Gu Shao, his heart belongs

Chapter 124 Mr. Gu's Storytelling Art in Small Theater!

Chapter 124 Mr. Gu's Speaking Art in Small Theater! (3300)

(Small Theater 1):
In other words, since Gu Siling and Qiao Ran got married, the little girl Gu Han became more and more hypocritical. When her father was away, she liked to cling to her mommy.

One morning, the sun was rising and the little guy who didn't have to go to school on weekends, under the urging of his mother several times, wrapped himself in a quilt, rolled on the bed, and fell asleep again!
The main reason is that this is the treatment only when Dad is not at home, and it happened that Dad was away on a business trip the afternoon before yesterday, and I heard that he will not be back until tomorrow.

He was very excited about this, and before going to bed last night, he made an agreement with Mommy to let Mommy eat breakfast by herself without waking him up!
As a result, early in the morning, Mommy not only yelled, but also yelled several times in a row!
He was talking about Mummy, but he was hugging the quilt and sleeping soundly with his head covered.

For the last time, I knocked on the door again, but didn't hear Mummy's voice, so I didn't pay much attention to it.

Keep sleeping!
But after a while, I felt something was wrong, as if I heard the sound of the key unlocking!
Huh~ I was disturbed by the noise, but the object was Mommy, so I naturally suppressed my breath very carefully.

I could only hear the sound of light footsteps approaching the bed.

Gu Han pulled down the quilt on top of his head, revealing a small head without opening his eyes.

In order to fight for it again, sleep a little longer, with a soft and waxy voice, and act like a baby with Mommy.

"Mommy, I need a kiss to get up!"

As she said that, she pouted her pink mouth, waiting for Mommy to kiss her.

However, unexpectedly, a deep and mellow voice came, like the sound of a cello.

"I'll find you a toad!!"

Gu Han: "."


He seemed to hear his father's voice!
Thinking about it, I heard another soft voice, with a little reproach.

"How can you say that about Hanhan!"

The little girl Gu Han finally realized that something was out of the ordinary, as if, Dad, really came back!
Pu Chi opened his eyes, and saw Dad standing in front of Mommy, looking at him under the quilt with a serious expression!
Frightened by his father, he shrank habitually under the quilt.

Although Dad's sharpness at home has been smoothed out by Mummy, he still brings cold air from time to time! He can't help shivering.

Especially when he didn't comply with his father's request, he felt guilty!
It was also at this moment that I suddenly understood why Mommy would call him several times early in the morning despite clearly agreeing to him!
It turned out that the boss of the family had returned!
(Note: Boss=Boss+Old Man, Hanhan’s private nickname for his dad,)

Gu Han is writing a draft in his mind, trying to find a perfect excuse for staying in bed!
But I heard my father talking to Mommy in a gentle and elegant manner, with a smile in his voice, coaxing Mommy with a bit of flattery!
"It's winter, how can there be toads~"

As she spoke, she turned her head to look at him, with a smile on her lips, and said to him coldly.

"It's beautiful to think~~"

Gu Han: "."

Why, the context in Dad's words can change so quickly?
The last sentence was still coaxing Mommy, but the next sentence hit him mercilessly!
Is it beautiful to think?
It means that even kissing the toad is his daydream?
Do you want to be so poisonous~
Gu Han was speechless, and rolled his big eyes towards the air~
Unexpectedly, he was stared at by his father, and he was stunned for several seconds, not daring to make any small moves!
However, Dad looked past him and landed on the head of the bed!
two pillows

Gu Han exclaimed, it's over!
Another beating tonight!
Dad gave him an ultimatum, not to pester Mommy to sleep!
Immediately, I feel that he is so pitiful! How old is he? His ass is calloused!
To let others know, should he still be a human?!
(Small Theater 2):
Once again, Gu Siling was on a business trip and came back a day early. When he got home, it was past eleven o'clock in the evening.

Gu Siling gently pushed open the bedroom door. His night owl wife was still awake, sitting on the bed with her thin legs crossed, playing with her mobile phone.

As for why he is a night owl, there is also the reason that he used to work in a bar. In addition, it is naturally because he has gone too much after marriage.

Even though every time he makes an appointment with his wife, he must let her go to bed early tomorrow night, but he has never done it.

The main reason is that the beautiful woman is in his arms, and he is the person he loves in this life, and he can still sit still in his arms, then he is not a man!
Besides, tomorrow night?
Tonight is yesterday's tomorrow night, tomorrow night is tomorrow's tonight, this is not a clear moment, okay!

Although, in the past, he was never such a messy person.

However, if the object changed his wife, it would be different.

Qiao Ran was very alert. Hearing the sound of the door opening, she immediately raised her face and looked towards the door.

At this time, besides the little guy who would come in without knocking, who else could it be?
Unexpectedly, Gu Siling's dusty face, tired but still handsome, greeted his eyes.

A smile immediately appeared on the corner of Qiao Ran's mouth, very happy, she threw away the mobile phone in her hand, stepped on the cashmere carpet with bare feet, and threw herself into Gu Siling's arms in a few steps.

He hugged Gu Siling's neck tightly, called her husband crisply, and still actively squeaked on Gu Siling's face.

No, it was rare for her to throw herself into her arms, but she was grabbed by the wrist and pulled away.

She looked up and saw her husband frowning, looking gloomy, staring at her, emphasizing with her.

"Although my wife throws herself into her arms, I don't refuse anyone who comes! But, how many times have I said, I haven't washed after I came back from a business trip, and my body is full of bacteria. Don't rush to me!"

The last sentence was still tinged with a smile, Qiao Ran naturally knew it, and was ridiculed again!
This flutter, not that flutter!
But it would be strange not to be misunderstood when it comes out of this person's mouth!

Qiao Ran wrinkled her nose, took a step back, and muttered, "You always talk about me, but when you come back, you came to the bedroom before washing up!!"

Seeing Qiao Ran's aggrieved way of talking to him, Gu Siling couldn't help laughing, and hung Qiao Ran's wrinkled nose.

"It's not that I can't wait to see my wife, you little heartless!"

Qiao Ran was happy when she heard that, but she still pouted and took off Gu Siling's coat.

"The next time you come back from a business trip, come in without taking off your coat, and you can sleep on the sofa!!"

"Do you know that your coat has more bacteria than any of your clothes!"

I said it this way because I was dissatisfied that Gu Siling taught her again just now!
I don't even pay attention to it, but I still come to ask her!
Although, she likes Gu Siling to help him take off his coat when he comes home, and she knows this behavior, Gu Siling also likes it!
It's even for this reason that when Gu Siling comes home now, if she doesn't take it off for him, he doesn't realize it anymore.

Do you think she doesn't know? He used to be very self-disciplined, and his life was much more regular than hers.

Since getting married, she has become more and more lazy at home, wishing that she would do everything for him by herself!
Hmph~ At a very old age, Hanhan hasn't had enough jealousy yet, so he cares about every penny!
As Qiao Ran spoke, she threw Gu Siling's coat into the clothes basket, went to the clothes room to get bath towels and pajamas for Gu Siling, came out, and handed them to Gu Siling.

No, this person didn't answer, she raised her eyes and just met Gu Siling's smiling eyes.

A bad premonition popped up in his mind, and before Qiao Ran could run away, Gu Siling had already tightly held her hand.

Then, it bumped into the strong chest, and the hot and humid breath of the man sprayed on the ears and face.

There was a joke in the man's words, and he pinched her chin lightly with his fingertips, forcing her to look up.

Looking at her who was stiff and stunned, her lips were close to her ears, her voice was deep, so low, so ambiguous~

"Okay! Then next time I come back from a business trip, I must listen to my wife and come in after stripping naked!"

"Honey, I didn't expect you to be like this~~"

The last sentence exploded in Qiao Ran's head with a bang, her heart was beating wildly, and her face was as red as a tomato.

She obviously didn't mean that. How can this person be such a rascal? If he doesn't misinterpret her meaning, he won't feel comfortable, will he?

Qiao Ran was annoyed, pushed Gu Siling away, puffed her face, and almost ran away in despair!
In front of this person, she is no match at all. This person is thick-skinned, even if a spaceship is thrown in the face, it can bounce back.

Seeing that Qiao Ran couldn't hold back, Gu Siling knew that he would accept it as soon as he met her!
His wife, in front of him, although occasionally bold a few times, but most of the time, she is still very restrained and not teasing.

Thinking of this, Gu Siling shook his head with a smile, already very satisfied in his heart, and walked towards the bathroom with a towel and pajamas.

Walking to the door, I still didn't forget to take a look at the rice dumplings wrapped on the bed, and ordered me seriously.

"Don't cover yourself in the quilt, you will feel uncomfortable again after a while."

Qiao Ran stuck out her head from under the quilt until the door was closed, her ears and face were still pink!
Sticking out his tongue towards the bathroom, he picked up his phone again, ready to continue playing the game!
Not long after playing, Qiao Ran fell asleep and yawned several times. She glanced at the bathroom door, but no one came out, so she decided to wait for a while.

Her husband is working outside to support the family and is very tired. She is waiting to sleep together, so that he will feel more at home in his heart, won't he?
I don't know how many yawns I yawned, but Qiao Ran's eyes were full of tears.

Suddenly, a message popped up on the prompt bar on the top of the phone.

Azz: Ranran, I have insomnia again!
Qiao Ran: "."

Didn't go to bed at twelve o'clock in the morning, to Han Jing, it was considered insomnia?
As Qiao Ran thought about it, a funny idea suddenly popped into her head.

"You change your name to Zzz, so you can sleep well every night~"

Qiao Ran sent it out, although she felt that she was being unkind, she still couldn't help laughing.

Mainly, I want to tease Han Jing!
Sure enough, the other end was furious and dropped several bombs on her.

Qiao Ran covered her mouth and smiled, and typed a few more words to apologize, but her attitude was not sincere.

"Okay, the baby knows that Xiaowu is not here, you can't sleep alone, I will accompany you tomorrow with Hanhan!?!"

Du~ The reply is so fast, it is completely Han Jing's style!
"Qiao Ran, what the hell are you~ see how I will deal with you tomorrow!!!"

Qiao Ran was laughing, but the bathroom door opened, and Gu Siling was wearing a nightgown, wiping her hair carelessly with a towel.

Seeing Qiao Ran smiling happily, she walked towards the bed and asked curiously, "What's so happy about it!"

Qiao Ran straightened up and turned to the first message she replied, and handed the phone to Gu Siling.

At the same time, he took the towel from Gu Siling's hand and asked while wiping Gu Siling's hair.

"Have you been overwhelmed by my brain hole?"

Gu Siling looked at it, threw the phone on the bed, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and couldn't help teasing his wife.

"It's so cute that I don't know if it's a brain hole~"

Qiao Ran: "." She paused her movements, pouted her lips, thinking to herself, it's really not cute at all!!
It was the pause of these few seconds. She was about to continue wiping Gu Siling's hair with her hand, but Gu Siling held her hand instead.

The man didn't turn around either, but he laughed.

"It's so cute that I don't know if it's my brain or IQ?"

Qiao Ran suddenly laughed and punched the man on the back.

When this person talks, he likes to drop her, and then there is a big turning point, do you hate it or not!!
 ~~Okay, this is Mr. Gu after marriage~ The black-bellied hooligan has a thick face and a vicious mouth~ It's all right~ Do you like Mr. Gu like this~~
(End of this chapter)

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