think no baby will be able to guess for the time being~

(End of this chapter)

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