Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 123 Do you want to use it as a decoration, or do you prefer to eat air

Chapter 123 Do you want to use it as a decoration, or do you prefer to eat air (three more)
The childishness of the father and son, Qiao Ran suddenly felt that all the adjectives in the world are so pale!
I don't know, I have been together day and night for nearly four years, how did I get here every day!
Bickering every day?
really boring~
I went to the supermarket, and sure enough, because of the big and small people around me, the female compatriots around turned their heads frequently, and there were even some people talking in twos and talking in low voices.

Its content, one can imagine, those expressions of envy or jealousy made Qiao Ran very upset!
She just wants to go to the supermarket quietly, why is it so difficult?
Quickly pick out all the things to buy, in fact, there are only some daily necessities.

Wanted to sneak out of this place early and go home.

However, when she was about to queue up to pay, Gu Siling pushed the cart and pulled her out of the queue.

And she just glanced at him suspiciously, and heard the man ask her.

"The kitchen utensils are all available, do you want to use them as decorations, or do you prefer to eat air?"

Well, the meaning is so obvious, how can she not understand?
Just let her buy food~
Just buy it, anyway, I was going to buy it, but because Han Jing is still in the hospital, she doesn't want to do it alone.

There were so many people, and the little guy was so lively and active, Gu Siling had no choice but to hug him with one arm.

Qiao Ran pushed the cart and walked beside, while Gu Siling was like an old man, with his free hand, when he saw vegetables, he pointed them out to her and asked her to take them!
Qiao Ran was speechless, but at this moment, she could only obey.

See if he points to the same, she takes the same!
The cart was almost full, and this person was still watching, hugging Gu Han, and the gazes around him were completely regarded as air.

Qiao Ran could tell that this person likes to be a vegetarian. The other day Hanhan said that he likes to eat meat, but she was dubious!
She had noticed at the time that Gu Siling never touched the chopsticks a few times in those meat dishes, even if they were bland!
So at this moment, the little guy's mouth was raised higher and higher, and she noticed it even more!
I was laughing secretly in my heart, but my face was so calm, with a few hints of dark underbelly!
Sure enough, when it was time to pay, the little guy got anxious and thumped down from his father's arms.

Holding her hand, his brows were furrowed into a knot.

"Mommy, it's not good to just eat green vegetables, let's buy some more meat! You see you are so thin, you will look more and more beautiful if you eat meat~"

As she spoke, she pinched her chubby face with her small hands and showed it to Mommy.

"Mum, you can tell by looking at me, I just like to eat meat, that's why I look so cute~"

Qiao Ran was so amused by the little guy's nonsense, she took the little guy's hand off.

The little guy's skin was so tender that a red round mark had been pinched out.

Qiao Ran touched the red spot of the little guy and said, "You're so cute, you're obviously thick-skinned, okay?"

The little guy pursed his mouth and tried to argue, "That's not true, Mommy~ I'm just cute~ Uncle Xiaowu already said that I grew up eating cuteness!"

Gu Siling couldn't help laughing at the weird look of this coquettish little kid.

Interjected, "Then tell me, what does this cutie look like?"

The little guy rolled his eyes, pointed to the fresh food area not far away and said, "These are the cuties~ I named them, does it sound good?"

Well, I really can’t accept it!
 After three shifts~

(End of this chapter)

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